Transfer Equivalency

Transfer Equivalency Listing

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York College of Pennsylvania / MU Transfer Course Equivalencies

In general, Millersville University awards transfer credit for college-level courses in fields of study offered at Millersville that were completed on the campus of a regionally accredited institution.

Note: The list below might not include all courses that would be accepted in transfer. Questions may be addressed to:

Tip: For MU Gen ED code descriptions, place your cursor over the codes corresponding to the courses listed below, a tooltip should appear.

York College of Pennsylvania Course Millersville Equivalent MU Gen ED Code (s)
A 101 Intro Art Apprec ART 100 Art in Culture G1
A 207 Drawing I ART 133 Drawing 1 G1
A 317 Painting 1 ART 352 Painting 1
ACC 210 Elem Accounting 1 BUAD 1XX Elem Accounting 1
ACC 215 Elem Accounting 2 BUAD 161 Intro to Financial Accounting
ACC 220 Financial Acct BUAD 161 Intro to Financial Accounting
ACC 225 Managerial Acct BUAD 162 Intro to Managerial Accounting
ACC 320 Inter Accounting 1 BUAD 361 Intermediate Accounting 1
ACC 325 Inter Accounting II BUAD 362 Intermediate Accounting 2
ANT 120 Physical Anthropol ANTH 122 Physical Anthropology G3
ANT 210 Physical Anthro ANTH 122 Physical Anthropology G3
ANT 220 Cult Anthropology ANTH 121 Cultural Anthropology G3
ANT 230 Archaeology ANTH 123 Introduction To Archaeology G3
ANT 300 Food and Culture ANTH 322 Food and Culture G3, W
ANT 350 Anthropology/Aging ANTH 35X Anthropology/Aging G3
ANT 392 Anthro / Medicine ANTH 325 Medical Anthropology
ANT 393 Archeaology/PA ANTH 3X3 Archeaology/PA G3
ART 101 Intro Art Apprec ART 100 Art in Culture G1
ART 110 Concepts of Design ART 141 Fundamentals of Studio Art G1
ART 112 Conc Figure Drawing ART 1X2 Conc Figure Drawing
ART 116 Concepts/Sculpture ART 282 Sculpture 1 G1
ART 134 Concpts Comp Grhcs ART 345 Introduction to Computer Art
ART 135 Visual Comm 1 ART 1X5 Visual Comm 1
ART 137 Computer Graphics 1 ART 1X7 Computer Graphics 1
ART 200 Intro Graphic Design ART 142 2D Design G1
ART 204 Survey West Art 1 ART 312 Survey of Art History G1
ART 205 Survey of Western Art II ART 203 Srvy Art Hist 2:1400 thru 20C G1
ART 206 Computer Graphics 1 ART 344 Vis Comm and Graphcs Design 1
ART 210 Design I ART 142 2D Design G1
ART 211 Design II ART 242 3D Design
ART 215 Drawing 1 ART 133 Drawing 1 G1
ART 216 Figure Drawing I ART 2X6 Figure Drawing I
ART 218 Typography I ART 240 Typography 1 G1
ART 220 Painting 1 ART 352 Painting 1
ART 225 Ceramics I ART 295 Ceramics:Hand Building G1
ART 230 Sculpture 1 ART 282 Sculpture 1 G1
ART 234 Concepts of Sculpture ART 2X4 Concepts of Sculpture G1
ART 245 Photography 1 ART 306 Fine Art Photo 1 G1
ART 246 Digital Photography ART 2X6 Digital Photography G1
ART 265 Drawing 2 ART 233 Drawing 2
ART 284 Jewelry/Sm Scultp I ART 291 Fine Art Metals 1 G1
ART 287 Printmaking I ART 361 Survey Printmaking 1
ART 295 Photography 2 ART 406 Fine Art Photo 2
ART 298 Portfolio Review Does Not Transfer
ART 337 Junior Fine Art Studio ART 300 Co-Op Ed Experience in Art
ART 387 Art of World Building ART 379 Experimental
ART 395 Art After 1960 ART 304 The 20th Century G1, W
ART 396 Art Educ / Elem ART 221 Introduction to Art Education
ART 397 Art/Rec:Beyond A/C ART 3X7 Art/Rec:Beyond A/C G1
B 161 Psychology General PSYC 100 General Psychology G3
B 185 Sociology Intro SOCY 101 Introduction to Sociology G3
B 203 Anthropology Intro ANTH 201 People, Primates, and Prehist G3
B 205 Cult Anthropology ANTH 121 Cultural Anthropology G3
B 260 Statistics PSYC 211 Statistics and Exper Design 1 W
B 285 Am Social Prob SOCY 211 Social Problems G3, W
B 286 The Family SOCY 210 Sociology of the Family G3
B 307 Cognitive Psych PSYC 3X7 Cognitive Psych
B 318 Soc Aspcts Agng SOCY 214 Aging and the Aged G3, W
B 360 Developmental Psych PSYC 228 Life Span Human Devlopment G3
B 367 Social Psychology PSYC 3X6 Social Psychology
B 368 Psych Excptinl Child PSYC 3X8 Psych Excptinl Child
B 369 Psych of Reading PSYC 3X9 Psych of Reading
BEH 200 Intro Applied Youth SSCI 2XX Intro Applied Youth Devel
BEH 260 Statistics SOCY 302 Social Statistics G3
BIO 100 Intro Allied Hl BIOL 257 Intro Allied Health
BIO 101 Biology Orientation UNIV 103 First Yr:
BIO 106 Body Strct / Function BIOL 1X6 Body Strct / Function
BIO 110 General Biology BIOL 100 General Biology G2, L
BIO 112 Fund Human Bio BIOL 204 Human Biology G2, W
BIO 120 Field Nat Hist BIOL 1X2 Field Nat Hist G2
BIO 124 Oceanography ESCI 104 The World Ocean G2, L
BIO 125 Oceanography Lab ESCI 105 World Ocean Laboratory G2, L
BIO 142 Molecules Genes Cells BIOL 362 Cell and Developmental Biology G2, L, W
BIO 150 Introduction to Molecular Biol BIOL 15X Introduction to Molecular Biol L, G2
BIO 152 Biology 2 BIOL 1XX Biology 2 G2, L
BIO 200 Intro Sci Rsrch BIOL 2XX Intro Sci Rsrch
BIO 201 Medical Terminology Does Not Transfer
BIO 204 Exploring Biology BIOL 100 General Biology G2, L
BIO 210 Marine Biology BIOL 2XX Marine Biology G2, L
BIO 216 Unseen Life / Earth BIOL 2XX Unseen Life / Earth G2
BIO 220 Human A/P I BIOL 254 Human Anat and Physiology 1
BIO 222 Human A/P II BIOL 255 Human Anat and Physiology 2
BIO 230 Microbiology BIOL 461 General Microbiology
BIO 240 Genetics BIOL 365 Genetics
BIO 290 Biostatistics BIOL 375 Biometry
BIO 300 Ecology BIOL 241 Principles of Ecology
BIO 308 Animal Physlgy BIOL 435 Animal Physiology
BIO 312 Plant Systematics BIOL 325 Plant Systematics
BIO 350 Biochemistry I with Lab CHEM 326 Biochemistry 1 G2, L
BIO 354 Immunology with Lab BIOL 35X Immunology with Lab
BS 100 Fund of Biology BIOL 100 General Biology L, G2
BS 103 Marine Biology BIOL 291 Marine Biology L, G2
BS 111 Prin of Biology BIOL 100 General Biology L, G2
BS 112 Intro Allied Health BIOL 1X2 Intro Allied Health
BS 120 Biology I BIOL 101 Foundations of Biology L, G2
BS 210 Intro Scientific Res BIOL 2XX Intro Scientific Res G2
BS 212 Human Anat / Phys BIOL 2X2 Human Anat/Phys 1
BS 212 Human Anat / Phys BIOL 254 Human Anat and Physiology 1
BS 213 Human Anat / Phys BIOL 255 Human Anat and Physiology 2
BS 213 Human Anat / Phys BIOL 2X3 Human Anat/Phys 2
BS 222 Plant Taxonomy BIOL 2X2 Plant Taxonomy G2
BS 241 Microbiology BIOL 161 Clinical Microbiology
