Dr. A. Nicole Pfannenstiel

Associate Professor of English

Dr. A. Nicole Pfannenstiel

Contact Information


Office: McComsey 352
Phone: 717-871-4282

Fall 2024

M: 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
W: 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
F: 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM

Dr. A. Nicole Pfannenstiel is a digital rhetoric scholar who studies videogames and literacies, digital writing, Open Educational Resources (OER) and learning, and the use of games (and play!) in the classroom. Her work focuses on learning through and with technology, blending connected learning theory, games theories, and digital rhetoric to support learning and writing. 

Dr. Pfannenstiel teaches classes in Web Writing & Content Management, Media Literacy, Rhetoric and Digital Rhetoric, Games and Learning, and Composition. She regularly employs multimedia learning, games, Twitter, multimedia projects, and experiential learning to help students recognize writing situations. This student-centered pedagogy creates learning spaces for students to experience and reflect on learning with course content as they gain confidence with design and writing.

You can follow her on Twitter @npfannen.

  • Arizona State University, PhD in Rhetoric, Composition, and Linguistics 
  • digital writing, games and learning, transfer theory and writing, multimedia, Open Educational Resources (OER)
  • I love exploring alternate ways to support student learning about writing. I use and study Twitter and social media writing and I develop games to support learning as part of writing learning. 
Courses Taught: 
  • ENGL 110
  • WRIT 280 Intro to Rhetoric for Writers
  • WRIT 318 Web Writing
  • Graduate level rhetoric and composition courses including Games and Learning.
University and Program Connections: 
  • I am the English Graduate Coordinator. As the Graduate Coordinator I work with all our graduate students as they work through their graduate programs. This is one of my favorite positions because I teach, and mentor, and support so many passionate students. I also coordinate the Center for Academic Excellence providing professional development to faculty on campus. 

Passions and Distractions: 

  • I love games. I think card games, board games, and videogames have so much to offer how we think about learning, especially learning to write and connect with rhetorical situations. 
Sample Publications:
  • Albert, D., Redcay, A., Pfannenstiel, A.N. (2021). “Student Perceptions of OER: Validated Survey Measures.” International Journal of OERhttps://www.ijoer.org/the-impact-of-typical-textbook-behaviors-on-satisfaction-with-zero-textbook-cost-materials/  
  • Pfannenstiel, A.N., A. Redcay, D. Albert,. (2020). “Student Perceptions of Textbooks: How ZTC materials can influence spending and access.” Open Praxis. Retrieved from https://openpraxis.org/index.php/OpenPraxis/article/view/1119 
  • Pfannenstiel, A.N. (2019). “Empowered Learning through Twitter: Digital Citizenship in the higher education classroom.” In I. Chiluwa and G. Bouvier (Eds.), Twitter: Global Perspectives, Uses and Research Techniques. New York: Nova Science Publishers.  
  • Pfannenstiel, A.N. (2017, December 13). “Openness, Theories of Writing and Coding Robots.” Digital Rhetoric Collaborative. Retrieved from http://www.digitalrhetoriccollaborative.org/2017/12/13/openness-theories-of-writing-and-coding-robots/