Transfer Equivalency
Transfer Equivalency Listing
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York College of Pennsylvania / MU Transfer Course Equivalencies
In general, Millersville University awards transfer credit for college-level courses in fields of study offered at Millersville that were completed on the campus of a regionally accredited institution.
Note: The list below might not include all courses that would be accepted in transfer. Questions may be addressed to:
Tip: For MU Gen ED code descriptions, place your cursor over the codes corresponding to the courses listed below, a tooltip should appear.
York College of Pennsylvania Course | Millersville Equivalent | MU Gen ED Code (s) |
A 101 Intro Art Apprec | ART 100 Art in Culture | G1 |
A 207 Drawing I | ART 133 Drawing 1 | G1 |
A 317 Painting 1 | ART 352 Painting 1 | |
ACC 210 Elem Accounting 1 | BUAD 1XX Elem Accounting 1 | |
ACC 215 Elem Accounting 2 | BUAD 161 Intro to Financial Accounting | |
ACC 220 Financial Acct | BUAD 161 Intro to Financial Accounting | |
ACC 225 Managerial Acct | BUAD 162 Intro to Managerial Accounting | |
ACC 320 Inter Accounting 1 | BUAD 361 Intermediate Accounting 1 | |
ACC 325 Inter Accounting II | BUAD 362 Intermediate Accounting 2 | |
ANT 120 Physical Anthropol | ANTH 122 Physical Anthropology | G3 |
ANT 210 Physical Anthro | ANTH 122 Physical Anthropology | G3 |
ANT 220 Cult Anthropology | ANTH 121 Cultural Anthropology | G3 |
ANT 230 Archaeology | ANTH 123 Introduction To Archaeology | G3 |
ANT 300 Food and Culture | ANTH 322 Food and Culture | G3, W |
ANT 350 Anthropology/Aging | ANTH 35X Anthropology/Aging | G3 |
ANT 392 Anthro / Medicine | ANTH 325 Medical Anthropology | |
ANT 393 Archeaology/PA | ANTH 3X3 Archeaology/PA | G3 |
ART 101 Intro Art Apprec | ART 100 Art in Culture | G1 |
ART 110 Concepts of Design | ART 141 Fundamentals of Studio Art | G1 |
ART 112 Conc Figure Drawing | ART 1X2 Conc Figure Drawing | |
ART 116 Concepts/Sculpture | ART 282 Sculpture 1 | G1 |
ART 134 Concpts Comp Grhcs | ART 345 Introduction to Computer Art | |
ART 135 Visual Comm 1 | ART 1X5 Visual Comm 1 | |
ART 137 Computer Graphics 1 | ART 1X7 Computer Graphics 1 | |
ART 200 Intro Graphic Design | ART 142 2D Design | G1 |
ART 204 Survey West Art 1 | ART 312 Survey of Art History | G1 |
ART 205 Survey of Western Art II | ART 203 Srvy Art Hist 2:1400 thru 20C | G1 |
ART 206 Computer Graphics 1 | ART 344 Vis Comm and Graphcs Design 1 | |
ART 210 Design I | ART 142 2D Design | G1 |
ART 211 Design II | ART 242 3D Design | |
ART 215 Drawing 1 | ART 133 Drawing 1 | G1 |
ART 216 Figure Drawing I | ART 2X6 Figure Drawing I | |
ART 218 Typography I | ART 240 Typography 1 | G1 |
ART 220 Painting 1 | ART 352 Painting 1 | |
ART 225 Ceramics I | ART 295 Ceramics:Hand Building | G1 |
ART 230 Sculpture 1 | ART 282 Sculpture 1 | G1 |
ART 234 Concepts of Sculpture | ART 2X4 Concepts of Sculpture | G1 |
ART 245 Photography 1 | ART 306 Fine Art Photo 1 | G1 |
ART 246 Digital Photography | ART 2X6 Digital Photography | G1 |
ART 265 Drawing 2 | ART 233 Drawing 2 | |
ART 284 Jewelry/Sm Scultp I | ART 291 Fine Art Metals 1 | G1 |
ART 287 Printmaking I | ART 361 Survey Printmaking 1 | |
ART 295 Photography 2 | ART 406 Fine Art Photo 2 | |
ART 298 Portfolio Review | Does Not Transfer | |
ART 337 Junior Fine Art Studio | ART 300 Co-Op Ed Experience in Art | |
ART 387 Art of World Building | ART 379 Experimental | |
ART 395 Art After 1960 | ART 304 The 20th Century | G1, W |
ART 396 Art Educ / Elem | ART 221 Introduction to Art Education | |
ART 397 Art/Rec:Beyond A/C | ART 3X7 Art/Rec:Beyond A/C | G1 |
B 161 Psychology General | PSYC 100 General Psychology | G3 |
B 185 Sociology Intro | SOCY 101 Introduction to Sociology | G3 |
B 203 Anthropology Intro | ANTH 201 People, Primates, and Prehist | G3 |
B 205 Cult Anthropology | ANTH 121 Cultural Anthropology | G3 |
B 260 Statistics | PSYC 211 Statistics and Exper Design 1 | W |
B 285 Am Social Prob | SOCY 211 Social Problems | G3, W |
B 286 The Family | SOCY 210 Sociology of the Family | G3 |
B 307 Cognitive Psych | PSYC 3X7 Cognitive Psych | |
B 318 Soc Aspcts Agng | SOCY 214 Aging and the Aged | G3, W |
B 360 Developmental Psych | PSYC 228 Life Span Human Devlopment | G3 |
B 367 Social Psychology | PSYC 3X6 Social Psychology | |
B 368 Psych Excptinl Child | PSYC 3X8 Psych Excptinl Child | |
B 369 Psych of Reading | PSYC 3X9 Psych of Reading | |
BEH 200 Intro Applied Youth | SSCI 2XX Intro Applied Youth Devel | |
BEH 260 Statistics | SOCY 302 Social Statistics | G3 |
BIO 100 Intro Allied Hl | BIOL 257 Intro Allied Health | |
BIO 101 Biology Orientation | UNIV 103 First Yr: | |
BIO 106 Body Strct / Function | BIOL 1X6 Body Strct / Function | |
BIO 110 General Biology | BIOL 100 General Biology | G2, L |
BIO 112 Fund Human Bio | BIOL 204 Human Biology | G2, W |
BIO 120 Field Nat Hist | BIOL 1X2 Field Nat Hist | G2 |
BIO 124 Oceanography | ESCI 104 The World Ocean | G2, L |
BIO 125 Oceanography Lab | ESCI 105 World Ocean Laboratory | G2, L |
BIO 142 Molecules Genes Cells | BIOL 362 Cell and Developmental Biology | G2, L, W |
BIO 150 Introduction to Molecular Biol | BIOL 15X Introduction to Molecular Biol | L, G2 |
BIO 152 Biology 2 | BIOL 1XX Biology 2 | G2, L |
BIO 200 Intro Sci Rsrch | BIOL 2XX Intro Sci Rsrch | |
BIO 201 Medical Terminology | Does Not Transfer | |
BIO 204 Exploring Biology | BIOL 100 General Biology | G2, L |
BIO 210 Marine Biology | BIOL 2XX Marine Biology | G2, L |
BIO 216 Unseen Life / Earth | BIOL 2XX Unseen Life / Earth | G2 |
BIO 220 Human A/P I | BIOL 254 Human Anat and Physiology 1 | |
BIO 222 Human A/P II | BIOL 255 Human Anat and Physiology 2 | |
BIO 230 Microbiology | BIOL 461 General Microbiology | |
BIO 240 Genetics | BIOL 365 Genetics | |
BIO 290 Biostatistics | BIOL 375 Biometry | |
BIO 300 Ecology | BIOL 241 Principles of Ecology | |
BIO 308 Animal Physlgy | BIOL 435 Animal Physiology | |
BIO 312 Plant Systematics | BIOL 325 Plant Systematics | |
BIO 350 Biochemistry I with Lab | CHEM 326 Biochemistry 1 | G2, L |
BIO 354 Immunology with Lab | BIOL 35X Immunology with Lab | |
BS 100 Fund of Biology | BIOL 100 General Biology | L, G2 |
BS 103 Marine Biology | BIOL 291 Marine Biology | L, G2 |
BS 111 Prin of Biology | BIOL 100 General Biology | L, G2 |
BS 112 Intro Allied Health | BIOL 1X2 Intro Allied Health | |
BS 120 Biology I | BIOL 101 Foundations of Biology | L, G2 |
BS 210 Intro Scientific Res | BIOL 2XX Intro Scientific Res | G2 |
BS 212 Human Anat / Phys | BIOL 2X2 Human Anat/Phys 1 | |
BS 212 Human Anat / Phys | BIOL 254 Human Anat and Physiology 1 | |
BS 213 Human Anat / Phys | BIOL 255 Human Anat and Physiology 2 | |
BS 213 Human Anat / Phys | BIOL 2X3 Human Anat/Phys 2 | |
BS 222 Plant Taxonomy | BIOL 2X2 Plant Taxonomy | G2 |
BS 241 Microbiology | BIOL 161 Clinical Microbiology | |
BS 242 Genetics | BIOL 365 Genetics | |
