Online Bachelor of Science in Special Education
Online Degree Completion Program
Millersville University’s PK-12 Special Education is taught by knowledgeable faculty with extensive expertise in the range of exceptionalities and ages. Furthermore, this program benefits from
the contribution of colleagues in diverse fields such as literacy, EL, and educational psychology.
PK-12 schools nationwide experience an ongoing need for qualified special educators. Students enrolled in Millersville University’s PK12 Special Education program will acquire the skills to fulfill and thoroughly address the needs of students with disabilities in multiple settings.
Graduates receive their Bachelor of Science in Education (B.S.E.) and are eligible for Pennsylvania teaching certification in Special Education, Grades PK-12.
*Students outside of PA should check with their state’s Department of Education on licensure requirements before entering this program
*Students are required to be working at least 8 hours a week in a School District or Intermediate Unit in order to use their workplace as their field placement.
*Please note, the online Special Education program is typically completed part-time with 9-12 credits per semester.
The PK-12 Special Education program will equip you with the knowledge and skills to support students with varying strengths and a range of needs, including limited to significant, in grades PreK to 12. All MU education programs begin with a Foundations Block which explores the structure and function of contemporary public schools and recent and historical themes in the psychology of teaching and learning.
Special Education courses focus on pedagogy for students with disabilities from early intervention to transition from high school. Your capstone experience will be participating in student teaching at the elementary and secondary levels to direct your career aspirations after graduation.
- 100% online courses.
- Program start dates in fall (may begin in spring in gen eds)
- Flexibility to work while earning a degree.
- Courses offered year-round to allow you to complete your degree faster.
- Major courses completed in 7.5 weeks
- Early Interventionist
- Special Education Advocate
- Special Education Consultant
- Early Childhood Special Education Teacher
- Secondary Special Education Teacher
Admissions and Program Requirements
Admissions Requirements
To apply for admission, you must meet the following requirements:
- At least 30 transferable college credits
- A 2.0 or higher overall GPA
- Completion of the required pre-requisite courses (see pre-requisites below for more information)
You must also submit the following:
- A completed online application
- An official transcript from ALL previous institutions of higher education attended
Program Prerequisites:
Completion of at least 30 transferrable credits including the below required pre-requisite courses is required before beginning.
- SPED 101 Orientation to Special Ed
- MATH 104 Fundamentals of Math 1
- MATH 105 Fundamentals of Math 2
Program Required Courses:
- EDFN 211 Foundations Modern Education
- EDFN 241 Psychological Foundations of Teaching
- EDFN 336 Assistive Technology & Online Learning
- EDUC 325 Teaching of Literacy: Processes, Skills, & Strategies
- EDUC 424 Diagnostic Reading Disability
- EDUC 487 Teaching English Learners
- EDSP 461 Elementary Student Teaching
- EDSP 462 Secondary Student Teaching
- ERCH 225 Foundations of Reading
- SPED 237 Applied Foundations of Contemporary Special Education
- SPED 311 Assessment for Designing & Implementing Instruction
- SPED 321 Serving Individuals in Inclusive Settings
- SPED 331 Positive Learning Environments for all Students
- SPED 341 Early Intervention to Kindergarten
- SPED 351 Managing Challenging Behaviors
- SPED 361 Formal Assessment for Students with Disabilities
- SPED 441 Support for Specialized Curriculum
- SPED 442 Eff Instr for Students w Disabilities
- SPED 443 Reflective Practices
- SPED 444 Transition Planning and Secondary Programming for Individuals with Disabilities
- SPED 445 Individualized Educational Planning
- SPED 463 EBPs for Math, Lit, Content Area
After applying, a transfer evaluation will be conducted to identify how many general education credits you will need to take to fulfill degree requirements.
Field Work Information
Field work information
Students are required to be working at least 8 hours per week in a School District or Intermediate Unit before beginning the online Special Education program so they can use their workplace as a placement for field requirements.
Foundations block
- EDFN 211 Foundations of Modern Ed - Candidates complete a case study assignment based on observations from the field.
- EDFN 241 Psyc Foundation of Teaching - Candidates are asked to make connections between the content being taught in the university course and the observations they make in the classroom. Candidates use their experience working with students to write a reflective paper.
