Transfer Equivalency
Transfer Equivalency Listing
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Community College of Baltimore County / MU Transfer Course Equivalencies
In general, Millersville University awards transfer credit for college-level courses in fields of study offered at Millersville that were completed on the campus of a regionally accredited institution.
Note: The list below might not include all courses that would be accepted in transfer. Questions may be addressed to:
Tip: For MU Gen ED code descriptions, place your cursor over the codes corresponding to the courses listed below, a tooltip should appear.
Community College of Baltimore County Course | Millersville Equivalent | MU Gen ED Code (s) |
AAD 101 Intro to Applied Ar | Does Not Transfer | |
AASD 101 Intro to Africana Studies | AFAM 201 Intro to African American Stdy | G3, D |
ACCT 101 Princ of Acct 1 | BUAD 161 Intro to Financial Accounting | |
ACCT 102 Princ of Acct 2 | BUAD 162 Intro to Managerial Accounting | |
ACDV 101 Acdmc Dvlp: Trnstn College | UNIV 1X1 Acdmc Dvlp: Trnstn College | |
ACLT 053 Advanced Academic Literacy | Does Not Transfer | |
AH 115 Med Terminology | BIOL 1X5 Medical Terminology | |
ALHL 115 Medical Terminology | BIOL 1X5 Medical Terminology | |
ANTH 101 Intro to Cul Anth | ANTH 121 Cultural Anthropology | G3 |
ANTH 190 The American Indian | ANTH 222 American Indian | G3, W |
ARSC 103 Natural Science | SCMA 1X3 Natural Science | G2 |
ARSC 121 Amr Plu: Srch Jstc | SOCY 1X2 Amr Plu: Srch Jstc | G3 |
ART 101 Fund of Art | ART 141 Fundamentals of Studio Art | G1 |
ART 102 2-D Design | ART 142 2D Design | G1 |
ART 103 Art in the Culture | ART 100 Art in Culture | G1 |
ART 106 Color | ART 1X6 Color | |
ART 121 Drawing I | ART 133 Drawing 1 | G1 |
ART 122 Drawing II | ART 233 Drawing 2 | |
ART 180 Ceramics I | ART 295 Ceramics:Hand Building | G1 |
ARTS 101 The Studio Experience | ART 141 Fundamentals of Studio Art | G1 |
ARTS 104 Art Appreciation | ART 100 Art in Culture | G1 |
ARTS 110 Drawing 1 | ART 133 Drawing 1 | G1 |
ARTS 120 Painting 1 | ART 352 Painting 1 | |
ARTS 132 Drawing 1 | ART 133 Drawing 1 | G1 |
ARTS 150 Ceramics 1 | ART 295 Ceramics:Hand Building | G1 |
ARTS 160 Fundamentals of Photography | ART 266 Fine Art Photo 1 | G1 |
ARTS 230 Drawing 2 | ART 233 Drawing 2 | |
ASTM 101 Astronomy | PHYS 117 General Astronomy | G2 |
ASTM 102 Astronomy Laboratory | PHYS 1X2 Astronomy Laboratory | G2, L |
AVMT 101 Aviation History & Development | ITEC 1XX Aviation History & Development | |
AVMT 141 Private Pilot Ground School | Does Not Transfer | |
AVMT 143 VFR Flight Ops | Does Not Transfer | |
AVMT 211 Air Transportation | Does Not Transfer | |
AVMT 216 Aviation Safety | Does Not Transfer | |
AVMT 221 The Air Traffic Control System | Does Not Transfer | |
AVMT 227 Air Traffic Control II | Does Not Transfer | |
AVMT 229 Air Traffic Control Ops | Does Not Transfer | |
AVMT 230 Air Traffic Control Ops | Does Not Transfer | |
AVMT 241 Intr Pilot Ground School | Does Not Transfer | |
AVMT 243 IFR Flight Ops | Does Not Transfer | |
AVMT 246 Commercial Pilot Ground School | Does Not Transfer | |
AVMT 251 Airport Management | Does Not Transfer | |
AVMT 256 Airline Management | Does Not Transfer | |
BIO 100 Exploring Biology | BIOL 10X Exploring Biology | G2 |
BIO 101 Bio Principles | BIOL 100 General Biology | G2, L |
BIO 109 Human Anat & Phys | BIOL 254 Human Anat and Physiology 1 | |
BIOL 100 Exploring Biology | BIOL 1X1 Exploring Biology | G2 |
BIOL 102 Intro to Life Science | BIOL 1X2 Intro to Life Science | G2 |
BIOL 104 Botany | BIOL 221 Concepts of Botany | G2, L |
BIOL 107 Human Biology | BIOL 204 Human Biology | W, L, G2 |
