Your support and generosity on One Day Give helps student athletes on the field, on the court, in the pool, and in the classroom.
Thank you to our generous leaderboard sponsor, the Millersville University Alumni Association!
Women's Athletics
Dollars Raised | Dollars |
1Soccer | $53,524.00 |
2Softball | $34,617.00 |
3Golf | $25,469.56 |
4Track & Field/Cross Country | $25,404.56 |
5Lacrosse | $24,415.00 |
6Field Hockey | $15,841.56 |
7Volleyball | $8,762.56 |
8Swimming | $8,691.56 |
9Basketball | $5,567.00 |
10Tennis | $3,523.50 |
Gifts Given | Gifts |
1Lacrosse | 143 |
2Track & Field/Cross Country | 106 |
3Soccer | 62 |
4Field Hockey | 61 |
5Golf | 56 |
6Basketball | 48 |
7Tennis | 40 |
8Softball | 38 |
9Volleyball | 37 |
10Swimming | 25 |
Gift Increase | Past Year | Current | Percent |
1Lacrosse | 66 | 143 | 217% |
2Basketball | 32 | 48 | 150% |
3Tennis | 29 | 40 | 138% |
4Track & Field/Cross Country | 86 | 106 | 123% |
5Soccer | 54 | 62 | 115% |
6Golf | 52 | 56 | 108% |
7Softball | 39 | 38 | 97% |
8Volleyball | 40 | 37 | 93% |
9Field Hockey | 99 | 61 | 62% |
10Swimming | 47 | 25 | 53% |
Dollar Increase | Past Year | Current | Percent |
1Soccer | $4,195.00 | $53,524.00 | 1,276% |
2Softball | $14,489.60 | $34,617.00 | 239% |
3Lacrosse | $10,365.00 | $24,415.00 | 236% |
4Volleyball | $9,524.60 | $8,762.56 | 92% |
5Swimming | $10,004.60 | $8,691.56 | 87% |
6Tennis | $4,045.00 | $3,523.50 | 87% |
7Track & Field/Cross Country | $33,559.60 | $25,404.56 | 76% |
8Field Hockey | $22,952.10 | $15,841.56 | 69% |
9Golf | $61,109.60 | $25,469.56 | 42% |
10Basketball | $20,375.00 | $5,567.00 | 27% |
Men's Athletics
Dollars Raised | Dollars |
1Soccer | $97,161.00 |
2Baseball | $76,343.56 |
3Basketball | $44,419.56 |
4Golf | $40,192.56 |
5Football | $35,446.00 |
6Wrestling | $28,799.50 |
7Tennis | $4,398.00 |
Gifts Given | Gifts |
1Baseball | 267 |
2Wrestling | 242 |
3Soccer | 153 |
4Golf | 94 |
5Football | 47 |
6Basketball | 29 |
7Tennis | 17 |
Gift Increase | Past Year | Current | Percent |
1Wrestling | 154 | 242 | 157% |
2Golf | 70 | 94 | 134% |
3Soccer | 127 | 153 | 120% |
4Basketball | 26 | 29 | 112% |
5Baseball | 275 | 267 | 97% |
6Football | 83 | 47 | 57% |
7Tennis | 40 | 17 | 43% |
Dollar Increase | Past Year | Current | Percent |
1Soccer | $31,820.00 | $97,161.00 | 305% |
2Baseball | $49,231.15 | $76,343.56 | 155% |
3Tennis | $4,359.99 | $4,398.00 | 101% |
4Wrestling | $36,865.00 | $28,799.50 | 78% |
5Football | $52,326.00 | $35,446.00 | 68% |
6Basketball | $87,494.60 | $44,419.56 | 51% |
7Golf | $80,398.00 | $40,192.56 | 50% |