BS 321 Botany | BIOL 221 Concepts of Botany | G2, L |
BUS 100 Getting to Know Modern Value | BUAD 1XX Getting to Know Modern Value | G3 |
BUS 150 Intro to Business | BUAD 101 Introduction to Business | G3 |
BUS 218 Personal Finance | BUAD 143 Personal Financial Planning | |
BUS 260 Legal Environment | BUAD 202 Legal Environment of Business | G3 |
BUS 320 Entrepreneurship | BUAD 3XX Entrepreneurship | |
BUS 345 Business Law 1 | BUAD 202 Legal Environment of Business | G3 |
BUS 346 Business Law 2 | BUAD 302 Organzations and Transactions | |
CCJ 101 Intro Crim Justice | SOCY 230 Criminology | G3, W |
CHM 104 Found of Chem | Does Not Transfer | |
CHM 106 Chemistry Recitation | Does Not Transfer | |
CHM 111 Concepts in Chem I | CHEM 1X1 Concepts in Chem I | G2 |
CHM 112 Concepts in Chem 2 | CHEM 112 Introductory Chemistry 2 | G2, L |
CHM 114 Conc in Chem I | CHEM 1X4 Conc in Chem I | G2 |
CHM 116 Concepts in Chemistry II | CHEM 112 Introductory Chemistry 2 | G2, L |
CHM 122 Prin Gen/Org Chem | CHEM 103 Gen Organic and Biochemistry 1 | G2, L |
CHM 131 Gen Chemistry I | CHEM 111 Introductory Chemistry 1 | G2, L |
CHM 132 Gen Chemistry II | CHEM 112 Introductory Chemistry 2 | G2, L |
CHM 134 Gen Chem 1 | CHEM 111 Introductory Chemistry 1 | G2, L |
CHM 135 General Chem Lab I | Does Not Transfer | |
CHM 136 Gen Chem 2 | CHEM 112 Introductory Chemistry 2 | G2, L |
CHM 146 Advanced Chem II | CHEM 1X6 Advanced Chem II | G2, L |
CHM 231 Organic Chemistry I | CHEM 231 Organic Chemistry 1 | G2, L |
CHM 234 Organic Chem I with Lab | CHEM 231 Organic Chemistry 1 | G2, L |
CHM 236 Organic Chem 2 | CHEM 232 Organic Chemistry 2 | G2, L |
CHM 338 Instr Anyl Chem | CHEM 465 Analytical Chemistry | W |
CHM 344 Physical Chem 1 | CHEM 342 Physical Chemistry 2 | G2, L, W |
CHM 346 Physical Chem 2 | CHEM 341 Physical Chemistry 1 | W |
CJA 101 Intro Crim Justice | SOCY 331 Intro to Criminal Justice Syst | G3 |
CJA 110 Juvenile Delinq | SOCY 334 Juvenile Delinquency | G3, W |
CJA 203 Ethical Issues/CJ | SOCY 2X3 Ethical Issues/CJ | |
CJA 205 Probation/Parole | SOCY 2X5 Probation/Parole | |
CJA 230 Intro to Criminalistics | SOCY 2X3 Intro to Criminalistics | G3 |
CJA 295 Research Methods | SOCY 2X5 Research Methods | |
CJA 302 Criminal Law | SOCY 3XX Criminal Law | |
CJA 310 Victimology | SOCY 3XX Victimology | |
CJA 335 Community Correctn | SOCY 33X Community Correctn | |
CJA 336 Judicial Process | SOCY 33X Judicial Process | |
CJA 337 Punishmnt/Correctns | SOCY 332 Modern Corrections | G3 |
CJA 341 Crim Procedure | SOCY 3XX Crim Procedures | |
CJA 348 Juvenile Just | SOCY 3XX Juvenile Justice | |
CJA 351 Criminal Org/Mgmt | SOCY 35X Criminal Org/Mgmt | |
CJA 360 Crim Just Practicum | Does Not Transfer | |
CJA 361 Crim Just Practicum II | Does Not Transfer | |
CJA 383 White Collr / Env | SOCY 3XX White Collar Crime/Env | |
CJA 470 Topics/Crim Justice | SOCY 339 Topics In Criminology | |
CJA 480 Institutional Correction | SOCY 332 Modern Corrections | G3 |
CM 100 Public Spkng | Does Not Transfer | |
CM 104 Human Communctn | COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech | SPCH |
CM 120 Broadcast Performance 1 | COMM 1X2 Broadcast Performance 1 | |
CM 132 Radio Practicum 1 | COMM 1XX Radio Practicum 1 | |
CM 150 Beg Sign Language | ELEC 1X5 Beg Sign Language | |
CM 204 Intro to Speech | COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech | SPCH |
CM 206 Communicatn Theory | COMM 201 Theory of Communication | G1 |
CM 211 Mass Communication | COMM 101 Introduction to Communicology | G1 |
CM 212 Public Speaking | Does Not Transfer | SPCH |
CM 221 Intro Public Relatns | COMM 251 Public Relations 1 | G1 |
CM 226 Audio Production I | COMM 2X6 Audio Production I | |
CM 231 Radio Production I | COMM 320 Radio Production | |
CM 242 Video Production I | COMM 2X2 Video Production I | |
CM 246 Comm for Business Profession | COMM 305 Business Profess Communictn | |
CM 271 Print Media Writing | ENGL 313 Fundamentals of Journalism | AW |
CM 304 Group Discussion | COMM 3X4 Group Discussion | |
CM 327 Persuasion | COMM 403 Persuasion | |
CM 331 Video Production I | COMM 321 TV Production 1 | |
CM 332 Media Writing | COMM 3X2 Media Writing | |
CM 336 Audio Production II | COMM 3X6 Audio Production II | |
CRW 272 Intro to Creative Writing | ENGL 2X2 Intro to Creative Writing | G1 |
CRW 382 Fiction Writing | ENGL 3X2 Fiction Writing | G1 |
CS 100 CPADS I | CSCI 10X CPADS 1 | G2 |
CS 101 Fund Comp Sci I | CSCI 1X1 Fund Comp Sci I | G2 |
CS 201 Fund of Computer Science II | CSCI 2X1 Fund of Computer Science II | |
CS 320 Software Engineering/Design | CSCI 3X2 Software Engineering/Design | |
E 101 English Comp | ENGL 110 English Composition | COMP |
E 102 English Comp 2 | ENGL 1XX English Comp 2 | G1 |
E 125 Radio / TV Speaking | COMM 1XX Radio/TV Speaking | G1 |
E 150 Sign Language | COMM 1X5 Sign Language | |
E 160 Intro Literature | ENGL 230 Introduction to Literature | G1 |
E 200 Writing About Literature | ENGL 2XX Writing About Literature | G1 |
E 203 African/Amer Lit | ENGL 333 Afro-American Literature 1 | G1, D, W |
E 204 Intro to Speech | COMM 2XX Intro to Speech | G1 |
E 205 Speech Oral Intrp | COMM 2XX Speech Oral Intrp | |
E 206 Prin Communication | COMM 201 Theory of Communication | G1 |
E 210 Speech Performa | COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech | SPCH |
E 216 Engl Voice Diction | COMM 2XX Engl Voice Diction | |
E 220 Communications/ Rpt | COMM 2X2 Communications/ Rpt | G1 |
E 221 Hist Amer Civ 1 | Does Not Transfer | |
E 231 Radio Cntrl RM, Stud | COMM 2XX Radio Cntrl Rm Studio | |
E 245 Amer Military Exper | HIST 2X5 Amer Military Exper | G3 |
E 254 Theatre Arts | THEA 217 Theatre Appreciation | G1 |
E 271 Journalism | ENGL 313 Fundamentals of Journalism | AW |
E 281 American Literature to 1885 | ENGL 235 Early American Literature | G1 |
E 286 Eur Lit Since 1600 | ENGL 28X Eur Lit Since 1600 | G1 |
E 311 Mass Media | COMM 3X1 Mass Media | |
E 315 Advanced Comp | ENGL 311 Advanced Composition | AW |
E 324 Shakespeare II | ENGL 405 Shakespeare | |
E 331 TV Control Practice | COMM 3XX TV Control Practice | |
E 332 Radio & TV Writing | COMM 326 Broadcast Workshop 1 | W |
E 340 Radio-TV News | COMM 325 Broadcast News Reporting | W |
E 342 Popular Literature | ENGL 3XX Popular Literature | G1 |
E 343 Exper of Poetry | ENGL 441 Poetry | |
E 350 Theatre Pract I | THEA 3X1 Theatre Pract I | |
E 352 Theatre Pract II | THEA 3X2 Theatre Pract II | |
E 353 Theatre Pract IV | THEA 3X3 Theatre Pract IV | |
E 391 Lit of Terror | ENGL 3X1 Lit of Terror | G1 |
ECE 100 Intro to Electrical Engineer | ITEC 1X0 Intro to Electrical Engineer | |
ECE 235 Computation/Discrete | CSCI 140 Discrete Structures | |
ECE 280 Fund Electrical Eng | ITEC 2X8 Fund Electrical Eng | |
ECH 101 Field Experience Stage 1 | Does Not Transfer | |
ECH 102 Field Experience Stage 2 | Does Not Transfer | |
ECH 201 Early Field Experience | EDUC 305 Field Experience | |
