International Partnerships
Millersville University has a variety of strategic partnerships across the globe. Academic departments and individual faculty and staff can collaborate with these partners to internationalize their work, service, or research and to provide opportunities for their students abroad, in their classrooms, and in the wider campus community. International Programs & Services (IPS) is the point of contact for all international partnerships. IPS staff lead the effort for the review and maintenance of agreements and assists in the development of collaborative projects and programs. These partnerships support student, faculty, and staff international mobility, dual-degree programs, and other opportunities for mutual collaboration.
Looking for information on becoming a partner for Millersville international recruitment? Please visit our Agent webpage.
Mission Statement:
Connect the campus community to a global network of partners to achieve sustainable development.
Partnership Goals:
- Develop sustainable and meaningful international connections with diverse partners.
- Maintain quality assurance of partnership activities, agreements, and partnership support.
- Adhere to industry standards of good practice.
Partnership Outcomes:
- Partnerships will align with strategic goals set by each member.
- Partnerships will exhibit mutual accountability and increased transparency.
- Partnerships will use an evidence-based approach for monitoring and evaluating progress.
- Partnerships will aim to positively impact Millersville University and other IPS units.
In order to develop new international partnerships that align with MU goals and IPS's international mission, all potential international partners must be thoroughly researched, assessed and approved by various constituents at MU. IPS is committed to providing the best possible global experience for students and faculty at MU.
Types of International Partnership Activities
The Memorandum of Understanding is a formal agreement describing a broad outline of collaboration between two or more parties. The general MOU will give a written expression of interest in general partnership. Many activities can be done under a general MOU. This partnership type could include any of the following student and faculty mobility activities:
- Short-term programs:
- Incoming: MU offers customized programs through the English Language Institute (ELI) in the summer and winter terms. Student programs are thematic, addressing topics such as language and culture, university preparation programs, and others. The ELI also offers training programs for international faculty and staff through the Summer Management Institute.
- Outgoing: Faculty-led study abroad at Millersville is called MU Guided. Faculty can work with our international partners to develop MU Guided programs for students. These are typically offered in the summer, winter, or spring break.
- Faculty exchange:
- Incoming: MU hosts international exchange scholars and visitors from various countries to conduct research, teach, and work in a variety of capacities throughout the institution.
- Outgoing: Faculty exchanges are excellent catalysts for deeper partnerships, and federally-funded programs such as the Fulbright Scholar Program can facilitate these opportunities for you. Faculty can work through our existing partners to guest lecture or collaborate on research.
- Collaborative projects
- Conferences
- Research
- Capacity building
- Collaborative teaching (virtual, hybrid, video conferencing or guest lectures). This low-cost partnership component is often fostered by technology through virtual classrooms, video conferences, email exchanges, and web-based platforms. Consider working with a partner institution to develop new course modules. Collaborative teaching is also an effective way to incorporate guest faculty in the classroom and is a good springboard for other collaborative efforts.
- Consortia: A group of two or more institutions that work together and pool resources in order to achieve a common goal. Consortia are a great way to broaden a partnership and take advantage of institutions with complementary strengths.
Some partnership collaborations require additional details to be confirmed in writing in addition to the general MOU.
Student Mobility Amendment
- Exchange program: An exchange partnership is an agreement with a partner institution that involves direct exchange of students to and from the partner institution and MU. Typically, MU will send students to the partner institution in exchange for receiving students from the partner institution to study at MU. Participants will enroll as exchange students at the partner university for 1-2 semesters but will pay their tuition at MU for that term.
- 1:1 Model – MU will send one student to the partner institution in exchange for receiving one student from the partner institution to study at MU.
- 2:1 Model – MU will send two students to the partner institution in exchange for receiving one student from the partner institution to study at MU.
- Unidirectional study program: A unidirectional partnership is an agreement between two institutions that allows the direct study and enrollment of students from one institution to the other on a Non-degree status. The program is similar to exchange programs in duration (1-4 semesters), independence, and academics, but does not provide two-way mobility.
- Special academic program: These are programs that allow students to participate in an internship or practicum academic component. For MU students this could be international student teaching, field placements for certain majors such as Social Work, or internships.
Student Mobility & Articulation Agreement
- Articulation program: An articulation is an agreement with a partner institution which documents the transfer policies in a specific field of study or major. This program goes into detail regarding guaranteed admission or conditional admission, transfer credits, scholarships, and academic course requirements.
- Dual-degree program: A dual-degree program allows an agreement with a partner institution in a specific field of study or major to transfer courses to MU to complete an MU degree in addition to completing a degree in the student’s home institution. All new partnerships of this type are required to also be articulated.
- 2+2 Model: This is the most common model. The student spends two years in their home institution before transferring to MU.
- 1+3 Model: The student spends only one year in their home institution before transferring to MU.
- 1+2+1 Model: This is a special program through the Cooperation on Higher Education and Professional Development program, and will not be repeated with any other partnership.
- Others: There are many other types of dual-degree partnerships. Contact IPS if you’d like to discuss other models not listed above.
- Transfer program: (Incoming) This program earns students one degree from Millersville University. Students transfer credit to complete their degree requirements.
Other International Collaboration
Some projects and initiatives do not fit within any of the above categories and may or may not require an agreement to meet the objectives of the relationship. Consult the Office of International Programs & Services for guidance on how to proceed.
- Short-term programs:
Updated as of 7/2024Australia University of the Sunshine Coast Study Abroad: Exchange Bermuda Bermuda College Transfer Program Chile Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso Study Abroad: Exchange China Northeast Agricultural University Dual-Degree (Biology) Shandong Sport University New Pending Xinyang Normal University Dual-Degree (Economics) France American Business School Paris Study Abroad University of Caen Normandy Study Abroad: Exchange Germany Philipps University Marburg Study Abroad: Exchange Ghana Academic City University Short-Term Programs University of Cape Coast Capacity Building University of Education, Winneba General Takoradi Technical University New Pending Greece The American University of Thessaloniki New Pending India Nitte University New Pending Padmashree Group of Institutions New Pending St. John Technical and Educational Campus New Pending St. Joseph's University New Pending Visvesvaraya Technological University New Pending Japan Kansai Gaidai University Study Abroad: Exchange Kenya Kabarak University New Pending Maasai Mara University New Pending Moi University New Pending Netherlands, The Saxion University of Applied Sciences Study Abroad: Exchange Pakistan Beaconhouse National University Short-Term Programs Philippines, The Thames International Dual-Degree (Pending) Spain University of Burgos Study Abroad: Exchange South Korea Chonnam National University Study Abroad: Exchange United Kingdom University of Roehampton New Pending University of Strathclyde Study Abroad: Exchange