Rhetoric and Digital Writing Certificate

The online Rhetoric and Digital Writing certificate program allows students to gain critical advanced skills in the area of digital writing. The courses in the online certificate program build a foundation in rhetorical theory, then include courses in digital writing. Courses emphasize current digital writing spaces like social media, blogs, websites, and more to prepare students for digital writing in workplaces, nonprofits, schools, and more. The foundation in rhetorical theory helps students develop skills that will adapt to technological changes and advances in the decades to come.  

Students completing the online Digital Writing Certificate can transfer credits seamlessly into the online Bachelor of Arts in English Writing Studies degree program when they are ready to take the next step! 

Students enrolled in the Bachelor of Arts in Writing Studies degree program can add additional credentials to their transcript and resume emphasizing digital writing skills highly valued in workplaces.  

Earning the Digital Writing Certificate will enhance students’ career readiness and give them an edge as they enter future writing situations. 


  • Flexibility – 100% online courses
  • 12-credit undergraduate certificate
  • Classes start in Spring, Summer, and Fall
  • Short format – can be completed in a year of part-time coursework
  • Credits can be applied to the Bachelor of Arts in English Writing Studies degree