BS 242 Genetics BIOL 365 Genetics
BS 321 Botany BIOL 221 Concepts of Botany G2, L
BUS 100 Getting to Know Modern Value BUAD 1XX Getting to Know Modern Value G3
BUS 150 Intro to Business BUAD 101 Introduction to Business G3
BUS 218 Personal Finance BUAD 143 Personal Financial Planning
BUS 260 Legal Environment BUAD 202 Legal Environment of Business G3
BUS 320 Entrepreneurship BUAD 3XX Entrepreneurship
BUS 345 Business Law 1 BUAD 202 Legal Environment of Business G3
BUS 346 Business Law 2 BUAD 302 Organzations and Transactions
CCJ 101 Intro Crim Justice SOCY 230 Criminology G3, W
CHM 104 Found of Chem Does Not Transfer
CHM 106 Chemistry Recitation Does Not Transfer
CHM 111 Concepts in Chem I CHEM 1X1 Concepts in Chem I G2
CHM 112 Concepts in Chem 2 CHEM 112 Introductory Chemistry 2 G2, L
CHM 114 Conc in Chem I CHEM 1X4 Conc in Chem I G2
CHM 116 Concepts in Chemistry II CHEM 112 Introductory Chemistry 2 G2, L
CHM 122 Prin Gen/Org Chem CHEM 103 Gen Organic and Biochemistry 1 G2, L
CHM 131 Gen Chemistry I CHEM 111 Introductory Chemistry 1 G2, L
CHM 132 Gen Chemistry II CHEM 112 Introductory Chemistry 2 G2, L
CHM 134 Gen Chem 1 CHEM 111 Introductory Chemistry 1 G2, L
CHM 135 General Chem Lab I Does Not Transfer
CHM 136 Gen Chem 2 CHEM 112 Introductory Chemistry 2 G2, L
CHM 146 Advanced Chem II CHEM 1X6 Advanced Chem II G2, L
CHM 231 Organic Chemistry I CHEM 231 Organic Chemistry 1 G2, L
CHM 234 Organic Chem I with Lab CHEM 231 Organic Chemistry 1 G2, L
CHM 236 Organic Chem 2 CHEM 232 Organic Chemistry 2 G2, L
CHM 338 Instr Anyl Chem CHEM 465 Analytical Chemistry W
CHM 344 Physical Chem 1 CHEM 342 Physical Chemistry 2 G2, L, W
CHM 346 Physical Chem 2 CHEM 341 Physical Chemistry 1 W
CJA 101 Intro Crim Justice SOCY 331 Intro to Criminal Justice Syst G3
CJA 110 Juvenile Delinq SOCY 334 Juvenile Delinquency G3, W
CJA 203 Ethical Issues/CJ SOCY 2X3 Ethical Issues/CJ
CJA 205 Probation/Parole SOCY 2X5 Probation/Parole
CJA 230 Intro to Criminalistics SOCY 2X3 Intro to Criminalistics G3
CJA 295 Research Methods SOCY 2X5 Research Methods
CJA 302 Criminal Law SOCY 3XX Criminal Law
CJA 310 Victimology SOCY 3XX Victimology
CJA 335 Community Correctn SOCY 33X Community Correctn
CJA 336 Judicial Process SOCY 33X Judicial Process
CJA 337 Punishmnt/Correctns SOCY 332 Modern Corrections G3
CJA 341 Crim Procedure SOCY 3XX Crim Procedures
CJA 348 Juvenile Just SOCY 3XX Juvenile Justice
CJA 351 Criminal Org/Mgmt SOCY 35X Criminal Org/Mgmt
CJA 360 Crim Just Practicum Does Not Transfer
CJA 361 Crim Just Practicum II Does Not Transfer
CJA 383 White Collr / Env SOCY 3XX White Collar Crime/Env
CJA 470 Topics/Crim Justice SOCY 339 Topics In Criminology
CJA 480 Institutional Correction SOCY 332 Modern Corrections G3
CM 100 Public Spkng Does Not Transfer
CM 104 Human Communctn COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech SPCH
CM 120 Broadcast Performance 1 COMM 1X2 Broadcast Performance 1
CM 132 Radio Practicum 1 COMM 1XX Radio Practicum 1
CM 150 Beg Sign Language ELEC 1X5 Beg Sign Language
CM 204 Intro to Speech COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech SPCH
CM 206 Communicatn Theory COMM 201 Theory of Communication G1
CM 211 Mass Communication COMM 101 Introduction to Communicology G1
CM 212 Public Speaking Does Not TransferSPCH
CM 221 Intro Public Relatns COMM 251 Public Relations 1 G1
CM 226 Audio Production I COMM 2X6 Audio Production I
CM 231 Radio Production I COMM 320 Radio Production
CM 242 Video Production I COMM 2X2 Video Production I
CM 246 Comm for Business Profession COMM 305 Business Profess Communictn
CM 271 Print Media Writing ENGL 313 Fundamentals of Journalism AW
CM 304 Group Discussion COMM 3X4 Group Discussion
CM 327 Persuasion COMM 403 Persuasion
CM 331 Video Production I COMM 321 TV Production 1
CM 332 Media Writing COMM 3X2 Media Writing
CM 336 Audio Production II COMM 3X6 Audio Production II
CRW 272 Intro to Creative Writing ENGL 2X2 Intro to Creative Writing G1
CRW 382 Fiction Writing ENGL 3X2 Fiction Writing G1
CS 101 Fund Comp Sci I CSCI 1X1 Fund Comp Sci I G2
CS 201 Fund of Computer Science II CSCI 2X1 Fund of Computer Science II
CS 320 Software Engineering/Design CSCI 3X2 Software Engineering/Design
E 101 English Comp ENGL 110 English Composition COMP
E 102 English Comp 2 ENGL 1XX English Comp 2 G1
E 125 Radio / TV Speaking COMM 1XX Radio/TV Speaking G1
E 150 Sign Language COMM 1X5 Sign Language
E 160 Intro Literature ENGL 230 Introduction to Literature G1
E 200 Writing About Literature ENGL 2XX Writing About Literature G1
E 203 African/Amer Lit ENGL 333 Afro-American Literature 1 G1, D, W
E 204 Intro to Speech COMM 2XX Intro to Speech G1
E 205 Speech Oral Intrp COMM 2XX Speech Oral Intrp
E 206 Prin Communication COMM 201 Theory of Communication G1
E 210 Speech Performa COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech SPCH
E 216 Engl Voice Diction COMM 2XX Engl Voice Diction
E 220 Communications/ Rpt COMM 2X2 Communications/ Rpt G1
E 221 Hist Amer Civ 1 Does Not Transfer
E 231 Radio Cntrl RM, Stud COMM 2XX Radio Cntrl Rm Studio
E 245 Amer Military Exper HIST 2X5 Amer Military Exper G3
E 254 Theatre Arts THEA 217 Theatre Appreciation G1
E 271 Journalism ENGL 313 Fundamentals of Journalism AW
E 281 American Literature to 1885 ENGL 235 Early American Literature G1
E 286 Eur Lit Since 1600 ENGL 28X Eur Lit Since 1600 G1
E 311 Mass Media COMM 3X1 Mass Media
E 315 Advanced Comp ENGL 311 Advanced Composition AW
E 324 Shakespeare II ENGL 405 Shakespeare
E 331 TV Control Practice COMM 3XX TV Control Practice
E 332 Radio & TV Writing COMM 326 Broadcast Workshop 1 W
E 340 Radio-TV News COMM 325 Broadcast News Reporting W
E 342 Popular Literature ENGL 3XX Popular Literature G1
E 343 Exper of Poetry ENGL 441 Poetry
E 350 Theatre Pract I THEA 3X1 Theatre Pract I
E 352 Theatre Pract II THEA 3X2 Theatre Pract II
E 353 Theatre Pract IV THEA 3X3 Theatre Pract IV
E 391 Lit of Terror ENGL 3X1 Lit of Terror G1
ECE 100 Intro to Electrical Engineer ITEC 1X0 Intro to Electrical Engineer
ECE 235 Computation/Discrete CSCI 140 Discrete Structures
ECE 280 Fund Electrical Eng ITEC 2X8 Fund Electrical Eng
ECH 101 Field Experience Stage 1 Does Not Transfer
ECH 102 Field Experience Stage 2 Does Not Transfer
