Transfer Equivalency
Transfer Equivalency Listing
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Carroll Community College / MU Transfer Course Equivalencies
In general, Millersville University awards transfer credit for college-level courses in fields of study offered at Millersville that were completed on the campus of a regionally accredited institution.
Note: The list below might not include all courses that would be accepted in transfer. Questions may be addressed to:
Tip: For MU Gen ED code descriptions, place your cursor over the codes corresponding to the courses listed below, a tooltip should appear.
Carroll Community College Course | Millersville Equivalent | MU Gen ED Code (s) |
ACCT 101 Financial Accounting | BUAD 161 Intro to Financial Accounting | |
ANTH 101 Intro to Cultural Anthropology | ANTH 121 Cultural Anthropology | G3 |
ANTH 201 Anthropology of Amer Culture | ANTH 2X1 Anthropology of Amer Culture | G3 |
ART 101 Fundamentals of Art | ART 1X1 Fundamentals of Art | G1 |
ART 105 2-D Design | ART 142 2D Design | G1 |
ART 115 Color | ART 1X5 Color | G1 |
ART 125 Art Appreciation | ART 100 Art in Culture | G1 |
ART 130 Painting 1 | ART 352 Painting 1 | |
ART 135 History of Art 1 | ART 202 Survey of Art History I | G1 |
ART 140 Ceramics | ART 295 Ceramics:Hand Building | G1 |
BIOL 100 General Biology | BIOL 100 General Biology | G2, L |
BIOL 101 Fundamentals of Biology 1 | BIOL 101 Foundations of Biology | G2, L |
BIOL 105 Human Biology | BIOL 1X5 Human Biology | G2, L |
BIOL 107 Introduction to Evolution | BIOL 1X7 Introduction to Evolution | G2 |
BIOL 110 Human Anatomy & Physiology 1 | BIOL 254 Human Anat and Physiology 1 | |
BIOL 210 Human Anatomy & Physiology 1 | BIOL 1X1 Human Anatomy & Physiology 1 | |
BIOL 211 Human Anatomy & Physiology 2 | BIOL 1X2 Human Anatomy & Physiology 2 | |
BIOL 215 Microbiology | BIOL 161 Clinical Microbiology | |
BIOL 220 Nutrition | BIOL 256 Nutrition | G2, W |
BUAD 101 Introduction to Business | BUAD 101 Introduction to Business | G3 |
BUAD 201 Business Ethics | BUAD 2X1 Business Ethics | |
BUAD 205 Business Law | BUAD 202 Legal Environment of Business | G3 |
CAR 100 Career Dev as a Life Process | Does Not Transfer | |
CAR 102 Career Self Assess/Planning | UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar | |
CGR 105 Intro to Computer Graphics | ITEC 1X5 Intro to Computer Graphics | |
CGR 253 Comp Illus Using Bit Map Prog | ITEC 2X3 Comp Illus Using Bit Map Prog | |
CHDEV 101 Growth & Devel ERCH | ERCH 1XX Growth & Devel ERCH | |
CHDEV 102 Intro to Early Childhood Educ | ERCH 110 Intro to Early Childhood Ed | |
CHDEV 215 Process Skls In Integ Ec Cu | ERCH 2X5 Process Skls In Integ Ec Cu | |
CHEM 101 Introductory Chemistry | CHEM 102 The Science of Chemistry | L, G2 |
CHEM 105 Principles of General Chem 1 | CHEM 111 Introductory Chemistry 1 | G2, L |
CHEM 106 Principles of General Chem 2 | CHEM 112 Introductory Chemistry 2 | G2, L |
CHEM 201 Organic Chemistry I | CHEM 231 Organic Chemistry 1 | G2, L |
CHEM 202 Organic Chemistry II | CHEM 232 Organic Chemistry 2 | G2, L |
CIA 111 Outlook | CSCI 1X1 Outlook | |
CIA 125 Word | CSCI 1X2 Word | |
CIA 155 Powerpoint | CSCI 1X5 Powerpoint | |
CIS 101 Intro to Computers & Computing | CSCI 101 Problem Solving with Computers | G2 |
CIS 105 Game Programming | CSCI 1X5 Game Programming | L, G2 |
CIS 110 Microcomp Business Application | Does Not Transfer | |
CIS 120 Beg Visual Basic Programming | Does Not Transfer | |
CIS 132 Principles of Programming | CSCI 161 Introduction to Programming 1 | G2 |
COL 099 Developing College Readiness | Does Not Transfer | |
