Lombardo College of Business Online bachelor's in Management degree
Complete Your Degree Online!
A degree in management at Millersville equips students for a variety of roles and allows them to enter the business field at a high-level position upon graduation. Our management program exposes students to all major functional areas of a business but also allows you to focus on courses in human resources, entrepreneurship, operations, or leadership based on your individual career goals.
We have two options for online Management. The full degree online allows students with little to no previous college credits to pursue a full degree online. The degree-completion online program allows students with at least 30 transfer credits to complete the rest of their degree online.
Core curriculum courses cover a wide range of Business topics including principles of management, informational systems, legal repercussions and more. The Management concentration dives into international management, operations management and more based on your personal endeavors.
Students entering with an associate degree in business can complete their bachelor’s degree in approximately two academic years.
Millersville University’s Business Administration program is internationally accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP).
Benefits of an ACBSP Accredited Program:
Accreditation affirms the relevancy and currency of faculty, programs and courses to best serve students by assuring a focus on quality performance.
Employers seek and value graduates from accredited programs because of the experience they gain throughout their education.
- Flexibility – 100% online courses can be taken throughout the year
- Cohorts start every August and January
- Courses offered year-round
- Begin with no credits in the full degree or with at least 30 credits in the degree-completion program
After completing this program, you will be able to:
- Develop a strategic perspective on organizational operations in a dynamic business environment.
- Assess and construct performance measures, feedback channels, and coaching to facilitate employee development.
- Acquire problem-solving skills that managers need to solve complex business problems.
- Analyze the role of organizational culture in creating a diverse and inclusive workplace to enhance employee retention and satisfaction.
- Apply leadership skills to promote supportive communication, ethical behavior, and improve employee productivity.
Lombardo College of Business graduates are competitive, and many succeed in landing their first postgraduation job in their chosen field in an increasingly complex job market.
Some examples of potential careers after graduation include:
- Business Advisor
- Human Resources
- Corporate Investment Banker
- Sales
- Management Consultant
- Stockbroker
- And many others!
Admissions, pre-requisites, and program requirements Admissions requirements
full online bachelor's degree
The full online degree is for students directly out of high school or those with fewer than 30 transferrable college credits. This program is designed for those who want to complete the full degree online at Millersville.
To apply for admission to the full online degree, you must meet the following requirements:
- High school diploma or GED
- A 2.70 or higher high school GPA
You must also submit the following:
- A completed online application
- Official High school transcripts
- An official transcript from ALL previous institutions of higher education attended (if applicable)
The Management online program is a 120-credit degree-completion program (including transferred credits).
Required Major Courses:
- ECON 101 Macroeconomics
- ECON 102 Microeconomics
- MATH 101 College Algebra
- BUAD 161 Principles of Accounting I
- BUAD 162 Principles of Accounting II
- BUAD 202 Legal Environment for Business
- BUAD 206 Business Research Methods
- BUAD 231 Principles of Marketing
- BUAD 251 Principles of Management
- BUAD 307 Management Information Systems
- BUAD 341 Managerial Finance I
- BUAD 352 Human Resource Management
- BUAD 358 Management Science
- BUAD 455 Strategy and Policy
- BUAD 488 Seminar: Management
- MGMT 355 Business and Society
- MGMT 357 International Management
- MGMT 452 Operations and Supply Chain Management
- MGMK 300 Internship
- MATH 235 Intro to Statistics OR MATH 130 Elements of Statistics I
- MATH 256 Data Visualization & Communication
- 9 Credits in Management electives
- 9 Credits in Departmental electives
General Education Requirements:
- At least 51 credits in general education course requirements must be completed.
The Bachelor of Science in Management is a 120-credit degree program. Any prior credits earned will be evaluated toward the overall requirements.
online degree completion program
The online degree completion program is for students with at least 30 transferrable college credits. This program is designed for those who want to finish a degree.
admissions requirements
To apply for admission to the online degree completion program, you must meet the following requirements:
- At least 30 transferable college credits
- A 2.0 or higher overall GPA
- Completion of the MATH 101 required pre-requisite course (see pre-requisites below for more information)
You must also submit the following:
- A completed online application (need link once slate goes live)
- An official transcript from ALL previous institutions of higher education attended
This online degree-completion program is designed for students who have as little as 30 college credits from an accredited institution.
