Keystone LSAMP Program at Millersville University

Keystone LSAMPThe Keystone LSAMP Program, named in honor of former congressman Louis Stokes, is an NSF-funded program intended to support students pursuing a major in science, technology, engineering, and/or mathematics.

Are you interested in mentoring, networking, building community with other STEM majors and undergraduate research opportunities? And a financial stipend? Then we have an opportunity you won't want to pass up!

MU Keystone LSAMP Scholars will conduct research, participate in academic and professional development (including summer camps and field trips), collaborate with an Alliance-wide community of LSAMP Scholars, and receive financial stipends and travel support. 

Program Experiences

In addition to the financial stipends, participants will receive the following experiences:

  • Mentoring
  • Leadership/Professional Development Training
  • Science Research
  • Community Building
  • Preparation for a Career in Science
  • Stipends

Become an LSAMP scholar

We encourage all students to apply to the LSAMP program. To be eligible for the program, the following requirements must be met:

LSAMP Application

Keystone LSAMP Institutions

Listed below are the Keystone LSAMP Institutions and qualifying STEM majors

East Stroudsburg
Astronomy, Biochemistry, Biology, Biotechnology, Chemical Biotechnology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Computer Security, Earth and Space Science, Engineering, Environmental Studies, Forensic Science, Marine Science, Mathematics, Physics.

Millersville University
Applied Engineering, Safety, & Technology, Biology, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Computer Science, Earth Science, Math, Physics

Slippery Rock
Biology, Math, Physics, Engineering

West Chester
Biology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Forensics and Toxicological Chemistry, Computer Science, Earth and Space Science, Math, Physics & Biomedical Engineering

Contact Information

Do you have questions regarding the application process, research opportunities, and how LSAMP can benefit you?  Please reach out to Dr. Brent Horton (

Read more about the NSF Grant


National Science Foundation LogoThe LSAMP Program, named in honor of former congressman Louis Stokes, is an NSF-funded program intended to support students in the STEM fields. Enrollment in the program is reserved for a select and highly committed group of students with a declared major in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.