- ERCH 225 Foundations of Reading - This course asks candidates to complete a teacher interview, a classroom observation checklist, a reading inventory/interview with a student, and a lesson plan (taught), with feedback provided from a certified teacher (cooperating teacher/mentor).
- SPED 237 Appld Fndtns of Contemp SPED - Candidates are asked to observe a classroom and school setting in an effort to understand and evaluate the use of the medical model of special education. Candidates create a report based on their observations.
required education courses
- EDUC 325 The Teaching of Literacy - Candidates will assess and deliver one-on-one tutoring/intervention.
- EDUC 424 Diagnostic Reading (APS,W) - Students use research to create and action research plan.
professional block I
- SPED 321 Srvg Indiv in Inclusive Settings (APS,W) - Candidates write a reflective paper based on their experience with individuals identified with significant support needs
- SPED 341 Early Intervention to Kdg (APS) - Field experience is designed to meet all the objectives of this course. You will be required to write a two-page reflection on your observation as it relates to in – text, and class discussions.
- SPED 351 Challenging Behaviors (APS) - Candidate will collaborate with the cooperating teacher to select a student and perform a functional behavior assessment
professional block II
Candidates in Professional Block II must complete a portfolio based on classroom observations as well as a three lesson mini-unit using the content learned from the block courses.
- SPED 441 Effective Instruction Specialized (APS)
- SPED 442 Effective Instruction General (APS)
- SPED 443 Reflective Practices (APS)
- SPED 444 Secondary Progr & Trans (APS)
- SPED 445 Indiv Ed Planning (APS)
professional block III - Student teaching
During Prof Block III Student Teaching, candidates will begin to take responsibility for teaching the classroom lessons and provide a majority of the daily instruction.
- EDSP 461 Elementary Student Teaching
- EDSP 462 Secondary Student Teaching
- SPED 463 Evidence-Based Practices
Online Application & Acceptance Process
- To apply for admission to Millersville's online programs, please complete our quick and easy application!
- Electronic Transcripts-
- Send electronic official transcripts directly from the school to our office at
- Electronic transcripts are typically the fastest way to submit transcripts.
- Mailed Transcripts-
- Have mailed official transcripts sent directly to our office:
- Office of Online Programs
Millersville University
Lombardo Welcome Center
P.O. Box 1002
Millersville, PA 17551
- Office of Online Programs
- Have mailed official transcripts sent directly to our office:
**Transcripts must be sealed, official copies sent directly from the university, college, or high school to our office. Any opened transcripts (electronic or mailed) are considered unofficial copies**
Millersville University’s Online Programs offer rolling admissions and applications are reviewed for acceptance as they become complete.
Once all application documents are received, an official admissions decision will be made and a transfer credit evaluation will be completed. If accepted into the program, a confirmation email will be sent to access your application portal.
To confirm acceptance and secure a spot in the program, the admissions response form must be submitted. Information on the response form will be sent to accepted students.
Cohort Start Dates
This program has cohorts starting every August (fall) and January (spring).
Visit the FAQ's page for our online programs for more information on our frequently asked questions!
Please also visit our Online Student Support Resources page for more information and additional resources available to online students! -
Support for Online Application and Admissions
Our Online Programs Admissions Counselor will work with students from the point of interest until confirming their acceptance to help answer questions, provide transcript updates, complete transcript evaluations, announce admission decisions and assist with confirming enrollment.
Our Online Programs Student Support Specialists will then continue to assist online students throughout the entirety of the program to assist with any and all non-advisement questions.
Contact our office at (717)871-7200 or for any assistance! -
Additional Resources
- Search for Online Courses
- Search through all available online courses by term, level (undergraduate or graduate), and method (fully-online or blended).
- Tuition & Fees for Undergraduate Students
- Check this page for exact tuition & fees for undergraduates; this includes costs for both fully online & face-to-face students, as well as in-state & out-of-state.
- Online Programs Student Forms
- Visit this page for a complete list of student forms used by the Office of Online Programs, such as Change of Delivery (COD) forms and Admission Response forms.
- Search for Online Courses