BIOL 108 Investigatng Livng Wld | BIOL 100 General Biology | L, G2 |
BIOL 109 Human Anatomy & Phys | BIOL 1X9 Human Anatomy & Phys | |
BIOL 110 Biol 1: Molecular & Cell | BIOL 100 General Biology | G2, L |
BIOL 120 Intro to Biotechnology | BIOL 1X2 Intro to Biotechnology | |
BIOL 220 Human Anatomy & Physiology 1 | BIOL 1XX Human Anatomy & Physiology 1 | |
BIOL 221 Botany | BIOL 221 Concepts of Botany | L, G2 |
BIOL 230 Microbiology | BIOL 161 Clinical Microbiology | |
BIOL 253 Biotechnology Techniques I | BIOL 2X3 Biotechnology Techniques I | |
BIOL 254 Biotechnology Techniques II | BIOL 2X4 Biotechnology Techniques II | |
BIOL 256 Nutrition | BIOL 256 Nutrition | W, G2 |
BOT 131 Plants & Man | BIOL 1X3 Plants & Man | |
BUS 207 Introduction to Public Relatio | COMM 251 Public Relations 1 | G1 |
CADD 101 Introduction to CADD | AENG 241 Drafting Communications | |
CADD 103 CAD Engineering Drawing I | ITEC 241 Drafting Communications | |
CADD 105 Comp-Aid Drft & Design | ITEC 241 Drafting Communications | |
CADD 111 CAD Apps - MicroStation | ITEC 1XX CAD Apps - MicroStation | |
CADD 114 Intermed CAD/Engineering Draw | ITEC 342 Cmptr-Aided Engineering Drawng | |
CADD 121 Customizing AutoCAD | ITEC 1X2 Customizing AutoCAD | |
CADD 131 CAD Management | ITEC 1X3 CAD Management | |
CADD 141 AutoCAD 3D | ITEC 1X4 AutoCAD 3D | |
CADD 151 Technical Animation | ITEC 1X5 Technical Animation | |
CADD 154 Intro Geographic Info Systems | GEOG 295 GIS I: Vector Data Analysis | G2 |
CADD 201 CAD Specialization - MicroStat | ITEC 2X1 CAD Specialization - MicroStat | |
CADD 202 CAD Building Info Modeling BIM | ITEC 2X2 CAD Building Info Modeling BIM | |
CADD 211 Adv Computr Aid Draft/Design I | ITEC 2X9 Adv Computr Aid Draft/Design 1 | |
CADD 215 Survey CADD Specialties | ITEC 2X8 Survey CADD Specialties | |
CADD 226 Architectural CAD Applications | ITEC 346 Architectural Drawing | |
CADD 241 CAD Engineering Drawing II | ITEC 342 Cmptr-Aided Engineering Drawng | |
CADD 242 Solid Modeling | ITEC 2X4 Solid Modeling | |
CADD 283 Cooperative Education II | Does Not Transfer | |
CAMM 101 Numerically Controlled Machine | ITEC 1X1 Numerically Controlled Machine | |
CAMM 105 Technical Blueprints/Schematic | AENG 243 Tech Sketching/Design/Rendrng | |
CAMM 111 Machine Tool Processes 1 | ITEC 1X2 Machine Tool Processes 1 | |
CAMM 112 Machine Tool Processes 2 | ITEC 1X2 Machine Tool Processes 2 | |
CAMM 130 Digital Fabrication I | AENG 1X3 Digital Fabrication I | |
CAMM 252 CNC Milling Machine Operation | ITEC 2X2 CNC Milling Machine Operation | |
CDC 101 Eff Alc & Drug | PSYC 311 Psychology of Drug Addiction | W, G3 |
CDC 102 Alch / Drg Dpndc | PSYC 1X2 Alch / Drg Dpndc | |
CDC 110 Ind Cnslng Tec | PSYC 1X1 Ind Cnslng Tec | |
CDC 112 Grp Cns: Fnd Pr | PSYC 1X2 Grp Cns: Fnd Pr | |
CDC 121 Del of Srvcs 1 | PSYC 1X1 Del of Srvcs 1 | |
CGVC 101 Intro to Computer Graphics | ART 346 Intro to Computers in Design | |
CHEM 100 Chem & Role in Society | CHEM 1XX Chem & Role in Society | G2 |
CHEM 107 Fundamentals of Chem (B) | CHEM 110 Fundamentals of Chemistry | |
CHEM 108 Fundamentals Chem Lab | CHEM 1X8 Fundamentals Chem Lab | L |
CHEM 121 General Chem 1 | CHEM 111 Introductory Chemistry 1 | L, G2 |
CHEM 122 Gen Chem 1 Lab | Does Not Transfer | |
CHEM 131 General Chemistry I | CHEM 111 Introductory Chemistry 1 | L, G2 |
CINS 101 Intro to Computers | CSCI 101 Problem Solving with Computers | G2 |
CINS 103 Intermed Personal Computing | Does Not Transfer | |
CINS 109 Multimedia Authoring I | CSCI 1X9 Multimedia Authoring I | |
CINS 120 Divrsty in Tech Socity | CSCI 1XX Divrsty in Tech Socity | |
CINS 132 Comprehensive Spreadsheets | CSCI 1X2 Comprehensive Spreadsheets | |
CINS 140 Using Windows | Does Not Transfer | |
CINS 155 Info Seeking thr Internet | CSCI 1X5 Info Seeking thr Internet | G2 |
CIS 101 Intro Computers | CSCI 1X1 Intro Computers | G2 |
CJ 101 Intro to Crim Just | SOCY 331 Intro to Criminal Justice Syst | G3 |
CJ 106 Police & Community | SOCY 1XX Police & Community | |
CJ 190 Intro Criminalistics | SOCY 230 Criminology | W, G3 |
CLI 101 Intro to Computers - 1 | CSCI 101 Problem Solving with Computers | G2 |
CLM 101 Intro to Computer - M | CSCI 1X1 Intro to Computer - M | G2 |
CLS 101 Read Comm Skils | Does Not Transfer | |
CMDP 101 Effects of Alcohol & Other Drg | PSYC 1X1 Effects of Alcohol & Other Drg | |
CMDP 102 Alcohol & Other Drug Depende | PSYC 1X2 Alcohol & Other Drug Depende | |
CMDP 110 Individual Counseling Techniqu | PSYC 11X Individual Counseling Techniqu | |
CMDP 211 Theories of Counseling | PSYC 2X1 Theories of Counseling | |
CMNS 101 Fundamentals of Communication | COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech | SPCH |
CMSC 107 Comp Sci Basic I | CSCI 101 Problem Solving with Computers | G2 |
CMSC 143 Intro/Fortran Progm | CSCI 1X4 Intro/Fortran Progm | G2 |
CONT 101 Construction Blueprint Reading | Does Not Transfer | |
CONT 106 Construction Materials/Methods | ITEC 1X6 Construction Materials/Methods | |
CONT 121 Construction Estimating | Does Not Transfer | |
CONT 136 Construction Contracts and Law | Does Not Transfer | |
CRJU 101 Intro to Criminal Justice | SOCY 331 Intro to Criminal Justice Syst | G3 |
CRJU 112 Criminalistics | SOCY 230 Criminology | W, G3 |
CRJU 120 Criminal Law | SOCY 1X2 Criminal Law | G3 |
CRJU 223 Juvenile Delinquency | SOCY 334 Juvenile Delinquency | G3 |
CSIT 101 Technology and Info Systems | CSCI 101 Problem Solving with Computers | G2 |
CSIT 111 Logic and OO Design I | CSCI 1X1 Logic and OO Design I | |
CSIT 155 Internet Principles | CSCI 1X5 Internet Principles | |
DAN 116 Creative Move & Dance | WELL 1X6 Creative Move & Dance | |
DANC 108 Hip Hop | WELL 1X8 Hip Hop | WELL |
DANC 145 Dance Aerobics I | WELL 1X5 Dance Aerobics I | WELL |
DANC 147 HipHop Mov Con Pop Clt | WELL 1X7 HipHop Mov Con Pop Clt | WELL |
DCOM 101 Intro to Data Communications | INTE 1XX Intro to Data Communications | |
DCOM 217 Intro to Networks: Cisco I | INTE 230 Network Concepts | |
ECON 111 Personal Finance | BUAD 143 Personal Financial Planning | |
ECON 121 Personal Finance | BUAD 143 Personal Financial Planning | |
ECON 163 Environmental Econ & Sust Dev | ECON 1X6 Environmental Econ & Sust Dev | |
ECON 201 Macro-Econ Princip | ECON 101 Principles of Macroeconomics | G3 |
ECON 202 Micro-Econ Princip | ECON 102 Principles of Microeconomics | G3 |
ED 105 Exp&Mat - Young Child | ERCH 1X1 Exp&Mat - Young Child | |
ED 117 Early Childhd MGT I | ERCH 1X2 Earl Childhd MGT I | |
EDTR 101 Foundations of Education | EDFN 211 Foundations Modern Education | D |
EDTR 103 Prin Human Grwth & Dev | Does Not Transfer | |
EDTR 107 Intro to Special Education | SPED 101 Orientation to Special Educ | |
EDTR 120 Grwth & Dev in Early Child | Does Not Transfer | |
EDTR 240 Assess for Elem Teachers | Does Not Transfer | |
EDTR 241 Methods of Teaching / Elem | Does Not Transfer | |
EDTR 242 Processes & Acquis of Rdng | Does Not Transfer | |
EDTR 273 Field Based Exp-Elem Ed | Does Not Transfer | |
EDUC 105 Found of Education | EDFN 1X5 Found of Education | |
EDUC 220 Teaching Eng Lang Learners | EDUC 2X2 Teaching Eng Lang Learners | |
EDUE 215 Educational Psychology | Does Not Transfer | |
EGL 1020 Comp 2: Writing About Lit | ENGL 230 Introduction to Literature | G1 |
