Chair's Review


The Provost's website lists the schedule for review for each department.

  • Tenure-track faculty members are reviewed yearly. 
  • Post-tenure reviews run on a 5-year schedule (unless impacted by illness, leave, or other exceptional occurrence).  
  • Regular part-time faculty are reviewed on a 3-year schedule.  Professor Anderson is the only RPT faculty member in English.
  • Temporary Part-time Faculty (TPTF) members are fully reviewed once a year, in fall (if they are assigned a course in fall) or in spring (if their only course is in spring). They are observed and complete evaluations every semester. This is a Millersville side agreement.
  • TPTF members are reviewed by the Governance Committee. They should review the TPTF Review webpage.

Please note:

  • The department secretary always is aware of the schedule for review, and s/he maintains all the files for committee and chair review.
  • Faculty members should advise the secretary of their committee members before the end of the third week of the semester their review is due. 
  • If faculty members have not informed the secretary by the fourth week of the semester, the secretary should reach out to the faculty member to review the processes and deadlines and to ascertain the committee members. 
  • The secretary is responsible for delivering the files to the dean's office on the date specified by the contract. 

Submission of Materials

Faculty under review should submit to the chair and his/her committee, at a minimum

  • a curriculum vitae
  • student evaluations

The chair also suggests for her review

  • syllabi from current classes (see below for information on expectations)
  • a self-evaluation of the accomplishments since the last review

Aspects of the self evaluation:

  • the self-evaluation ideally addresses teaching, scholarship, and service;
  • the teaching section of this evaluation should describe how the faculty member practices current, best practices in pedagogies for instructor’s area of specialization and teaching writing;
  • the teaching section can also address unique issues in classes (new prep, taking over a class, reasons for lower evaluations and steps to address them, etc.);
  • the scholarship can be broadly defined, from working on coursework for a Ph.D. to creative publications and the scholarship of engagement (Boyer 1996); and
  • service should be related to the discipline or university.

The candidate should have a departmental 3-person committee who also reviews their materials and observes their classes. These requirements are separate from those required by the CBA for the chair's review.

Faculty under review should schedule observations as follows:

  • a class observation done by the chair (please submit the syllabus and a brief lesson plan beforehand)
  • two class observations done by a department committee (one in fall, one in spring)

In 2019, the English Department will submit these documents electronically to Dena.  

Boyer, E. (1996). The scholarship of engagement. Journal of Public Service and
Outreach, 1(1), 11-20.



English Faculty members are reviewed according to parameters set forth in the APSCUF-PASSHE Collective Bargaining agreement.  Professional expectations include, but are not limited to:

Effective Performance of Teaching & Fulfillment of Professional Responsibilities

  • To effectively teach the department’s defined outcomes for courses assigned through the department and college. Typically this means teaching four courses a semester (12 hours a week of teaching time, plus time for preparation and grading).
  • To practice current, best practices in pedagogies for instructor’s area of specialization and teaching writing.
  • To effectively advise students on their academic progress using current university resources (e.g., Degree Works, Early Alert, etc.), including participating in activities intended to support students in meeting graduation requirements. The university requires faculty to have office hours five hours a week on at least three different days of the week.
  • To make positive contributions to the assessment of student learning outcomes and participate in indicated program improvements.
  • To file attendance and grade reports in a timely fashion.
  • To enforce and abide by approved university and department policies.
  • To attend and actively participate in regular departmental meetings as well as monthly meetings of at least one departmental committee.
  • To participate in the periodic responsibilities of the department, as requested, such as program review and NCTE (SPA) meetings/reports. 
  • To participate in department, college and university activities that support strategic goals.
  • To contribute to the refinement and development of the department’s curricular offerings, as needed.
  • To provide effective and timely means for communication with students and department members, including weekday email correspondence.

Scholarly & Professional Growth

  • To develop and sustain a program of scholarship or creative work, consistent with the APSCUF Collective Bargaining Agreement, that has demonstrable outcomes and contributes to the faculty member’s professional discipline.
  • To pursue professional development opportunities that directly enhance the faculty member’s scholarship and teaching.

Service through Contributions to the University and Community

  • To serve and provide meaningful and timely contributions as a participant on departmental, college, and university committees.
  • To provide meaningful external service, appropriate to the faculty member’s area of expertise, to the professional discipline or the community.

Effective Syllabi

One aspect that the Chair will review is faculty syllabi.  

[Adapted from Yale's Center for Teaching and Learning "Syllabus Design"]

Expected Elements

  • Course description - relationship to the discipline, scope and major themes of course content
  • Basic information - course name and number, meeting time and place, instructor name, contact information, office hours
  • Class calendar - dates for class topics, homework, readings, other assignments, and exams
  • Course requirements 
  • Readings and required materials 
  • Assignments [and assessments] - description of assignments [and their evaluation criteria]
  • Basis for final grade in course- percentages allocated to exams, assignments, homework, and class participation
  • Learning goals/objectives and learning outcomes

Suggested Elements

  • Academic integrity statement
  • Guidelines for discussion - inclusive class climate [as appropriate]
  • Attendance and lateness policies
  • Support for student well-being - Counseling Center
  • Title IX Statement
  • Advice to students for self-regulating their learning - suggested ways to study and  succeed in the class; Writing Center, Tutoring Center, Subject Librarian, Library
  • Learning Accommodations
    •  Sample statement: Students requiring disability-related academic adjustments and services must consult the Office of Learning Services in Lyle. Students who may need these adjustments and services for this course should discuss these needs with me privately before the end of the second week of the semester.

  • Policies on the use of electronic devices such as cell phones, laptops, and tablets during class

Please check out the following resources for ideas about organizing and writing effective syllabi: