Name *
Department/Organization *
MU Email *
Phone *
Your relationship to the University *
Your relationship to the University
Event Information
Event/Meeting Name *
Event Date
Event Date *
Event Start Time
Event Start Time *
Event End Time
Event End Time *
Setup request to be completed by
Setup request to be completed by *
Anticipated Event Attendance *
1-50 51-100 101-150 151-200 201-250 251-300 301+
Anticipated Event Attendance, if over 301.
Event Location
Have you reserved space in Ad Astra for this event? *
Have you reserved space in Ad Astra for this event?
No (If no, please reserve the space before submitting this form)
Yes, but I am awaiting a reservation confirmation email
Yes, and I have received a reservation confirmation email
SMC Reservable Rooms
SMC Reservable Rooms
SMC 18 (custom setup not available)
SMC 24
SMC 118
SMC 202 (custom setup not available)
SMC 203 (custom setup not available)
SMC 204 (custom setup not available)
SMC 114 Reighard Multipurpose Room (MPR)
Robert Slabinski Atrium
SMC Outdoor Event Spaces
SMC Outdoor Event Spaces
SMC Promenade (back)
SMC Promenade (front)
SMC Patio
SMC Tabling Spaces
SMC Tabling Spaces
SMC Table 1 (All Aboard/PSECU Corner)
SMC Table 2 (All Aboard/PSECU Corner)
SMC Clock Tower Table 1 (Outdoor)
SMC Clock Tower Table 2 (Outdoor)
SMC Clock Tower Table 3 (Outdoor)
SMC Indoor Recreation Facilities
SMC Indoor Recreation Facilities
Ville Courts (reservable for large-scale events only)
Ville Courts Lobby
Multi-Activities Court (MAC)
Dance Studio
Racquetball Court
Quad (Outdoor)
Quad (Outdoor)
North Quad
South Quad
SMC-Yard A
SMC-Yard B
SMC-Yard C
SMC-Yard Entire
All (Quad & Yard)
Soccer Field (Outdoor)
Extra Field (Outdoor)
Pucillo Anttonen Lobby
Additional On-Campus Outdoor Recreation Facilities
Additional On-Campus Outdoor Recreation Facilities
Biemesderfer Chryst Field
Biemesderfer Chryst Track
Brooks Field
Brooks Tennis Courts
McComsey Basketball Courts
McComsey Tennis Courts
Ropes Course
I have selected a location above *
I have selected a location above
No, my location is not listed above
If location is not listed above, please list it here. *
Setup Information
Please indicate which items you are requesting for your event and HOW MANY of each item is needed. Check all that apply.This is the ONLY setup form you will need to complete for this event/activity. *
Please indicate which items you are requesting for your event and HOW MANY of each item is needed. Check all that apply.This is the ONLY setup form you will need to complete for this event/activity.
Chairs (344)
Rectangle Tables (6ft)
Round Tables (5ft)
Sports Equipment
Standard Setup-No additional setup needed
Other and Number of Items Needed
Other and Number of Items Needed
Quantity of Chairs *
Quantity of Rectangle Tables *
Quantity of Round Tables *
Type of Sports Equipment and Quantity *
Please include clear and concise directions/details for how you would like your space to be set up when you arrive. For standard room setup, type standard room setup. This information will be used by the setup crew to support your event. *
If you have a diagram or photo of how you would like the space setup, please upload here:
Audio-Visual Requests
All audio-visual requests will be reviewed and fulfilled by the IT Department. Please note that any same-week requests are subject to availability.
Do you have any audio-visual requests? (e.g., sound, special lighting, computers, projection, stage, etc.) *
No Yes
Audio-visual equipment requested (Select all that apply.) *
Audio-visual equipment requested (Select all that apply.)
Projector and screen
PA System and speakers
Laptop, PowerPoint clicker, power cable, and surge protector
Monitor on stand with HDMI and power cable
iPad for connecting to Bluetooth for music
OWL 360° video conference camera and tripod
Logitech Meetup Camera and tripod for Zoom
Event lightning
Other (Please provide details.)
Other (Please provide details.)
Microphone options *
Microphone options
Wireless handheld
Wired handheld
Lapel microphone
Photobooth options *
Photobooth options
No backdrop
Black pipe and drape background
Inflatable LED booth
If requisitioning the photo booth, upload a high-resolution logo or image for the photo strip. *
What time should equipment be setup by?
What time should equipment be setup by? *
Additional instructions (For example, number of microphones.)
Other relevant documents/files If you have a layout diagram, schedule, talent rider, event script, or any other relevant files please upload them here.
If this event is canceled or postponed, I understand it is my responsibility to contact IT directly to cancel/modify my IT request. *
If this event is canceled or postponed, I understand it is my responsibility to contact IT directly to cancel/modify my IT request.
I understand
Additional Information
What other information would you like to share that would be helpful to those who are providing resources and support for your event?
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