Transfer Equivalency
Transfer Equivalency Listing
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University of Pittsburgh / MU Transfer Course Equivalencies
In general, Millersville University awards transfer credit for college-level courses in fields of study offered at Millersville that were completed on the campus of a regionally accredited institution.
Note: The list below might not include all courses that would be accepted in transfer. Questions may be addressed to:
Tip: For MU Gen ED code descriptions, place your cursor over the codes corresponding to the courses listed below, a tooltip should appear.
University of Pittsburgh Course | Millersville Equivalent | MU Gen ED Code (s) |
ACCT 0111 Financial Accounting | BUAD 161 Intro to Financial Accounting | |
ACCT 0112 Managerial Accounting | BUAD 162 Intro to Managerial Accounting | |
ACCT 0201 Financial Accounting Concepts | BUAD 161 Intro to Financial Accounting | |
ADMJ 0002 Crime, Law, and Public Policy | SOCY 1X2 Crime, Law, and Public Policy | G3 |
ADMJ 0100 Society and the Law | SOCY 2X1 Society and the Law | G3 |
ADMJ 0500 Intro to Admin of Justice | SOCY 331 Intro to Criminal Justice Syst | G3 |
ADMJ 0600 Introduction to Criminology | SOCY 230 Criminology | W, G3 |
ADMJ 1100 Crime Scene Investigation | SOCY 2X1 Crime Scene Investigation | |
ADMJ 1115 Criminalistics | SOCY 1X5 Criminalistics | |
ADMJ 1200 Intro to Law Enforcement | SOCY 1X2 Intro to Law Enforcement | |
ADMJ 1210 Juvenile Delinquency | SOCY 334 Juvenile Delinquency | G3 |
ADMJ 1220 Deviance and the Law | SOCY 338 Sociology of Deviance | |
ADMJ 1235 Organized Crime | SOCY 2X5 Organized Crime | G3 |
ADMJ 1236 International Organized Crime | SOCY 2X6 International Organized Crime | |
ADMJ 1242 Gender Race Class and Crime | SOCY 2XX Gender Race Class and Crime | G3 |
ADMJ 1245 Terrorism | SOCY 2XX Terrorism | G3 |
ADMJ 1265 Advanced Topics in Criminology | SOCY 339 Topics In Criminology | W |
ADMJ 1300 Introduction to Corrections | SOCY 332 Modern Corrections | G3 |
ADMJ 1350 Probation and Parole | SOCY 3X5 Probation and Parole | |
ADMJ 1400 Introduction to Criminal Law | SOCY 1X4 Introduction to Criminal Law | |
ADMJ 1410 Intro to Criminal Procedure | SOCY 331 Intro to Criminal Justice Syst | G3 |
ADMJ 1425 Principles Homeland Security | SOCY 22X Principles Homeland Security | G3 |
ADMJ 1450 Critical Iss in Criminal Justi | SOCY 3XX Critical Iss in Criminal Justi | |
ADMPS 1001 Social Foundations of Educatio | EDFN 211 Foundations Modern Education | D |
AFRCNA 0031 Intro to Afrcna Studies | HIST 2X3 Intro to Afrcna Studies | G3 |
AFRCNA 0042 Africana Urban Woman | AFAM 2XX Africana Urban Woman | G3 |
AFRCNA 0052 African American Dance | AFAM 2XX African American Dance | G3 |
AFRCNA 0086 African Civ & Culture | AFAM 1X8 African Civ & Culture | G3 |
AFRCNA 0087 Black Consciousness | AFAM 1X8 Black Consciousness | G3 |
AFRCNA 0120 African Amer Experience Sports | AFAM 1X2 African Amer Experience Sports | |
AFRCNA 0212 West African Dance | AFAM 3X1 West African Dance | P |
AFRCNA 0311 Intro to the Afr Amer Family | AFAM 1XX Intro to the Afr Amer Family | |
AFRCNA 0385 Caribbean History | AFAM 3X5 Caribbean History | |
AFRCNA 0454 Man/Woman Literature | ENGL 4X4 Man/Woman Literature | D, P |
AFRCNA 0522 Introduction Afrcn Literature | ENGL 2X2 Introduction Afrcn Literature | G1 |
AFRCNA 0787 Black Consciousness | AFAM 201 Intro to African American Stdy | D, G3 |
AFRCNA 1012 Early 20thC Black Social Movem | AFAM 3X1 Early 20thC Black Social Movem | G3 |
AFRCNA 1353 Comparative Dance Expression | AFAM 1X3 Comparative Dance Expression | G3 |
AFRCNA 1402 Lrng Pardgms Afrc-Am Chld Dvlp | AFAM 2X4 Lrng Pardgms Afrc-Am Chld Dvlp | |
AFRCNA 1420 Power & Performance in Africa | SOCY 24X Power & Performance in Africa | G3 |
AFROTC 0001 Foundations of US Air Force | Does Not Transfer | |
AFROTC 0002 Foundations of US Air Force | Does Not Transfer | |
AFROTC 0005 Freshman Leadership Lab | Does Not Transfer | |
ANTH 0101 Intro to Cultural Anthropology | ANTH 121 Cultural Anthropology | G3 |
ANTH 0536 Mesoamerica Before Cortez | ANTH 3XX Mesoamerica Before Cortez | G3 |
ANTH 0538 The Archelogst Looks at Death | ANTH 3X8 The Archelogst Looks at Death | G3 |
ANTH 0582 Intro to Archeology | ANTH 123 Introduction To Archeology | G3 |
ANTH 0620 Biocultural Anthropology | ANTH 2X6 Biocultural Anthropology | G3 |
ANTH 0630 Forensic Anthropology | ANTH 23X Forensic Anthropology | G3 |
ANTH 0645 Introduction to Human Biology | ANTH 122 Physical Anthropology | G3 |
ANTH 0669 Sex and Evolution | ANTH 2XX Sex & Evolution | G3 |
ANTH 0680 Intro Physical Anthropology | ANTH 122 Physical Anthropology | G3 |
ANTH 0681 Introduction to Human Evolutn | ANTH 28X Introduction to Human Evolutn | G3 |
ANTH 0715 Anthropology of Latin America | ANTH 226 Compar Societs: | G3, W |
ANTH 0717 Magic Witchcraft & Supernaturl | ANTH 1XX Magic Witchcraft & Supernaturl | |
ANTH 0768 Human Sexuality in Cros Cultur | ANTH 328 Male/Female | G3 |
ANTH 0780 Intro to Cultural Anthropology | ANTH 121 Cultural Anthropology | G3 |
ANTH 0800 Intro to Cultural Anthropology | ANTH 121 Cultural Anthropology | G3 |
ANTH 1447 Language, Culture and Society | ANTH 121 Cultural Anthropology | G3 |
ANTH 1482 Caribbean Cultures | ANTH 226 Compar Societs: | G3, W |
ANTH 1530 Origin of Cities | ANTH 2X3 Origin of Cities | G3 |
ANTH 1544 Ancient Civilizations | ANTH 226 Compar Societs: | G3, W |
ANTH 1600 Human Evolution & Variation | ANTH 1X6 Human Evolution & Variation | G3 |
ANTH 1705 Supernatural Worlds: Anth Rel | ANTH 2X5 Supernatural Worlds: Anth Rel | G3 |
ANTH 1720 Caribbean Countries | ANTH 226 Compar Societs: | G3, W |
ANTH 1752 Anthropology of Food | ANTH 322 Food and Culture | W, G3 |
ANTH 1761 Patnts & Healers: Medcl Anth 1 | ANTH 325 Medical Anthropology | |
ANTH 1764 Cultures & Societies of India | ANTH 2X4 Cultures & Societies of India | G3 |
ANTH 1784 Japan Society | SOCY 1X8 Japan Society | G3 |
ANTHRO 0080 Cult Anthro | ANTH 121 Cultural Anthropology | G3 |
ANTHRO 080 Cult Anthro | ANTH 121 Cultural Anthropology | G3 |
ART 0106 World Art Survey 2 | ART 1X6 World Art Survey 2 | |
ART 0201 Color and Design | ART 2X1 Color and Design | G1 |
ARTSC 0101 First Approaches to Research | ELEC 1X1 First Approaches to Research | |
ARTSC 0111 Right Start 1 | UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar | |
ARTSC 0112 Right Start 2 | ELEC 1X2 Right Start 2 | |
ARTSC 1001 International Studies London | INTL 2X1 International Studies London | G3 |
ARTSC 1903 Internship in London | Does Not Transfer | |
ASTRO 0101 Intro to Astronomy | PHYS 117 General Astronomy | G2 |
ASTRON 0086 Observational Astronomy | PHYS 117 General Astronomy | G2 |
ASTRON 0087 Basics of Space Flight | PHYS 1XX Basics of Space Flight | G2 |
ASTRON 0088 Stonehenge to the Hubble | PHYS 1XX Stonehenge to the Hubble | |
ASTRON 0089 Stars, Galaxies & the Cosmos | PHYS 117 General Astronomy | G2 |
ASTRON 0113 Introduction to Astronomy | PHYS 117 General Astronomy | G2 |
BIOENG 1070 Intro Cell Biology I | BIOL 1X7 Intro to Cell Biology I | G2, L |
BIOENG 1071 Intro to Cell Biology II | BIOL 2X7 Intro to Cell Biology II | G2, L |
BIOENG 1085 Intro to Bioengineer Seminar | Does Not Transfer | |
BIOENG 1150 Bioeng Methods & Applications | SCMA 1X5 Bioeng Methods & Applications | |
BIOENG 1160 Bioengineering Design I | SCMA 1X6 Bioengineering Design I | |
BIOENG 1210 Bioengineering Thermodynamics | SCMA 2X1 Bioengineering Thermodynamics | G2 |
BIOENG 1220 Biotransport Phenomena | SCMA 2X2 Biotransport Phenomena | |
BIOENG 1241 Soc, Pol & Ethic Issues Bioeng | SCMA 2X4 Soc, Pol & Ethic Issues Bioeng | |
BIOENG 1255 Dynamic Systems Physiological | SCMA 2X5 Dynamic Systems Physiological | |
BIOENG 1310 Linear Systems & Elect I | SCMA 3X1 Linear Systems & Elect I | |
BIOENG 1320 Biological Signals & Systems | SCMA 3X2 Biological Signals & Systems | |
BIOENG 1330 Biomedical Imaging | SCMA 3X3 Biomedical Imaging | |
BIOENG 1630 Biomechanics I | SCMA 1X1 Biomechanics I | |
BIOL 0080 Life Sciences | BIOL 1XX Life Sciences | G2 |
BIOL 0085 Human Health and Disease | BIOL 1X5 Human Health and Disease | G2 |
BIOL 0091 Concepts of Biology | BIOL 100 General Biology | G2, L |
BIOL 0101 Intro to Cell & Molecular Biol | BIOL 1X0 Intro to Cell & Molecular Biol | G2, L |
BIOL 0102 Introduction to Biodiversity | BIOL 1X2 Intro Biodiversity for Major | L, G2 |
BIOL 0108 Plants & People: Intro to Ethn | BIOL 208 Plants and People | G2 |
BIOL 0112 Human Biology | BIOL 204 Human Biology | W, G2 |
BIOL 0118 Ecology & Environm Biology | BIOL 1X8 Ecology & Environm Biology | G2 |
BIOL 0120 General Biology 2 | Does Not Transfer | |
BIOL 0202 Microbio for Alld Health Prof | BIOL 161 Clinical Microbiology | |
BIOL 0213 Human Anatomy & Phys 2 | BIOL 255 Human Anat and Physiology 2 | |
BIOL 0350 Genetics | BIOL 365 Genetics | |
BIOL 080 Life Science | BIOL 100 General Biology | G2, L |
BIOL 0950 Anatomy and Physiology 1 | BIOL 254 Human Anat and Physiology 1 | |
BIOL 0960 Anatomy and Physiology | BIOL 2X1 Anatomy and Physiology | |
BIOL 0970 Anatomy and Physiology 2 | BIOL 255 Human Anat and Physiology 2 | |
BIOL 1171 Wildlife Management | BIOL 2X7 Wildlife Management | |
BIOL 1302 Microbiology | BIOL 161 Clinical Microbiology | |
BIOL 1515 General Ecology | BIOL 241 Principles of Ecology | |
BIOL 1520 Aquatic Ecology | BIOL 1X5 Aquatic Ecology | |
BIOL 1615 General Ecology Labortory | BIOL 242 Ecology Laboratory | |
BIOSC 0031 Microbiology | BIOL 161 Clinical Microbiology | |
BIOSC 0032 Microbiology Lab | BIOL 1X3 Microbiology Lab | |
BIOSC 0057 FDS of Bio Research Lab | BIOL 1XX FDS of Bio Research Lab | |
BIOSC 0070 Foundations of Biology I Lab | Does Not Transfer | |
BIOSC 0080 Foundations of Biology 2 Lab | Does Not Transfer | |
BIOSC 0096 Introduction to Human Systems | BIOL 1X9 Introduction to Human Systems | |
BIOSC 0100 Preparation for Biology | Does Not Transfer | |
BIOSC 0160 Foundations of Biology 2 | BIOL 16X Foundations of Biology 2 | G2, L |
BIOSC 0170 Foundations of Biology I | BIOL 100 General Biology | G2, L |
BIOSC 0180 Foundations of Biology 2 | BIOL 101 Foundations of Biology | G2, L |
BIOSC 0212 Human Anatomy & Phys 1 | BIOL 254 Human Anat and Physiology 1 | |
BIOSC 0213 Human Anatomy & Phys 2 | BIOL 255 Human Anat and Physiology 2 | |
BIOSC 0214 Human Anatomy & Phys 1 Lab | BIOL 25X Human Anatomy & Phys 1 Lab | |
BIOSC 0215 Human Anatomy & Phys 2 Lab | BIOL 2X5 Human Anatomy & Phys 2 Lab | |
BIOSC 0350 Genetics | Does Not Transfer | |
BIOSC 0715 UHC Foundations of Biology 1 | BIOL 100 General Biology | G2 |
BIOSC 0716 UHC Foundations of Biology 2 | BIOL 1X2 UHC Foundations of Biology 2 | G2 |
BIOSC 0800 Biology for Non Majors 1 | BIOL 100 General Biology | G2, L |
BIOSC 0805 The Human Body | BIOL 204 Human Biology | G2, W |
BIOSC 0810 Biology for Non Majors 2 | BIOL 1X2 Biology for Non Majors 2 | G2 |
BIOSC 0815 Genes and Diseases | BIOL 2X5 Genes and Diseases | G2 |
BIOSC 0835 Our Changing World non majors | BIOL 140 Introductory Ecology | G2, L |
BIOSC 0850 Natural Sciences 1 | SCMA 1XX Natural Sciences 1 | G2 |
BIOSC 1000 Biochemistry | CHEM 326 Biochemistry 1 | G2, L |
BIOSC 1250 Human Physiology | BIOL 2X5 Human Physiology | |
BIOSC 1850 Microbiology | BIOL 1X5 Microbiology | G2 |
BIS 0021 Web Page Design & Creation | DESN 201 Understanding Web Design | G1 |
BUS 0001 CBA Orientation | UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar | |
BUS 0010 Your Academic & Career Success | UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar | |
BUS 0020 Your Career Success | UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar | |
BUS 0102 Principles of Management | BUAD 251 Principles of Management | W, G3 |
BUS 0103 Introduction to Business | BUAD 101 Introduction to Business | G3 |
BUS 0106 Business Law | BUAD 1X6 Business Law | |
BUS 0108 Small Business Management | BUAD 1X8 Small Business Management | G3 |
BUS 0115 Accounting Principles | BUAD 161 Intro to Financial Accounting | |
BUS 0300 Principles of Finance | BUAD 341 Managerial Finance 1 | W |
BUS 0400 Intro Business Infor Systems | BUAD 307 Information Science | |
BUS 0500 Principles of Management | BUAD 251 Principles of Management | W, G3 |
BUS 0510 Principles of Marketing | BUAD 231 Principles of Marketing | |
BUS 1399 Business Management Internship | Does Not Transfer | |
BUSACC 0030 Financial Accounting | BUAD 161 Intro to Financial Accounting | |
BUSACC 0040 Managerial Accounting | BUAD 162 Intro to Managerial Accounting | |
BUSACC 1204 Inter Financial Reporting 1 | BUAD 2X4 Inter Financial Reporting 1 | G3 |