EGNT 101 Intro to Engineering Tech | ELEC 1X1 Intro to Engineering Tech | |
EMST 105 Emerg Med Tech Basic | Does Not Transfer | |
ENG 101 Comp & Rhetoric | ENGL 110 English Composition | COMP |
ENG 10101 Comp & Rhetoric | ENGL 110 English Composition | COMP |
ENG 102 Intro to Literature | ENGL 1X2 Intro to Literature | |
ENG 103 Intro-Journalism | ENGL 313 Fundamentals of Journalism | AW |
ENG 130 Childrens Literature | EDUC 333 Lit for Childrn and Young Adol | |
ENGL 052 Basic Writing II | Does Not Transfer | |
ENGL 101 College Composition | ENGL 110 English Composition | COMP |
ENGL 102 College Composition 2 | ENGL 1XX College Composition 2 | G1 |
ENGL 160 Studies in Mythology | HUMN 202 Classical Mythology | G1 |
ENGL 202 British Literature II | ENGL 234 Later English Literature | G1 |
ENGL 204 Am Literature II | ENGL 236 Later American Literature | G1 |
ENGL 207 Native American Literature | ENGL 2X7 Native American Literature | G1 |
ENGL 208 African-American Lit | ENGL 2X8 African-American Lit | |
ENGL 211 Intro Creativ Writing: Fiction | ENGL 2X1 Intro Creativ Writing: Fiction | G1 |
ENGL 239 Business Communications | COMM 305 Business Profess Communictn | |
ENGL 252 Studies in Short Fiction | ENGL 2X2 Studies in Short Fiction | G1 |
ENSC 101 Intro Engineering Design | ELEC 1X2 Intro Engineering Design | |
ENSC 108 Graphical Fundamentals | ITEC 1X8 Graphical Fundamentals | |
ENSC 114 Princ Electronics/Electricity | AENG 261 Electronic Systems | |
ENVS 101 Intro Environmental Sci | BIOL 1X1 Intro Environmental Sci | G2 |
ENVS 102 Intro to Environmental Sci Lab | ESCI 1X2 Intro to Environmental Sci Lab | G2, L |
ENVS 194 Spec Topic: Chesapeake Bay | BIOL 1XX Spec Topic: Chesapeake Bay | G2 |
ERSC 101 Earth Science | ESCI 1X1 Earth Sciences | G2 |
ERSC 131 Meteorology | ESCI 241 Meteorology | G2, L |
ERSC 141 Oceanography | ESCI 104 The World Ocean | G2 |
ERSC 142 Oceanography Lab | ESCI 105 World Ocean Laboratory | G2, L |
FFL 10126 Yoga | WELL 1X1 Yoga | |
FLFR 101 Elementary French 1 | FREN 101 Elementary French 1 | G1 |
FLSP 101 Elementary Spanish 1 | SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish 1 | G1 |
FLSP 102 Elementary Spanish 2 | SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish 2 | G1 |
FLSP 201 Intermediate Spanish 1 | SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish 1 | G1 |
FLSP 202 Intermediate Spanish 2 | SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish 2 | G1 |
GEOG 101 Intro to Phys Geography | GEOG 230 Physical Geography | G3 |
GEOG 102 Intro to Cultural Geog | GEOG 120 Human Geography | D, G3 |
GEOG 111 World Region Geography | GEOG 141 World Regional Geography | G3 |
GEOG 141 Oceanography | ESCI 104 The World Ocean | G2 |
GEOG 142 Oceanography Laboratory | ESCI 105 World Ocean Laboratory | G2, L |
HDEV 130 Make Coll A Succ Exp | Does Not Transfer | |
HEA 101 Contemp Issue in Liv | WELL 175 Wellness | WELL |
HEA 150 Community Health | WSSD 1X5 Community Health | |
HIS 101 Western Civil I | HIST 101 Europe and the World 1350-1789 | G3 |
HIS 102 Western Civil 2 | HIST 102 Europe and World 1789-Present | G3 |
HIST 101 West Civilization 1 | HIST 101 Europe and the World 1350-1789 | G3 |
HIST 111 History of US I | HIST 106 Contours of US History | G3 |
HIST 112 History of US 2 | HIST 1X2 History of US 2 | G3 |
HIST 116 African American Hist | HIST 272 Afro-American History 1 | G3, W |
HLTH 101 Health & Wellness | WELL 175 Wellness | WELL |
HLTH 111 Stress Management | WELL 1X1 Stress Management | |
HLTH 125 Holistic Health | WELL 1X5 Holistic Health | |
HLTH 132 Basic Nutrition | WELL 1X2 Basic Nutrition | |
HLTH 140 First Aid, Safety and CPR | WSSD 311 First Aid and CPR | |