ECH 201 Early Field Experience EDUC 305 Field Experience
ECH 210 Educ Tech for Early Elem Learn ERCH 2X1 Educ Tech for Early Elem Learn
ECH 220 Instruction & Curric. Develop ERCH 2X2 Instruction & Curric. Develop
ECH 230 Early Childhood Theory & Pract ERCH 110 Intro to Early Childhood Ed
ECH 250 Profess/Partnership Early Educ ECHD 2X0 Profess/Partnership Early Educ
ECH 300 Tchng Language Arts ERCH 422 Tchg Literacy PK-4
ECH 310 Diag Rem Reading EDUC 424 Diagnostic Reading Disablity W
ECH 315 Teachng Soc Studies ERCH 345 Social Studies for Young Lrnr
ECH 320 Teaching Math ERCH 455 Tchg Math to Young Children
ECH 330 Teaching Science ERCH 465 Science for the Young Learner
ECH 495 Student Teaching Does Not Transfer
ECO 200 Prin Econ-Macro ECON 101 Principles of Economics 1 G3
ECO 201 Prin Econ - Micro ECON 102 Principles of Economics 2 G3
ECO 350 Inter Microeconomics ECON 318 Intermediate Microeconomics G3
ECO 360 Intermed Macroeconomics ECON 319 Intermediate Macroeconomics G3
ED 104 Col Rdg Std Skl Does Not Transfer
ED 200 Instructnl Tech EDFN 330 Microcomputers in Classroom
ED 221 Intro Amer Educ EDFN 211 Foundations Modern Education D
ED 370 Psyc Learning/Elem ERCH 110 Intro to Early Childhood Ed
EDU 200 Found of Education EDFN 211 Foundations Modern Education D
EDU 225 Instrct Englsh Lang Learners ERCH 485 Tchng Young Engl Lang Learners
EDU 230 Introduction to the Arts ERCH 316 Creative Experncs Young Child
EDU 240 Educational Assessment ERCH 2X4 Educational Assessment
EDU 250 Science Concepts/Ed ERCH 190 Intro to Integrative STEM
EDU 260 Effective Comm in Education EDUC 2X6 Effective Comm in Education
EDU 320 Phys Educ/Health WSSD 310 PE for Elementary Schools
EDU 370 Psyc of Learning EDFN 241 Psyc Foundation of Teaching
EDU 480 Comm/Legal Issues EDUC 48X Comm/Legal Issues
EE 104 Col Rdg Study Skls Does Not Transfer
EE 201 Tchng Language Arts EDUC 2X1 Tchng Language Arts
EE 221 Intro to American Ed EDFN 2X1 Intro to American Ed
EE 301 Found Reading Instr EDUC 220 Reading Foundations
EE 302 Diag Rem Reading EDUC 3X2 Diag Rem Reading
EE 304 Elem Curriculum III EDUC 3X4 Elem Curriculum III
EE 307 Emer First Aid / CPR WSSD 311 First Aid and CPR
EE 310 Phys Ed And Rec WSSD 310 PE for Elementary Schools
EE 315 Tchng Math / Elem Sch EDUC 3X5 Tchng Math / Elem Sch
EE 316 Elem Ed Sci / Health EDUC 3X6 Elem Ed Sci / Health
EE 380 Topcs Children Lit ERCH 435 Literature for the Young Child
EE 402 Prof Ornt Schl Law EDFN 4X2 Prof Ornt Schl Law
EGR 100 Epads 1 ITEC 241 Drafting Communictions
EGR 102 Epads 2 ITEC 242 Engineering Drafting
EGR 150 Computational Methods in Eng MATH 1X5 Computational Methods in Eng
EGR 240 Math Methods MATH 2X0 Math Methods G2
EGR 256 Comp Apps / Engrs CSCI 1X6 Comp Apps / Engrs G2
EGR 290 Enginrg Career Trng Does Not Transfer
EGR 342 Sys Model/Analysis ITEC 3X2 Sys Model/Analysis
ENT 150 Intro to Entrepreneurship ENTR 201 The Art of Entrepreneurship G3
ENT 220 Entrepreneurial Marketplace ENTR 2X2 Entrepreneurial Marketplace
ENT 260 Entrep & Small Bus Mangmt BUAD 356 Entrepreneurial Management
ESS 152 Earth / Space Sci ESCI 102 Origin and Evoltn of the Earth G2
EXS 101 Found of Exercise & Human Perf WSSD 1XX Found of Exercise & Human Perf
FCO 103 Writing Studio Does Not Transfer
FCO 105 Rhetorical Communication COMM 1X5 Rhetorical Communication G1
FCO 210 Comm in Professional Cultures COMM 2X1 Comm in Professional Cultures G1, W
FCO 215 Tech & Sci Communication COMM 2X5 Tech & Sci Communication G1
FIN 225 Student Managed Fund BUAD 2X5 Student Managed Fund
FIN 300 Managrl Finance 1 BUAD 341 Managerial Finance 1 W
FLM 216 Intro to Film ENGL 240 Introduction to Film G1, W
FLM 260 The Horror Film ENGL 2X6 The Horror Film G1
FRN 101 Elem French 1 FREN 101 Elementary French 1 G1
FRN 102 Elem French 2 FREN 102 Elementary French 2 G1
FRN 201 Inter French 1 FREN 201 Intermediate French 1 G1
FRN 202 Inter French 2 FREN 202 Intermediate French 2 G1
FRN 205 Inter French Convs FREN 2X5 Inter French Convs G1
FRN 206 Rdg Stratgs / French FREN 2X6 Rdg Stratgs / French G1
FRN 303 French Culture / Civ FREN 331 French Civilization 1
FRN 315 French Lit 1 FREN 311 Survey of Literature 1
FYS 100 First Year Seminar UNIV 103 First Year Seminar
FYS 101 Entrepreneurial Thinking UNIV 103 First Yr: Entrepreneurial
FYS 110 Education in Today's Society UNIV 103 First Yr:
G 100 World Regional Geography GEOG 101 The Global Environment G3
G 243 Intro Geography GEOG 101 The Global Environment G3
G 341 Geog North America GEOG 344 North America G3
G 344 Econ Geography GEOG 222 Economic Geography G3
G 350 Survey Canada GEOG 344 North America G3
GER 100 Perspectives on Aging GERT 100 Introduction to Gerontology G3
GER 215 Social Aspects of Aging GERT 100 Introduction to Gerontology G3
GER 312 Psych Aspects of Aging GERT 100 Introduction to Gerontology G3
GER 315 Social Aspcts/Aging GERT 100 Introduction to Gerontology G3
GER 330 Final Separation PHIL 280 Thanatopsis:Viewing Death G1
GER 410 Health/Later Years GERT 4X1 Health/Later Years
GRD 206 Elements of Computer Graphics DESN 144 Digital Theory and Skills
GRM 101 Elem German 1 GERM 101 Elementary German 1 G1
GRM 102 Elem German II GERM 102 Elementary German 2 G1
GRM 201 Inter German 1 GERM 201 Intermediate German 1 G1
GRM 202 Inter German 2 GERM 202 Intermediate German 2 G1
GRM 205 Inter German Convs GERM 2X5 Inter German Convs
GRM 206 Reading Strategies in German GERM 2X6 Reading Strategies in German G1
GRM 301 Adv German Convers GERM 3X1 Adv German Convers
GRM 305 German Culture/Civ GERM 331 German Civilization 1
GRM 316 German Lit 2 GERM 311 Survey of German Lit 1
H 121 Hist Western Civ 1 HIST 101 Europe and the World 1500-1815 G3
H 122 Hist Western Civ 2 HIST 102 Europe and World since 1815 G3
H 219 Hist Western Civ 1 HIST 101 Europe and the World 1350-1789 G3
H 220 Hist Western Civ 2 HIST 102 Europe and World 1789-Present G3
H 221 Hist Amer Civ 1 HIST 106 Contours of US History G3
H 222 Hist Amer Civ 2 HIST 1XX Hist Amer Civ 2 G3
H 300 Oral History HIST 3X1 Oral History G3
H 303 History of Africa 1 HIST 281 African History G3, W
H 336 Historical Geography HIST 3X6 Historical Geography G3
H 353 The Jasksonian Era HIST 3X3 The Jacksonian Era G3
H 472 America in the 60's HIST 4XX America in the 60's G3
