International Education Week
International Education Week (IEW), is an opportunity to celebrate the benefits of international education and mobility worldwide. This joint initiative of the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education is part of their efforts to promote programs that prepare Americans for a global environment and attract future leaders from abroad to study, learn, and exchange experiences. Higher education institutions participate by offering a series of events intended to celebrate the benefits of international education and exchange worldwide!

All Week
MU Global Passport Drive:
- Lyle Hall, First Floor By Appointment Only. Email to schedule a time to meet.
- Did you know that the average wait time is 11 weeks+ to get or renew a passport? Make an appointment with IPS to get your passport photo taken (for free!).
International Student Survey:
- The survey is for all international students at MU. Once it launches on November 18th, students will receive an email with instructions on how to complete it.
- Those who complete the survey will get an MU-branded swag.
Monday, November 18th
Office of International Programs and Services' Coffee Hour
- Lyle Hall First Floor, 12:00 – 2:00 PM
- Participate in a community coffee hour with the Office of International Programs and Services. Meet the staff and learn about current initiatives taking place. Light refreshments will be provided.
- This month’s Coffee Hour will highlight the Lombardo College of Business and its new global initiatives.

Global Mauraders Soccer Game
Join the Global Maurders Club for the "Beautiful Game" of indoor Fútbol as they celebrate International Education Week. All skill levels are welcome.
- SMC Ville Courts, 5-7 PM
- This event will allow students and staff to enjoy an indoor soccer game, get some exercise, create memories, and learn about the diverse cultures represented at Millersville University.
- To sign up for this event, follow this link.
MAPS Faculty Information Session:
- Lyle Hall, First Floor. 12-1 pm. RSVP via Dr. Jason Petula at
- Join Dr. Petula for an information session on designing and leading a Millersville Abroad Program (MAPS) trip. You will gain insight into creating and executing a successful Study Abroad trip for students and community members.
Note: Starting in Spring 2025, this session will be offered on a monthly basis.
Thursday, NOVEMBER 21st
Information Session on Cohort Students
IPS has adopted a new strategy to recruit various international cohorts of students. This initiative requires a targeted and strategic approach to enhancing global awareness, providing clear information about Millersville, and offering tailored services to support the students' needs.
- The information session will take place from 1 PM to 2 PM, virtually via Zoom. Here is the Zoom log-in ID: 9917326536.
- Join Ms. Yang Zhang to learn more about getting involved in this initiative.
- For questions, you can reach out to Ms. Zhang at
Fulbright Outreach Lecturing Fund - Scholar Showcase
- This virtual event hosted by the Insitute of International Education (IIE) will highlight current Scholar-In-Residence (S-I-R) participants and invite U.S. institutions to learn how to host S-I-Rs with support from the Outreach Lecturing Fund (OLF).
- The Fulbright S-I-R Program brings talented international faculty and professionals to U.S. campuses, enriching academic environments with global perspectives for a semester or academic year. We hope you will join the webinar.
- Date: Thursday, November 21, 2024
Time: 3:15-4:45 pm EST - Register Here
Friday, November 22nd
Study Abroad Orientation - Launch Party:
- Lyle Hall First Floor Room 114 , 5:00 – 6:00PM - By Invitation Only
- This event is designed for approved study-abroad participants to prepare for their cultural adjustment and the logistics of studying abroad. (For students accepted for a Winter 2025 and Spring 2025 TAPS).
Thank you for participating in International Education Week 2024!
IEW 2023
All Week
Study Abroad Photo Contest:
- McNairy Library Lobby and IPS Instagram.
- The study abroad photo contest is back! Participants from fall 2022 through summer 2023 have submitted photos to the following categories: Marauders Abroad/In Action, MU Spirit, Landscapes and Landmarks, and Locals and Culture. These photos will be on display in McNairy Library Lobby and IPS’ Instagram throughout the week. Vote for your favorite photo and the overall contest winner will receive a prize. Voting information coming soon.
MU Global Passport Drive:
- Lyle Hall, First Floor By Appointment Only. Email to schedule a time to meet.
- Only Did you know that the average wait time is 11 weeks+ to get or renew a passport? Make an appointment with IPS to get your passport photo taken (for free!), and to start the paperwork to get your passport.