HLTH 190 Lfspn Plus: Strtgs Aging | WELL 1XX Lfspn Plus: Strtgs Aging | WELL |
HLTH 199 Holistic Health | WSSD 1X9 Holistic Health | |
HORT 110 Woody Ornaments I | Does Not Transfer | |
HORT 111 Perennials and Grasses I | Does Not Transfer | |
HORT 123 Turf Mgmt | Does Not Transfer | |
HORT 124 Greenhouse Mgmt | Does Not Transfer | |
HORT 126 Green Roof, Green Wall Tech | Does Not Transfer | |
HORT 210 Woody Ornaments II | Does Not Transfer | |
HUMS 101 Introduction to Human Services | SOWK 102 Modern Social Welfare Dilemmas | G3 |
HUMS 111 Interview / Communicatn Techni | SOWK 1X1 Interview / Communicatn Techni | |
HUMS 121 Aging in America | GERT 100 Introduction to Gerontology | G3 |
HUMS 122 Aging in America | GERT 100 Introduction to Gerontology | G3 |
HUSC 101 Intro to Hum Serv Counseling | SOWK 1XX Intro to Hum Serv Counseling | |
HUSC 104 Cult Prof in Diverse World | SOWK 1X4 Cult Prof in Diverse World | |
HUSC 106 Empowering At-Risk Youth | SOWK 1X6 Empowering At-Risk Youth | |
HUSC 122 Aging in Global Society | GERT 100 Introduction to Gerontology | G3 |
HUSC 139 Interviewing & Counseling Tech | SOWK 1X9 Interviewing & Counseling Tech | |
HUSC 140 Life Skills At-Risk Youth | SOWK 14X Life Skills At-Risk Youth | |
HUSC 141 Intro Psychopharmacology | SOWK 1X4 Intro Psychopharmacology | |
HUSC 142 Couns Client Subst Use Disorde | SOWK 1X2 Couns Client Subst Use Disorde | |
HUSC 205 Group Counseling | SOWK 2X5 Group Counseling | |
HUSC 210 Beh Health Fam Counseling | SOWK 2X1 Beh Health Fam Counseling | |
HUSC 211 Case Mgmt in Hum Serv | SOWK 2X1 Case Mgmt in Hum Serv | |
HUSC 213 Ethics in Addiction Counseling | SOWK 2XX Ethics in Addiction Counseling | |
HUSC 224 Delivery of Addiction Services | SOWK 308 Social Work & Substance Use | G3 |
HUSC 233 Ethics in HUSC | SOWK 2X3 Ethics in HUSC | |
HUSC 240 Supp Client Psychopathology | SOWK 2X4 Supp Client Psychopathology | |
HUSC 244 Co-Occurring Disorders | SOWK 309 SOWK Behavior & Emotion Health | |
HUSC 246 Applied Theories Counseling | SOWK 2X6 Applied Theories Counseling | |
HUSC 250 Crisis Intervention | SOWK 2X5 Crisis Intervention | |
HUSC 263 Cl Fld Plcmt: Behav Hlth Cns | SOWK 2X6 Cl Fld Plcmt: Behav Hlth Cns | |
HUSC 273 Internship: Hum Serv Counselin | SOWK 2X7 Internship: Hum Serv Counselin | |
HUSC 283 Coop Ed in Human Services | SOWK 2X8 Coop Ed in Human Services | |
INTR 101 American Sign Language I | FORL 101 American Sign Language I | G1 |
LAW 101 Intro to Law | ELEC 1X1 Intro to Law | |
LGST 101 Introduction to Law | GOVT 1X1 Introduction to Law | |
LIF 106 Life Fitness | WELL 175 Wellness | WELL |
LIF 110 Slimnas / Cond | WELL 1X1 Slimnas / Cond | WELL |
LIF 175 Life Fitness | WELL 175 Wellness | WELL |
LITR 207 Intro to Poetry | ENGL 2X7 Intro to Poetry | G1 |
LITR 262 British Literature | ENGL 233 Early English Literature | G1 |
LTPE 102 Intermed Swimming | WELL 1XX Intermed Swimming | WELL |
LTPE 261 Badminton / Volleyball | WELL 1XX Badminton/Volleyball | WELL |
MAT 101 Prep Mat Mod 3 | Does Not Transfer | |
MAT 102 Prep Mat Mod 4 | Does Not Transfer | |
MAT 104 Triangl Trig Mod | Does Not Transfer | |
MATH 081 Pre-Algebra | Does Not Transfer | |
MATH 082 Introductory Algebra | Does Not Transfer | |
MATH 083 Intermediate Algebra | Does Not Transfer | |
MATH 101 Intermed Algebra-Function Appr | Does Not Transfer | |
MATH 109 Math for Elem Ed I | MATH 1X1 Math for Elem Ed I | |
MATH 111 Ideas in Mathematics | MATH 100 Survey of Mathematical Ideas | G2 |
MATH 115 Elem & Ideas of Math | MATH 15X Elem and Ideas of Math | G2 |
MATH 123 Bus Math Application | Does Not Transfer | |