H 474 Int Museum Studies HIST 4X4 Int Museum Studies
H 475 Native American Hist HIST 3X5 Native American Hist
H 479 His / Lit Young Adult HIST 4X9 His / Lit Young Adult
H 480 History of Ireland HIST 4X8 History of Ireland G3
H 487 Public vs Private HIST 4X7 Public vs Private
H 489 The Black Death HIST 4X9 The Black Death
HCC 215 Medical Terminology Does Not Transfer
HIS 101 Western Civ I HIST 101 Europe and the World 1350-1789 G3
HIS 102 Western Civ II HIST 102 Europe and World 1789-Present G3
HIS 111 American Civ I HIST 1X7 American Civ I
HIS 112 American Civ II HIST 1XX American Civ II
HIS 121 World History I HIST 1X1 World History I G3
HIS 122 World History II HIST 102 Europe and World 1789-Present G3
HIS 200 Methods and Theory in History HIST 2X2 Methods and Theory in History G3
HIS 352 The New American Nation HIST 3X2 The New American Nation G3
HIS 402 The Black Death HIST 4X2 The Black Death G3
HIS 403 The European Witch Craze HIST 4X3 The European Witch Craze G3
HIS 420 The First World War HIST 4X9 The First World War G3
HIS 421 Nazi Germany HIST 342 Hitler and Nazism G3, W
HIS 422 Holocaust in Film HIST 4X2 Holocaust in Film G3
HSC 100 Exploring Health Professions ELEC 1XX Exploring Health Professions
HSC 105 Medical Terminology Profession WSSD 110 Medical Terminology
HSC 205 Principls of Pharmacology RESP 422 Pharmacology
HSP 100 Intro to Hospitality Mgmt Does Not Transfer
HSP 120 Career Paths in Hosp & Tourism Does Not Transfer
HSP 125 Professional Effectiveness Does Not Transfer
HSV 100 Intro to Human Services SOWK 1X1 Intro to Human Services
HSV 200 Applied Youth Development PSYC 227 Devlopmnt Child and Adolescent G3
HUM 228 Found Eng / Hum Stud HMFA 2XX Found Eng / Hum Stud G1
HUM 242 Science / Relig HMFA 2XX Science / Relig G1
IBS 200 Internatl Business BUAD 201 Intro to Internationl Business G3
IBS 401 International Econ ECON 4XX International Econ
IFL 101 Informatn Literacy CSCI 1XX Information Literacy
IFS 100 Info Tech Competncy Does Not Transfer
IFS 105 Personal Computing CSCI 101 Problem Solving with Computers G2
IFS 175 Developmnt Fundmntl CSCI 1X5 Developmnt Fundmntl G2
IFS 205 Workgroup Productivity CSCI 2XX Workgroup Productivity
IFS 305 Management Info Sys BUAD 307 Management Information Systms
INT 101 Intro Indo/Eur INTL 1XX Intro Indo/Eur G3
INT 143 Intro Africa INTL 1XX Intro Africa G3
INT 144 Intro East Asia INTL 2X4 Intro East Asia G3
INT 145 Intro Latin America INTL 1XX Intro Latin America G3
INT 146 Intro Mid East INTL 1XX Intro Mid East G3
INT 147 Intro Russia INTL 1XX Intro Russia G3
INT 150 Intro South Asia SSCI 1X5 Intro South Asia G3
INT 260 Cross-Cultural Communication COMM 317 Intercultural Communication D, P
ITL 101 Elem Italian I ITAL 101 Elementary Italian 1 G1
L 105 Elem Arabic FORL 1X5 Elem Arabic G1
L 106 Elementary Arabic II FORL 1X6 Elementary Arabic 2 G1
L 122 Elem French 2 FREN 102 Elementary French 2 G1
L 151 Elem German I GERM 101 Elementary German 1 G1
L 152 Elem German 2 GERM 102 Elementary German 2 G1
L 181 Elem Spanish I SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish 1 G1
L 182 Elem Spanish 2 SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish 2 G1
L 221 Inter French 1 FREN 201 Intermediate French 1 G1
L 251 Inter German 1 GERM 201 Intermediate German 1 G1
L 281 Inter Spanish 1 SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish 1 G1
L 282 Intermediate Spanish II SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish 2 G1
LAT 101 Elem Latin 1 LATN 101 Elementary Latin 1 G1
LAT 102 Elem Latin 2 LATN 102 Elementary Latin 2 G1
LIT 160 Intro Literature ENGL 230 Introduction to Literature G1
LIT 200 Honors Persp Lit ENGL 230 Introduction to Literature G1
LIT 203 African / Amer Lit ENGL 333 Afro-American Literature 1 G1, W
LIT 210 Criticism/Theory ENGL 237 Literary Research and Analysis
LIT 228 Foundations of English Studies ENGL 237 Literary Research and Analysis
LIT 270 Young Adult Literature ENGL 486 Tchg Rdg and Lit with Yng Adlt
LIT 281 Amer Lit to 1885 ENGL 235 Early American Literature G1
LIT 282 Amer Lit After 1885 ENGL 236 Later American Literature G1
LIT 283 British Lit to 1750 ENGL 233 Early English Literature G1
LIT 284 British Literature after 1750 ENGL 234 Later English Literature G1
LIT 285 Eur Lit to 1600 ENGL 231 World Literature 1 G1
LIT 286 European Literature since 1600 ENGL 2X6 European Lit since 1600 G1
LIT 291 Short Story ENGL 2XX Short Story
LIT 310 Language / Linguistics ENGL 221 Intro to Linguistic Analysis G1
LIT 313 The American Novel ENGL 423 Development of the Amer Novel
LIT 322 19th Century Novel ENGL 404 The English Renaissance
LIT 323 Shakespeare 1 ENGL 405 Shakespeare
LIT 324 Shakespeare Lit ENGL 405 Shakespeare
LIT 326 20th C British Novel ENGL 413 British Literature Since 1914
LIT 327 20th Century Novel ENGL 3X7 20th Century Novel G1
LIT 341 The Comic Tradition ENGL 331 The Comic Tradition
LIT 342 Popular Literature ENGL 331 Topics: Popular Literature
LIT 343 The Experience of Poetry ENGL 441 Poetry
LIT 344 Love & Sex in Literature ENGL 331 Love & Sex in Literature
LIT 346 Literature & Society ENGL 331 Literature & Society
LIT 347 Literature & Psychology ENGL 331 Literature & Psychology
LIT 360 History of Theatre 1 ENGL 442 Drama
LIT 361 History of Theatre 2 ENGL 4X2 History of Theatre 2
LIT 375 James Joyce ENGL 415 Seminar of British Writers
LIT 376 Contemporary Poetry ENGL 441 Poetry
LIT 378 Gay/Lesbian Literature ENGL 331 Gay/Lesbian Literature
LIT 380 Maj Authors & Lit Traditions ENGL 415 Seminar of British Writers
LIT 381 Literary Theory ENGL 451 Literary Criticism
LIT 382 Women in Literature ENGL 416 The Woman Writer G1, W
LIT 384 Harlem Renaissance ENGL 494 Perspectives on Harlem Renaiss P
LIT 385 British Modernism ENGL 413 British Literature Since 1914
LIT 386 Literary Philosophers ENGL 331 Literary Philosophers
LIT 387 Women's Writing & Resistance ENGL 331 Women's Writg & Resistance
LIT 389 Postcolonial Theory ENGL 451 Literary Criticism
LIT 390 The Bible as Literature ENGL 332 Literature of the Bible
LIT 391 Literature of Terror ENGL 331 Topics: Lit of Terror
LIT 393 Literature & Film ENGL 240 Introduction to Film G1, W
LIT 395 Fantasy Literature ENGL 292 Science Fiction G1, W