BUSACC 1205 Intermed Financial Report 2 | BUAD 2X5 Intermed Financial Report 2 | |
BUSACC 1216 Adv Financial Accounting | BUAD 361 Intermediate Accounting 1 | |
BUSACC 1221 Strategic Cost Management | BUAD 22X Strategic Cost Management | |
BUSACC 1236 Accounting Info Systems | BUAD 363 Accounting Information System | |
BUSACC 1238 Auditing | BUAD 461 Auditing | |
BUSACC 1242 Individual Tax Acct & Planning | BUAD 2X4 Individual Tax Acct & Planning | |
BUSBIS 0100 Programming Essentials for Bus | CSCI 1XX Programming Essentials for Bus | |
BUSBIS 1060 Intro to Info Systems | CSCI 1X6 Intro to Info Systems | |
BUSECN 1010 Business Economics | BUAD 1X1 Business Economics | |
BUSENV 0060 Ethics & The Business Environm | BUAD 355 Business and Society | G3 |
BUSERV 1910 Introduction to Business | BUAD 101 Introduction to Business | G3 |
BUSERV 1915 Introduction to Management | BUAD 251 Principles of Management | G3, W |
BUSERV 1920 Financial Accounting | BUAD 161 Intro to Financial Accounting | |
BUSERV 1940 Marketing Fundamentals | BUAD 231 Principles of Marketing | |
BUSERV 1985 Smalll Business Management | BUAD 356 Small Business Management | |
BUSFIN 1030 Intro to Finance | BUAD 1X3 Intro to Finance | G3 |
BUSFIN 1341 International Finance | BUAD 344 International Finance | |
BUSHRM 1050 Human Resources Management | BUAD 352 Human Resource Management | |
BUSMKT 1040 Introduction to Marketing | BUAD 231 Principles of Marketing | |
BUSMKT 1461 International Marketing | BUAD 435 International Marketing | |
BUSORG 1020 Organizational Behavior | BUAD 2X1 Organizational Behavior | |
BUSORG 1101 Fundamntls of Bus Communictn | COMM 305 Business Profess Communictn | |
BUSQOM 0050 Quantitative Methods | BUAD 102 Intro to Quantitative Concepts | |
BUSQOM 0101 Business Analytics 1 | INTE 1XX Business Analytics 1 | |
BUSQOM 1070 Operations Management | BUAD 1X7 Operations Management | |
BUSSPP 0020 Managing in Complex Environmen | BUAD 2XX Managing in Complex Environ | |
CAS 0001 University Scholarsship | UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar | |
CAS 0906 Mastering College | UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar | |
CAS 1917 Directed Study: Focus Group | UNIV 103 First Yr: | |
CEE 0085 Sophomore Seminar | Does Not Transfer | |
CEE 1503 Intro to Enviro Engineering | ITEC 1X3 Intro to Enviro Engineering | |
CHEM 0089 Concepts of Chemistry | CHEM 18X Concepts of Chemistry | G2 |
CHEM 0100 Preparation General Chemistry | CHEM 110 Fundamentals of Chemistry | |
CHEM 0101 General Chemistry I | CHEM 111 Introductory Chemistry 1 | G2, L |
CHEM 0102 General Chemistry 2 | CHEM 104 Gen Organic and Biochemistry 2 | G2, L |
CHEM 0103 Biological Chemistry | CHEM 1X3 Biological Chemistry | G2 |
CHEM 0105 Preparation General Chemistry | CHEM 110 Fundamentals of Chemistry | |
CHEM 0106 Chemistry of the Environment | CHEM 1X6 Chemistry of the Environment | |
CHEM 0110 General Chemistry 1 | CHEM 111 Introductory Chemistry 1 | L, G2 |
CHEM 0111 General Chemistry 1 | CHEM 111 Introductory Chemistry 1 | G2, L |
CHEM 0113 General Chemistry Lab | CHEM 1XX General Chemistry Lab | |
CHEM 0120 General Chemistry 2 | CHEM 112 Introductory Chemistry 2 | G2, L |
CHEM 0187 Drugs and Society | PSYC 1X7 Drugs and Society | G3 |
CHEM 0188 Drugs and Society Lab | Does Not Transfer | |
CHEM 0190 Chem for Health Prof | CHEM 1X9 Chem For Health Prof | L, G2 |
CHEM 0191 Chem for Health Professions | CHEM 103 Gen Organic and Biochemistry 1 | G2, L |
CHEM 0310 Organic Chemistry I | CHEM 231 Organic Chemistry 1 | G2 |
CHEM 0320 Organic Chemistry 2 | CHEM 232 Organic Chemistry 2 | L, G2 |
CHEM 0330 Organic Chemistry 1 Lab | Does Not Transfer | |
CHEM 0340 Organic Chemistry 2 Lab | Does Not Transfer | |
CHEM 0345 Organic Chem Lab | CHEM 231L Organic Chem Lab | |
CHEM 0410 General Chemistry 1 | CHEM 1X4 General Chemistry 1 | G2 |
CHEM 0420 General Chemistry 2 | CHEM 14X Gen Chemistry 2 No Lab | G2 |
CHEM 0710 UHC General Chemistry 1 | CHEM 111 Introductory Chemistry 1 | G2, L |
CHEM 0760 UHC General Chem for Engineers | CHEM 111 Introductory Chemistry 1 | G2, L |
CHEM 0850 Natural Sciences 1 | CHEM 1X5 Natural Sciences 1 | G2 |
CHEM 0910 Chemical Princpl Health Profes | CHEM 103 Gen Organic and Biochemistry 1 | L, G2 |
CHEM 0960 General Chem for Engineers 1 | CHEM 1X1 General Chem for Engineers 1 | G2 |
CHEM 0970 General Chem for Engineers 2 | CHEM 19X General Chem for Engineers 2 | L, G2 |
CHEM 1000 Mathematics for Chemistry | CHEM 1X1 Mathematics for Chemistry | |
CHEM 1700 Undergraduate Research Sem | CHEM 1X7 Undergraduate Research Seminar | |
CHIN 0001 First Year Chinese I | FORL 101 First Year Chinese I | G1 |
CHIN 0085 Revol/Invlt/Iden Mod Chin Cult | FORL 1X8 Revol/Invlt/Iden Mod Chin Cult | G1 |
CHIN 1088 New Chinese Cinema | ENGL 2X8 New Chinese Cinema | |
CJ 0002 Crime, Law, & Public Policy | SOCY 331 Socy of Policing and Courts | G3 |
CJ 0130 Correctional Phil: Thry Practc | SOCY 332 Modern Corrections | G3 |
CJ 0145 Drugs & Society | SOCY 339 Topics In Criminology | |
CJ 0210 Amer Sys of Criminal Justice | SOCY 2X1 Amer Sys of Criminal Justice | G3 |
CLASS 0010 Greek Civilization | HIST 211 Greek Civilization | G3, W |
CLASS 0020 Roman Civilization | HIST 212 Roman Civilization | G3 |
CLASS 0030 Mythology in the Ancient World | HUMN 202 Classical Mythology | G1, W |
CLASS 0300 History of Ancient Philosophy | PHIL 321 Ancient Philosophy | G1, W |
CLASS 1130 Classical Mythology & Literatu | HUMN 202 Classical Mythology | G1, W |
CLASS 1220 Roman History | HIST 2X2 Roman History | G3 |
CLASS 1430 Origins of Christianity | HUMN 2X3 Origins of Christianity | G1 |
CLP 0216 Modern African Lit: The Novel | ENGL 2X6 Modern African Lit: The Novel | G1 |
CLP 1315 Critical Methods | ENGL 451 Literary Criticism | |
CLP 1320 African Lit and Spirituality | ENGL 3X2 African Lit and Spirituality | |
CMP SC 080 Explor Comput | CSCI 1X1 Explor Comput | G2 |
CMPSC 0080 Explor Comput | CSCI 1XX Explor Comput | G2 |
COE 0031 Linear Circuits and Systems 1 | ITEC 261 Electronic Systems | |
COE 0041 Linear Circuits and Systems 2 | ITEC 262 Semiconductor Electronics | |
COE 0132 Digital Logic | ITEC 364 Digital Electronics | |
COE 0447 Computr Orgztn & Assmbly Lang | CSCI 370 Computer Architecture | |
COE 0449 Intro to Systems Software | CSCI 2X9 Intro to Systems Software | |