COL 100 College Success | UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar | |
COMM 105 Intro to Speech Communication | COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech | SPCH |
COMM 220 Language & Cinema | ENGL 240 The Art of Film | G1 |
CRIM 101 Intro to Criminal Justice Sys | SOCY 331 Intro to Criminal Justice Syst | G3 |
CRIM 102 Introduction to Corrections | SOCY 332 Modern Corrections | G3 |
CRIM 103 Serial Killers | SOCY 1X3 Serial Killers | G3 |
CRIM 105 Criminology | SOCY 230 Criminology | W, G3 |
CRIM 106 Law Enforcement & Community | SOCY 1X6 Law Enforcement & Community | G3 |
CRIM 120 Juvenile Justice | SOCY 334 Juvenile Delinquency | W, G3 |
CRIM 205 Criminal Justice Ethics | SOCY 2X5 Criminal Justice Ethics | G3 |
DFAB 101 Intro to 3D Printing I | AENG 1X1 Intro to 3D Printing I | |
DVTY 115 Diversity in the U.S. | SOCY 1X5 Diversity in the U.S. | G3 |
ECE 100 Intro to Early Childhood Ed | ERCH 110 Intro to Early Childhood Ed | |
ECE 101 Child Growth and Development | EDUC 1X1 Child Growth and Development | |
ECE 102 Intro to Early Childhood Educ | ERCH 110 Intro to Early Childhood Ed | |
ECE 104 Methods and Materials in ECE | ERCH 1X4 Methods and Materials in ECE | |
ECE 105 Infants & Toddlers Dev & Care | ERCH 1X5 Infants & Toddlers Dev & Care | |
ECE 110 Nurtition, Health, & Safety | WELL 240 Health, Safety, Nutr for Child | WELL |
ECE 115 School-Age Care | ERCH 15X School-Age Care | |
ECE 120 Literacy in Early Childhood Ed | ERCH 225 Foundations of Reading | |
ECE 210 Child Care Administration | ERCH 2X1 Child Care Administration | |
ECE 270 ECE Capstone Field Experience | ERCH 2X7 ECE Capstone Field Experience | |
ECON 101 Principles of Micro Economics | ECON 102 Principles of Microeconomics | G3 |
ECON 102 Principles of Macro Economics | ECON 101 Principles of Macroeconomics | G3 |
EDUC 125 Educational Psychology | EDFN 241 Psyc Foundation of Teaching | |
EDUC 130 Intro to Special Education | SPED 101 Orientation to Special Educ | |
EDUC 131 Field Exp Intro Spec Ed | SPED 1X3 Field Exp Intro Spec Ed | |
EDUC 201 Processes & Aquisition of Rdg | EDUC 2X1 Processes & Aquisition of Rdg | |
ENG 096 Write Eff Paragraphs & Essays | Does Not Transfer | |
ENG 097 Writing Eff Paragraphs/Essays | Does Not Transfer | |
ENG 101 Craft of Composition | ENGL 110 English Composition | COMP |
ENG 102 Writing About Literature | ENGL 1X1 Writing About Literature | |
ENGL 101 Craft of Composition W/ Review | ENGL 110 English Composition | COMP |
ENGL 102 Writing About Literature | ENGL 230 Introduction to Literature | G1 |
ENGL 110 Intro to Creative Writing | Does Not Transfer | |
ENGL 202 Modern World Writers | ENGL 2X2 Modern World Writers | G1 |
ENGR 100 Introduction to Engineering | ITEC 10X Introduction to Engineering | |
ENTEC 101 Intro Entertainment Technology | ENTC 1XX Intro Entertainment Technology | |
ENTEC 105 Ent Technology Lighting | ENTC 220 Theatrical Lighting & Sound | |
ENV 100 Environmental Science | BIOL 1XX Environmental Science | G2 |
ENV 105 Introductory Environmental Sci | BIOL 1XX Introductory Environmental Sci | G2, L |
FN 100 Personal Finance | BUAD 143 Personal Financial Planning | |
FPA 101 Introduction to the Arts | ART 100 Art in Culture | G1 |
FPA 105 Introduction to Film | ENGL 240 Introduction to Film | G1, W |
FSCI 210 Intro. to Forensic Science | SOCY 2X1 Intro to Forensic Science | |
GEOG 101 Introduction to Geography | GEOG 101 The Global Environment | G3 |
GEOG 105 Human Geography | GEOG 120 Human Geography | D, G3 |
GEOG 110 Physical Geography | GEOG 230 Physical Geography | G3 |