LIT 398 Early Modern Religious Genres ENGL 331 Early Mod Religious Genres
LIT 416 Modern Drama Does Not Transfer
LTC 210 Regltory Issues/LTC NURS 2X1 Regltory Issues/LTC
LTC 310 Fiscal Issues/LTC NURS 3X1 Fiscal Issues/LTC
LTC 320 Resident Servcs/LTC GERT 3X2 Resident Servcs/LTC
M 103 Intro to Business BUAD 101 Introduction to Business G3
M 105 Principles of CIS CSCI 1XX Principles of CIS G2
M 194 Word Processing Does Not Transfer
M 203 Elem Accounting 1 BUAD 1XX Elem Accounting 1
M 204 Elem Accounting 2 BUAD 161 Intro to Financial Accounting
M 205 Supervisory Mgmt BUAD 2X5 Supervisory Mgmt
M 221 Prin Econ Micro ECON 102 Principles of Microeconomics G3
M 222 Prin Econ Macro ECON 101 Principles of Macroeconomics G3
M 250 Prin Management BUAD 251 Principles of Management G3, W
M 260 Business Statistics MATH 2X6 Business Statistics G2
M 261 Advertising BUAD 335 Advertising
M 262 Prin of Marketing BUAD 231 Principles of Marketing
M 266 Intro to Data Proc CSCI 1X6 Intro to Data Proc G2
M 278 Retailing BUAD 2X8 Retailing
M 301 Interm Account 1 BUAD 361 Intermediate Accounting 1
M 302 Interm Account 2 BUAD 362 Intermediate Accounting 2
M 305 Taxation 1 BUAD 366 Federal Income Tax 1
M 328 Human Res Mgmt BUAD 352 Human Resource Management
M 345 Business Law 1 BUAD 202 Legal Environment of Business G3
M 346 Business Law 2 BUAD 2X6 Business Law 2
M 350 Cost Acctng 1 BUAD 364 Cost Accounting
M 369 Retail Buying/Merch BUAD 3X6 Retail Buying/Merch
M 370 Promotional Strat BUAD 3X0 Promotional Strat
MAT 100 Basic Algebra MATH 1XX Basic Algebra G2
MAT 102 Preliminary Math Does Not Transfer
MAT 104 Math Study Skills UNIV 1X4 Math Study Skills
MAT 105 College Algebra MATH 101 College Algebra
MAT 108 Precalculus MATH 160 Precalculus G2
MAT 110 College Math MATH 100 Survey of Mathematical Ideas G2
MAT 111 Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv MATH 100 Survey of Mathematical Ideas G2
MAT 115 Mathematical Foundations MATH 104 Fundamentals of Math 1 G2
MAT 120 Applied Calculus MATH 151 Calculus for Management G2
MAT 125 College Trigonometry MATH 110 Trigonometry
MAT 150 Data/Decision Making MATH 1XX Data/Decision Making
MAT 171 Calculus 1 MATH 161 Calculus 1 G2
MAT 172 Calculus 2 MATH 211 Calculus 2 G2
MAT 215 Struct of Sets & Numbers 2 MATH 105 Fundamentals of Math 2 G2
MAT 230 Explor Math/Computr MATH 2X3 Explor Math/Computr
MAT 250 Elements of Statistics MATH 130 Elements of Statistics 1 G2
MAT 260 Elem Linear Algebra MATH 322 Linear Algebra 1 G2
MAT 271 Calculus 3 MATH 311 Calculus 3 G2
MAT 272 Diff Equations MATH 365 Ordinary Differential Equation
MAT 280 Math Structures MATH 310 Intro to Mathematical Proof W
MAT 320 Number Theory MATH 1X2 Number Theory
MAT 345 Modern Geometry MATH 3X5 Modern Geometry
MAT 350 Probability and Statistics MATH 2X1 Probability and Statistics G2
MAT 360 Linear Algebra II MATH 422 Linear Algebra 2
MAT 361 Abstract Algebra MATH 3X1 Abstract Algebra
MAT 391 Cryptology MATH 3X9 Cryptology
MAT 473 Partl Diff Equatns MATH 3X7 Partl Diff Equatns
ME 100 Intro to Mechanical Engineer ITEC 1XX Intro to Mechanical Engineer
ME 250 Statics ITEC 345 Statics/Strength of Materials
ME 252 Dynamics/Vibrtn ITEC 2X2 Dynamics/Vibrtn
ME 264 Strength/Matrls ITEC 345 Statics/Strength of Materials
ME 265 Materials/Solids ITEC 26X Materials/Solids
ME 320 Thermodynamics ITEC 32X Thermodynamics
ME 351 Instrumnt/Micro Lab ITEC 3X5 Instrumnt/Micro Lab
ME 360 Fluid Mechanics ITEC 326 Fluid Power
ME 361 Thermo/Fluids Exp ITEC 3X1 Thermo/Fluids Exp
ME 380 Machine Design ITEC 3X8 Machine Design
ME 400 Capstone Design I ITEC 4X1 Capstone Design I
ME 450 Finite Elemnt Anlys ITEC 4X5 Finite Elemnt Anlys
MGT 150 Prin of Management BUAD 251 Principles of Management G3, W
MGT 250 Prin of Management BUAD 251 Principles of Management G3, W
MGT 305 Total Quality Mgmt BUAD 3X5 Total Quality Mgmt
MGT 320 Human Resource Mgmt BUAD 352 Human Resource Management
MGT 350 Operations Mgmt BUAD 452 Productn/Operations Management
MGT 380 Leadership/Change BUAD 3X8 Leadership/Change
MKT 100 Prin Marketing BUAD 231 Principles of Marketing
MKT 200 Prin Marketing BUAD 231 Principles of Marketing
MKT 210 Market Measure and Analysis BUAD 2X1 Market Measure and Analysis G3
MKT 230 Retailing BUAD 336 Retail Marketing
MKT 310 Fashion Marketing BUAD 3X1 Fashion Marketing
MKT 330 Advertising BUAD 335 Advertising
MKT 350 Business Marketing BUAD 336 Retail Marketing
MKT 360 Consumer Behavior BUAD 332 Consumer Behavior
MLE 201 Early Field Experience Does Not Transfer
MU 141 YC Singers MUSI 1X4 YC Singers
MU 144 YC Chorale MUSI 126B Applied Music:Chorale
MU 242 YC Singers MUSI 2X2 YC Singers
MU 260 Music Appreciation MUSI 100 Music and Culture G1
MU 374 Music in Schools MUSI 103 Language of Music G1
MUS 001 Recital Attendance Does Not Transfer
MUS 002 Recital Attendance Does Not Transfer
MUS 101 Voice MUSI 144 Maj Perf 1:Voice
MUS 102 Voice MUSI 1X2 Voice
MUS 103 Piano MUSI 108 Pri Ins 1:Piano
MUS 104 Piano MUSI 109 Pri Ins 2:Piano
MUS 116 Trumpet MUSI 108 Pri Ins 1:Trumpet
MUS 117 Trumpet MUSI 109 Pri Ins 2:Trumpet
MUS 124 Tuba MUSI 154 MUED/BA-Maj Perf 1: Tuba
MUS 125 Tuba MUSI 155 MUED/BA-Maj Perf 2: Tuba
MUS 136 Percussion MUSI 153 Percussion 1
MUS 137 Percussion MUSI 253 Percussion 2
MUS 140 Piano Class MUSI 14X Piano Class
MUS 141 Piano Class MUSI 131 Class Piano 1
MUS 150 York College Chorale MUSI 427 Chorale
MUS 151 YC Chorale MUSI 127 Applied Music in Choir
MUS 153 Chamber Singers MUSI 122 Appl Music in Orchestra/Chambr
MUS 158 YC Women's Ensemble MUSI 1X8 YC Women's Ensemble
MUS 159 YC Women's Ensemble MUSI 1X9 YC Women's Ensemble
MUS 160 Wind Symphony MUSI 120 Appl Music in Symphonic Band
MUS 161 Wind Symphany MUSI 1XX Wind Symphony
MUS 162 Jazz Ensemble MUSI 124A Applied Music:Jazz Ensemble
MUS 164 Symphony Orchestra MUSI 120 Appl Music in Symphonic Band
MUS 165 Symphny Orchstr MUSI 120 Appl Music in Symphonic Band
MUS 170 Woodwind Ensemble MUSI 120A Applied Music:Wind Ensemble
MUS 172 Percussion Ensemble MUSI 120 Appl Music: Percussion Ensembl
MUS 173 Percussion Ensemble MUSI 1X7 Percussion Ensemble
MUS 181 Found Music Theory MUSI 1XX Found Music Theory
MUS 182 Music Theory I MUSI 112 Kodaly Solfege,Hrmny,Anlys 1
MUS 183 Music Theory II MUSI 212 Kodaly Solfege,Hrmny,Anlys 2
MUS 184 Aural Skills I MUSI 1X4 Aural Skills I
MUS 185 Aural Skills II MUSI 1X5 Aural Skills II
MUS 186 Listening to Music MUSI 100 Music and Culture G1
MUS 200 Music Appreciation MUSI 100 Music and Culture G1
MUS 245 Explore Music / Film MUSI 2X5 Explore Music / Film G1
MUS 250 YC Chorale MUSI 25X YC Chorale
MUS 251 YC Chorale MUSI 126 Applied Music in Choir
MUS 252 Chamber Singers MUSI 2X2 Chamber Singers
MUS 253 Chamber Singers MUSI 122 Appl Music in Orchestra/Chambr
MUS 260 Wind Symphony MUSI 420 Wind Ensemble
MUS 261 Wind Symphony MUSI 120 Appl Music in Symphonic Band
MUS 262 Jazz Ensemble MUSI 124A Applied Music:Jazz Ensemble
MUS 286 Jazz History MUSI 2XX Jazz History G1
MUS 287 American Popular Music MUSI 263 Popular Music G1
MUS 288 History Rock/Roll MUSI 2X8 History Rock/Roll G1
MUS 291 Educ Exp in Music MUSI 2X1 Educ Exp in Music
MUS 293 Brass Methods MUSI 156 Brass 1
MUS 294 Woodwind Methods MUSI 152 Woodwind 1
MUS 295 Percussion Methods MUSI 2X5 Percussion Methods
MUS 299 Music and Culture Since 1900 MUSI 2X9 Music and Culture Since 1900 G1
MUS 2XX Music Major Transfer Credits MUSI 2X1 Music Major Transfer Credits
MUS 351 YC Chorale MUSI 127 Applied Music in Choir
MUS 390 Music History I MUSI 362 Music History and Literature 1 W
MUSI 146 Vocal Methods Does Not Transfer
N 101 Intro Pro Nursing NURS 320 Basis of Professional Practice
N 201 Nursing HD/HC Does Not Transfer
N 202 Nutrition BIOL 256 Nutrition G2, W
N 210 Basic Principles Does Not Transfer
N 307 Nursing Concepts/CH Does Not Transfer
N 308 Nursing Practice/CH Does Not Transfer
N 314 Research/NURS PR Does Not Transfer
N 317 Parent/Child Concept Does Not Transfer
N 318 Parent/Child Practice Does Not Transfer
N 320 Prof N Key Concept NURS 3X2 Prof N Key Concept
N 411 Ldrshp Prof Nursing NURS 478 Transforming Health Care W
N 412 Research/Nursing NURS 428 Nursing Research W
NUR 101 Intro Nursing & Health Careers NURS 1XX Intro Nursing & Health Careers
NUR 201 Human Dev & Healthcare Does Not Transfer
NUR 202 Nutrition BIOL 256 Nutrition G2, W
NUR 203 Pharmacology for Nurses I NURS 2XX Pharmacology for Nurses I
NUR 204 Health Assess Prof Nursing NURS 310 Population Health
NUR 210 Basic Princ Nursing Practice NURS 312 Value-Based Care
NUR 300 Pharmacology for Nurses Does Not Transfer
NUR 301 Forensic Care Victims Violence NURS 3X1 Forensic Care Victims Violence
NUR 304 Health for Prof Nursing Does Not Transfer
NUR 305 Health for Prof Nursing Lab Does Not Transfer
NUR 320 Health Assmnt/RN Does Not Transfer
NUR 321 Trans Concepts/RN Does Not Transfer
NUR 325 Human Lactation Does Not Transfer
NUR 332 Research Conc / RN NURS 428 Nursing Research
NUR 340 Nursing Concepts: Adults Does Not Transfer
NUR 341 Nursing Concepts: Adults Clin Does Not Transfer
NUR 385 Comparative Health Does Not Transfer
NUR 386 Stress Management Does Not Transfer
NUR 456 Comm Hlth Conc/RN Does Not Transfer
OBD 280 Leadership/Change BUAD 38X Leadership/Change
OBD 325 Org Behavior BUAD 351 Organization Theory
P 221 Intro to Philosophy PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy G1
P 222 Critical Thinking PHIL 211 Introduction to Logic G1
P 223 Mod Values / Iss PHIL 381 Ethical Theories G1, W
P 224 Philos/Human Nature PHIL 2X4 Philos/Human Nature G1
P 265 Living Religion PHIL 313 World Religions G1, W
P 266 Biblical Relig PHIL 2X1 Biblical Relig G1
P 341 Ethics PHIL 381 Ethical Theories G1, W
P 345 Ethics in Health Car NURS 3X5 Ethics in Health Care
P 369 Am Rel Thgt / Cul PHIL 382 Philosophy of Religion G1, W
PAW 119 Physical Fitness WELL 1X1 Physical Fitness WELL
PAW 134 Concepts of Phys Activity WELL 1X4 Concepts of Phys Activity WELL
PAW 139 Cardiorespiratory Exercise WELL 1X3 Cardiorespiratory Exercise WELL
PAW 140 Fundamentals of Golf WELL 1X4 Fundamentals of Golf
PAW 163 Yoga WELL 1X6 Yoga WELL
PAW 165 Pilates WELL 1X6 Pilates WELL
PC 101 Intro Crim Just SOCY 231 Intro to the Criminal Justice G3
PE 104 Sftbl / Bsktbl Wo WELL 1XX Sftbl / Bsktbl Wo WELL
PE 106 Intro Water Polo WELL 1X6 Intro Water Polo WELL
PE 109 Archry / Ice Skating WELL 1XX Archery/Ice Skating WELL
PE 110 Beginning Bowling WELL 1XX Beginning Bowling WELL
PE 112 Square Dancing WELL 1XX Square Dancing WELL
PE 115 Tennis / Badm Coed WELL 1XX Tennis/Badm Coed WELL
PE 117 Modern Dance WELL 1XX Modern Dance WELL
PE 118 Physical Fitness WELL 11X Physical Fitness WELL
PE 119 Slimnastics WELL 1X5 Slimnastics WELL
PE 120 Beginning Swimming WELL 1XX Beginning Swimming
PE 121 Inter/Adv Swimming WELL 1X2 Inter/Adv Swimming
PE 124 Lifeguard Training WSSD 14X Lifeguard Training
PE 125 Skin/Scuba Diving WELL 1X5 Skin/Scuba Diving WELL
PE 129 Pop Jazz Dance WELL 1X9 Pop Jazz Dance WELL
PE 130 Elem Self Defense WELL 1XX Elem Self Defense WELL
PE 134 Con Phys Actvty WELL 1X6 Con Phys Actvity WELL
PE 135 Recreatnl Shooting WELL 1X5 Recreatnl Shooting WELL
PE 136 Aerobic Dance WELL 1XX Aerobic Dance WELL
PE 137 Intro Martial Arts WELL 1XX Intro Martial Arts WELL
PE 139 Cardiovascular Exercs WELL 1X9 Cardiovascular Exercs WELL
PE 140 Fundamentals/Golf WELL 1X4 Fundamentals/Golf
PE 141 Intro to Advntr Sport WELL 1X4 Intro to Advntr Sport WELL
PE 150 Archery WELL 1X5 Archery WELL
PE 151 Badminton WELL 11X Badminton WELL
PE 152 Basketball WELL 1X2 Basketball WELL
PE 153 Field Hockey WELL 1XX Field Hockey WELL
PE 154 Ice Skating WELL 1X9 Ice Skating WELL
PE 155 Soccer WELL 1X5 Soccer WELL
PE 156 Softball WELL 15X Softball WELL
PE 159 Tennis WELL 1X7 Tennis WELL
PE 160 Volleyball WELL 1X6 Volleyball WELL
PE 161 Country Western Dance I WELL 1X1 Country Western DAnce I
PE 162 Country Western Dance II WELL 1X2 Country Western Dance II
PE 163 Intro to Yoga WELL 1X3 Intro to Yoga WELL
PE 164 Intro to Tai Chi WELL 1X4 Intro to Tai Chi
PE 165 Intro to Pilates WELL 1X5 Intro to Pilates WELL
PE 166 Indoor Rock Climbing WELL 1X6 Indoor Rock Climbing WELL
PE 170 Core Conditioning WELL 1X7 Core Conditioning
PHL 221 Intro Philosophy PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy G1
PHL 222 Critical Thinking PHIL 211 Introduction to Logic G1
PHL 223 Contemp Moral Prob PHIL 381 Ethical Theories G1, W
PHL 224 Phil/Hum Nature PHIL 2X2 Phil/Hum Nature G1
PHL 226 History / West Phil PHIL 2X6 History / West Phil G1