ECH 210 Educ Tech for Early Elem Learn | ERCH 2X1 Educ Tech for Early Elem Learn | |
ECH 220 Instruction & Curric. Develop | ERCH 2X2 Instruction & Curric. Develop | |
ECH 230 Early Childhood Theory & Pract | ERCH 110 Intro to Early Childhood Ed | |
ECH 250 Profess/Partnership Early Educ | ECHD 2X0 Profess/Partnership Early Educ | |
ECH 300 Tchng Language Arts | ERCH 422 Tchg Literacy PK-4 | |
ECH 310 Diag Rem Reading | EDUC 424 Diagnostic Reading Disablity | W |
ECH 315 Teachng Soc Studies | ERCH 345 Social Studies for Young Lrnr | |
ECH 320 Teaching Math | ERCH 455 Tchg Math to Young Children | |
ECH 330 Teaching Science | ERCH 465 Science for the Young Learner | |
ECH 495 Student Teaching | Does Not Transfer | |
ECO 200 Prin Econ-Macro | ECON 101 Principles of Economics 1 | G3 |
ECO 201 Prin Econ - Micro | ECON 102 Principles of Economics 2 | G3 |
ECO 350 Inter Microeconomics | ECON 318 Intermediate Microeconomics | G3 |
ECO 360 Intermed Macroeconomics | ECON 319 Intermediate Macroeconomics | G3 |
ED 104 Col Rdg Std Skl | Does Not Transfer | |
ED 200 Instructnl Tech | EDFN 330 Microcomputers in Classroom | |
ED 221 Intro Amer Educ | EDFN 211 Foundations Modern Education | D |
ED 370 Psyc Learning/Elem | ERCH 110 Intro to Early Childhood Ed | |
EDU 200 Found of Education | EDFN 211 Foundations Modern Education | D |
EDU 225 Instrct Englsh Lang Learners | ERCH 485 Tchng Young Engl Lang Learners | |
EDU 230 Introduction to the Arts | ERCH 316 Creative Experncs Young Child | |
EDU 240 Educational Assessment | ERCH 2X4 Educational Assessment | |
EDU 250 Science Concepts/Ed | ERCH 190 Intro to Integrative STEM | |
EDU 260 Effective Comm in Education | EDUC 2X6 Effective Comm in Education | |
EDU 320 Phys Educ/Health | WSSD 310 PE for Elementary Schools | |
EDU 370 Psyc of Learning | EDFN 241 Psyc Foundation of Teaching | |
EDU 480 Comm/Legal Issues | EDUC 48X Comm/Legal Issues | |
EE 104 Col Rdg Study Skls | Does Not Transfer | |
EE 201 Tchng Language Arts | EDUC 2X1 Tchng Language Arts | |
EE 221 Intro to American Ed | EDFN 2X1 Intro to American Ed | |
EE 301 Found Reading Instr | EDUC 220 Reading Foundations | |
EE 302 Diag Rem Reading | EDUC 3X2 Diag Rem Reading | |
EE 304 Elem Curriculum III | EDUC 3X4 Elem Curriculum III | |
EE 307 Emer First Aid / CPR | WSSD 311 First Aid and CPR | |
EE 310 Phys Ed And Rec | WSSD 310 PE for Elementary Schools | |
EE 315 Tchng Math / Elem Sch | EDUC 3X5 Tchng Math / Elem Sch | |
EE 316 Elem Ed Sci / Health | EDUC 3X6 Elem Ed Sci / Health | |
EE 380 Topcs Children Lit | ERCH 435 Literature for the Young Child | |
EE 402 Prof Ornt Schl Law | EDFN 4X2 Prof Ornt Schl Law | |
EGR 100 Epads 1 | ITEC 241 Drafting Communictions | |
EGR 102 Epads 2 | ITEC 242 Engineering Drafting | |
EGR 150 Computational Methods in Eng | MATH 1X5 Computational Methods in Eng | |
EGR 240 Math Methods | MATH 2X0 Math Methods | G2 |
EGR 256 Comp Apps / Engrs | CSCI 1X6 Comp Apps / Engrs | G2 |
EGR 290 Enginrg Career Trng | Does Not Transfer | |
EGR 342 Sys Model/Analysis | ITEC 3X2 Sys Model/Analysis | |
ENT 150 Intro to Entrepreneurship | ENTR 201 The Art of Entrepreneurship | G3 |
ENT 220 Entrepreneurial Marketplace | ENTR 2X2 Entrepreneurial Marketplace | |
ENT 260 Entrep & Small Bus Mangmt | BUAD 356 Entrepreneurial Management | |
ESS 152 Earth / Space Sci | ESCI 102 Origin and Evoltn of the Earth | G2 |
EXS 101 Found of Exercise & Human Perf | WSSD 1XX Found of Exercise & Human Perf | |
FCO 103 Writing Studio | Does Not Transfer | |
FCO 105 Rhetorical Communication | COMM 1X5 Rhetorical Communication | G1 |
FCO 210 Comm in Professional Cultures | COMM 2X1 Comm in Professional Cultures | G1, W |
FCO 215 Tech & Sci Communication | COMM 2X5 Tech & Sci Communication | G1 |
FIN 225 Student Managed Fund | BUAD 2X5 Student Managed Fund | |
FIN 300 Managrl Finance 1 | BUAD 341 Managerial Finance 1 | W |
FLM 216 Intro to Film | ENGL 240 Introduction to Film | G1, W |
FLM 260 The Horror Film | ENGL 2X6 The Horror Film | G1 |
FRN 101 Elem French 1 | FREN 101 Elementary French 1 | G1 |
FRN 102 Elem French 2 | FREN 102 Elementary French 2 | G1 |
FRN 201 Inter French 1 | FREN 201 Intermediate French 1 | G1 |
FRN 202 Inter French 2 | FREN 202 Intermediate French 2 | G1 |
FRN 205 Inter French Convs | FREN 2X5 Inter French Convs | G1 |
FRN 206 Rdg Stratgs / French | FREN 2X6 Rdg Stratgs / French | G1 |
FRN 303 French Culture / Civ | FREN 331 French Civilization 1 | |
FRN 315 French Lit 1 | FREN 311 Survey of Literature 1 | |
FYS 100 First Year Seminar | UNIV 103 First Year Seminar | |
FYS 101 Entrepreneurial Thinking | UNIV 103 First Yr: Entrepreneurial | |
FYS 110 Education in Today's Society | UNIV 103 First Yr: | |
G 100 World Regional Geography | GEOG 101 The Global Environment | G3 |
G 243 Intro Geography | GEOG 101 The Global Environment | G3 |
G 341 Geog North America | GEOG 344 North America | G3 |
G 344 Econ Geography | GEOG 222 Economic Geography | G3 |
G 350 Survey Canada | GEOG 344 North America | G3 |
GER 100 Perspectives on Aging | GERT 100 Introduction to Gerontology | G3 |
GER 215 Social Aspects of Aging | GERT 100 Introduction to Gerontology | G3 |
GER 312 Psych Aspects of Aging | GERT 100 Introduction to Gerontology | G3 |
GER 315 Social Aspcts/Aging | GERT 100 Introduction to Gerontology | G3 |
GER 330 Final Separation | PHIL 280 Thanatopsis:Viewing Death | G1 |
GER 410 Health/Later Years | GERT 4X1 Health/Later Years | |
GRD 206 Elements of Computer Graphics | DESN 144 Digital Theory and Skills | |
GRM 101 Elem German 1 | GERM 101 Elementary German 1 | G1 |
GRM 102 Elem German II | GERM 102 Elementary German 2 | G1 |
GRM 201 Inter German 1 | GERM 201 Intermediate German 1 | G1 |
GRM 202 Inter German 2 | GERM 202 Intermediate German 2 | G1 |
GRM 205 Inter German Convs | GERM 2X5 Inter German Convs | |
GRM 206 Reading Strategies in German | GERM 2X6 Reading Strategies in German | G1 |
GRM 301 Adv German Convers | GERM 3X1 Adv German Convers | |
GRM 305 German Culture/Civ | GERM 331 German Civilization 1 | |
GRM 316 German Lit 2 | GERM 311 Survey of German Lit 1 | |
H 121 Hist Western Civ 1 | HIST 101 Europe and the World 1500-1815 | G3 |
H 122 Hist Western Civ 2 | HIST 102 Europe and World since 1815 | G3 |
H 219 Hist Western Civ 1 | HIST 101 Europe and the World 1350-1789 | G3 |
H 220 Hist Western Civ 2 | HIST 102 Europe and World 1789-Present | G3 |
H 221 Hist Amer Civ 1 | HIST 106 Contours of US History | G3 |
H 222 Hist Amer Civ 2 | HIST 1XX Hist Amer Civ 2 | G3 |
H 300 Oral History | HIST 3X1 Oral History | G3 |
H 303 History of Africa 1 | HIST 281 African History | G3, W |
H 336 Historical Geography | HIST 3X6 Historical Geography | G3 |
H 353 The Jasksonian Era | HIST 3X3 The Jacksonian Era | G3 |
H 472 America in the 60's | HIST 4XX America in the 60's | G3 |
H 474 Int Museum Studies | HIST 4X4 Int Museum Studies | |
H 475 Native American Hist | HIST 3X5 Native American Hist | |