Monday, November 13th
Office of International Programs and Services' Open House
- Lyle Hall First Floor, 12:00 – 1:00PM
- Participate in an employee social hour with the Office of International Programs and Services. Meet the staff and learn about current initiatives taking place with international admissions, international student services, and study abroad. Light food and refreshments provided.
- Celebrate IPS' 40th year anniversary! In 1983, the International Studies Task Force was appointed by MU's academic administration with the goal of developing an international studies curriculum, a study abroad program, faculty opportunities, and other initiatives. This was meant to build upon MU's long tradition of study abroad which included Millersville's first partnership with Phillips University Marburg (Germany) since the 1950s. Dr. Marlene Arnold, Professor of Sociology and Anthropology, led this effort. Due to her extensive experience abroad, Dr. Arnold saw the need for a coordinated effort to encourage study abroad and the internationalization of MU's campus.
Study Abroad Family Workshop:
- Virtual, 5:00 – 6:00PM - Registration information coming soon
- This workshop offers a chance for MU students and their families to learn important information about studying abroad in an open Q&A environment. The workshop covers important dates, academic and financial policies, types of programs, available scholarships, and more!
Friday, November 17th
Study Abroad Orientation:
- Stayer MPR, 4:00 – 5:00PM - By Invitation Only
- This event is designed for approved study abroad participants to prepare for their cultural adjustment abroad and celebrate their study abroad preparation. (For students accepted for a Winter 2024 and Spring 2024 program).
IEW 2022
All Week
Study Abroad Photo Contest:
- McNairy Library Lobby and IPS Instagram.
- The study abroad photo contest is back! Participants from fall 2021 through summer 2022 have submitted photos to the following categories: Marauders Abroad/In Action, MU Spirit, Landscapes and Landmarks, and Locals and Culture. These photos are on display in McNairy Library Lobby and IPS’ Instagram throughout the week. This week you will vote for your favorite photo and the overall contest winner will receive a prize.
MU Global Passport Drive:
- Lyle Hall, First Floor By Appointment Only.
- Only Did you know that the average wait time is 10 weeks+ to get or renew a passport? Make an appointment with IPS to get your passport photo taken (for free!), and to start the paperwork to get your passport.
Monday, November 14th
International Education Week Launch Social
- Lyle Hall First Floor, 12:00 – 1:00PM;
- Participate in an employee social hour with the Office of International Programs and Services. Meet the staff and learn about current initiatives taking place with international admissions, international student services, and study abroad. Light food and refreshments provided.
Deliberative Dialogue: Integrating Global Democracy Into Campus Conversations
- Virtual/Zoom, 2:00-3:30 ET;
- Join this session with the American Association of State Colleges and Universities - AASCU’s American Democracy Project (ADP) to explore how deliberative dialogues can be integrated on more campuses, especially to expand discussions on global civic responsibility and democratic citizenship.
Tuesday, November 15th
Fulbright is for you! A Conversation with Fulbright International Education Administrator Award Alumni
- Virtual/Zoom, 1:00-2:00 ET;
- Tune in as Leigh Lassiter-Counts, U.S. Fulbright alumni ambassador and 2016 Fulbright scholar to Germany, and Fulbright alumni from AASCU institutions share how the different types of Fulbright awards have impacted their work and, by extension, their campus communities.
Wednesday, November 16th
Study Abroad Family Workshop:
- Virtual, 5:00 – 6:00PM
- This workshop offers a chance for MU students and their families to learn important information about studying abroad in an open Q&A environment. The workshop covers important dates, academic and financial policies, types of programs, available scholarships, and more!
Thursday, November 17th
International Tea Time:
- Lyle Hall First Floor, 12:00 – 1:00PM
- International Programs and Services hosts this event on a monthly basis for students, faculty, and staff to connect and celebrate a new global theme each month. November's theme is "Global Tastes", which seeks to celebrate the local diversity here in the greater Lancaster area.
Study Abroad Workshop
- Virtual/Zoom, 4:00 – 4:30PM
- This workshop covers important information about studying abroad, including important dates, academic and financial policies, types of programs, and available scholarships.
- 5:00 - 7:00PM; Student Memorial Center, Reighard Multi-Purpose Room
- Global Marauders is partnering with the Asian Students Inclusivity Association to host Friendsgiving, a potluck celebration with international students.