PHL 231 Logic PHIL 211 Introduction to Logic G1
PHL 235 Ancient/Early Mod PHIL 321 Ancient Philosophy G1, W
PHL 236 Enlighten/Postmod PHIL 322 Modern Philosophy G1, W
PHL 238 Race, Gender and Sexuality HUMN 2X8 Race, Gender and Sexuality D, G1
PHL 240 Environentl Ethics PHIL 2X4 Environmentl Ethics G1
PHL 245 American Philosophical Thought PHIL 331 American Philosophy G1
PHL 321 Epistemology PHIL 3X1 Epistemology G1
PHL 331 Metaphysics PHIL 373 Metaphysics G1
PHL 341 Ethics PHIL 381 Ethical Theories W, G1
PHL 343 Peace and Conflict PHIL 3X3 Peace and Conflict G1
PHL 346 Bioethics PHIL 2X6 Bioethics
PHL 351 Intro Aesthetics PHIL 383 Philosophy of Art W, G1
PHL 361 Contmp Philosophy PHIL 351 Contemporary European Philsphy G1
PHL 389 Zombies Death/After PHIL 38X Zombies Death/After
PHL 401 Philosophy Seminar PHIL 371 Adv Sem: G1, W
PHY 110 Gen Phys: Mech / Ht PHYS 131 Physics 1 with Algebra G2, L
PHY 111 Gen Phys: Mech / Ht PHYS 231 General Physics 1 G2, L
PHY 112 Gen Phys: ELC/MA PHYS 232 Physics 2 with Calculus: G2, L
PHY 112 Gen Phys: ELC/MA PHYS 132 Physics 2 G2, L
PHY 160 Eng Phys:Mechncs PHYS 231 Physics 1 with Calculus L, G2
PHY 260 Eng Phys: Elct/Magn PHYS 232 Physics 2 with Calculus G2, L
PS 100 Intro Political Sci GOVT 101 Intro to Political Studies G3
PS 101 American Government/Citizenshi GOVT 111 Intro to American Government G3
PS 102 Contemporary Global Issues HUMN 1X2 Contemporary Global Issues
PS 110 Intro to Political Science GOVT 1X0 Intro to Political Science G3
PS 141 American Government GOVT 111 Intro to American Government G3
PS 142 Am Gov: Process / Pol GOVT 111 Intro to American Government G3
PS 242 State / Local Govt GOVT 112 Intro to State and Local Govt G3
PS 244 Govt / Pol East Asia GOVT 2X4 Govt / Pol East Asia G3
PS 245 Govt / Pol Latin Amer GOVT 2X5 Govt / Pol Latin Amer G3
PS 369 Modern Pol Thought GOVT 36X Modern Pol Thought G3
PS 370 Am Const Thght GOVT 411 Con Law 1:Sep of Pwrs/Fdrlsm
PS 371 Amer Const Thought:Pltcl Inst GOVT 37X Amer Const Thought:Pltcl Inst
PS 372 Civil Lib/Civ Rights GOVT 412 Constnl Law:Rights/Liberties
PSC 152 Physical Science I SCMA 1X2 Physical Science I G2, L
PSC 154 Physical Sci 2 Does Not TransferL, G2
PSY 100 General Psychology PSYC 100 General Psychology G3
PSY 110 Orientation to Psych Major UNIV 103 First Yr:
PSY 150 Intro Psychology 1 PSYC 100 General Psychology G3
PSY 151 Intro to Psych II PSYC 1X1 Intro to Psych II G3
PSY 200 Essntl Skills / Tools PSYC 2XX Essntls Skills / Tools
PSY 210 Fund Biopsychology PSYC 2X1 Fund Biopsychology G3
PSY 215 Sustainability/Psy PSYC 2X5 Sustainability/Psy G3
PSY 221 Child / Adol Develop PSYC 227 Devlopmnt Child and Adolescent W, G3
PSY 227 Psych Excep Child PSYC 2X7 Psych Excep Child
PSY 230 Abnormal Psych PSYC 2X3 Abnormal Psych
PSY 243 Social Psychology PSYC 317 Social Psychology
PSY 250 Multicultural Aware PSYC 2X5 Multicultural Aware G3
PSY 270 Design and Analysis 1 PSYC 211 Statistics and Exper Design 1 W
PSY 271 Design and Analysis 2 PSYC 212 Statistics and Exper Design 2
PSY 307 Cognitive Psych PSYC 314 Cognitive Psychology
PSY 312 Psyc Aspects/Aging PSYC 3X2 Psyc Aspects/Aging G3
PSY 320 Develpmntl Psych PSYC 227 Devlopmnt Child and Adolescent G3, W
PSY 325 Adult Development PSYC 229 The Adult Years G3
PSY 327 Psych for Exceptional Child PSYC 3XX Psych for Exceptional Child G3
PSY 330 Adult Psychopathology PSYC 337 Abnormal Psychology G3, W
PSY 341 Abnormal Psych PSYC 337 Abnormal Psychology W, G3
PSY 343 Social Psych PSYC 317 Social Psychology
PSY 393 Topics: Health Psychology PSYC 356 Health Psychology
QBA 260 Business Statistics MATH 235 Survey of Statistics G2
QBA 265 Business Stats II MATH 2X5 Business Stats II
QBA 310 Management Science BUAD 358 Management Science
REC 101 Recreation / Leisure WSSD 1X1 Recreation / Leisure
REC 103 Leadership / Group WSSD 1X3 Leadership / Group
REC 200 Intro to Therapeutic Rec ELEC 2XX Intro to Therapeutic Rec
REC 301 Group Dynamics WELL 3XX Group Dynamics
REL 265 World Religions PHIL 313 World Religions G1
REL 266 Biblical Religions PHIL 2XX Biblical Religions G1
REL 270 Trad/Cult Judaism PHIL 27X Trad/Cult Judaism G1
REL 275 Trad/Cult Chrstnty PHIL 2X5 Trad/Cult Chrstnty G1
REL 387 Native Amer Religion PHIL 38X Native Amer Religion G1
REL 390 Hinduism/Buddhism PHIL 361 Asian Philosophy G1
REL 391 New Relig Movements PHIL 3X1 New Relig Movements G1
REL 393 Violence & Religion SSCI 39X Violence and Religion
RT 100 Basic Science for Resp Care RESP 1XX Basic Science for Resp Care
RT 105 Medical Terminology Does Not Transfer
RT 110 Oxygen Therapy & Cardio Rusus RESP 1X1 Oxygen Therapy & Cardio Rusus
RT 115 Bronchopulmonary Hygiene RESP 1X2 Bronchopulmonary Hygiene
RT 120 Mechanical Ventilation RESP 1X3 Mechanical Ventilation
RT 125 Pulmonary Function Testing/Int RESP 1X4 Pulmonary Function Testing/Int
RT 130 Pulmonary Diseases RESP 1X5 Pulmonary Diseases
RT 135 Ped Resp Ther Does Not Transfer
RT 150 Clin Prac I Does Not Transfer
RT 160 Clin Prac II Does Not Transfer
RT 210 Eval Patient Pulmonary Disease RESP 2XX Eval Patient Pulmonary Disease
RT 235 Neonatal & Pediatric Resp Care RESP 2X1 Neonatal & Pediatric Resp Care
RT 245 Clinical Practice C Does Not Transfer
RT 320 Pulmonary Physiology RESP 3XX Pulmonary Physiology
RT 330 Cardiac Physiology RESP 3X1 Cardiac Physiology
RT 440 Adv Resp Assess & Life Support RESP 4XX Adv Resp Assess & Life Support
RT 450 Respiratory Therapy Seminar RESP 4X1 Respiratory Therapy Seminar
RT 460 Resp Care Leadership Managemnt RESP 4X3 Resp Care Leadership Managemnt
RT 465 Adv Clinical Capstone RESP 4X4 Adv Clinical Capstone
RUS 101 Elem Russian I RUSS 101 Elementary Russian 1 G1
RUS 102 Elem Russian II RUSS 102 Elementary Russian 2 G1
S 123 Concepts / Chem 1 CHEM 103 Gen Organic and Biochemistry 1 G2, L
S 150 Basic Mathematics Does Not Transfer
S 152 Foundations Num Sys MATH 1X2 Foundations Num Sys
S 153 College Algebra MATH 101 College Algebra
S 160 Intro Literature ENGL 230 Introduction to Literature G1
S 163 College Math MATH 100 Survey of Mathematical Ideas G2
S 166 Business Calculus MATH 151 Calculus for Management G2
S 168 College Trig MATH 110 Trigonometry
S 174 Elem Linear Algebra MATH 1X4 Elem Linear Algebra G2