COE 1501 Algorithm Implementation | CSCI 362 Data Structures | |
COMM 0101 Intro to Human Communication | COMM 1X1 Intro to Human Communication | G1 |
COMM 0104 Public Speaking | COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech | SPCH |
COMM 0109 Intro to Cinema | ENGL 240 The Art of Film | G1 |
COMMRC 0030 Introduction to Communication | COMM 201 Theory of Communication | G1 |
COMMRC 0052 Public Speaking | COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech | SPCH |
COMMRC 0083 Intercultural Communication | COMM 217 Interpersonal Communication | G1 |
COMMRC 0300 Communication Process | COMM 201 Theory of Communication | G1 |
COMMRC 0310 Rhetorical Process | COMM 342 Theories of Rhetoric | |
COMMRC 0320 Mass Communication Process | COMM 220 Survey of Mass Media | G1 |
COMMRC 0500 Argument | COMM 3XX Argument | |
COMMRC 0520 Public Speaking | COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech | SPCH |
COMMRC 0530 Interpersonal Communication | COMM 217 Interpersonal Communication | G1 |
COMMRC 0540 Discussion | COMM 2X4 Discussion | |
COMMRC 1102 Organizational Communications | COMM 224 Organizational Communication 1 | |
COMMRC 1105 Television & Society | COMM 1X5 Television & Society | |
COMMRC 1107 Gender & Communication | COMM 3X7 Gender & Communication | |
COMMRC 1109 Nonverbal Communication | COMM 2X9 Nonverbal Communication | G1 |
COMMRC 1111 Theories of Persuasion | COMM 403 Persuasion | |
COMMRC 1131 Organizational Communication | COMM 224 Organizational Communication 1 | |
COMMRC 1137 Theories of Interpersonal Com | COMM 201 Theory of Communication | G1 |
COMMRC 1144 Visual Communication | DESN 344 Vis Comm and Graphcs Design 1 | |
COMMRC 1151 British Broadcasting Today | COMM 2X5 British Broadcasting Today | G1 |
COMMRC 1732 Special Topics in Mass Com | COMM 1X7 Special Topics in Mass Comm | |
COMMRC 1900 Communication Internship | Does Not Transfer | |
COMMRC 320 Mass Communication Process | COMM 220 Survey of Mass Media | G1 |
CS 0004 Intro Computer Progrmmng BASIC | CSCI 111 Intro to VISUAL BASIC | G2 |
CS 0007 Intro to Computer Programming | CSCI 161 Introduction to Programming 1 | G2 |
CS 0008 Int Comp Prog w/Python | CSCI 1X8 Int Comp Prog w/Python | |
CS 0012 Intro Computing for Humanities | CSCI 151 Intro Prog for Data Science I | G2 |
CS 0015 Intro to Computer Programming | CSCI 161 Introduction to Programming 1 | G2 |
CS 0016 Intro to Cmptr Prgmg Applc | CSCI 1XX Intro to Cmptr Prgmg Applc | |
CS 0081 Computer Literacy | CSCI 101 Problem Solving with Computers | G2 |
CS 0085 PC Software for Business | CSCI 101 Problem Solving with Computers | G2 |
CS 0098 Decision Making with Excel | Does Not Transfer | |
CS 0100 Perspectives in Computer Sci | CSCI 1XX Perspectives in Computer Sci | G2 |
CS 0103 Intgd Business Microcomputing | CSCI 101 Problem Solving with Computers | G2 |
CS 0107 Adv Business Microcomputing | CSCI 1X7 Adv Business Microcomputing | G2 |
CS 0110 Intro Personal Comp & Internet | CSCI 1X1 Intro Personal Comp & Internet | |
CS 0131 Software for Personal Computin | CSCI 101 Problem Solving with Computers | G2 |
CS 0132 Prg in C & Guide to Unix Syste | CSCI 406 Prg in C & Guide to Unix Sys | |
CS 0134 Web Site Design & Devel | DESN 201 Understanding Web Design | G1 |
CS 0401 Intermedt Programming Using Ja | CSCI 121 Intro to Internet Programming | G2 |
CS 0402 Programming Using C++ | CSCI 1X1 Programming Using C++ | |
CS 0406 Discrete Math 2 & Stats for CS | CSCI 140 Discrete Structures | |
CS 0410 Intro Computer Sci Prgmg Appl | CSCI 4XX Intro Computer Sci Prgmg Appl | |
CS 0411 Intro Computer Sci Progrmmng | CSCI 161 Introduction to Programming 1 | G2 |
CS 0417 Intermediate Programming- Java | CSCI 121 Intro to Internet Programming | G2 |
CS 0441 Discrete Structures for CS | CSCI 140 Discrete Structures | |
CS 0445 Data Structures | CSCI 161 Introduction to Programming 1 | G2 |
CS 0447 Computr Orgztn & Assembly Lang | CSCI 370 Computer Architecture | |
CS 0449 Intro to Systems Software | CSCI 2X9 Intro to Systems Software | |
CS 1501 Algorithm Implementation | CSCI 25X Algorithm Implementation | |
CS 1502 Formal Methods in Computer Sci | CSCI 1X5 Formal Methods in Computer Sci | G2 |
CS 1550 Intro to Operating Systems | CSCI 380 Operating Systems | |
DSMIC 0031 Microbiology 1 | BIOL 461 General Microbiology | |
ECON 0100 Intro Microeconomic Thry | ECON 102 Principles of Economics 2 | G3 |
ECON 0101 Economics In the Moder World | ECON 100 Introductory Economics | G3 |
ECON 0102 Introduction to Microeconomics | ECON 102 Principles of Microeconomics | G3 |
ECON 0103 Intro to Macroeconomics | ECON 101 Principles of Macroeconomics | G3 |
ECON 0105 Intro Microeconomic Theory | ECON 102 Principles of Economics 2 | G3 |
ECON 0110 Intro Macroeconomic Theory | ECON 101 Principles of Economics 1 | G3 |
ECON 0115 Intro to Macroeconomic Theory | ECON 101 Principles of Economics 1 | G3 |
ECON 0200 Game Theory Principles | ECON 2X2 Game Theory Principles | |
ECON 0500 Intro to International Trade | ECON 325 International Economics | G3 |
ECON 0800 Introduction to Economics | ECON 100 Introductory Economics | G3 |
ECON 1100 Intermediate Microeconomics | ECON 318 Intermediate Microeconomics | G3 |
ECON 1110 Intermediate Macroeconomics | ECON 319 Intermediate Macroeconomics | G3 |
ECON 1200 Game Theory | ECON 2X2 Game Theory | G3 |
ECON 1301 Poverty & Society | ECON 1X3 Poverty & Society | G3 |
ECON 1902 Directed Study | Does Not Transfer | |
ECON 1905 Special Topics | ECON 103 Introduction to World Economy | G3 |
EDPSY 0006 Intro to Educatnal Psychology | EDFN 241 Psyc Foundation of Teaching | |
EDPSY 1021 Students With Special Needs | SPED 101 Orientation to Special Educ | |
EDPSY 1025 Inclusion Strategies | SPED 1X5 Inclusion Strategies | |
EDPSY 1026 English Language Learners | EDFN 1X6 English Language Learners | |
EDPSY 1121 Measurmnt & Stat for Educators | EDFN 1X2 Measurmnt & Stat for Educators | |
EDUC 0103 Computers in Education | CSCI 1X3 Computers in Education | |
EDUC 0204 Introduction to Education | ELED 100 Intro to Elementary Education | |
EDUC 0210 Education Practicum 1 | Does Not Transfer | |
EDUC 0220 Special Education Law | SPED 2X2 Special Education Law | |
EDUC 0225 The Developing Child | PSYC 227 Devlopmnt Child and Adolescent | G3 |
