
English Major Advising Reference Sheet
Academic advisors are committed to engaging, encouraging, and empowering students to explore and excel in the university environment and beyond.
The English Department is committed to advising students both for short-term and long-term goals, both in classes and co-curricular experiences like internships and study abroad. We believe academic advising is a collaborative process, so we look forward to working with you to help you achieve your goals.
The links below (and quick links to the right) are designed to help students navigate through their options for fulfilling their degree requirements. However, we look forward to regular meetings with students to discuss students' goals and options for reaching them.
Advising Philosophy
Academic advisors are committed to engaging, encouraging, and empowering students to explore and excel in the university environment and beyond. This means that you are the captain of the ship, and we are the map and compass that will help you find your way. Your advisor will not “prescribe” answers or courses for you. We will encourage you to find academic areas and courses that are the best fit for you.
In addition, co-curricular experiences are integral to career and academic development, so we will also encourage you to seek learning opportunities outside the classroom (clubs, internships, research, study abroad, etc.).
We believe academic advising is a collaborative process, and ultimately, you – the student – are responsible for your educational experience.
Advisers and Changing Advisers
Students' advisers are English Department faculty members assigned by the department. Ideally, the adviser will be both a good resource for the student as well as a strong advocate for the student's needs. If a student wishes to switch advisers, he or she may do so by filling out a form at the English Department office.
Students are encouraged to get to know the English Department faculty members to enrich their intellectual experiences at Millersville University. Faculty members post office hours on their doors as well as on their syllabi so students can contact them easily (and also on D2L if they use that system). As well, students can call the English Department at 871-7385 to ascertain a faculty member's schedule. Feel free to invite a faculty member to coffee with our Saxby's Selfies program (the coffee's on us!).
Advising Methods
What it is: one-on-one conversations with your adviser
Best for: complex questions and reflections on your academic experiences, goals, options, and decisions
When to make an appointment: In general, advisers are available to meet in person with you during office hours. You don’t need to make an appointment during office hours, but you should check with your adviser to see if s/he prefers appointments.
During the 2 weeks before registration, you may need an appointment. Note that during this busy time advisers' calendars quickly becomes booked. It is important that you plan ahead to ensure appointment availability—or come early.
What to prepare: think through what you want to talk about and develop a few questions that can guide the conversation; bring a copy of your DARS report and ideas for classes during pre-registration conferences.
What it is: formal, written, asynchronous communication with your adviser
Best for: moderately complex questions or reflections on your educational life at Millersville. Email allows for deliberation and careful crafting of ideas and thoughts. However, not everything lends itself to email, and if the question turns out to be more complex than it first seems, your adviser may ask you to schedule an appointment.
What to prepare: a well-structured piece of writing, including appropriate salutation and proper grammar, sent from your Millersville email account. Include your M# in any correspondence that asks about schedule advice. Please allow at least 48 hours for a response. Response times may be longer during busier times of the year, such as during the last few weeks of the semester and during class registration times.
What it is: 5–10 minute drop-in interactions with your adviser.
Best for: well-defined, technical, less complex questions pertaining to an immediate or time-sensitive matter.
What to prepare: Check our English website and/or the Millersville website first. The answer might be there. If not, write your question down and come to your adviser's office or the English Department in Chryst Hall.
What it is: 30–60 minute sessions with a professional staff member.
Best for: enhancing academic skills, confidence, and knowledge, discovering motivation, and improving academic performance. Coaches can assist you with time management, study strategies, note-taking strategies, test-taking tips, navigating campus resources, and more.
- Coaches are not academic advisers, tutors, or counselors. Your coach will not tell you what to do, but will help you feel supported and encouraged to reach the goals you set for yourself, while being pushed and held accountable along the way.
How to make an appointment: Success Coaches are available by calling (717-871-5333) or visiting Academic Advisement’s front desk (3rd floor of Lyle Hall).
What it is: 30–60 minute sessions with a trained tutor.
Best for: Enhanced learning of course specific content.
- Tutors provide assistance with academic content. Please identify specific areas of need prior to tutoring as this increases the efficiency of tutoring.
- How to make an appointment: Tutors are available by calling (717-871-7222) or visiting Academic Advisement’s front desk on the 3rd floor of Lyle Hall. Use the Tutoring Center website to check availability.
Timeline of Goals
Although college is the continuation of your previous learning experiences, you will be presented with many new challenges and opportunities at Millersville. Your first year will be spent developing the skills and knowledge that will serve as the foundation for your undergraduate education.
By the end of your first year, you should have some of your General Education requirements done (including ENGL 110, COMM 100, Wellness), as well as ENGL 220, ENGL 237, and ENGL 242 (the English core).
By the end of your second year at Millersville, you should
- Decide which track of the English major to take. Do you plan to go into marketing, social media management, publishing, creative writing, journalism, business, ESL, law, Communication Arts teaching, academia (graduate school), or a different career?
- Start your classes for your secondary area of study. For BSE students, this will be taking your Foundations Block in sophomore year. For BA students, this will be declaring a minor and taking its first course.
- Practice effective course registration. This includes not only the mechanics of researching and registering for classes using the tools available in your Degree Audit Report (DARS), but also knowing what constitutes a balanced mixture of courses that advances your educational goals given your unique time requirements.
- Create a strategic course of study. DARS allows you to map out a tentative course plan for your stay at Millersville, and to evaluate it using audits to ensure that all the requirements for graduation are satisfied. Of equal, or maybe greater, importance is developing a plan for participating in out-of-the-classroom experiences (undergraduate research, study abroad, internships, volunteering, etc.). What you envision may change over time, but it is useful to think holistically about your intentions.
- Understand the significance of the General Education Program, not just as the framework for your education at Millersville, but as the foundation for your role as an engaged member of I encourage you to read the following short piece that explains how the General Education Program is a central part of your liberal arts education:
- Decide which track of the English major to take. Do you plan to go into marketing, social media management, publishing, creative writing, journalism, business, ESL, law, Communication Arts teaching, academia (graduate school), or a different career?
Course Scheduling
Advising Information
- Course Descriptions (download of undergrad catalog)
- Tips for Scheduling Courses (BA Tips, BSE Tips )
- English Major Curriculum Sheets (Blue Sheets)
- English Minor Curriculum Sheets (Gray Sheets)
- Other Advising Forms (Declaring a Major, Minor, etc.)
- Degree Audits
- University Advisement Services
Transfer Credits
- Transfer Equivalency Directory (for assessing transfer credits)
Title IX Requirements
Millersville University and its faculty are committed to assuring a safe and productive educational environment for all students. In order to meet this commitment, comply with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, 20 U.S.C. §1681, et seq., and act in accordance with guidance from the Office for Civil Rights, the University requires faculty members to report to the University’s Title IX Coordinator incidents of sexual violence shared by students. The only exceptions to the faculty member’s reporting obligation are when incidents of sexual violence are communicated by a student during a classroom discussion, in a writing assignment for a class, or as part of a University-approved research project. Faculty members are obligated to report to the person designated in the University Protection of Minors policy incidents of sexual violence or any other abuse of a student who was, or is, a child (a person under 18 years of age) when the abuse allegedly occurred. Information regarding the reporting of sexual violence, and the resources that are available to victims of sexual violence, is available at
Come Visit
Check out our Open Houses and our Courses Online. We also offer Courses for Professionals and Educators.
Please contact the English secretary for details. A campus map can direct you to Chryst Hall for visits.