Departmental Syllabi
Departmental Syllabi
These are the official departmental syllabi for the courses offered by the mathematics department, and list the topics covered as well as a typical text for the course.
Projected Schedule of Course Offerings
This file contains the projected offerings for courses numbered 301 and above.
Undergraduate Departmental Syllabi
MATH 090 - Basic Mathematics
MATH 094 - Fundamentals of Math I (MATH104), Supplemental
MATH 100 - Survey of Mathematical Ideas
MATH 101 - College Algebra
MATH 102 - Survey of Mathematical Ideas in Non-European Cultures
MATH 104 - Fundamentals of Math I
MATH 105 - Fundamentals of Math II
MATH 107 - Math Survey: Sports & Games
MATH 108 - Math Survey: Art & Music
MATH 110 - Trigonometry
MATH 120 - Logic for Information Technology
MATH 130 - Elements of Statistics I
MATH 151 - Calculus for the Management, Life and Social Sciences
MATH 160 - Precalculus
MATH 161 - Calculus I
MATH 163 - Honors Calculus I
MATH 204 - Algebraic Foundations for the Middle Level Teacher
MATH 205 - Geometry for the Middle Level Teacher
MATH 211 - Calculus II
MATH 230 - Data Analysis and Probability for the Middle Level Teacher
MATH 234 - Statistics for Health Sciences
MATH 235 - Survey of Statistics
MATH 236 - Elements of Statistics II
MATH 255 - Intro to Data Analytics
MATH 256 - Data Visualization & Communication
MATH 301 - History of Mathematics
MATH 304 - Matrix Algebra & Applications
MATH 305 - Teaching Math in Secondary Schools I
MATH 310 - Introduction to Mathematical Proof
MATH 311 - Calculus III
MATH 312 - Software for Multivariable Calculus
MATH 319 - Calculus and Actuarial Science Problem-Solving Seminar
MATH 322 - Linear Algebra I
MATH 325 - Mathematical Connections
MATH 333 - Introduction to Probability and Statistics
MATH 335 - Mathematical Statistics I
MATH 345 - Abstract Algebra I
MATH 353 - Survey of Geometry
MATH 354 - Classical and Transformational Geometry
MATH 355 - Transformational Geometry
MATH 365 - Ordinary Differential Equations
MATH 370 - Operations Research
MATH 372 - Financial Mathematics I
MATH 375 - Numerical Analysis
MATH 393 - Number Theory
MATH 395 - Introductory Combinatorics
MATH 405 - Teaching of Mathematics in the Secondary School
MATH 419 - Actuarial Science Seminar
MATH 422 - Linear Algebra II
MATH 435 - Mathematical Statistics II
MATH 445 - Abstract Algebra II
MATH 457 - Elementary Differential Geometry
MATH 464 - Real Analysis I
MATH 465 - Real Analysis II
MATH 467 - Partial Differential Equations
MATH 471 - Mathematical Modeling
MATH 472 - Financial Mathematics II
MATH 483 - Point-set Topology
Graduate Departmental Syllabi
MATH 502 - Linear Algebra for Teachers
MATH 503 - Probability and Statistics for Teachers
MATH 504 - Modern Algebra for Teachers
MATH 505- Classical and Modern Geometry
MATH 506 - Modern Analysis for Teachers
MATH 520 - Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics
MATH 525 - Axiomatic Development of Number Systems
MATH 535 - Statistical Methods I
MATH 536 - Statistical Methods II
MATH 537 - Statistical Problem Solving Seminar
MATH 566 - Complex Variables
MATH 577 - Problems in Applied Mathematics
MATH 592 - Graph Theory
MATH 602 - Equity Issues in Mathematics Ed
MATH 603 - History of Mathematics
MATH 604 - Ethnomathematics
MATH 606 - Noyce - Transitioning
MATH 610 - Problem Solving Seminar
MATH 611 - The Psychology of Learning Mathematics
MATH 612 - Diagnostic/Prescriptive Teaching of Mathematics
MATH 613 - Elem/Sec Math Connections
MATH 614 - Current Issues in Middle School Mathematics
MATH 615 - Current Issues in Secondary School Mathematics
MATH 616 - Teaching Advanced Placement (AP) Calculus in the Secondary School
MATH 617 - Curricular Innovations in Middle and Secondary School Mathematics
MATH 619 - Advanced Perspectives
MATH 622 - 21st Century Math
MATH 642 - Linear Algebra
MATH 645 - Abstract Algebra
MATH 650 - Topics in Geometry
MATH 664 - Real Variables
MATH 670 - Operations Research
MATH 672 - Mathematical Modeling in the Secondary School Curriculum
MATH 675 - Numerical Analysis
MATH 679 - Technology in the Secondary Mathematics Classroom
MATH 683 - General Topology
MATH 690 - Topics in Discrete Mathematics for Teachers
MATH 691 - Combinatorics
MATH 693 - Number Theory
MATH 695 - Topics in Mathematics
MATH 697 - Topics in Mathematics Education
MATH 698 - Independent Study