EDUC 0230 Family & Comm Relationships | ERCH 315 Family/Commun:Aspcts of Divers | D, W |
EDUC 0235 Instructional Design | EDUC 2X5 Instructional Design | |
EDUC 0255 Readings in Children's Literat | EDUC 333 Lit for Childrn and Young Adol | |
EDUC 0275 Adolescent Literature | EDUC 2X5 Adolescent Literature | |
EDUC 1015 Spec Top: Personal Skills Dev | Does Not Transfer | |
EDUC 1306 Classroom Management | EDUC 2X3 Classroom Management | |
EDUC 1310 Education Practicum 2 | Does Not Transfer | |
EDUC 1330 Educating Exceptional Children | SPED 101 Orientation to Special Educ | |
EDUC 1350 Educational Psych & Measuremnt | EDFN 241 Psyc Foundation of Teaching | |
EFOP 1001 Social Found of Education | EDFN 211 Foundations Modern Education | D |
EM 1102 Emergency Medical Technician | Does Not Transfer | |
ENG 0100 Intro to College Composition | ENGL 1XX Intro to College Composition | |
ENG 0101 English Composition 1 | ENGL 110 English Composition | COMP |
ENG 0102 English Composition 2 | ENGL 1X2 English Composition 2 | G1 |
ENG 0105 Masterpieces of World Literatu | ENGL 2X5 Masterpieces of World Literatu | |
ENG 0110 Literature and Interpretation | ENGL 1X1 Literature and Interpretation | |
ENG 0203 British Literature before 1800 | ENGL 233 Early British Literature | G1 |
ENG 0214 Intro to Lit By Women | ENGL 2X4 Intro to Lit By Women | G1 |
ENG 0215 The Bible As Literature | ENGL 2X5 The Bible As Literature | G1 |
ENG 0218 Intro to Literature and Enviro | ENGL 2X8 Intro to Literature and Enviro | |
ENG 1320 The Web in Social Contexts | ENGL 1X3 The Web in Social Contexts | |
ENG CMP 1112 Prof Uses of Social Media | ENGL 1X2 Prof Uses of Social Media | |
ENG CP 704 CW- Crit Wrtg | ENGL 311 Advanced Composition | AW |
ENG FLM 0355 Visual Literacy | ENGL 482 Film and American Society | G1 |
ENG LT 084 Intro Sh Story | ENGL 2X4 Intro Sh Story | |
ENG LT 737 Lit & Ideas | ENGL 2X7 Lit & Ideas | |
ENGCMP 0002 Fresh Writing Seminar | ENGL 110 English Composition | COMP |
ENGCMP 0003 Communication 1 | ENGL 110 English Composition | COMP |
ENGCMP 0004 Communication 2 | ENGL 1X4 Communication 2 | G1 |
ENGCMP 0005 Composition 1 | ENGL 110 English Composition | COMP |
ENGCMP 0006 Composition 2 | ENGL 1XX Composition 2 | G1 |
ENGCMP 0010 College Composition 1 | ENGL 110 English Composition | COMP |
ENGCMP 0011 Composition Recitation | Does Not Transfer | |
ENGCMP 0020 College Composition 2 | ENGL 1XX College Composition 2 | G1 |
ENGCMP 0150 Workshop in Composition | ENGL 110 English Composition | COMP |
ENGCMP 0151 Workshop Tutorial | Does Not Transfer | |
ENGCMP 0200 General Writing | ENGL 110 English Composition | COMP |
ENGCMP 0201 Composition Tutorial | Does Not Transfer | |
ENGCMP 0203 General Writing: Women's Studi | ENGL 110 English Composition | COMP |
ENGCMP 0205 General Writing: Film | ENGL 240 Introduction to Film | G1, W |
ENGCMP 0207 Semnr in Composition: Educatio | ENGL 110 English Composition | COMP |
ENGCMP 0208 Seminar in Comp: Service Learn | ENGL 110 English Composition | COMP |
ENGCMP 0210 Seminar in Comp: Engineering | ENGL 110 English Composition | COMP |
ENGCMP 0400 Written Professnl Communictn | ENGL 312 Technical Writing | AW |
ENGCMP 0420 Writing for the Public | ENGL 4X2 Writing for the Public | |
ENGCMP 0515 Persuasive Writing in Advertis | ENGL 2X5 Persuasive Writing in Advertis | |
ENGCMP 0610 Composing Digital Media | ENGL 1X6 Composing Digital Media | |
ENGCMP 0641 Writing for Change | WRIT 342 Reading/Writing for Civic Chng | W |
ENGCMP 0905 Collegiate Reading | Does Not Transfer | |
ENGCMP 1100 Language of Businss & Industry | ENGL 316 Business Writing | AW |
ENGCMP 1552 Language Literacy and Learning | ENGL 220 Introduction to Language Study | G1 |
ENGCMP 6000 Prep for College Composition | Does Not Transfer | |
ENGCMP 7200 General Writing | ENGL 110 English Composition | COMP |
ENGFLM 0355 Visual Literacy | ENGL 2X5 Visual Literacy | |
ENGFLM 0400 Introduction to Film | ENGL 240 Introduction to Film | G1, W |
ENGFLM 1610 Topics in Genre | ENGL 2XX Topics in Genre | |
ENGLIT 0055 Survey of English Literature | ENGL 234 Later English Literature | G1 |
ENGLIT 0056 Survey of English Literature 2 | ENGL 234 Later English Literature | G1 |
ENGLIT 0066 Intro to Social Lit | ENGL 1X6 Intro to Social Lit | |
ENGLIT 0080 Narrative Literature | ENGL 2X8 Narrative Literature | G1 |
ENGLIT 0085 Introduction to the Humanities | ENGL 1X5 Introduction to the Humanities | G1 |
ENGLIT 0110 Introduction to Literature | ENGL 230 Introduction to Literature | G1 |
ENGLIT 0300 Introduction to Literature | ENGL 230 Introduction to Literature | G1 |
ENGLIT 0310 The Dramatic Imagination | ENGL 3X1 The Dramatic Imagination | G1 |
ENGLIT 0315 Reading Poetry | ENGL 3XX Reading Poetry | G1 |
ENGLIT 0316 Reading Poetry | ENGL 3XX Reading Poetry | |
ENGLIT 0325 Short Story in Context | ENGL 3XX Short Story in Context | G1 |
ENGLIT 0326 Short Story in Context | ENGL 2XX Short Story in Context | G1 |
ENGLIT 0354 Words and Images | ENGL 2X4 Words and Images | G1 |
ENGLIT 0355 Digital Humanities | HUMN 1X5 Digital Humanities | G1 |
ENGLIT 0365 Literature and the Contemp | ENGL 3XX Literature and the Contemp | G1 |
ENGLIT 0370 Literature and Ideas | ENGL 3XX Literature and Ideas | G1 |
ENGLIT 0400 Introduction to Film | ENGL 240 Introduction to Film | G1, W |
ENGLIT 0401 Global Literature | ENGL 231 World Literature 1 | G1 |
ENGLIT 0500 Intro to Critical Reading | ENGL 230 Introduction to Literature | G1 |
ENGLIT 0505 Lectures in Literature | ENGL 230 Introduction to Literature | G1 |
ENGLIT 0511 London Underworlds | ENGL 2X1 London Underworlds | G1, W |
ENGLIT 0530 Film Analysis | ENGL 240 Introduction to Film | G1, W |
ENGLIT 0532 Introduction to Film Genres | ENGL 240 Introduction to Film | G1, W |
ENGLIT 0540 World Film History | ENGL 481 History Of Film | W |
ENGLIT 0550 Introduction to Popular Cultur | ENGL 1X5 Introduction to Popular Cultur | G1 |
ENGLIT 0560 Children and Culture | EDUC 333 Lit for Childrn and Young Adol | |
ENGLIT 0562 Childhood Books | ERCH 1X5 Childhood Books | |
ENGLIT 0570 American Literature | ENGL 235 American Literary Tradition I | G1 |
ENGLIT 0571 American Literary Traditions | ENGL 235 Early American Literature | G1 |
ENGLIT 0573 Literature of the Americas | ENGL 2XX Literature of the Americas | G1 |