MATH 125 Finite Math & Modeling | MATH 1X5 Finite Math & Modeling | |
MATH 131 Concept Math / Teachers 1 | Does Not Transfer | |
MATH 132 Precalc Mathematics | MATH 160 Precalculus | G2 |
MATH 135 Applied Algebra and Trig | MATH 101 College Algebra | |
MATH 141 Basic Statistics 1 | MATH 130 Elements of Statistics 1 | G2 |
MATH 150 Math Ideas / Statistics | MATH 1XX Math Ideas / Statistics | G2 |
MATH 152 Math Ideas / Probability | MATH 1XX Math Ideas / Probability | G2 |
MATH 153 Intro Statistical Meth | MATH 130 Elements of Statistics 1 | G2 |
MATH 163 College Algebra | MATH 101 College Algebra | |
MATH 165 Precalculus | MATH 160 Precalculus | G2 |
MATH 211 Calculus/Analysis I | MATH 161 Calculus 1 | G2 |
MATH 251 Calculus 1 | MATH 161 Calculus 1 | G2 |
MATH 252 Calculus II | MATH 211 Calculus 2 | G2 |
MATH 253 Calculus III | MATH 311 Calculus 3 | G2 |
MCOM 111 Intro Broadcast Mass Comm | COMM 220 Survey of Mass Media | G1 |
MCOM 150 Movies: Historic/Aesthetc Pers | ENGL 240 Introduction to Film | W, G1 |
MCOM 170 Television Studio Production | COMM 321 TV Production 1 | |
MGT 101 Intro to Bus & Ind | BUAD 101 Introduction to Business | G3 |
MGT 105 Princ of Supervision | BUAD 1X5 Princ of Supervision | |
MGT 107 Business Law 1 | BUAD 202 Legal Environment of Business | G3 |
MGT 109 Salesmanship | BUAD 333 Personal Selling | |
MGT 205 Marketing Principles | BUAD 231 Principles of Marketing | |
MGT 239 Written & Oral Comm | BUAD 2XX Written & Oral Comm | |
MH 101 Intro Mental Health | PSYC 1X1 Intro Mental Health | |
MNGT 101 Introduction to Business | BUAD 101 Introduction to Business | G3 |
MNGT 105 Principles of Management | BUAD 251 Principles of Management | G3, W |
MNGT 110 Principles of Supervision | BUAD 11X Principles of Supervision | |
MNGT 115 Seminar in Supervisory Problem | MGMT 1X5 Seminar in Supervisory Problem | |
MNGT 140 Business Law 1 | BUAD 202 Legal Environment of Business | G3 |
MNGT 141 Business Law 2 | BUAD 1X2 Business Law 2 | G3 |
MNGT 150 Principles of Marketing | BUAD 231 Principles of Marketing | |
MNGT 159 Mgmt-Customer Relation/Service | MGMT 1X9 Mgmt-Customer Relation/Service | |
MNGT 201 Human Resources Management | BUAD 352 Human Resource Management | |
MNGT 239 Business Communications | BUAD 2X9 Business Communications | |
MNGT 251 Family Financial Plan / Invest | BUAD 143 Personal Financial Planning | |
MNTH 101 Introduction to Mental Health | PSYC 11X Introduction to Mental Health | |
MNTH 102 Fldwk Mental Hea / Substan Abu | PSYC 1X2 Fldwk Mental Hea / Substan Abu | |
MRT 101 Medical Record Sci I | Does Not Transfer | |
MRT 102 Med Rec Sci II | Does Not Transfer | |
MRT 105 Dir Clin Prac I | Does Not Transfer | |
MRT 201 Med Rec Sci III | Does Not Transfer | |
MRT 202 Dir Clin Prac II | Does Not Transfer | |
MRT 203 Med Rec Sci IV | Does Not Transfer | |
MRT 204 Advanced Coding | Does Not Transfer | |
MRT 205 Dir Clin Prac III | Does Not Transfer | |
MRT 207 Survey of Human Dis | Does Not Transfer | |
MULT 109 Multimedia Authoring | COMM 1X9 Multimedia Authoring | |
MUS 154 Apl Basic Voice -- Cl | MUSI 108 Pri Ins 1:Voice | |
MUS 155 Apl Basic Voice -- POP | MUSI 109 Pri Ins 2:Voice | |
MUSA 110 Applied Piano I | MUSI 108 Pri Ins 1: Piano | |
MUSA 150 Applied Guitar | MUSI 1X5 Applied Guitar | |
MUSC 101 Music Fundamentals (A) | MUSI 1X1 Music Fundamentals (A) | G1 |
MUSC 102 Music Appreciation | Does Not Transfer | |
MUSC 109 Survey of Wrld Music | MUSI 100 Music and Culture | G1 |
MUSC 110 Survey of Music & Audio Tech | MUSI 11X Survey of Music & Audio Tech | |
MUSC 111 Ear Training I | MUSI 1X1 Ear Training 1 | |
MUSC 112 Ear Training II | MUSI 1X2 Ear Training II | |