H 479 His / Lit Young Adult | HIST 4X9 His / Lit Young Adult | |
H 480 History of Ireland | HIST 4X8 History of Ireland | G3 |
H 487 Public vs Private | HIST 4X7 Public vs Private | |
H 489 The Black Death | HIST 4X9 The Black Death | |
HCC 215 Medical Terminology | Does Not Transfer | |
HIS 101 Western Civ I | HIST 101 Europe and the World 1350-1789 | G3 |
HIS 102 Western Civ II | HIST 102 Europe and World 1789-Present | G3 |
HIS 111 American Civ I | HIST 1X7 American Civ I | |
HIS 112 American Civ II | HIST 1XX American Civ II | |
HIS 121 World History I | HIST 1X1 World History I | G3 |
HIS 122 World History II | HIST 102 Europe and World 1789-Present | G3 |
HIS 200 Methods and Theory in History | HIST 2X2 Methods and Theory in History | G3 |
HIS 352 The New American Nation | HIST 3X2 The New American Nation | G3 |
HIS 402 The Black Death | HIST 4X2 The Black Death | G3 |
HIS 403 The European Witch Craze | HIST 4X3 The European Witch Craze | G3 |
HIS 420 The First World War | HIST 4X9 The First World War | G3 |
HIS 421 Nazi Germany | HIST 342 Hitler and Nazism | G3, W |
HIS 422 Holocaust in Film | HIST 4X2 Holocaust in Film | G3 |
HSC 100 Exploring Health Professions | ELEC 1XX Exploring Health Professions | |
HSC 105 Medical Terminology Profession | WSSD 110 Medical Terminology | |
HSC 205 Principls of Pharmacology | RESP 422 Pharmacology | |
HSP 100 Intro to Hospitality Mgmt | Does Not Transfer | |
HSP 120 Career Paths in Hosp & Tourism | Does Not Transfer | |
HSP 125 Professional Effectiveness | Does Not Transfer | |
HSV 100 Intro to Human Services | SOWK 1X1 Intro to Human Services | |
HSV 200 Applied Youth Development | PSYC 227 Devlopmnt Child and Adolescent | G3 |
HUM 228 Found Eng / Hum Stud | HMFA 2XX Found Eng / Hum Stud | G1 |
HUM 242 Science / Relig | HMFA 2XX Science / Relig | G1 |
IBS 200 Internatl Business | BUAD 201 Intro to Internationl Business | G3 |
IBS 401 International Econ | ECON 4XX International Econ | |
IFL 101 Informatn Literacy | CSCI 1XX Information Literacy | |
IFS 100 Info Tech Competncy | Does Not Transfer | |
IFS 105 Personal Computing | CSCI 101 Problem Solving with Computers | G2 |
IFS 175 Developmnt Fundmntl | CSCI 1X5 Developmnt Fundmntl | G2 |
IFS 205 Workgroup Productivity | CSCI 2XX Workgroup Productivity | |
IFS 305 Management Info Sys | BUAD 307 Management Information Systms | |
INT 101 Intro Indo/Eur | INTL 1XX Intro Indo/Eur | G3 |
INT 143 Intro Africa | INTL 1XX Intro Africa | G3 |
INT 144 Intro East Asia | INTL 2X4 Intro East Asia | G3 |
INT 145 Intro Latin America | INTL 1XX Intro Latin America | G3 |
INT 146 Intro Mid East | INTL 1XX Intro Mid East | G3 |
INT 147 Intro Russia | INTL 1XX Intro Russia | G3 |
INT 150 Intro South Asia | SSCI 1X5 Intro South Asia | G3 |
INT 260 Cross-Cultural Communication | COMM 317 Intercultural Communication | D, P |
ITL 101 Elem Italian I | ITAL 101 Elementary Italian 1 | G1 |
L 105 Elem Arabic | FORL 1X5 Elem Arabic | G1 |
L 106 Elementary Arabic II | FORL 1X6 Elementary Arabic 2 | G1 |
L 122 Elem French 2 | FREN 102 Elementary French 2 | G1 |
L 151 Elem German I | GERM 101 Elementary German 1 | G1 |
L 152 Elem German 2 | GERM 102 Elementary German 2 | G1 |
L 181 Elem Spanish I | SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish 1 | G1 |
L 182 Elem Spanish 2 | SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish 2 | G1 |
L 221 Inter French 1 | FREN 201 Intermediate French 1 | G1 |
L 251 Inter German 1 | GERM 201 Intermediate German 1 | G1 |
L 281 Inter Spanish 1 | SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish 1 | G1 |
L 282 Intermediate Spanish II | SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish 2 | G1 |
LAT 101 Elem Latin 1 | LATN 101 Elementary Latin 1 | G1 |
LAT 102 Elem Latin 2 | LATN 102 Elementary Latin 2 | G1 |
LIT 160 Intro Literature | ENGL 230 Introduction to Literature | G1 |
LIT 200 Honors Persp Lit | ENGL 230 Introduction to Literature | G1 |
LIT 203 African / Amer Lit | ENGL 333 Afro-American Literature 1 | G1, W |
LIT 210 Criticism/Theory | ENGL 237 Literary Research and Analysis | |
LIT 228 Foundations of English Studies | ENGL 237 Literary Research and Analysis | |
LIT 270 Young Adult Literature | ENGL 486 Tchg Rdg and Lit with Yng Adlt | |
LIT 281 Amer Lit to 1885 | ENGL 235 Early American Literature | G1 |
LIT 282 Amer Lit After 1885 | ENGL 236 Later American Literature | G1 |
LIT 283 British Lit to 1750 | ENGL 233 Early English Literature | G1 |
LIT 284 British Literature after 1750 | ENGL 234 Later English Literature | G1 |
LIT 285 Eur Lit to 1600 | ENGL 231 World Literature 1 | G1 |
LIT 286 European Literature since 1600 | ENGL 2X6 European Lit since 1600 | G1 |
LIT 291 Short Story | ENGL 2XX Short Story | |
LIT 310 Language / Linguistics | ENGL 221 Intro to Linguistic Analysis | G1 |
LIT 313 The American Novel | ENGL 423 Development of the Amer Novel | |
LIT 322 19th Century Novel | ENGL 404 The English Renaissance | |
LIT 323 Shakespeare 1 | ENGL 405 Shakespeare | |
LIT 324 Shakespeare Lit | ENGL 405 Shakespeare | |
LIT 326 20th C British Novel | ENGL 413 British Literature Since 1914 | |
LIT 327 20th Century Novel | ENGL 3X7 20th Century Novel | G1 |
LIT 341 The Comic Tradition | ENGL 331 The Comic Tradition | |
LIT 342 Popular Literature | ENGL 331 Topics: Popular Literature | |
LIT 343 The Experience of Poetry | ENGL 441 Poetry | |
LIT 344 Love & Sex in Literature | ENGL 331 Love & Sex in Literature | |
LIT 346 Literature & Society | ENGL 331 Literature & Society | |
LIT 347 Literature & Psychology | ENGL 331 Literature & Psychology | |
LIT 360 History of Theatre 1 | ENGL 442 Drama | |
LIT 361 History of Theatre 2 | ENGL 4X2 History of Theatre 2 | |
LIT 375 James Joyce | ENGL 415 Seminar of British Writers | |
LIT 376 Contemporary Poetry | ENGL 441 Poetry | |
LIT 378 Gay/Lesbian Literature | ENGL 331 Gay/Lesbian Literature | |
LIT 380 Maj Authors & Lit Traditions | ENGL 415 Seminar of British Writers | |
LIT 381 Literary Theory | ENGL 451 Literary Criticism | |
LIT 382 Women in Literature | ENGL 416 The Woman Writer | G1, W |
LIT 384 Harlem Renaissance | ENGL 494 Perspectives on Harlem Renaiss | P |
LIT 385 British Modernism | ENGL 413 British Literature Since 1914 | |
LIT 386 Literary Philosophers | ENGL 331 Literary Philosophers | |
LIT 387 Women's Writing & Resistance | ENGL 331 Women's Writg & Resistance | |
LIT 389 Postcolonial Theory | ENGL 451 Literary Criticism | |
LIT 390 The Bible as Literature | ENGL 332 Literature of the Bible | |
LIT 391 Literature of Terror | ENGL 331 Topics: Lit of Terror | |
LIT 393 Literature & Film | ENGL 240 Introduction to Film | G1, W |
LIT 395 Fantasy Literature | ENGL 292 Science Fiction | G1, W |
LIT 398 Early Modern Religious Genres | ENGL 331 Early Mod Religious Genres | |
LIT 416 Modern Drama | Does Not Transfer | |
LTC 210 Regltory Issues/LTC | NURS 2X1 Regltory Issues/LTC | |