ENGLIT 0574 American Literary Traditions 1 | ENGL 235 Early American Literature | G1 |
ENGLIT 0580 Introduction to Shakespeare | ENGL 230 Introduction to Literature | G1 |
ENGLIT 0581 Introduction to Shakespeare | ENGL 405 Shakespeare | |
ENGLIT 0590 Formative Masterpieces | ENGL 3XX Formative Masterpieces | G1 |
ENGLIT 0597 Bible as Literature | ENGL 332 Literature of the Bible | |
ENGLIT 0610 Women and Literature | ENGL 3XX Women and Literature | G1 |
ENGLIT 0625 Detective Fiction | ENGL 2X5 Detective Fiction | G1 |
ENGLIT 0626 Science Fiction | ENGL 292 Science Fiction | W, G1 |
ENGLIT 0627 Literature of Sports | ENGL 2X7 Literature of Sports | G1 |
ENGLIT 0629 The Wild West | ENGL 2X9 The Wild West | |
ENGLIT 0636 The Gothic Imagination | ENGL 423 Development of the Amer Novel | G1 |
ENGLIT 0641 Tragedy | ENGL 3X1 Tragedy | G1 |
ENGLIT 0644 Myth & Folktale | ENGL 338 Folklore and Literature | G1, W |
ENGLIT 0645 Fantasy and Romance | ENGL 3X5 Fantasy and Romance | G1 |
ENGLIT 1020 History of Literary Criticism | ENGL 451 Literary Criticism | |
ENGLIT 1021 History of Literary Criticism | ENGL 451 Literary Criticism | |
ENGLIT 1100 Medieval Imagination | ENGL 1X1 Medieval Imagination | |
ENGLIT 1106 Middle English Literature | ENGL 402 Middle Eng Lang and Literature | W |
ENGLIT 1125 Renaissance in England | ENGL 404 The English Renaissance | |
ENGLIT 1245 Black Literature | ENGL 1X5 Black Literature | G1 |
ENGLIT 1350 Postmodern Literature | ENGL 2X5 Postmodern Literature | G1 |
ENGLIT 1360 Topics in 20th Century Literat | ENGL 413 British Literature Since 1914 | |
ENGLIT 1552 History of the English Languag | ENGL 220 Introduction to Language Study | G1 |
ENGLIT 1570 Myth & Folktale | ENGL 1X5 Myth & Folktale | G1 |
ENGLIT 1640 Lit for Children | ENGL 1X4 Lit for Children | G1 |
ENGLIT 1695 Horror Film | ENGL 240 The Art of Film | G1 |
ENGLIT 1738 Irish Literature | ENGL 2X1 Irish Literature | G1 |
ENGLIT 1760 Topics in Popular Culture | HUMN 2X6 Topics in Popular Culture | G1 |
ENGLIT 1830 Film as Literature | ENGL 240 Introduction to Film | G1, W |
ENGLT 0088 Intro to Lit | ENGL 230 Introduction to Literature | G1 |
ENGLT 0130 19C Novel | ENGL 234 Later English Literature | G1 |
ENGR 0011 Intro to Engineering Analysis | ELEC 1XX Intro to Engineering Analysis | |
ENGR 0012 Intro to Engineering Computing | CSCI 1XX Intro to Engineering Computing | G2 |
ENGR 0015 Intro to Engineering Analysis | ITEC 1X5 Intro to Engineering Analysis | |
ENGR 0020 Probability & Stats for Eng I | MATH 235 Survey of Statistics | G2 |
ENGR 0022 Materials Structure & Properti | ITEC 2X2 Materials Structure & Properti | |
ENGR 0081 Freshman Engineering Semr 1 | Does Not Transfer | |
ENGR 0082 Freshman Engineering Semr 2 | Does Not Transfer | |
ENGR 0111 Advanced Engineering Analysis | ELEC 1X1 Advanced Engineering Analysis | |
ENGR 0131 Statics for Civil & Evrl Engin | ITEC 1X3 Statics for Civil & Evrl Engin | |
ENGR 0135 Statics & Mech of Materials I | ITEC 345 Statics/Strength of Materials | |
ENGR 0501 Music Engineering Lab | MUSI 1X5 Music Engineering Lab | |
ENGR 0711 H Engineering Analysis | ELEC 2XX H Engineering Analysis | |
ENGR 0716 Art Hands on System Design | ITEC 1X6 Art Hands on System Design | |
ENGR 1050 Product Realization | ITEC 1X5 Product Realization | |
ENGWRIT 0400 Intro to Creative Writing | ENGL 1XX Intro to Creative Writing | G1 |
ENGWRT 0052 Descriptive Writing | ENGL 2XX Descriptive Writing | |
ENGWRT 0053 Intro to Professional Writing | ENGL 316 Business Writing | AW |
ENGWRT 0400 Intro to Creative Writing | ENGL 471 Creative Writing | |
ENGWRT 0500 Creative Nonfiction Writing | ENGL 3X5 Creative Nonfiction Writing | |
ENGWRT 0511 Writing for Digital Media | COMM 380 Digital Media Writing | W |
ENGWRT 0520 Introduction Fiction Writing | ENGL 443 Prose Fiction | |
ENGWRT 0521 Fiction Writing | ENGL 471 Creative Writing | |
ENGWRT 0530 Introduction to Poetry Writing | ENGL 471 Creative Writing | |
ENGWRT 0550 Introduction to Journalism | ENGL 313 Fundamentals of Journalism | AW |
ENGWRT 0610 Intro Journalism & Nonfiction | ENGL 313 Fundamentals of Journalism | AW |
ENGWRT 1021 Advanced Fiction Writing | ENGL 3X1 Advanced Fiction Writing | |
ENGWRT 1130 Grammar Review | ENGL 1X3 Grammar Review | |
ENGWRT 1192 Technical Writing | ENGL 1X1 Technical Writing | |
ENVSTD 0102 Intro Environmental Studies | GEOG 1X2 Intro Environmental Studies | G3 |
ES 0105 Environmental Geology w/ Lab | GEOG 1X5 Environmental Geology w/ Lab | L, G2 |
ES 0110 Intro Environmental Science | GEOG 130 Intro to Environmental Science | G2 |
ES 0112 Intro to Energy, Science, & Te | GEOG 1X2 Intro to Energy, Science, & Te | G2 |
ES 0201 Research Method Env Scientist | GEOG 2X1 Research Method Env Scientist | |
ET 0011 Engineering Drawing | ITEC 241 Drafting Communications | |
ET 0023 Intro Computer-Aided Engnrng | ITEC 1X3 Intro Computer-Aided Engnrng | |
FA 0015 History of Western Art 1 | ART 301 The Ancient World | G1 |
FA 0351 Baroque Art | ART 3X1 Baroque Art | G1 |
FDSED 0001 Hist / Phil of Ed: Amer Emphss | EDFN 1X1 Hist / Phil of Ed: Amer Emphss | |
FDSED 0002 Introduction to Education | Does Not Transfer | |
FILMST 0100 Filmmaking 1 | HUMN 1X1 Filmmaking 1 | |
FILMST 0101 Intermediate Filmmaking | HUMN 2X1 Intermediate Filmmaking | |
FILMST 0120 Basic Digital Photography | ART 12X Basic Digital Photography | |
FILMST 0201 Black & White Photography 2 | ART 466 Fine Art Photography 2 | |
FILMST 0400 Introduction to Digital | ITEC 3X1 Introduction to Digital | |
FILMST 1145 Sound for Film | THEA 1X5 Sound for Film | |
FMST 0335 Slovak Czech Euro Film | ENGL 240 The Art of Film | G1 |
FMST 0800 Filmmaking I: Fundamentals | HUMN 1X1 Filmmaking I: Foundations | G1 |
FMST 1885 Broadcasting | COMM 121 Intro to Media Arts Production | |
FP 0001 Intro to the Arts & Sciences | UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar | |
FP 0002 Academic Foundations | UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar | |
FP 0003 Freshman Seminar | UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar | |
FP 0006 Freshman Seminar | UNIV 103 First Yr: | COMP |
FP 0060 Self and Others | Does Not Transfer | |
FR 0001 Elementary French 1 | FREN 101 Elementary French 1 | G1 |
FR 0002 Elementary French 2 | FREN 102 Elementary French 2 | G1 |
