RN-to-BSN Online Program
The RN to BSN online program at Millersville University is designed for those who have obtained their associate degree or diploma in nursing. It is also designed for working students with busy schedules.
Millersville University's RN to BSN program is the most affordable in the area. We pride ourselves on our incredible flexibility in terms of academic progression!
The RN-to-BSN online program is typically completed part-time but can be flexible depending on student needs. Each student can progress through the program at his or her own pace. The program can be completed in as few as 3 terms (depending on transfer credits) or students can choose to take a slower pace.
Having a BSN is quickly becoming the gold standard for RN employment.

Our online RN to BSN program is designed for students who have already obtained an associate degree or diploma in nursing (and RN license) and are returning to school to achieve their bachelor's degree.
Our flexible online program is based on the unique needs of the adult learner and consists of nine nursing courses (31 credits). Additional general education or elective courses may be required depending on prior credits earned.
Program highlights include courses focused on ethics, diversity and integration of technology in healthcare.
All courses can be completed 100% online!
The Millersville University Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing, Master’s Degree in Nursing, Post-Graduate Certificate in Nursing , and Doctor of Nursing Practice Programs are accredited by the National League for Nursing Commission for Nursing Education Accreditation (NLN CNEA) located at 2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20037. 202-909-2487
To apply for admission, you must meet the following requirements:
- Completed Associate's or Diploma in Nursing from an accredited program*
- A cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher
- Active RN license*
You must also submit the following:
- A completed online application
- An official transcript from ALL previous colleges or universities attended
- Active RN license number* (or anticipated date of receiving RN license)
*Please note that new nursing graduates may be accepted pending the results of the NCLEX examination.
*Early acceptance is also offered for students in the final semester of their ASN or ADN program
The RN to BSN online program is a 120-credit degree-completion program (including transferred credits).
Nursing Upper Division Major Courses* (31 credits)
- NURS 320 - Conceptual Basis of Professional Nursing Practice (3)
- Must be taken before any other Nursing courses
- NURS 330 - Ethics of Healthcare Innovations (3)
- NURS 340 - Environmental Factors Affecting Health Status (3)
- NURS 360 - Assessment and Diversity (D) (4)
- NURS 421 - Population-Based Nursing (W) (5)
- NURS 428 - Nursing Research (W) (3)
- NURS 438 - Health Policy and Issues in Nursing (3)
- NURS 504 - Informatics & Technology in Nursing Practice (3)
- NURS 478 - Transforming Health Care through Leadership in Nursing (W) (4)
- Must be taken as final Nursing course
*Upon confirmation of Associate’s degree or diploma program completion, applicant will be awarded 30 credits for our Lower Division Nursing requirement.
Required Related Courses (17-18 credits)
- MATH 234 - Statistics for Healthcare (4)
- BIOL 254 - Anatomy & Physiology I** (4)
- BIOL 255 - Anatomy & Physiology II** (4)
- BIOL 161 - Clinical Microbiology** (3)
(** Courses typically taken during the Associates or Diploma in nursing degree curriculum**)
Choose one of the below:
- CHEM 103 - Gen. Organic and Biochemistry I (3)
- CHEM 104 - Gen. Organic and Biochemistry II (3)
- PSYC 100 - General Psychology (3)
- PSYC 228 - Life Span Human Development (3)
- SOCY 101 - Introduction to Sociology (3)
Additional general education or elective courses may be required depending on transfer credits.
After applying, a transfer evaluation will be conducted to identify how many general education credits you will need to take to fulfill degree requirements.
Students who have completed another Bachelor's degree will only need the 9 nursing major courses and Statistics to complete the program.
RN-to-BSN Online Application And Acceptance Process
- To apply for admission to the online RN to BSN program, please complete our quick and easy application!
send in all official transcripts
- Electronic Transcripts-
- Send electronic official transcripts directly from the school to our office at onlineprograms@millersville.edu.
- Electronic transcripts are typically the fastest way to submit transcripts.
- Mailed Transcripts-
- Have mailed official transcripts sent directly to our office:
- Office of Online Programs
Millersville University
Lombardo Welcome Center
P.O. Box 1002
Millersville, PA 17551
- Office of Online Programs
- Have mailed official transcripts sent directly to our office:
**Transcripts must be sealed, official copies sent directly from the university or college to our office. Any opened transcripts (electronic or mailed) are considered unofficial copies**
Millersville University’s Online Programs offer rolling admissions and applications are reviewed for acceptance as they become complete.
Once all application documents are received, an official admissions decision will be made and a transfer credit evaluation will be completed. If accepted into the program, a packet will be mailed with further admissions information.
To confirm acceptance and secure a spot in the program, the admissions response form and a $150 acceptance deposit must be submitted either electronically or by mail.
Confirm Electronically:
- Online deposits can be made on our safe and secure confirmation website.
- The electronic response form can also be emailed to OnlinePrograms@millersville.edu
Confirm By Mail:
- Deposit checks and money orders must be made out to "Millersville University" and mailed to our office address:
- Office of Online Programs
Millersville University
Lyle Hall, Room 208
O. Box 1002
Millersville, PA 17551
- Office of Online Programs
Visit the FAQ's page for the online RN to BSN program for more information on our frequently asked questions!
Please also visit our Online Student Support Resources page for more information and additional resources available to online students!
Online Application and Admissions Support
Our Online Programs Admissions Counselor will work with students from the point of interest until confirming their acceptance to help answer questions, provide transcript updates, complete transcript evaluations, announce admission decisions and assist with confirming enrollment.
Our Online Programs Student Support Specialists will then continue to assist online students throughout the entirety of the program to assist with any and all non-advisement questions.
Contact our office at (717)871-7200 or onlineprograms@millersville.edu for any assistance!
RN-to-BSN Online Cohort Start Dates
The online RN to BSN program has 6 start dates each year:
- Fall A - August
- Fall B - October
- Spring A - January
- Spring B - March
- Summer A - May
- Summer B - June
RN to MSN Track
We are now offering an RN-to-MSN track within the online RN-to-BSN program. BSN students can take up to four MSN level courses (13 credits) during their BSN program. The MSN courses replace existing BSN courses, so there is no change in the overall number of credits/courses needed to obtain your BSN!
Taking these MSN courses at the BSN level also allows you to complete graduate level courses at the undergraduate cost and complete your MSN at Millersville in as few at 24 credits (depending on the MSN track).
The MSN level courses are offered over a full semester instead of the typical 7 weeks as with the BSN level courses. This means that there may be some semesters when you are taking two nursing courses at the same for part of the semester.
RN-to-MSN track courses:
- NURS 506 Nursing for Sustainable Health3 credits (Taken in place of NURS 340 Environmental Factors Affecting Health)
- NURS 508 Advanced Clinical Knowledge4 credits (Taken instead of NURS 360 Assessment and Diversity)
- NURS 503 Advanced Practice Professional Issues and Health Policy3 credits (Taken instead of NURS 438 Health Policy and Nursing Issues)
- NURS 504 Nursing Informatics and Healthcare Technology3 credits (Will continue to be required as normal)
*You will still need to apply for the MSN program after completing your BSN. As long as you maintain a 3.0 or higher and there are no other academic or professional issues, your transition to the MU MSN Nursing Education, Nursing Leadership, or School Nursing program will be relatively seamless.
View the FAQ's page for the RN to MSN track for more information!
MSN and DNP Programs
If you have completed your BSN degree (or are close to graduating) and are interested in pursuing a Master of Science in Nursing or Doctor of Nursing Practice degree, you can find more information on our Nursing website.
RN-to-BSN Online Additional Information & Forms
RN-to-BSN Online Information
- Fact Sheet
- Provides a general overview of curriculum & requirements.
- Approximate Costs
- Offers an approximation of program completion costs.
- Roadmap to Enrollment
- For enrolled students only. A comprehensive guide for getting started in your first semester! Updated periodically with the latest dates and tips.
RN-to-BSN Online Forms
- Change of Delivery (F2F to Online)
- For admitted/enrolled face-to-face (traditional) students wishing to switch to the online format.
- Change of Delivery (Online to F2F)
- For admitted/enrolled online students wishing to switch to the face-to-face (traditional) format.
- Fact Sheet