Friday, November 18th
Program Development Pipelines: Japan Studies Institute (JSI) and Japan Outreach Initiative (JOI)
- Virtual/Zoom, 1:00-2:00 ET
- Learn about the upcoming Japan Studies Institute (JSI) application cycle and hear the experiences of JSI alumni. The session will also explore how JSI and the subsequent relationship with the Japan Outreach Initiative (JOI) program have impacted scholars’ classrooms, campuses, and communities.
Study Abroad Orientation:
- Stayer MPR, 4:00 – 5:00PM - By Invitation Only
- This event is designed for approved study abroad participants to prepare for their cultural adjustment abroad and celebrate their study abroad preparation. (For students accepted for a Winter 2023 and Spring 2023 program).
IEW 2021
All Week
Study Abroad Through the Years
- Monday – Friday - McNairy Library Lobby and IPS Instagram.
- To celebrate the reopening of international mobility around the world, IPS is celebrating our globally-engaged alumni! This photo display highlights Millersville University alumni who studied abroad during their time at MU.
MONDAY, November 15th
International Programs & Services' Open House
- 12:30-2:00PM - Lyle Hall, First Floor
- Students, Faculty, and Staff are invited to travel through interactive stations to learn about the Office of International Programs & Services. Learn about studying abroad, ways to connect with international students on campus, and more! Food and games - Win a study abroad fee waiver!
TUESDAY, November 16th
MU Global Passport Drive
- 12:00-2:00PM - Lyle Hall, First Floor
- By Appointment Only. Email to sign up.
- Did you know that the average wait time is now 14 weeks to get a new or renew a passport? Stop by IPS to get your free passport photos taken and start the paperwork to get your passport. Participants will receive two copies of passport photos, their application form, and an instruction sheet to submit their documents.
Study Abroad Family Workshop
- 5:00-6:00PM - (Virtual)
- This workshop offers a chance for students and their families to learn about study abroad at Millersville University including important deadlines, study abroad academic and financial policies, types of programs, and available scholarships!
- Will you miss this workshop? We offer family workshops twice a semester and student workshops every week during the fall and spring terms. Click here for more information.
WEDNESDAY, November 17th
EducationUSA Dialogues: The Intersection of Campus Internationalization and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- 11:00-12:30PM - (Virtual)
- Join four U.S. higher education experts on international education (IE) and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives for an interactive discussion. This webinar will focus on points of synergy and opportunities for mutually beneficial coordination between campus leaders engaged in IE and DEI programming. Participants will gain a concrete understanding of how these distinct initiatives can be complementary as well as practical strategies for facilitating collaboration between.
Immigration Session
- 12:00-1:00PM (Virtual)
- IPS will host a virtual immigration information session with a certified immigration attorney to discuss immigration options after the J-1 and F-1 visa status is over. This session is hosted by Senior Attorney and Millersville alum Holly Hatton Kuzeyman of the Garfinkel Immigration Law Firm. Holly will cover topics such as how to maintain status, Temporary Work Visas, "Green Card" options, processes, and availability. A Q&A session will follow afterward!
THURSDAY, November 18th
Virtual Exchange and Collaboration Information Session
- 11:00-12:00PM - (Virtual)
- The Stevens Initiative is an international effort to build global competence and career readiness skills for young people in the United States and the Middle East and North Africa by growing and enhancing the field of virtual exchange. This information session will introduce virtual exchange, the Stevens Initiative, and basic steps for getting involved in a program or starting a new one. This session will address key virtual exchange elements, ways to engage, and opportunities and resources for support. This session is intended for someone with little to no knowledge about the Stevens Initiative and/or virtual exchange, and gives a broad overview of both.
MU Global Passport Drive
- 12:00-2:00PM - Lyle Hall, First Floor
- By Appointment Only. Email to sign up.
- Did you know that the average wait time is now 10 weeks to get a new or renew a passport? Stop by IPS to get your free passport photos taken and start the paperwork to get your passport. Participants will receive two copies of passport photos, their application form, and an instruction sheet to submit their documents.
FRIDAY, November 19th
Study Abroad Orientation: Launch Party
- Only for students accepted for a Winter 2022 and Spring 2022 program.
- This part of the orientation program is designed for participants to reflect on their study abroad goals, prepare for their cultural adjustment abroad, and celebrate their study abroad preparation.