GEOG 201 Regional Geography | GEOG 2XX Regional Geography | G3 |
GEOSC 100 Earth and Space Science | ESCI 102 Origin and Evoltn of the Earth | G2 |
GEOSC 101 Earth Science | PHYS 11X Earth Science | G2, L |
GEOSC 103 Environmental Sustainability | GEOG 130 Intro to Environmental Science | G2 |
GEOSC 105 Introduction to Oceanography | ESCI 261 Introduction to Oceanography | G2, L |
GEOSC 110 Physical Geography | GEOG 230 Physical Geography | G3 |
GEOSC 121 Physical Geology | ESCI 221 Physical Geology | G2, L |
GEOSC 201 Meteorology | ESCI 24X Meteorology | |
GEOSC 210 Astronomy: Intro to the Cosmos | PHYS 117 General Astronomy | G2 |
HES 100 Em Care - First Aid Safety CPR | WSSD 311 Resp to Emergen: First Aid CPR | |
HIST 101 Western Civilization 1 | HIST 101 Europe and the World 1350-1789 | G3 |
HIST 102 Western Civilization 2 | HIST 102 Europe and World 1789-Present | G3 |
HIST 105 History of the U.S. to 1876 | HIST 106 Contours of US History | G3 |
HIST 106 History of the U.S. From 1876 | HIST 1XX History of the US from 1876 | G3 |
HIST 201 Adolf Hitler & the Third Reich | HIST 342 Hitler and Nazism | W, G3 |
HIST 210 Era of the American Civil War | HIST 355 Civil War and Reconstruction | W, G3 |
HIST 215 History of Ancient Rome | HIST 212 Roman Civilization | G3 |
HIST 220 American Civil Rights Movement | HIST 2X2 American Civil Rights Movement | G3 |
HIST 235 Great War & Twenty Year Truce | HIST 2X5 Great War & Twenty Year Truce | G3 |
HIT 111 Medical Terminology | BIOL 1X1 Medical Terminology | |
HIT 201 Comp Appl in Health Care | Does Not Transfer | |
HIT 225 Healthcare Delivery Systems | ELEC 2X5 Healthcare Delivery Systems | |
HLTH 101 Sci & Theory of Health & Wel | WELL 175 Wellness | WELL |
HLTH 201 Women's Health | WELL 175 Wellness: Women's Health | WELL |
HLTH 215 Human Sexuality | BIOL 207 Human Sexuality | D, G2, W |
HONOR 101 College Success for Honors | HNRS 1X1 College Success for Honors | |
HONOR 102 Career Development for Honors | HNRS 1X2 Career Development for Honors | |
HONOR 145 States of Consciousness | PHIL 1X5H States of Consciousness | G1 |
HONOR 195 Death and Dying | PHIL 280 Thanatopsis:Viewing Death | G1 |
HONOR 201 Exploring Leadership | HNRS 2X1 Exploring Leadership | |
HONOR 202 Service Learning Capstone | Does Not Transfer | |
LGST 102 Personal Law | GOVT 1X1 Personal Law | G3 |
MAT 091 Pre-Algebra | Does Not Transfer | |
MAT 095 Foundations for College Math | Does Not Transfer | |
MAT 096 Preparatory Algebra 1 | Does Not Transfer | |
MAT 097 Introductory Algebra | Does Not Transfer | |
MAT 099 Intermediate Algabra | Does Not Transfer | |
MAT 100 Preparatory Algebra 2 | Does Not Transfer | |
MATH 110 Concepts of Math Elem Tch 1 | MATH 104 Fundamentals of Math 1 | G2 |
MATH 111 Concepts of Math Elem Tch 2 | MATH 105 Fundamentals of Math 2 | G2 |
MATH 115 Intro to Statistical Methods | MATH 235 Survey of Statistics | G2 |
MATH 118 College Algebra | MATH 101 College Algebra | |
MATH 120 Introduction to College Math | MATH 100 Survey of Mathematical Ideas | G2 |
MATH 121 Intro to College Mathematics | MATH 1X1 Intro to College Mathematics | G2 |
MATH 123 Precalc. Pt.1 Coll. Alg W/Trig | MATH 160 Precalculus | G2 |
MATH 128 College Algebra | MATH 101 College Algebra | |
MATH 129 Trig & Advanced Algebra | MATH 110 Trigonometry | |
MATH 130 Precalculus Mathematics | MATH 160 Precalculus | G2 |
MATH 135 Calc of a Single Variable 1 | MATH 161 Calculus 1 | G2 |
MATH 136 Calc of a Single Variable 2 | MATH 211 Calculus 2 | G2 |
MATH 205 Multivariable Calculus | MATH 311 Calculus 3 | G2 |