MUSC 113 Music Theory I | MUSI 112 Kodaly Solfege,Hrmny,Anlys 1 | |
MUSC 114 Music Theory II | MUSI 1X4 Music Thoery II | |
MUSC 175 Electric Guitar Ensemble | MUSI 1X5 Electric Guitar Ensemble | |
MUSC 176 Jazz Plus Elctrc Jazz Ensmbl | MUSI 124B Applied Music:Jazz Lab | |
MUSC 176 Jazz Plus Elctrc Jazz Ensmbl | MUSI 125B Applied Music:Jazz Lab | |
MUSC 178 Baltimore Symphonic Band | MUSI 1X8 Baltimore Symphonic Band | |
MUSC 211 Ear Training III | MUSI 2X1 Ear Training III | |
MUSC 213 Music Theory III | MUSI 312 Kodaly Solfege,Hrmny,Anlys 3 | |
NURN 217 Mental Health Nurn Concept | NURS 320 Basis of Professional Practice | |
NURN 218 Maternal/Newborn Nurs Concept | NURS 2XX Maternal/Newborn Nurs Concept | |
NURN 219 Paramedic to RN Transition | Does Not Transfer | |
NURN 222 Pediatric Nursing Concepts | NURS 435 Topics in Nursing | |
NURN 229 Nurs Prof Practice Concept | NURS 2X1 Nurs Prof Practice Concept | |
NURN 236 Nurs Concepts III | Does Not Transfer | |
OFAD 101 Elementary Typing | Does Not Transfer | |
OFAD 102 Basic Keyboarding Applications | Does Not Transfer | |
OFAD 141 Concepts/Info Proc | Does Not Transfer | |
OFAD 160 Comp in the Bus World | CSCI 1X1 Comp in the Bus World | G2 |
OSHT 121 Construction Safety & Health | OSEH 1X2 Construction Safety & Health | |
PALG 101 Intro to Law | Does Not Transfer | |
PALG 103 Legal Research & Writing | Does Not Transfer | |
PALG 104 Law Office Practices | Does Not Transfer | |
PALG 173 Internship-Legal Studies | Does Not Transfer | |
PALG 201 Practice & Procedure | Does Not Transfer | |
PALG 207 Tort Law Paralegals | Does Not Transfer | |
PALG 217 Business Law Paralegal | Does Not Transfer | |
PALG 230 Adv Legal Research | Does Not Transfer | |
PE 10401 Beg Mod Dance Tech I | WELL 14X Beg Mod Dance Tech I | WELL |
PE 1300 Aqua Exercise | WELL 1XX Aqua Exercise | WELL |
PE 1350 Slimnastics | WELL 1X5 Slimnastics | WELL |
PE 13501 Aerobic Dance | WELL 1XX Aerobic Dance | WELL |
PE 13508 Aerobic WT Training | WELL 1X8 Aerobic WT Training | WELL |
PE 13510 Golf | WELL 1X1 Golf | WELL |
PEAQ 101 Swimming Level 2 | Does Not Transfer | |
PEAQ 143 Swimming for Total Fitness | WELL 1X3 Swimming for Total Fitness | WELL |
PED 1030 Lifetime Fitness & Leisure Act | WELL 1X3 Basketball: Intermed/A | WELL |
PED 1030 Lifetime Fitness & Leisure Act | WELL 1X4 Circuit Weight Training/A | |
PEFT 101 Lifetime Fitness / Wellns | WELL 175 Wellness | WELL |
PEIA 138 Racquetball | WELL 1XX Racquetball | WELL |
PELF 102 Tai Chi Chuan 1 | WELL 1X2 Tai Chi Chuan 1 | WELL |
PELF 115 Strength Training | WELL 1X5 Strength Training | WELL |
PELF 116 Weight Training/Conditioning | WELL 1X6 Weight Training/Conditioning | WELL |
PELF 119 Strength and Cond for Athletes | WELL 175 Wellness | WELL |
PELF 127 Circuit Training 2 | Does Not Transfer | |
PELF 132 NT for Competitive Sport | WELL 1X2 NT for Competitive Sport | WELL |
PELF 150 Mixed Martial Arts Fitness | WELL 1X5 Mixed Martial Arts Fitness | |
PEMJ 136 Fitness Evaluation / Condition | WSSD 1X6 Fitness Evaluation / Condition | |
PETA 104 Baseball / Conditioning | WELL 1XX Baseball / Conditioning | WELL |
PETA 110 Field Games and Basketball | WELL 1XX Field Games and Basketball | WELL |
PHI 101 Intro to Phil | PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy | G1 |
PHIL 101 Introduction to Philosophy | PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy | G1 |
PHIL 240 Ethics | PHIL 381 Ethical Theories | W, G1 |
PHSC 100 Concepts / Physical Sc | PHYS 103 Elements of Physics | G2 |
PHSC 101 Gen Physical Science | Does Not Transfer | |
PHSC 103 Intro to Astronomy | PHYS 117 General Astronomy | G2 |