LTC 310 Fiscal Issues/LTC | NURS 3X1 Fiscal Issues/LTC | |
LTC 320 Resident Servcs/LTC | GERT 3X2 Resident Servcs/LTC | |
M 103 Intro to Business | BUAD 101 Introduction to Business | G3 |
M 105 Principles of CIS | CSCI 1XX Principles of CIS | G2 |
M 194 Word Processing | Does Not Transfer | |
M 203 Elem Accounting 1 | BUAD 1XX Elem Accounting 1 | |
M 204 Elem Accounting 2 | BUAD 161 Intro to Financial Accounting | |
M 205 Supervisory Mgmt | BUAD 2X5 Supervisory Mgmt | |
M 221 Prin Econ Micro | ECON 102 Principles of Microeconomics | G3 |
M 222 Prin Econ Macro | ECON 101 Principles of Macroeconomics | G3 |
M 250 Prin Management | BUAD 251 Principles of Management | G3, W |
M 260 Business Statistics | MATH 2X6 Business Statistics | G2 |
M 261 Advertising | BUAD 335 Advertising | |
M 262 Prin of Marketing | BUAD 231 Principles of Marketing | |
M 266 Intro to Data Proc | CSCI 1X6 Intro to Data Proc | G2 |
M 278 Retailing | BUAD 2X8 Retailing | |
M 301 Interm Account 1 | BUAD 361 Intermediate Accounting 1 | |
M 302 Interm Account 2 | BUAD 362 Intermediate Accounting 2 | |
M 305 Taxation 1 | BUAD 366 Federal Income Tax 1 | |
M 328 Human Res Mgmt | BUAD 352 Human Resource Management | |
M 345 Business Law 1 | BUAD 202 Legal Environment of Business | G3 |
M 346 Business Law 2 | BUAD 2X6 Business Law 2 | |
M 350 Cost Acctng 1 | BUAD 364 Cost Accounting | |
M 369 Retail Buying/Merch | BUAD 3X6 Retail Buying/Merch | |
M 370 Promotional Strat | BUAD 3X0 Promotional Strat | |
MAT 100 Basic Algebra | MATH 1XX Basic Algebra | G2 |
MAT 102 Preliminary Math | Does Not Transfer | |
MAT 104 Math Study Skills | UNIV 1X4 Math Study Skills | |
MAT 105 College Algebra | MATH 101 College Algebra | |
MAT 108 Precalculus | MATH 160 Precalculus | G2 |
MAT 110 College Math | MATH 100 Survey of Mathematical Ideas | G2 |
MAT 111 Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv | MATH 100 Survey of Mathematical Ideas | G2 |
MAT 115 Mathematical Foundations | MATH 104 Fundamentals of Math 1 | G2 |
MAT 120 Applied Calculus | MATH 151 Calculus for Management | G2 |
MAT 125 College Trigonometry | MATH 110 Trigonometry | |
MAT 150 Data/Decision Making | MATH 1XX Data/Decision Making | |
MAT 171 Calculus 1 | MATH 161 Calculus 1 | G2 |
MAT 172 Calculus 2 | MATH 211 Calculus 2 | G2 |
MAT 215 Struct of Sets & Numbers 2 | MATH 105 Fundamentals of Math 2 | G2 |
MAT 230 Explor Math/Computr | MATH 2X3 Explor Math/Computr | |
MAT 250 Elements of Statistics | MATH 130 Elements of Statistics 1 | G2 |
MAT 260 Elem Linear Algebra | MATH 322 Linear Algebra 1 | G2 |
MAT 271 Calculus 3 | MATH 311 Calculus 3 | G2 |
MAT 272 Diff Equations | MATH 365 Ordinary Differential Equation | |
MAT 280 Math Structures | MATH 310 Intro to Mathematical Proof | W |
MAT 320 Number Theory | MATH 1X2 Number Theory | |
MAT 345 Modern Geometry | MATH 3X5 Modern Geometry | |
MAT 350 Probability and Statistics | MATH 2X1 Probability and Statistics | G2 |
MAT 360 Linear Algebra II | MATH 422 Linear Algebra 2 | |
MAT 361 Abstract Algebra | MATH 3X1 Abstract Algebra | |
MAT 391 Cryptology | MATH 3X9 Cryptology | |
MAT 473 Partl Diff Equatns | MATH 3X7 Partl Diff Equatns | |
ME 100 Intro to Mechanical Engineer | ITEC 1XX Intro to Mechanical Engineer | |
ME 250 Statics | ITEC 345 Statics/Strength of Materials | |
ME 252 Dynamics/Vibrtn | ITEC 2X2 Dynamics/Vibrtn | |
ME 264 Strength/Matrls | ITEC 345 Statics/Strength of Materials | |
ME 265 Materials/Solids | ITEC 26X Materials/Solids | |
ME 320 Thermodynamics | ITEC 32X Thermodynamics | |
ME 351 Instrumnt/Micro Lab | ITEC 3X5 Instrumnt/Micro Lab | |
ME 360 Fluid Mechanics | ITEC 326 Fluid Power | |
ME 361 Thermo/Fluids Exp | ITEC 3X1 Thermo/Fluids Exp | |
ME 380 Machine Design | ITEC 3X8 Machine Design | |
ME 400 Capstone Design I | ITEC 4X1 Capstone Design I | |
ME 450 Finite Elemnt Anlys | ITEC 4X5 Finite Elemnt Anlys | |
MGT 150 Prin of Management | BUAD 251 Principles of Management | G3, W |
MGT 250 Prin of Management | BUAD 251 Principles of Management | G3, W |
MGT 305 Total Quality Mgmt | BUAD 3X5 Total Quality Mgmt | |
MGT 320 Human Resource Mgmt | BUAD 352 Human Resource Management | |
MGT 350 Operations Mgmt | BUAD 452 Productn/Operations Management | |
MGT 380 Leadership/Change | BUAD 3X8 Leadership/Change | |
MKT 100 Prin Marketing | BUAD 231 Principles of Marketing | |
MKT 200 Prin Marketing | BUAD 231 Principles of Marketing | |
MKT 210 Market Measure and Analysis | BUAD 2X1 Market Measure and Analysis | G3 |
MKT 230 Retailing | BUAD 336 Retail Marketing | |
MKT 310 Fashion Marketing | BUAD 3X1 Fashion Marketing | |
MKT 330 Advertising | BUAD 335 Advertising | |
MKT 350 Business Marketing | BUAD 336 Retail Marketing | |
MKT 360 Consumer Behavior | BUAD 332 Consumer Behavior | |
MLE 201 Early Field Experience | Does Not Transfer | |
MU 141 YC Singers | MUSI 1X4 YC Singers | |
MU 144 YC Chorale | MUSI 126B Applied Music:Chorale | |
MU 242 YC Singers | MUSI 2X2 YC Singers | |
MU 260 Music Appreciation | MUSI 100 Music and Culture | G1 |
MU 374 Music in Schools | MUSI 103 Language of Music | G1 |
MUS 001 Recital Attendance | Does Not Transfer | |
MUS 002 Recital Attendance | Does Not Transfer | |
MUS 101 Voice | MUSI 144 Maj Perf 1:Voice | |
MUS 102 Voice | MUSI 1X2 Voice | |
MUS 103 Piano | MUSI 108 Pri Ins 1:Piano | |
MUS 104 Piano | MUSI 109 Pri Ins 2:Piano | |
MUS 116 Trumpet | MUSI 108 Pri Ins 1:Trumpet | |
MUS 117 Trumpet | MUSI 109 Pri Ins 2:Trumpet | |
MUS 124 Tuba | MUSI 154 MUED/BA-Maj Perf 1: Tuba | |
MUS 125 Tuba | MUSI 155 MUED/BA-Maj Perf 2: Tuba | |
MUS 136 Percussion | MUSI 153 Percussion 1 | |
MUS 137 Percussion | MUSI 253 Percussion 2 | |
MUS 140 Piano Class | MUSI 14X Piano Class | |
MUS 141 Piano Class | MUSI 131 Class Piano 1 | |
MUS 150 York College Chorale | MUSI 427 Chorale | |
MUS 151 YC Chorale | MUSI 127 Applied Music in Choir | |
MUS 153 Chamber Singers | MUSI 122 Appl Music in Orchestra/Chambr | |
MUS 158 YC Women's Ensemble | MUSI 1X8 YC Women's Ensemble | |
MUS 159 YC Women's Ensemble | MUSI 1X9 YC Women's Ensemble | |
MUS 160 Wind Symphony | MUSI 120 Appl Music in Symphonic Band | |
MUS 161 Wind Symphany | MUSI 1XX Wind Symphony | |
MUS 162 Jazz Ensemble | MUSI 124A Applied Music:Jazz Ensemble | |
MUS 164 Symphony Orchestra | MUSI 120 Appl Music in Symphonic Band | |
MUS 165 Symphny Orchstr | MUSI 120 Appl Music in Symphonic Band | |
MUS 170 Woodwind Ensemble | MUSI 120A Applied Music:Wind Ensemble | |
MUS 172 Percussion Ensemble | MUSI 120 Appl Music: Percussion Ensembl | |
MUS 173 Percussion Ensemble | MUSI 1X7 Percussion Ensemble | |
MUS 181 Found Music Theory | MUSI 1XX Found Music Theory | |
MUS 182 Music Theory I | MUSI 112 Kodaly Solfege,Hrmny,Anlys 1 | |
MUS 183 Music Theory II | MUSI 212 Kodaly Solfege,Hrmny,Anlys 2 | |
MUS 184 Aural Skills I | MUSI 1X4 Aural Skills I | |
MUS 185 Aural Skills II | MUSI 1X5 Aural Skills II | |
MUS 186 Listening to Music | MUSI 100 Music and Culture | G1 |
