Exceptions to Graduation Requirements

Exceptions to Graduation Requirements

Students are responsible for initiating a request for exceptions to graduation requirements. Whether the exception is in the major, minor or general education areas or to University academic policy, you should file an exception request well in advance of your expected graduation date. Approved changes will be noted on your degree audit.

Click Here to Login to MAX and start an Exception

Student Exception to Graduation Electronic Help Document(pdf)

Once you have submitted your form, you will receive email notifications as the exception is routed to the appropriate levels of approval. All exceptions will first go to your advisor, then depending on the type of exception will be routed accordingly:

  • The department chairperson approves any exception requests in the major/required related areas. If you have a multidisciplinary major, this will be the multidisciplinary committee chairperson.
  • The department chairperson of the minor approves any exception requests in the minor.
  • The Honors College director will approve exceptions to Honors College requirements.
  • For approval of exceptions to general education requirements and/or academic policy, the major department chairperson and college dean must sign.

You will be notified via email regarding the status of your exception request whether it is approved or denied.

New Electronic Exceptions Process Help for Advisors

As an advisor or department chair, you can initiate an exception on behalf of one of your students. You will also receive emails for approval from your students who have submitted exceptions. Information and instructions on the process are available here:

Faculty Exception to Graduation Electronic Help Document(pdf)

As a Dean's Office or Department Office if you need to look up processed or in-process exceptions, you may do so through OnBase.  Instructions to access are available here: