Expectations for NSF Noyce Scholars

Curricular components

Noyce Scholars will complete the necessary STEM coursework and education courses needed to complete a BSE STEM degree. Education courses are distributed over three semesters:

  1. Foundations Block involves two courses (EDFN 211 and 241) that can be taken Fall or Spring.
  2. Professional Block involves 15-credits of courses that connect Noyce Scholars with exemplary STEM teachers. Professional Block courses can only be taken in the Fall semester.
  3. Student Teaching with an exemplary STEM teacher.

Noyce Scholars will receive additional advising from participating faculty to ensure efficient time to degree.

professional development

Noyce Scholars will participate in monthly professional development sessions to support their development as effective STEM teachers for high-need schools. As part of these activities, Noyce Scholars will identify impactful classroom activities to implement in high-need schools. Results from these activities will be presented at local conferences.

teach in high-need schools

Noyce Scholars will teach in a high-needs school for a minimum of two years for every year of funding received (A student receiving two years of funding ($48,000) will need to teach for four years in a high-need school). 

continued teaching support

Noyce Scholars will continue to receive support from the project team and peers in their cohort to facilitate the transition to teaching full-time. The support consists of workshops, one-on-one mentoring, and a $500 payment when hired as a teacher in a high-need school.

National Science Foundation

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 2345074.  Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.