MUS 200 Music Appreciation | MUSI 100 Music and Culture | G1 |
MUS 245 Explore Music / Film | MUSI 2X5 Explore Music / Film | G1 |
MUS 250 YC Chorale | MUSI 25X YC Chorale | |
MUS 251 YC Chorale | MUSI 126 Applied Music in Choir | |
MUS 252 Chamber Singers | MUSI 2X2 Chamber Singers | |
MUS 253 Chamber Singers | MUSI 122 Appl Music in Orchestra/Chambr | |
MUS 260 Wind Symphony | MUSI 420 Wind Ensemble | |
MUS 261 Wind Symphony | MUSI 120 Appl Music in Symphonic Band | |
MUS 262 Jazz Ensemble | MUSI 124A Applied Music:Jazz Ensemble | |
MUS 286 Jazz History | MUSI 2XX Jazz History | G1 |
MUS 287 American Popular Music | MUSI 263 Popular Music | G1 |
MUS 288 History Rock/Roll | MUSI 2X8 History Rock/Roll | G1 |
MUS 291 Educ Exp in Music | MUSI 2X1 Educ Exp in Music | |
MUS 293 Brass Methods | MUSI 156 Brass 1 | |
MUS 294 Woodwind Methods | MUSI 152 Woodwind 1 | |
MUS 295 Percussion Methods | MUSI 2X5 Percussion Methods | |
MUS 299 Music and Culture Since 1900 | MUSI 2X9 Music and Culture Since 1900 | G1 |
MUS 2XX Music Major Transfer Credits | MUSI 2X1 Music Major Transfer Credits | |
MUS 351 YC Chorale | MUSI 127 Applied Music in Choir | |
MUS 390 Music History I | MUSI 362 Music History and Literature 1 | W |
MUSI 146 Vocal Methods | Does Not Transfer | |
N 101 Intro Pro Nursing | NURS 320 Basis of Professional Practice | |
N 201 Nursing HD/HC | Does Not Transfer | |
N 202 Nutrition | BIOL 256 Nutrition | G2, W |
N 210 Basic Principles | Does Not Transfer | |
N 307 Nursing Concepts/CH | Does Not Transfer | |
N 308 Nursing Practice/CH | Does Not Transfer | |
N 314 Research/NURS PR | Does Not Transfer | |
N 317 Parent/Child Concept | Does Not Transfer | |
N 318 Parent/Child Practice | Does Not Transfer | |
N 320 Prof N Key Concept | NURS 3X2 Prof N Key Concept | |
N 411 Ldrshp Prof Nursing | NURS 478 Transforming Health Care | W |
N 412 Research/Nursing | NURS 428 Nursing Research | W |
NUR 101 Intro Nursing & Health Careers | NURS 1XX Intro Nursing & Health Careers | |
NUR 201 Human Dev & Healthcare | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 202 Nutrition | BIOL 256 Nutrition | G2, W |
NUR 203 Pharmacology for Nurses I | NURS 2XX Pharmacology for Nurses I | |
NUR 204 Health Assess Prof Nursing | NURS 310 Population Health | |
NUR 210 Basic Princ Nursing Practice | NURS 312 Value-Based Care | |
NUR 300 Pharmacology for Nurses | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 301 Forensic Care Victims Violence | NURS 3X1 Forensic Care Victims Violence | |
NUR 304 Health for Prof Nursing | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 305 Health for Prof Nursing Lab | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 320 Health Assmnt/RN | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 321 Trans Concepts/RN | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 325 Human Lactation | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 332 Research Conc / RN | NURS 428 Nursing Research | |
NUR 340 Nursing Concepts: Adults | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 341 Nursing Concepts: Adults Clin | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 385 Comparative Health | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 386 Stress Management | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 456 Comm Hlth Conc/RN | Does Not Transfer | |
OBD 280 Leadership/Change | BUAD 38X Leadership/Change | |
OBD 325 Org Behavior | BUAD 351 Organization Theory | |
P 221 Intro to Philosophy | PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy | G1 |
P 222 Critical Thinking | PHIL 211 Introduction to Logic | G1 |
P 223 Mod Values / Iss | PHIL 381 Ethical Theories | G1, W |
P 224 Philos/Human Nature | PHIL 2X4 Philos/Human Nature | G1 |
P 265 Living Religion | PHIL 313 World Religions | G1, W |
P 266 Biblical Relig | PHIL 2X1 Biblical Relig | G1 |
P 341 Ethics | PHIL 381 Ethical Theories | G1, W |
P 345 Ethics in Health Car | NURS 3X5 Ethics in Health Care | |
P 369 Am Rel Thgt / Cul | PHIL 382 Philosophy of Religion | G1, W |
PAW 119 Physical Fitness | WELL 1X1 Physical Fitness | WELL |
PAW 134 Concepts of Phys Activity | WELL 1X4 Concepts of Phys Activity | WELL |
PAW 139 Cardiorespiratory Exercise | WELL 1X3 Cardiorespiratory Exercise | WELL |
PAW 140 Fundamentals of Golf | WELL 1X4 Fundamentals of Golf | |
PAW 163 Yoga | WELL 1X6 Yoga | WELL |
PAW 165 Pilates | WELL 1X6 Pilates | WELL |
PC 101 Intro Crim Just | SOCY 231 Intro to the Criminal Justice | G3 |
PE 104 Sftbl / Bsktbl Wo | WELL 1XX Sftbl / Bsktbl Wo | WELL |
PE 106 Intro Water Polo | WELL 1X6 Intro Water Polo | WELL |
PE 109 Archry / Ice Skating | WELL 1XX Archery/Ice Skating | WELL |
PE 110 Beginning Bowling | WELL 1XX Beginning Bowling | WELL |
PE 112 Square Dancing | WELL 1XX Square Dancing | WELL |
PE 115 Tennis / Badm Coed | WELL 1XX Tennis/Badm Coed | WELL |
PE 117 Modern Dance | WELL 1XX Modern Dance | WELL |
PE 118 Physical Fitness | WELL 11X Physical Fitness | WELL |
PE 119 Slimnastics | WELL 1X5 Slimnastics | WELL |
PE 120 Beginning Swimming | WELL 1XX Beginning Swimming | |
PE 121 Inter/Adv Swimming | WELL 1X2 Inter/Adv Swimming | |
PE 124 Lifeguard Training | WSSD 14X Lifeguard Training | |
PE 125 Skin/Scuba Diving | WELL 1X5 Skin/Scuba Diving | WELL |
PE 129 Pop Jazz Dance | WELL 1X9 Pop Jazz Dance | WELL |
PE 130 Elem Self Defense | WELL 1XX Elem Self Defense | WELL |
PE 134 Con Phys Actvty | WELL 1X6 Con Phys Actvity | WELL |
PE 135 Recreatnl Shooting | WELL 1X5 Recreatnl Shooting | WELL |
PE 136 Aerobic Dance | WELL 1XX Aerobic Dance | WELL |
PE 137 Intro Martial Arts | WELL 1XX Intro Martial Arts | WELL |
PE 139 Cardiovascular Exercs | WELL 1X9 Cardiovascular Exercs | WELL |
PE 140 Fundamentals/Golf | WELL 1X4 Fundamentals/Golf | |
PE 141 Intro to Advntr Sport | WELL 1X4 Intro to Advntr Sport | WELL |
PE 150 Archery | WELL 1X5 Archery | WELL |
PE 151 Badminton | WELL 11X Badminton | WELL |
PE 152 Basketball | WELL 1X2 Basketball | WELL |
PE 153 Field Hockey | WELL 1XX Field Hockey | WELL |
PE 154 Ice Skating | WELL 1X9 Ice Skating | WELL |
PE 155 Soccer | WELL 1X5 Soccer | WELL |
PE 156 Softball | WELL 15X Softball | WELL |
PE 159 Tennis | WELL 1X7 Tennis | WELL |
PE 160 Volleyball | WELL 1X6 Volleyball | WELL |
PE 161 Country Western Dance I | WELL 1X1 Country Western DAnce I | |
PE 162 Country Western Dance II | WELL 1X2 Country Western Dance II | |
PE 163 Intro to Yoga | WELL 1X3 Intro to Yoga | WELL |
PE 164 Intro to Tai Chi | WELL 1X4 Intro to Tai Chi | |
PE 165 Intro to Pilates | WELL 1X5 Intro to Pilates | WELL |
PE 166 Indoor Rock Climbing | WELL 1X6 Indoor Rock Climbing | WELL |
PE 170 Core Conditioning | WELL 1X7 Core Conditioning | |
PHL 221 Intro Philosophy | PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy | G1 |
PHL 222 Critical Thinking | PHIL 211 Introduction to Logic | G1 |
PHL 223 Contemp Moral Prob | PHIL 381 Ethical Theories | G1, W |