FR 0003 Intermediate French 1 | FREN 201 Intermediate French 1 | G1 |
FR 0012 French Kiss: Love, Sex, France | SOCY 1X2 French Kiss: Love, Sex, France | |
FR 0075 Global Fictions Climate Change | ELEC 1XX Global Fictions Climate Change | |
FR 0101 Elementary French I | FREN 101 Elementary French 1 | G1 |
FR 0103 Intermediate French I | FREN 201 Intermediate French 1 | G1 |
FR 0104 Intermediate French 2 | FREN 202 Intermediate French 2 | G1 |
FR 0111 Elementary French | FREN 101 Elementary French 1 | G1 |
FR 0112 Elementary French 2 | FREN 102 Elementary French 2 | G1 |
FR 1036 Green France Situated Ecology | HUMN 1XX Green France Situated Ecology | |
FR SEM 032 Hum Sem B | HMFA 1X2 Hum Sem B | G1 |
FRSEM 0031 Hum Sem A | HMFA 1XX Hum Sem A | G1 |
FS 0001 University Orientation | UNIV 103 First Yr: | |
FS 0002 Freshman Seminar | UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar | |
FS 0003 Freshman Seminar | UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar | |
FS 0008 Transfer Seminar | UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar | |
FS 0014 Village First Year Seminar | UNIV 103 First Year Seminar | |
FS 0017 Science Cornerstone 1 | SCMA 1XX Science Cornerstone 1 | |
FS 0024 Cornerstone | UNIV 1X2 Cornerstone | |
FS 0026 Science Seminar 1 | UNIV 1X6 Science Seminar 1 | |
FS 0102 Freshman Seminar | UNIV 103 First Yr: Freshman Seminar | |
GEOG 010 Econ Geog | GEOG 222 Economic Geography | G3 |
GEOG 0100 Economic Geography | GEOG 222 Economic Geography | G3 |
GEOG 0101 World Regional Geography | GEOG 141 World Regional Geography | G3 |
GEOG 0102 Geography of North America | GEOG 344 North America | G3 |
GEOG 0210 Physical Geography | GEOG 230 Physical Geography | G3 |
GEOG 0310 Geography of the United States | GEOG 3X4 Geography of the United States | |
GEOG 0610 Urban Development | GEOG 227 Urban Geography | G3 |
GEOG 0810 Earth and People | GEOG 120 Human Geography | D, G3 |
GEOG 1000 Global Perspectives: World Geo | GEOG 141 Comparative Regional Geography | G3 |
GEOG 1220 Natural Hazards | ESCI 101 Earth Systms and Naturl Hazrds | G2 |
GEOG 1230 Resource Management | GEOG 202 Resources and the Environment | G3 |
GEOG 1300 Russia & Eurasian States | GEOG 1X3 Russia & Eurasian States | G3 |
GEOG 1425 Remote Sensing | ESCI 380 Remote Sensing and Image Inter | |
GEOL 0010 Principles of Astronomy | PHYS 117 General Astronomy | G2 |
GEOL 0011 Astronomy 1 - The Solar System | PHYS 117 General Astronomy | G2, L |
GEOL 0012 Stellar Astronomy | PHYS 1X2 Stellar Astronomy | G2 |
GEOL 0015 Physical Geology | ESCI 221 Physical Geology | G2, L |
GEOL 0024 Meteorology | ESCI 241 Meteorology | G2, L |
GEOL 0030 Geography: Global Climate & En | GEOG 101 The Global Environment | G3 |
GEOL 0055 Geology Laboratory | ESCI 1XX Geology Laboratory | G2, L |
GEOL 0061 Historical Geology | ESCI 222 Historical Geology | G2, L |
GEOL 0080 Explorations in Geology | ESCI 1XX Explorations in Geology | G2 |
GEOL 0081 Explorations of Space | ESCI 1X1 Explorations of Space | G2 |
GEOL 0083 Intro to Physical Oceanography | ESCI 104 The World Ocean | G2 |
GEOL 0086 Environmental Geology | ESCI 1X6 Environmental Geology | G2 |
GEOL 0087 Earth Climate Life Thrgh Time | ESCI 1X7 Earth Climate Life Thrgh Time | G2 |
GEOL 0089 Prehistoric Life | ESCI 1X9 Prehistoric Life | G2 |
GEOL 0108 Paleobiology | BIOL 1X8 Paleobiology | G2, L |
GEOL 0109 Concepts in GIS | GEOG 1X9 Concepts in GIS | G3 |
GEOL 0112 Intro to Meteorology | ESCI 241 Meteorology | G2 |
GEOL 0800 Geology | ESCI 102 Origin and Evoltn of the Earth | G2 |
GEOL 0820 Natural Disasters | ESCI 101 Earth Systms and Naturl Hazrds | G2 |
GEOL 083 Oceanography | ESCI 104 The World Ocean | G2 |
GEOL 0840 Environmental Science | GEOG 130 Intro to Environmental Science | G2 |
GEOL 0860 Environmental Geology | ESCI 101 Earth Systms and Naturl Hazrds | G2 |
GEOL 0870 The Planets | ESCI 2XX The Planets | G2 |
GEOL 0871 Intellgnt Life in the Universe | ESCI 2X1 Intellgnt Life in the Universe | |
GEOL 0890 Physical Oceanography | ESCI 104 The World Ocean | G2 |
GEOL 1000 Mineralgy & Optical Mineralgy | ESCI 227 Mineralogy | |
GEOL 1004 Igneos & Metm Petr & Petgrphy | ESCI 328 Petrogr/Igns and Mtmrph Petrol | W |
GEOL 1005 Sedimentation & Stratigraphy | ESCI 1X5 Sedimentation & Stratigraphy | |
GEOL 1105 Hydrology | ESCI 322 Environmental Hydrology | |
GEOL 1106 Hydrogeology | ESCI 1X6 Hydrogeology | |
GEOL 1110 Structural Geology | ESCI 321 Structural Geology | |
GEOL 1445 GIS GPS & Computer Methods | GEOG 281 Maps and GIS | G3 |
GER 0001 Elementary German I | GERM 101 Elementary German 1 | G1 |
GER 0002 Elementary German 2 | GERM 102 Elementary German 2 | G1 |
GER 0004 Intermediate German 2 | GERM 202 Intermediate German 2 | G1 |
GER 0011 Conversation 1 | GERM 361 Oral German 1 | |
GER 0101 Beginning German 1 | GERM 101 Elementary German 1 | G1 |
GER 0102 Beginner German 2 | GERM 102 Elementary German 2 | G1 |
GER 0201 Intermediate German 1 | GERM 201 Intermediate German 1 | G1 |
GER 0202 Intermediate German 2 | GERM 202 Intermediate German 2 | G1 |
GER 1000 Reading Literary Texts | HUMN 220 German Literature in Transltn | W, G1 |
GER 1001 Writing in German | GERM 351 Comp and Oral Expression 1 | G1, W |
GER 1002 German Phonetics | GERM 416 Introduction to Phonetics | |
GER 1052 The Major Cultural Periods | GERM 331 German Civilization 1 | |
GER 1053 Major Cultural Periods 2 | GERM 332 German Civilization 2 | |
GER 1220 Literature & Culture 1750-1830 | GERM 2X2 Literature & Culture 1750-1830 | |
GER 1500 Germanic Myths Legends Sagas | GERM 2X5 Germanic Myths Legends Sagas | |
GER 1502 Indo-European Folktales | GERM 2XX Indo-European Folktales | G1 |
GER 1510 Kafka & the Modern World | GERM 2X5 Kafka & the Modern World | G1 |
GERM 0004 Intermediate German 2 | GERM 202 Intermediate German 2 | G1 |
GERM 0011 German Conversation | GERM 2X1 German Conversation | |
GERM 1001 Writing in German | GERM 351 Comp and Oral Expression 1 | G1, W |
GERM 1002 German Phonetics | GERM 370 Adv Grammar and Stylistics | |
GERM 1102 Advanced German 2: Structures | GERM 352 Comp and Oral Expression 2 | G1, W |
GERM 1500 Germanic Myths, Legends & Saga | HUMN 2X5 Germanic Myths, Legends & Saga | G1 |
GREEKM 0101 Greek Modern 1 | GREK 101 Elementary Greek 1 | G1 |
GREEKM 0102 Greek Modern 2 | GREK 102 Elementary Greek 2 | G1 |