Global Game Night
- 6:00-8:00PM; Lyle Hall, First Floor Room 114
- End International Education Week in style with a fun night of games, pizza, and refreshments! Hang out with friends and IPS staff to unwind before the start of Thanksgiving break.
- Connect with Global Marauders on Get Involved.
IEW 2020
MONDAY, November 16th
This Virtual World: Transformative Study Abroad during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Led by Associate Professor Chisomo Selemani, Coordinator of the award-winning Baldwin Wallance University in Zambia initiative.
- Study abroad is a high impact practice in which student’s perceptions of the world are challenged and changed. Students gain invaluable opportunities to shift their lens and learn about global citizenship. As international educators, we grow in professional development and global collaboration. We facilitate life-changing cultural and educational exchange. What if we can still do that without leaving our homes? Virtual solutions have provided incredible opportunities for international engagement. How can we leverage the advantages of our current reality to support our students continual development in the rich attributes gained in studying abroad? How can we still facilitate cultural and educational exchange without being in the same physical space? Join us to gain some ideas of how to do these things and hear lessons learned from a successful virtual study abroad program in this session.
Gilman International Scholarship Program
- The U.S. Department of State’s Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship is a grant program that enables students of limited financial means to study or intern abroad, thereby gaining skills critical to our national security and economic competitiveness. Attend this session to hear from Gilman scholarship alumni ambassadors.
TUESDAY, November 17th
Fighting the Good Fight: Prepare for the International Education Challenges of the Next Four Years
- Led by Marty Bennett, President of SMIE Consulting.
- Without question, the coming election results will be historic. November will produce one of two dramatically different realities for our country, our institutions, as well as current and future international students. We must realize the landscape of international student recruitment has been radically transformed over the past few years. As a result, having a global perspective on where we stand in the race for internationally-mobile students can provide the starting point for necessary next steps. What is that light at the end of the Zoom tunnel? What can we be doing to prepare? And, most importantly, how can we maximize international student success on campus?
Study Abroad Workshop
- Get started on your study abroad journey by learning about the different program types, scholarships, and learning about the steps you need to take to go abroad. Prepare for your future experience!
- Missed the workshop? We offer them 3 times a week during the fall and spring terms. Click here for more information.
Study Abroad Alumni Panel
- Learn about studying abroad through Millersville and chat with past study abroad participants.
WEDNESDAY, November 18th
Bringing The World to Campus: Impacts of Internationalization at Home
- Led by Martin Tillman, President of Global Career Compass and former Associate Director of Career Services (ret.) at the Johns Hopkins University Paul Nitze School of Advanced International Studies.
- Every academic institution is struggling during the pandemic to sustain its commitment to provide students with high-impact educational experiences - in and out of the classroom. Even while assumptions about the delivery of mobile international programs have been upended. The disruption due to Covid presents an opportunity to re-frame your traditional view of education abroad. To de-couple education abroad from its "home" in the international office, and consider "internationalization without mobility." Faculty and staff can collaboratively create a continuum of global learning, maintain the momentum of your existing internationalization goals, and integrate both curricula and co-curricula programs and projects. This concept of internationalization-at-home has the capacity to promote greater inclusivity, foster the development of skills and competencies to successfully transition students to the workforce, and bridge the absence of experiential cross-cultural engagement abroad.
THURSDAY, November 19th
Develop & Lead a MAPS: Marauders Abroad Program
- Faculty & Staff! Are you interested in taking students abroad in the future? Learn about designing successful short-term study abroad experiences. You will have the opportunity to discuss the process and gain insight into the MAPS proposal process.
Immigration Options for International Students after the F-1 and J-1 Visa:
- This event will go over maintaining status, temporary work visas (including H-1B Visa), “Green Card” options, process, and & availability.
FRIDAY, November 20th
Photo Fridays
- MU Community, visit the IPS office to get your U.S passport or visa sized photo (x2) taken for just $5. Passports are valid for 10 years so apply now!
- Missed Photo Friday? We offer this service every Friday during the fall and spring terms from 10:00am to 2:00pm.
Study Abroad Workshop
- Get started on your study abroad journey by learning about the different program types, scholarships, and learning about the steps you need to take to go abroad. Prepare for your future experience!
- Missed the workshop? We offer them 3 times a week during the fall and spring terms. Click here for more information.
- Celebrate virtual Thanksgiving with the Global Marauders Club.
- Missed this event? Connect with Global Marauders on Get Involved.