PHL 224 Phil/Hum Nature | PHIL 2X2 Phil/Hum Nature | G1 |
PHL 226 History / West Phil | PHIL 2X6 History / West Phil | G1 |
PHL 231 Logic | PHIL 211 Introduction to Logic | G1 |
PHL 235 Ancient/Early Mod | PHIL 321 Ancient Philosophy | G1, W |
PHL 236 Enlighten/Postmod | PHIL 322 Modern Philosophy | G1, W |
PHL 238 Race, Gender and Sexuality | HUMN 2X8 Race, Gender and Sexuality | D, G1 |
PHL 240 Environentl Ethics | PHIL 2X4 Environmentl Ethics | G1 |
PHL 245 American Philosophical Thought | PHIL 331 American Philosophy | G1 |
PHL 321 Epistemology | PHIL 3X1 Epistemology | G1 |
PHL 331 Metaphysics | PHIL 373 Metaphysics | G1 |
PHL 341 Ethics | PHIL 381 Ethical Theories | W, G1 |
PHL 343 Peace and Conflict | PHIL 3X3 Peace and Conflict | G1 |
PHL 346 Bioethics | PHIL 2X6 Bioethics | |
PHL 351 Intro Aesthetics | PHIL 383 Philosophy of Art | W, G1 |
PHL 361 Contmp Philosophy | PHIL 351 Contemporary European Philsphy | G1 |
PHL 389 Zombies Death/After | PHIL 38X Zombies Death/After | |
PHL 401 Philosophy Seminar | PHIL 371 Adv Sem: | G1, W |
PHY 110 Gen Phys: Mech / Ht | PHYS 131 Physics 1 with Algebra | G2, L |
PHY 111 Gen Phys: Mech / Ht | PHYS 231 General Physics 1 | G2, L |
PHY 112 Gen Phys: ELC/MA | PHYS 232 Physics 2 with Calculus: | G2, L |
PHY 112 Gen Phys: ELC/MA | PHYS 132 Physics 2 | G2, L |
PHY 160 Eng Phys:Mechncs | PHYS 231 Physics 1 with Calculus | L, G2 |
PHY 260 Eng Phys: Elct/Magn | PHYS 232 Physics 2 with Calculus | G2, L |
PS 100 Intro Political Sci | GOVT 101 Intro to Political Studies | G3 |
PS 101 American Government/Citizenshi | GOVT 111 Intro to American Government | G3 |
PS 102 Contemporary Global Issues | HUMN 1X2 Contemporary Global Issues | |
PS 110 Intro to Political Science | GOVT 1X0 Intro to Political Science | G3 |
PS 141 American Government | GOVT 111 Intro to American Government | G3 |
PS 142 Am Gov: Process / Pol | GOVT 111 Intro to American Government | G3 |
PS 242 State / Local Govt | GOVT 112 Intro to State and Local Govt | G3 |
PS 244 Govt / Pol East Asia | GOVT 2X4 Govt / Pol East Asia | G3 |
PS 245 Govt / Pol Latin Amer | GOVT 2X5 Govt / Pol Latin Amer | G3 |
PS 369 Modern Pol Thought | GOVT 36X Modern Pol Thought | G3 |
PS 370 Am Const Thght | GOVT 411 Con Law 1:Sep of Pwrs/Fdrlsm | |
PS 371 Amer Const Thought:Pltcl Inst | GOVT 37X Amer Const Thought:Pltcl Inst | |
PS 372 Civil Lib/Civ Rights | GOVT 412 Constnl Law:Rights/Liberties | |
PSC 152 Physical Science I | SCMA 1X2 Physical Science I | G2, L |
PSC 154 Physical Sci 2 | Does Not Transfer | L, G2 |
PSY 100 General Psychology | PSYC 100 General Psychology | G3 |
PSY 110 Orientation to Psych Major | UNIV 103 First Yr: | |
PSY 150 Intro Psychology 1 | PSYC 100 General Psychology | G3 |
PSY 151 Intro to Psych II | PSYC 1X1 Intro to Psych II | G3 |
PSY 200 Essntl Skills / Tools | PSYC 2XX Essntls Skills / Tools | |
PSY 210 Fund Biopsychology | PSYC 2X1 Fund Biopsychology | G3 |
PSY 215 Sustainability/Psy | PSYC 2X5 Sustainability/Psy | G3 |
PSY 221 Child / Adol Develop | PSYC 227 Devlopmnt Child and Adolescent | W, G3 |
PSY 227 Psych Excep Child | PSYC 2X7 Psych Excep Child | |
PSY 230 Abnormal Psych | PSYC 2X3 Abnormal Psych | |
PSY 243 Social Psychology | PSYC 317 Social Psychology | |
PSY 250 Multicultural Aware | PSYC 2X5 Multicultural Aware | G3 |
PSY 270 Design and Analysis 1 | PSYC 211 Statistics and Exper Design 1 | W |
PSY 271 Design and Analysis 2 | PSYC 212 Statistics and Exper Design 2 | |
PSY 307 Cognitive Psych | PSYC 314 Cognitive Psychology | |
PSY 312 Psyc Aspects/Aging | PSYC 3X2 Psyc Aspects/Aging | G3 |
PSY 320 Develpmntl Psych | PSYC 227 Devlopmnt Child and Adolescent | G3, W |
PSY 325 Adult Development | PSYC 229 The Adult Years | G3 |
PSY 327 Psych for Exceptional Child | PSYC 3XX Psych for Exceptional Child | G3 |
PSY 330 Adult Psychopathology | PSYC 337 Abnormal Psychology | G3, W |
PSY 341 Abnormal Psych | PSYC 337 Abnormal Psychology | W, G3 |
PSY 343 Social Psych | PSYC 317 Social Psychology | |
PSY 393 Topics: Health Psychology | PSYC 356 Health Psychology | |
QBA 260 Business Statistics | MATH 235 Survey of Statistics | G2 |
QBA 265 Business Stats II | MATH 2X5 Business Stats II | |
QBA 310 Management Science | BUAD 358 Management Science | |
REC 101 Recreation / Leisure | WSSD 1X1 Recreation / Leisure | |
REC 103 Leadership / Group | WSSD 1X3 Leadership / Group | |
REC 200 Intro to Therapeutic Rec | ELEC 2XX Intro to Therapeutic Rec | |
REC 301 Group Dynamics | WELL 3XX Group Dynamics | |
REL 265 World Religions | PHIL 313 World Religions | G1 |
REL 266 Biblical Religions | PHIL 2XX Biblical Religions | G1 |
REL 270 Trad/Cult Judaism | PHIL 27X Trad/Cult Judaism | G1 |
REL 275 Trad/Cult Chrstnty | PHIL 2X5 Trad/Cult Chrstnty | G1 |
REL 387 Native Amer Religion | PHIL 38X Native Amer Religion | G1 |
REL 390 Hinduism/Buddhism | PHIL 361 Asian Philosophy | G1 |
REL 391 New Relig Movements | PHIL 3X1 New Relig Movements | G1 |
REL 393 Violence & Religion | SSCI 39X Violence and Religion | |
RT 100 Basic Science for Resp Care | RESP 1XX Basic Science for Resp Care | |
RT 105 Medical Terminology | Does Not Transfer | |
RT 110 Oxygen Therapy & Cardio Rusus | RESP 1X1 Oxygen Therapy & Cardio Rusus | |
RT 115 Bronchopulmonary Hygiene | RESP 1X2 Bronchopulmonary Hygiene | |
RT 120 Mechanical Ventilation | RESP 1X3 Mechanical Ventilation | |
RT 125 Pulmonary Function Testing/Int | RESP 1X4 Pulmonary Function Testing/Int | |
RT 130 Pulmonary Diseases | RESP 1X5 Pulmonary Diseases | |
RT 135 Ped Resp Ther | Does Not Transfer | |
RT 150 Clin Prac I | Does Not Transfer | |
RT 160 Clin Prac II | Does Not Transfer | |
RT 210 Eval Patient Pulmonary Disease | RESP 2XX Eval Patient Pulmonary Disease | |
RT 235 Neonatal & Pediatric Resp Care | RESP 2X1 Neonatal & Pediatric Resp Care | |
RT 245 Clinical Practice C | Does Not Transfer | |
RT 320 Pulmonary Physiology | RESP 3XX Pulmonary Physiology | |
RT 330 Cardiac Physiology | RESP 3X1 Cardiac Physiology | |
RT 440 Adv Resp Assess & Life Support | RESP 4XX Adv Resp Assess & Life Support | |
RT 450 Respiratory Therapy Seminar | RESP 4X1 Respiratory Therapy Seminar | |
RT 460 Resp Care Leadership Managemnt | RESP 4X3 Resp Care Leadership Managemnt | |
RT 465 Adv Clinical Capstone | RESP 4X4 Adv Clinical Capstone | |
RUS 101 Elem Russian I | RUSS 101 Elementary Russian 1 | G1 |
RUS 102 Elem Russian II | RUSS 102 Elementary Russian 2 | G1 |
S 123 Concepts / Chem 1 | CHEM 103 Gen Organic and Biochemistry 1 | G2, L |
S 150 Basic Mathematics | Does Not Transfer | |
S 152 Foundations Num Sys | MATH 1X2 Foundations Num Sys | |
S 153 College Algebra | MATH 101 College Algebra | |
S 160 Intro Literature | ENGL 230 Introduction to Literature | G1 |
S 163 College Math | MATH 100 Survey of Mathematical Ideas | G2 |
S 166 Business Calculus | MATH 151 Calculus for Management | G2 |
S 168 College Trig | MATH 110 Trigonometry | |
S 174 Elem Linear Algebra | MATH 1X4 Elem Linear Algebra | G2 |