S 180 Earth / Space Science ESCI 102 Origin and Evoltn of the Earth G2
S 182 Physical Sci II PHYS 1X2 Physical Sci II G2
S 244 Intro to CAD ELEC 2X3 Intro to CAD
S 265 Elem of Statistics MATH 130 Elements of Statistics 1 G2
SCM 300 Operations Mgmt MGMT 3XX Operations Mgmt
SE 210 Educ Tech for Middle/Sec Ed EDSE 2X1 Educ Tech for Middle/Sec Ed
SE 220 Curriculum Develop ELED 376 Assessment for Instrctnl Plnng W
SE 350 Secondry School Exp EDUC 35X Secondry School Exp
SOC 100 Intro Sociology SOCY 101 Introduction to Sociology G3
SOC 201 Family Violence SOWK 313 Family Violence P
SOC 210 Drug / Alcohol Addctn SOCY 2XX Drug/Alcohol Addctn G3
SOC 215 Law and Society SOCY 2XX Law and Society G3
SOC 220 Am Social Prob SOCY 211 Social Problems W, G3
SOC 225 The Family SOCY 210 Sociology of the Family G3
SOC 230 Dev Soc Theory SOCY 303 Sociological Theory
SOC 235 Contmp Soc Thry SOCY 2XX Contemp Soc Theory G3
SOC 240 Theory/Policy SOCY 24X Theory/Policy
SOC 260 Gender & Society SOCY 2X6 Gender & Society G3
SOC 301 Enviornmental Soc SOCY 3X1 Environmental Soc
SOC 302 Soc Health/Illness SOCY 317 Sociology Of Health G3
SOC 310 Soc / Organizatns SOCY 318 Soc Of Complex Organizations
SOC 315 Ethnc / Minorities SOCY 315 Race and Ethnic Relations G3
SOC 320 Criminology SOCY 230 Criminology W, G3
SOC 330 Soc of Religion SOCY 310 Sociology of Religion P
SOC 335 Research Methods SOCY 305 Social Research Methods
SOC 336 Resrch Methdlgy 2 SOCY 305 Social Research Methods
SOC 340 Urban Sociology SOCY 441 Urban Society
SOC 345 Human Serv Tech SOWK 3XX Human Serv Tech
SOC 355 Design / Eval Soc Prog SOCY 3XX Design / Eval Soc Prog
SOC 422 Social Change SOCY 4XX Social Change
SPE 200 Spcl Ed Procs & Procd & Cog Dv SPED 2X2 Spcl Ed Procs & Procd & Cog Dv
SPE 205 ADHD/Autism Disord EDUC 2X5 ADHD/Autism Disorders
SPE 206 Emotional Support EDUC 20X Emotional Support
SPE 302 Assistive Technology EDFN 30X Assistive Technology
SPE 303 Mental Retardation SPED 30X Mental Retardation
SPE 333 Spec Lear Disablt SPED 328 Assessment in Special Educatn
SPE 338 Mild/Moderate/Severe SPED 33X Mild/Moderate/Severe
SPE 340 Beh Des/Interventn SPED 325 Principles Behavior Management
SPE 351 Transitions/Career EDUC 35X Transitions/Career
SPE 364 Educational Testing ELED 376 Assessment for Instrctnl Plnng W
SPE 400 Beh Des/Interventn SPED 40X Beh Des/Interventn
SPM 101 Hist / Philos Sport WSSD 350 Sport in America W
SPM 105 Freshmen Seminar WSSD 1X5 Freshmen Seminar
SPM 110 Sport Mgmt Pract WSSD 1X1 Sport Mgmt Pract
SPM 111 Sport Mgmt Pract WSSD 1X2 Sport Mgmt Pract
SPM 113 Sport Mgmt Pract WSSD 1X3 Sport Mgmt Pract
SPM 125 Intro to Sport Management WSSD 1X5 Intro to Sport Management
SPM 150 Sport Mgmt Practicum I Does Not Transfer
SPM 201 Intro Sport Mgmt WSSD 2XX Intro Sport Mgmt
SPM 220 Sport in Society WSSD 350 Sport in America W
SPM 230 Sport Admin & Mgmt Practices WSSD 2XX Sport Admin & Mgmt Practices
SPM 310 Sport Behavior WSSD 484 Psyc-Soc Foundation Coaching
SPN 101 Elem Spanish 1 SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish 1 G1
SPN 102 Elem Spanish 2 SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish 2 G1
SPN 125 Orient to Mexico Does Not Transfer
SPN 201 Inter Spanish 1 SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish 1 G1
SPN 202 Inter Spanish II SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish 2 G1
SPN 205 Inter Spanish Conv SPAN 2X5 Intermediate Spanish Conversat
SPN 206 Reading Strategies in Spanish SPAN 2X2 Reading Strategies in Spanish G1
SPN 301 Adv Oral and Written Spanish SPAN 351 Composition and Oral Express 1 W, G1
SPN 315 Intro to Literature of Spain SPAN 312 Survey of Literature 2
SPN 316 Intro Lit Span Amer SPAN 313 Survey of Span American Lit 1
SPN 405 Spanish Through Hispanic Cinem SPAN 4X5 Spanish Through Hispanic Cinem G1
THE 121 Stagecraft THEA 120 Stagecraft G1
THE 152 Theatre Practicum THEA 208 Theatre Practicum
THE 153 Theatre Practicum THEA 208 Theatre Practicum
THE 154 Introduction to Theatre THEA 217 Theatre Appreciation G1
THE 215 Acting THEA 130 Acting 1 G1
THE 221 Theatre Technology THEA 2X1 Theatre Technology
THE 253 Theatre Practicum Does Not Transfer
THE 254 Intro Theatre THEA 217 Theatre Appreciation G1
THE 255 Scene Study THEA 240 Script Analysis G1
THE 322 Costume Design THEA 310 Costume for Stage & Media
THE 350 Theatre Pract I Does Not Transfer
THE 351 Theatre Pract II THEA 3XX Theatre Pract II
WGS 200 Women/Gender Studies WSTU 220 Introduction Women's Studies G3
WGS 225 The Family SOCY 210 Sociology of the Family G3
WGS 238 Race, Gender & Sexuality WSTU 2X8 Race, Gender & Sexuality D, G3
WRT 100 Fund of English Does Not Transfer
WRT 101 English Comp ENGL 110 English Composition COMP
WRT 102 Analytical Reading and Writing ENGL 110 English Composition COMP
WRT 103 Writing Studio Does Not Transfer
WRT 200 Wrtng About Lit ENGL 230 Introduction to Literature G1
WRT 202 Academic Writing ENGL 2X2 Academic Writing G1
WRT 210 Writing / Prof Culturs ENGL 2XX Writing / Prof Culturs
WRT 220 Communctns / Rpt Wrt ENGL 312 Technical Writing AW
WRT 225 Interdisciplinary Writing ENGL 2X5 Interdisciplinary Writing
WRT 272 Intro Creative Writing ENGL 471 Creative Writing
WRT 275 Playwriting THEA 2XX Playwriting
WRT 280 Research Methods Writ Studies WRIT 2X8 Research Methods Writ Studies
WRT 290 Teaching & Tutoring Wrtg EDUC 2X9 Teaching & Tutoring Wrtg
WRT 305 Rhetorical Theory ENGL 3XX Rhetorical Theory
WRT 310 Creative Writing ENGL 471 Creative Writing
WRT 315 Advanced Composition ENGL 311 Advanced Composition AW
WRT 320 Writing for the Web ENGL 3XX Writing for the Web
WRT 321 Document Design ENGL 32X Document Design:Thry/Pract G1, W
WRT 372 Peotry Wrt Workshop ENGL 471 Creative Writing
WRT 373 Adv Nonfctn Prose ENGL 443 Prose Fiction
WRT 410 Professional Editing ENGL 317 Editing for Publication
WRT 450 Experntl Learning Does Not Transfer
X 143 Intro Africa SSCI 1XX Intro Africa G3
X 144 Intro East Asia SSCI 1XX Intro East Asia G3
X 145 Intro to Latin Amer SSCI 1XX Intro to Latin Amer G3
X 146 Intro Middle East SSCI 1X6 Intro Middle East G3
X 147 Intro Russia/E Eur INTL 1X7 Intro Russia/E Eur
X 150 Intro S Asia SSCI 1XX Intro South Asia G3
ZZ 111 Study Abroad Does Not Transfer

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