Master of Education (M.Ed.) in Mathematics
About the Program
The major strength of the M.Ed. program in Mathematics at Millersville University is the balance of mathematics content and pedagogy. Since undergraduate programs in mathematics education vary greatly, one goal of the M.Ed. is to strengthen candidates’ mathematical content knowledge. Additionally, the program offers a variety of mathematics education courses that allow graduate students to investigate the nature, teaching, and learning of mathematics and to apply this immediately in their own mathematics classrooms.
Admission Requirements
University Level
Admission to a graduate program is granted without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, or religious creed, but with regard to ability reflected in a record sufficiently strong to support confidence that the applicant can participate effectively in the graduate community and creditably complete the program of study for which application is made.
Admission to a Master's Degree Program
Admission decisions are based upon a combination of factors that include: grade point average; letters of recommendation from those able to critically assess an applicant’s ability to succeed in a graduate program; a written statement of purpose; standardized test scores; academic preparation for work in the proposed field; the applicant’s interests as matched with those of faculty; and, where appropriate, a successful interview.
Regular Admission
To be eligible for regular admission, an applicant must have earned a bachelor’s degree from an accredited four-year college or university in the United States or equivalent from a similar institution abroad. The applicant must demonstrate, in the opinion of the faculty and the dean of graduate studies, the ability to successfully complete a master’s degree, and must have achieved at least a 2.75 undergraduate grade point average in all course work attempted.
Probational Admission
Applicants who do not meet the minimum admission requirements, but who show promise of success in a graduate program, will be considered for admission. Such applicants may be admitted on a probationary status, based on the departmental recommendation and a favorable review by the dean of graduate studies.
Applicants admitted on probationary status will have conditions clearly stipulated in an offer of admission letter. Upon satisfying this requirement, and with the favorable recommendation of the department and with the graduate dean’s concurrence, the student will be fully admitted and allowed to continue toward candidacy for a degree. If the student is unable to achieve a 3.0 graduate point average, he/she will be dismissed from the program.
Mathematics Department Level
Admission to the M.Ed. program in mathematics education is granted to those applicants whose mathematical preparation fulfills the mathematical proficiency requirement (see I below). This is usually accomplished through the successful completion of a vigorous course of study culminating in the awarding of a Bachelor’s degree in mathematics. Conditional admission is granted to those applicants who have satisfactorily completed the following MU undergraduate mathematics courses or their equivalents: MATH 161, 211, 311 (Calculus I, II, III) and MATH 322 (Linear Algebra). Such persons are granted full admission status upon fulfillment of the mathematical proficiency requirement.
Application Procedure
Applicants interested in earning a master’s degree in a program of study must submit the following documents to the Office of Graduate Studies:
- A completed Graduate Studies Admissions Application. The application form can be found at
- A nonrefundable application fee of $35 payable at the time of filing application
- One official copy of an undergraduate transcript and official transcripts of any previous graduate work (it is not necessary to send Millersville University transcripts.)
- Three letters of recommendation written by professors or others capable of assessing the applicant’s potential for success in a graduate program.
- A written statement of academic and professional goals.
- Any additional information required by the specific department.
- Applications are accepted throughout the year utilizing a system of rolling admissions to the program.
- Admission to master’s degree programs is contingent on the recommendation of the department in which the student proposes to study. After reviewing the application and supporting materials, the department may recommend regular or probationary admission to a degree program. If the department recommends probationary admission, the conditions shall be clearly stipulated. In either case, the applicant will be notified of admission status by the Office of Graduate Studies.
Sample Programs
For a complete listing of the required courses, please refer to the Graduate Catalog. This Planning Guide can be used to measure progress through the program. For those students completing the Thesis Option, thesis guidelines and the relevant forms can be found on the CGPS Student Research Page.
Most students enrolled in the Master of Education in Mathematics Program at Millersville University complete the majority of their course-work during the summer months. Currently, there are three summer sessions. During Summer Session 2 and Session 3, an average of 3 graduate mathematics or mathematics education courses is offered each term. Two samples are listed that demonstrate how students opt to complete the program over three consecutive summers. Graduate courses are offered periodically in the evening during the Fall and Spring semester, allowing for additional flexibility.
Full-time Summer (3 years) – Non-thesis Option
36 credits (proficiencies met on entry)Year 1 Summer 2 Summer 3 MATH 502
EDFN 601 (MATH 535)MATH 505
MATH 645Year 2 Summer 2 Summer 3 MATH 670
EDFN 604MATH 603
PSYC 525Year 3 Summer 2 Summer 3 MATH 610
MATH 672MATH 611
MATH 693 -
Full-time Summer (3 years) – Thesis Option
30 credits (proficiencies met on entry)Year 1 Summer 2 Summer 3 MATH 505
EDFN 601MATH 592
MATH 645Year 2 Summer 2 Summer 3 MATH 675
EDFN 511MATH 616
EDFN 545
(Thesis planning)Year 3 Summer 2 Summer 3 MATH 679
MATH 615MATH 699
(Thesis credits) -
Contact Information
Program Coordinator:
Dr. Tyrone Washington
Office: Wickersham 202
Phone: 717-871-7319
Email:Tyrone.Washington@millersville.eduDepartment of Mathematics
Wickersham Hall, Room 208Mailing Address:
Department of Mathematics
Millersville University
P.O. Box 1002
Millersville, PA 17551-0302Phone: 717-871-7668
Fax: 717-871-7948