PHYS 100 General Physical Science (B) | PHYS 1X1 General Physical Science (B) | G2 |
PHYS 101 Fundamentals Physics 1 | PHYS 131 Physics 1 with Algebra | G2, L |
PHYS 102 Fundmntls of Physics II | PHYS 132 Physics 2 with Algebra | G2, L |
PHYS 151 General Physics I | PHYS 231 Physics 1 with Calculus | L, G2 |
POLS 101 American Govt and Politics | GOVT 111 Intro to American Government | G3 |
POLS 105 State & Local Government | GOVT 112 Intro to State and Local Govt | G3 |
POLS 131 Comparative Govt & Politics | GOVT 1X3 Comparative Govt & Politics | G3 |
PRMT 101 Principles of Project Mgmt | BUAD 1X1 Principles of Project Mgmt | |
PSY 101 General Psy | PSYC 100 General Psychology | G3 |
PSYC 101 Intro Psychology | PSYC 100 General Psychology | G3 |
PSYC 103 Prin Human Grwth & Devl | PSYC 228 Life Span Human Devlopment | G3 |
PSYC 105 HM Rel Cult Dvrs Scty | PSYC 234 Human Relations | G3 |
PSYC 111 Personal Psychology | PSYC 1X1 Personal Psychology | |
PSYC 126 Learning as Journey | PSYC 1XX Learning as Journey | G3 |
PSYC 193 SpecTop: Psychology / Sports | PSYC 1X3 SpecTop: Psychology / Sports | G3 |
PSYC 201 Abnormal Psychology | PSYC 337 Abnormal Psychology | G3, W |
PSYC 207 Social Psychology | PSYC 317 Social Psychology | |
PSYC 221 Human Sexuality | PSYC 2X1 Human Sexuality | G3 |
RDNG 052 College Reading II | Does Not Transfer | |
SDEV 101 Achieving Academic Success | UNIV 103 First Yr: Achiev Acad Success | |
SDEV 292 Independent Study: SDEV | Does Not Transfer | |
SOC 101 Intro to Sociology | SOCY 101 Introduction to Sociology | G3 |
SOC 111 Marriage Fam | SOCY 1X1 Marriage Fam | |
SOCL 101 Introduction to Sociology | SOCY 101 Introduction to Sociology | G3 |
SOCL 102 Social Problems | SOCY 211 Social Problems | G3, W |
SOCL 141 Racil & Cultr Minorities | SOCY 1X1 Racil & Cultr Minorities | |
SOCL 202 Crimology | SOCY 230 Criminology | W, G3 |
SPCH 100 Fund of Communications | COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech | SPCH |
SPCH 146 Bus / Professional Spch | COMM 305 Business Profess Communictn | |
SPCM 101 Fundamentals of Communication | COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech | SPCH |
SPCM 102 Fundamentals of Public Speakin | COMM 1X2 Fundamentals of Public Speakin | |
SSCI 101 Introduction to Leisure | SOCY 1X1 Introduction to Leisure | |
SURV 101 Surveying Instruments | Does Not Transfer | |
SURV 226 Min Eng I Zoning, Subdiv, Road | Does Not Transfer | |
SURV 236 Min Eng II Sedi Control & Hydr | Does Not Transfer | |
THTR 101 Intro to the Theatre | THEA 217 Theatre Appreciation | G1 |
THTR 110 Play Production | THEA 11X Play Production | G1 |
THTR 121 Stagecraft | THEA 120 Stagecraft | |
THTR 122 Stage Makeup | THEA 12X Stage Makeup | |
THTR 131 Principles of Acting | THEA 130 Acting 1 | G1, W |
THTR 132 Styles in Acting | THEA 130 Acting 1 | G1 |
THTR 143 Voice and Diction | THEA 14X Voice and Diction | |
THTR 151 Golden Ages -- Theatre | THEA 15X Golden Ages -- Theatre | G1 |
VETT 106 Intro to Veterinary Technology | Does Not Transfer | |
WLAR 101 Introductory Arabic I | FORL 1X1 Introductory Arabic I | G1 |
WLSP 101 Introductory Spanish I | SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish 1 | G1 |
WLSP 102 Introductory Spanish II | SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish 2 | G1 |
WMST 101 Intro Women's Studies | WSTU 220 Introduction Women's Studies | G3 |
WMST 123 Self Defense for Women | WELL 12X Self Defense for Women | WELL |
WRIT 201 Creative Writing Workshop | ENGL 2X1 Creative Writing Workshop | G1 |
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Millersville University
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