MATH 215 Differential Equations | MATH 365 Ordinary Differential Equation | |
MGMT 201 Principles of Management | BUAD 251 Principles of Management | W, G3 |
MIS 101 Info Technology for Business | BUAD 1XX Info Technology for Business | |
MKTG 201 Princples of Marketing | BUAD 231 Principles of Marketing | |
MUSC 101 Music Appreciation | MUSI 100 Music and Culture | G1 |
MUSC 105 Fundamentals of Music | MUSI 103 Language of Music | G1 |
MUSC 107 Musicianship 2 | MUSI 1X7 Musicianship 2 | |
MUSC 115 Theory of Music 2 | MUSI 15X Theory of Music 2 | |
MUSC 117 Keyboard Skills for Musc 2 | MUSI 1X7 Keyboard Skills for Musc 2 | |
MUSC 122 Orchestra Ensemble 1 | MUSI 122 Appl Music in Orchestra/Chambr | |
MUSC 125 Voice 1 | MUSI 1X5 Voice 1 | |
MUSC 130 Piano 1 | MUSI 1X3 Piano 1 | |
MUSC 148 Strings 1 | MUSI 1X8 Strings 1 | |
MUSC 149 Strings 2 | MUSI 1X9 Strings 2 | |
MUSC 248 Strings 1 | MUSI 2X8 Strings 1 | |
MUSC 249 Strings 4 | MUSI 2X9 Strings 4 | |
MUSIC 101 Music Appreciation | MUSI 100 Music and Culture | G1 |
MUSIC 102 The History of Rock and Roll | MUSI 1X2 The History of Rock and Roll | G1 |
MUSIC 105 Fundamentals of Music | MUSI 1X5 Fundamentals of Music | G1 |
MUSIC 110 Theory of Music I | MUSI 112 Kodaly Solfege,Hrmny,Anlys 1 | |
MUSIC 132 Rock N Roll Ensemble | MUSI 1XX Rock N Roll Ensemble | |
MUSIC 141 Class Voice | MUSI 141 Class Voice 1 | |
MUSIC 150V Guitar 1 | MUSI 154 Maj Perf 1:Guitar | |
MUSIC 151U Voice 2 | MUSI 1X5 Voice 2 | |
MUSIC 199 Music Internship | Does Not Transfer | |
NRP 101 Intro to Paramedicine | Does Not Transfer | |
NRP 102 Prep Adv. Life Support | Does Not Transfer | |
NRP 103 Paramedic 2: ALS Skills | Does Not Transfer | |
NRP 104 Paramedic 3: Emerg Practice | Does Not Transfer | |
NRP 201 Paramedic Special Populations | Does Not Transfer | |
NRP 202 Paramedic Experience I | Does Not Transfer | |
NRP 203 Paramedic Experience II | Does Not Transfer | |
NURS 091 Dosage Calculations | NURS 1XX Dosage Calculations | |
NURS 102 Nursing Skills | NURS 1X2 Nursing Skills | |
NURS 103 Fundamentals of Nursing | NURS 1X3 Fundamentals of Nursing | |
NURS 131 Health Assessment | NURS 1X1 Health Assessment | |
NURS 132 Medication Administration | NURS 1X3 Medication Administration | |
NURS 133 Nursing Concepts I | NURS 1X4 Nursing Concepts I | |
NURS 140 Nursing Concepts II | NURS 1X4 Nursing Concepts II | |
NURS 150 Introductory Pharmacology | NURS 1X5 Introductory Pharmacology | |
NURS 211 Medical-Surgical Nursing 1 | NURS 2X1 Medical-Surgical Nursing 1 | |
NURS 212 Medical-Surgical Nursing 2 | NURS 2X2 Medical-Surgical Nursing 2 | |
NURS 213 Medical-Surgical Nursing 3 | NURS 2X3 Medical-Surgical Nursing 3 | |
NURS 214 Psychiatric/Mental Health Nurs | NURS 2X4 Psychiatric/Mental Health Nurs | |
NURS 217 Maternal Child Health Nursing | NURS 2X7 Maternal Child Health Nursing | |
NURS 220 Prep for Practice Part 1 | NURS 2X0 Prep for Practice Part 1 | |
NURS 221 Prep for Practice Part 2 | NURS 2X5 Prep for Practice Part 2 | |
NURS 233 Nursing Concepts III | NURS 2X6 Nursing Concepts III | |
NURS 242 Nursing Concepts IV | NURS 2X9 Nursing Concepts IV | |
OFFC 101 Keyboarding 1 for Comp Usage | Does Not Transfer | |
OFFC 135 Introduction to Excel | Does Not Transfer | |
PHED 101 Lifetime Fitness & Wellness | WELL 175 Wellness | WELL |
PHED 107 Yoga | WELL 17X Yoga | WELL |
PHIL 101 Introduction to Philosophy | PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy | G1 |
PHIL 105 Ethics | PHIL 381 Ethical Theories | G1, W |
PHIL 115 Intro to World Religions | PHIL 382 Philosophy of Religion | G1 |