Successful completion of the below course is required before beginning the program:
- MATH 101 College Algebra (C- or higher final grade) (MATH 151, MATH 130, or MATH 235 will also be accepted in place of MATH 101)
**MATH 101 is offered online occasionally at MU. It can also be taken at a local community college to transfer into MU.
The Management online program is a 120-credit degree-completion program (including transferred credits).
Required Major Courses:
- ECON 101 Macroeconomics
- ECON 102 Microeconomics
- BUAD 161 Intro to Financial Accounting
- BUAD 162 Intro to Management Accounting
- BUAD 202 Legal Environment of Bus
- BUAD 206 Business Research Methods
- BUAD 231 Principles of Marketing
- BUAD 251 Principles of Management
- BUAD 307 Management Info Systems
- BUAD 341 Managerial Finance I
- BUAD 352 Human Resource Management
- BUAD 358 Management Science
- BUAD 455 Strategy and Policy
- BUAD 488 Seminar: Management
- MGMT 355 Business and Society
- MGMT 357 International Management
- MGMT 452 Operations and Supply Chain Management
- MGMK 300 Internship
- MATH 235 Survey of Statistics
- MATH 256 Data Visualization and Communication
- ENGL 316 Business Writing
- 9 credits in Management electives
- 6 credits in Departmental electives
*Additional general education or elective courses may be required depending on transfer credits.
*After applying, a transfer evaluation will be conducted to identify how many general education credits you will need to take to fulfill degree requirements.
Online Application & Acceptance Process
- To apply for admission to Millersville's online programs, please complete our quick and easy application!
- Electronic Transcripts-
- Send electronic official transcripts directly from the school to our office at onlineprograms@millersville.edu.
- Electronic transcripts are typically the fastest way to submit transcripts.
- Mailed Transcripts-
- Have mailed official transcripts sent directly to our office:
- Office of Online Programs
Millersville University
Lombardo Welcome Center
P.O. Box 1002
Millersville, PA 17551
- Office of Online Programs
- Have mailed official transcripts sent directly to our office:
**Transcripts must be sealed, official copies sent directly from the university, college, or high school to our office. Any opened transcripts (electronic or mailed) are considered unofficial copies**
Millersville University’s Online Programs offer rolling admissions and applications are reviewed for acceptance as they become complete.
Once all application documents are received, an official admissions decision will be made and a transfer credit evaluation will be completed. If accepted into the program, a confirmation email will be sent to access your application portal.
To confirm acceptance and secure a spot in the program, the admissions response form must be submitted. Information on the response form will be sent to accepted students.
Cohort Start Dates
This program has cohorts starting every August (fall) and January (spring).
Visit the FAQ's page for our online programs for more information on our frequently asked questions!
Please also visit our Online Student Support Resources page for more information and additional resources available to online students! -
Support for Online Application and Admissions
Our Online Programs Admissions Counselor will work with students from the point of interest until confirming their acceptance to help answer questions, provide transcript updates, complete transcript evaluations, announce admission decisions and assist with confirming enrollment.
Our Online Programs Student Support Specialists will then continue to assist online students throughout the entirety of the program to assist with any and all non-advisement questions.
Contact our office at (717)871-7200 or onlineprograms@millersville.edu for any assistance! -
Additional Resources
- Search for Online Courses
- Search through all available online courses by term, level (undergraduate or graduate), and method (fully-online or blended).
- Tuition & Fees for Undergraduate Students
- Check this page for exact tuition & fees for undergraduates; this includes costs for both fully online & face-to-face students, as well as in-state & out-of-state.
- Online Programs Student Forms
- Visit this page for a complete list of student forms used by the Office of Online Programs, such as Change of Delivery (COD) forms and Admission Response forms.
- Search for Online Courses