S 180 Earth / Space Science | ESCI 102 Origin and Evoltn of the Earth | G2 |
S 182 Physical Sci II | PHYS 1X2 Physical Sci II | G2 |
S 244 Intro to CAD | ELEC 2X3 Intro to CAD | |
S 265 Elem of Statistics | MATH 130 Elements of Statistics 1 | G2 |
SCM 300 Operations Mgmt | MGMT 3XX Operations Mgmt | |
SE 210 Educ Tech for Middle/Sec Ed | EDSE 2X1 Educ Tech for Middle/Sec Ed | |
SE 220 Curriculum Develop | ELED 376 Assessment for Instrctnl Plnng | W |
SE 350 Secondry School Exp | EDUC 35X Secondry School Exp | |
SOC 100 Intro Sociology | SOCY 101 Introduction to Sociology | G3 |
SOC 201 Family Violence | SOWK 313 Family Violence | P |
SOC 210 Drug / Alcohol Addctn | SOCY 2XX Drug/Alcohol Addctn | G3 |
SOC 215 Law and Society | SOCY 2XX Law and Society | G3 |
SOC 220 Am Social Prob | SOCY 211 Social Problems | W, G3 |
SOC 225 The Family | SOCY 210 Sociology of the Family | G3 |
SOC 230 Dev Soc Theory | SOCY 303 Sociological Theory | |
SOC 235 Contmp Soc Thry | SOCY 2XX Contemp Soc Theory | G3 |
SOC 240 Theory/Policy | SOCY 24X Theory/Policy | |
SOC 260 Gender & Society | SOCY 2X6 Gender & Society | G3 |
SOC 301 Enviornmental Soc | SOCY 3X1 Environmental Soc | |
SOC 302 Soc Health/Illness | SOCY 317 Sociology Of Health | G3 |
SOC 310 Soc / Organizatns | SOCY 318 Soc Of Complex Organizations | |
SOC 315 Ethnc / Minorities | SOCY 315 Race and Ethnic Relations | G3 |
SOC 320 Criminology | SOCY 230 Criminology | W, G3 |
SOC 330 Soc of Religion | SOCY 310 Sociology of Religion | P |
SOC 335 Research Methods | SOCY 305 Social Research Methods | |
SOC 336 Resrch Methdlgy 2 | SOCY 305 Social Research Methods | |
SOC 340 Urban Sociology | SOCY 441 Urban Society | |
SOC 345 Human Serv Tech | SOWK 3XX Human Serv Tech | |
SOC 355 Design / Eval Soc Prog | SOCY 3XX Design / Eval Soc Prog | |
SOC 422 Social Change | SOCY 4XX Social Change | |
SPE 200 Spcl Ed Procs & Procd & Cog Dv | SPED 2X2 Spcl Ed Procs & Procd & Cog Dv | |
SPE 205 ADHD/Autism Disord | EDUC 2X5 ADHD/Autism Disorders | |
SPE 206 Emotional Support | EDUC 20X Emotional Support | |
SPE 302 Assistive Technology | EDFN 30X Assistive Technology | |
SPE 303 Mental Retardation | SPED 30X Mental Retardation | |
SPE 333 Spec Lear Disablt | SPED 328 Assessment in Special Educatn | |
SPE 338 Mild/Moderate/Severe | SPED 33X Mild/Moderate/Severe | |
SPE 340 Beh Des/Interventn | SPED 325 Principles Behavior Management | |
SPE 351 Transitions/Career | EDUC 35X Transitions/Career | |
SPE 364 Educational Testing | ELED 376 Assessment for Instrctnl Plnng | W |
SPE 400 Beh Des/Interventn | SPED 40X Beh Des/Interventn | |
SPM 101 Hist / Philos Sport | WSSD 350 Sport in America | W |
SPM 105 Freshmen Seminar | WSSD 1X5 Freshmen Seminar | |
SPM 110 Sport Mgmt Pract | WSSD 1X1 Sport Mgmt Pract | |
SPM 111 Sport Mgmt Pract | WSSD 1X2 Sport Mgmt Pract | |
SPM 113 Sport Mgmt Pract | WSSD 1X3 Sport Mgmt Pract | |
SPM 125 Intro to Sport Management | WSSD 1X5 Intro to Sport Management | |
SPM 150 Sport Mgmt Practicum I | Does Not Transfer | |
SPM 201 Intro Sport Mgmt | WSSD 2XX Intro Sport Mgmt | |
SPM 220 Sport in Society | WSSD 350 Sport in America | W |
SPM 230 Sport Admin & Mgmt Practices | WSSD 2XX Sport Admin & Mgmt Practices | |
SPM 310 Sport Behavior | WSSD 484 Psyc-Soc Foundation Coaching | |
SPN 101 Elem Spanish 1 | SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish 1 | G1 |
SPN 102 Elem Spanish 2 | SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish 2 | G1 |
SPN 125 Orient to Mexico | Does Not Transfer | |
SPN 201 Inter Spanish 1 | SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish 1 | G1 |
SPN 202 Inter Spanish II | SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish 2 | G1 |
SPN 205 Inter Spanish Conv | SPAN 2X5 Intermediate Spanish Conversat | |
SPN 206 Reading Strategies in Spanish | SPAN 2X2 Reading Strategies in Spanish | G1 |
SPN 301 Adv Oral and Written Spanish | SPAN 351 Composition and Oral Express 1 | W, G1 |
SPN 315 Intro to Literature of Spain | SPAN 312 Survey of Literature 2 | |
SPN 316 Intro Lit Span Amer | SPAN 313 Survey of Span American Lit 1 | |
SPN 405 Spanish Through Hispanic Cinem | SPAN 4X5 Spanish Through Hispanic Cinem | G1 |
THE 121 Stagecraft | THEA 120 Stagecraft | G1 |
THE 152 Theatre Practicum | THEA 208 Theatre Practicum | |
THE 153 Theatre Practicum | THEA 208 Theatre Practicum | |
THE 154 Introduction to Theatre | THEA 217 Theatre Appreciation | G1 |
THE 215 Acting | THEA 130 Acting 1 | G1 |
THE 221 Theatre Technology | THEA 2X1 Theatre Technology | |
THE 253 Theatre Practicum | Does Not Transfer | |
THE 254 Intro Theatre | THEA 217 Theatre Appreciation | G1 |
THE 255 Scene Study | THEA 240 Script Analysis | G1 |
THE 322 Costume Design | THEA 310 Costume for Stage & Media | |
THE 350 Theatre Pract I | Does Not Transfer | |
THE 351 Theatre Pract II | THEA 3XX Theatre Pract II | |
WGS 200 Women/Gender Studies | WSTU 220 Introduction Women's Studies | G3 |
WGS 225 The Family | SOCY 210 Sociology of the Family | G3 |
WGS 238 Race, Gender & Sexuality | WSTU 2X8 Race, Gender & Sexuality | D, G3 |
WRT 100 Fund of English | Does Not Transfer | |
WRT 101 English Comp | ENGL 110 English Composition | COMP |
WRT 102 Analytical Reading and Writing | ENGL 110 English Composition | COMP |
WRT 103 Writing Studio | Does Not Transfer | |
WRT 200 Wrtng About Lit | ENGL 230 Introduction to Literature | G1 |
WRT 202 Academic Writing | ENGL 2X2 Academic Writing | G1 |
WRT 210 Writing / Prof Culturs | ENGL 2XX Writing / Prof Culturs | |
WRT 220 Communctns / Rpt Wrt | ENGL 312 Technical Writing | AW |
WRT 225 Interdisciplinary Writing | ENGL 2X5 Interdisciplinary Writing | |
WRT 272 Intro Creative Writing | ENGL 471 Creative Writing | |
WRT 275 Playwriting | THEA 2XX Playwriting | |
WRT 280 Research Methods Writ Studies | WRIT 2X8 Research Methods Writ Studies | |
WRT 290 Teaching & Tutoring Wrtg | EDUC 2X9 Teaching & Tutoring Wrtg | |
WRT 305 Rhetorical Theory | ENGL 3XX Rhetorical Theory | |
WRT 310 Creative Writing | ENGL 471 Creative Writing | |
WRT 315 Advanced Composition | ENGL 311 Advanced Composition | AW |
WRT 320 Writing for the Web | ENGL 3XX Writing for the Web | |
WRT 321 Document Design | ENGL 32X Document Design:Thry/Pract | G1, W |
WRT 372 Peotry Wrt Workshop | ENGL 471 Creative Writing | |
WRT 373 Adv Nonfctn Prose | ENGL 443 Prose Fiction | |
WRT 410 Professional Editing | ENGL 317 Editing for Publication | |
WRT 450 Experntl Learning | Does Not Transfer | |
X 143 Intro Africa | SSCI 1XX Intro Africa | G3 |
X 144 Intro East Asia | SSCI 1XX Intro East Asia | G3 |
X 145 Intro to Latin Amer | SSCI 1XX Intro to Latin Amer | G3 |
X 146 Intro Middle East | SSCI 1X6 Intro Middle East | G3 |
X 147 Intro Russia/E Eur | INTL 1X7 Intro Russia/E Eur | |
X 150 Intro S Asia | SSCI 1XX Intro South Asia | G3 |
ZZ 111 Study Abroad | Does Not Transfer |
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