PHIL 298 Ideas on Drugs | PHIL 2X8 Ideas on Drugs | G1 |
PHSC 100 General Physical Science | PHYS 1X1 General Physical Science | L, G2 |
PHYS 101 Fundamentals of Physics 1 | PHYS 103 Elements of Physics | L, G2 |
PHYS 102 Fundamentals of Physics 2 | PHYS 1XX Fundamentals of Physics 2 | L, G2 |
PHYS 111 Physics 1 for Sci and Eng | PHYS 231 Physics 1 with Calculus | L, G2 |
PHYS 212 Physics 2 for Science/Eng | PHYS 232 Physics 2 with Calculus | G2, L |
PHYS 213 Physics 3 for Sci & Eng | PHYS 233 Wave-Particle Theory | |
POLS 101 American Government | GOVT 111 Intro to American Government | G3 |
PSLS 100 American Government | GOVT 111 Intro to American Government | G3 |
PSYC 101 General Psychology | PSYC 100 General Psychology | G3 |
PSYC 125 Educational Psychology | PSYC 12X Educational Psychology | |
PSYC 195 Death and Dying | PSYC 1X5 Death and Dying | G3 |
PSYC 201 Abnormal Psychology | PSYC 337 Abnormal Psychology | G3, W |
PSYC 205 Social Psychology | PSYC 317 Social Psychology | |
PSYC 210 Human Dev Through Life Span | PSYC 228 Life Span Human Devlopment | G3 |
PSYC 211 Human Development Lifespan | PSYC 228 Life Span Human Devlopment | G3 |
PSYC 212 Adolescent Psychology | PSYC 2X2 Adolescent Psychology | G3 |
PSYC 215 Human Sexuality | PSYC 21X Human Sexuality | G3 |
PSYC 225 Psych in Practice | PSYC 2X5 Psych in Practice | G3 |
PSYC 235 Intro to Helping & Couns Skls | PSYC 447 Counseling Strategies | |
PTA 111 Clinical Science 1 | Does Not Transfer | |
PTA 121 Neuroanatomy & Neurophysiology | Does Not Transfer | |
READ 091 Basic Reading | Does Not Transfer | |
READ 099 Read in the Content Areas | Does Not Transfer | |
READ 101 Reading in the Content Areas | Does Not Transfer | |
SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology | SOCY 101 Introduction to Sociology | G3 |
SOC 105 Marriage & the Family | SOCY 210 Sociology of the Family | G3 |
SOC 110 Social Problems | SOCY 211 Social Problems | G3, W |
SOC 115 Diversity in the US | SOCY 1X5 Diversity in the US | D, G3 |
SOC 125 Intro to Aging Studies | GERT 100 Introduction to Gerontology | G3 |
SOC 215 Diversity in US | SOCY 211 Social Problems | G3, W |
SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish 1 | SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish 1 | G1 |
SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish 2 | SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish 2 | G1 |
SPCH 101 Fund of Public Speaking | COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech | SPCH |
SPCH 105 Intro to Interpersonal Comm | COMM 217 Interpersonal Communication | G1 |
THTR 101 Introduction to Theatre | THEA 217 Theatre Appreciation | G1 |
THTR 110 Acting 1 | THEA 130 Acting 1 | G1, W |
THTR 115 Stagecraft | THEA 120 Stagecraft | G1 |
THTR 125 Theater Practicum I | Does Not Transfer | |
THTR 126 Theatre Practicum 2 | Does Not Transfer | |
THTR 137 Script Analysis | THEA 240 Script Analysis | G1 |
THTR 140 Improvisational Acting | THEA 1X1 Improvisational Acting | G1 |
THTR 200 Acting Fundamentals | THEA 130 Acting 1 | G1 |
THTR 210 Acting 2 | THEA 230 Acting 2 | G1 |
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Contact Information
Registrar's Office
Millersville University
P.O. Box 1002
Millersville, PA 17551Lyle Hall, 1st Floor
Summer/Winter Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8am to 4pm
Registrar Office Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8am to 4:30pmWe welcome you to connect with us via email at any time:
Degree Audit:
Transcripts: Registrar-Transcripts@millersville.eduPhone: 717-871-5005
Fax: 717-871-7894