Back to the 'Ville: Virtual Chats with Beloved Professors

Reconnect. Reminisce. Rediscover the 'Ville.

Millersville University’s One Day Give is your opportunity to celebrate traditions and transformations by supporting what matters most to you. This year, we’re excited to offer alumni a unique way to connect with the heart of the Millersville experience—our beloved professors.

With a gift of $50 or more, you’ll unlock exclusive access to a virtual chat with one of Millersville’s distinguished retired faculty members. These professors helped shape the traditions that made Millersville special and left a lasting legacy in the lives of countless students. Whether they shaped your academic journey, inspired your career path, or simply brought joy to your time at the ’Ville, these conversations are your chance to reconnect!

How It Works:

  1. Give to What You Love: Make a gift of $50 or more to Millersville University in support of the area or program you’re most passionate about.
  2. Select Your Professor: During the online giving process, you will be prompted to choose your preferred professor.
  3. Join the Conversation: Your will be contacted via email with instructions on how to join an engaging virtual chat and relive the connections that made your time at Millersville special.

Participating Professors:

  • Rich Clark (Meteorology)
  • Cheryl Desmond (Education)
  • Mary Glazier (Sociology/Anthropology)
  • Leroy Hopkins (Foreign Languages/German)
  • Susan Luek (Psychology)
  • Tim Miller (English)
  • Marjorie Warmkessel (Library Sciences)

Celebrate the traditions that defined Millersville while honoring the educators who transformed your experience. Through your support, you make moments like these possible for today’s students—and create lasting connections for alumni like you.

Make a Gift