Dr. Timothy Mayers

Associate Professor of English

Dr. Timothy Mayers

Contact Information


Office: McComsey 252
Phone: 717-871-7296

Fall 2024

M: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
W: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
F: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

  • B.A. English, University of Scranton, 1988
  • B.A. Philosophy, University of Scranton, 1988
  • M.A. Creative Writing, Binghamton University, 1990
  • Ph.D. English (Rhetoric and Composition), University of Rhode Island, 1998


  • Composition Studies
  • Creative Writing
  • History, Curricula, and Institutional Structures of English Departments
  • Contemporary American Poetry & Poetic Theory

Courses Taught:

  • ENGL 651: Literary Criticism
  • ENGL 672: Seminar in Rhetoric and Composition
  • WRIT 311: Advanced Composition
  • WRIT 312: Technical Writing
  • WRIT 471: Creative Writing
  • WRIT 472: Writing Workshop

Community and Club Connections:

  • APSCUF-Millersville Delegate to Lancaster United Labor Council

Passions and Distractions:

  • My children, Connor and Anna
  • New York Rangers hockey
  • New York Giants football
  • Rush (the rock band, not the radio talk-show host)
  • Bad Religion (punk-rock band whose lyricist has a Ph.D. degree!)

Samples Publications:

  • (Re)Writing Craft: Composition, Creative Writing, and the Future of English Studies, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2005.
  • "Reading the Networks of Power: Re-Thinking 'Critical Thinking' in Computerized Classrooms" co-authored with Kevin Swafford, in Literacy Theory in the Age of the Internet, Columbia University Press, 1998.