GSWS 0001 Gender & Leadership | WSTU 1XX Gender & Leadership | |
GSWS 0101 Intro to Gender, Sex & Woman | SOCY 1X1 Intro to Gender, Sex & Woman | G3 |
GSWS 0200 Sex, Race, & Popular Culture | WSTU 2XX Sex, Race, & Popular Culture | G2 |
GSWS 0500 Intro to Feminist Theory | WSTU 330 Feminist Theory | P |
HA&A 0010 Introduction to Art | ART 100 Art in Culture | G1 |
HA&A 0020 Introduction to Asian Art | ART 3XX Introduction to Asian Art | G1 |
HA&A 0030 Introduction to Modern Art | ART 312 Survey of Art History | G1 |
HA&A 0090 Intro Contemporary Art | ART 304 The 20th Century | G1, W |
HA&A 0300 Introduction to Modern Art | ART 304 The 20th Century | W, G1 |
HA&A 0820 World Film History | ENGL 481 History Of Film | W |
HAA 0010 Introduction to World Art | ART 1X1 Introduction to World Art | G1 |
HAA 0020 Introduction to Asian Art | ART 3X2 Introduction to Asian Art | G1 |
HAA 0030 Intro to Modern Art | ART 304 The 20th Century | G1, W |
HAA 0040 Intro to Architecture | ELEC 1X4 Intro to Architecture | |
HAA 0050 Intro to Medieval Art | ART 1X5 Intro to Medieval Art | |
HAA 0090 Intro to Contemporary Art | ART 1X1 Intro to Contemporary Art | |
HAA 0160 Ancient Empires | HIST 1X6 Ancient Empires | |
HAA 0211 Introduction to Art I | ART 202 Srvy Art Hist 1:Pre to c 1400 | G1 |
HAA 0212 Introduction to Art II | ART 203 Srvy Art Hist 2:1400 thru 20C | G1 |
HAA 0302 Renaissance Art | ART 202 Srvy Art Hist 1:Pre to c 1400 | G1 |
HAA 0470 Photography & Art | ART 1XX Photography & Art | |
HAA 0480 Modern Architecture | ITEC 4X8 Modern Architecture | |
HAA 0520 Art/Politics in Mod Lat Americ | SSCI 1X5 Art/Politics in Mod Lat Americ | G3 |
HAA 0550 Modern Art 1820 - 1930 | ART 304 The 20th Century | G1, W |
HAA 0620 Art of China | ART 3X2 Art of China | G1 |
HAA 0640 Art of Japan | ART 14X Art of Japan | G1 |
HAA 0940 Approaches to Built Envirnmnt | ITEC 4X9 Approaches to Built Envirnmnt | |
HAA 1530 Early American Architecture | ANTH 1X5 Early American Architecture | |
HAA 1806 American Independent Film | HUMN 2X1 American Independent Film | G1 |
HHD 0050 Sports & Drugs | WSSD 1XX Sports & Drugs | |
HHD 1300 Nutrition in Exercise & Sport | WELL 1XX Nutrition in Exercise & Sport | |
HIST 0020 W Civ to 1550 | HIST 101 Europe and the World 1500-1815 | G3 |
HIST 0089 Magic, Medicine and Science | HIST 3XX Magic, Medicine and Science | G3 |
HIST 0100 Western Civilization 1 | HIST 101 Europe and the World 1500-1815 | G3 |
HIST 0101 Western Civilization 2 | HIST 102 Europe and World since 1815 | G3 |
HIST 0106 US History 1 | HIST 1X6 US History 1 | |
HIST 0107 US History 2 | HIST 1X7 US History 2 | G3 |
HIST 0120 Western Civilization 1 | HIST 101 Europe and the World 1500-1815 | G3 |
HIST 0124 UHC Western Civilization 2 | HIST 102 Europe and World 1789-Present | G3 |
HIST 0130 Western Civilization 2 | HIST 102 Europe and World since 1815 | G3 |
HIST 0187 World War II- Europe | HIST 1X8 World War II- Europe | G3 |
HIST 0201 The Baltic Sea | HIST 2X1 The Baltic Sea | G3 |
HIST 0208 African-American History | HIST 2X8 African-American History | G3 |
HIST 0300 Russia to 1860 | HIST 241 Imperial Russia | |
HIST 0301 Russia to 1917 | HIST 241 Imperial Russia | W, G3 |
HIST 0302 Soviet Russia | HIST 242 Soviet Union | G3 |
HIST 0425 Modern East Asia | HIST 1X4 Modern East Asia | G3 |
HIST 0487 World War 2 in Asia | HIST 4X7 World War 2 in Asia | G3 |
HIST 0500 Colonial Latin America | HIST 283 Colonial Latin America | G3, W |
HIST 0501 Modern Latin America | HIST 284 Modern Latin America | W, G3 |
HIST 0521 Carribbean History | HIST 1X1 Carribbean History` | G3 |
HIST 0600 United States to 1877 | HIST 106 Contours of US History | G3 |
HIST 0601 United States 1865-Present | HIST 1XX United States 1865-Present | G3 |
HIST 0610 United States to 1877 | HIST 106 Contours of US History | G3 |
HIST 0620 United States 1877 - Present | HIST 1XX United States 1877-Present | G3 |
HIST 0670 African American History 1877 | HIST 272 Afro-American History 1 | W, G3 |
HIST 0671 Afro-American History 2 | HIST 273 Afro-American History 2 | W, G3 |
HIST 0676 Religion in Modern America | HIST 26X Religion in Modern America | G3 |
HIST 0678 US and the Holocaust | HIST 3X8 US and the Holocaust | G3 |
HIST 0700 World History | HIST 1X7 World History | G3 |
HIST 0710 World History to 1500 | HIST 206 The World to 1500 | G3, W, D |
HIST 0751 Ancient Worlds | HIST 17X Ancient Worlds | G3 |
HIST 0755 Religion in Asia | PHIL 361 Asian Philosophy | G1 |
HIST 0788 Women & Men in Ancient Medit | ANTH 223 People and Cultures Of Mediter | G3 |
HIST 0795 History of Africa before 1800 | HIST 281 African History | G3 |
HIST 1001 Introductory Seminar | HIST 1X1 Introductory Seminar | |
HIST 1040 World War 1 Comp Perspective | HIST 2X4 WWI Comprtv Perspctv | G3 |
HIST 1083 History of Sports | HIST 1X3 History of Sports | G3 |
HIST 1084 Food & History | HIST 1XX Food & History | |
HIST 1095 Sport and Global Capitalism | WSSD 350 Sport in America | W |
HIST 1108 Comparative European History | HIST 2X8 Comparative Eurpean History | G3 |
HIST 1115 The West and the World | HIST 102 Europe and World since 1815 | G3 |
HIST 1116 Intro to the Renaissance | HIST 2X6 Intro to the Renaissance | G3 |
HIST 1123 History of Modern Britain | HIST 222 Modern Britain | G3 |
HIST 1126 French Revolution | HIST 1X6 French Revolution | |
HIST 1160 Hist Eurpn Integtn Since 1945 | HIST 340 Twentieth Century Europe | G3, W |
HIST 1181 20th Century Britain | HIST 222 Modern Britain | G3 |
HIST 1190 Medieval Government & Society | HIST 2X9 Medieval Government & Society | G3 |
HIST 1191 English Origins of American La | HIST 3XX English Origins of American La | |
HIST 1317 Contemp US Hist 1941-Present | HIST 106 Contours of US History | G3 |
HIST 1433 Modern Japan | HIST 290 Far East in Modern Times | |
HIST 1610 US Colonial | HIST 351 17th Century British America | G3, W |
HIST 1611 American Revolution 1763-1791 | HIST 352 Provincl and Revolutry America | G3, W |
HIST 1614 Civil War History | HIST 355 Civil War and Reconstruction | G3, W |
HIST 1617 United States in the 1960's | HIST 1X7 United States in the 1960's | G3 |
HIST 1656 American Workers 20th Century | HIST 2X6 American Workers 20th Century | |
HIST 1669 History of Black Pittsburgh | HIST 2X9 History of Black Pittsburgh | G3 |
HIST 1765 Israel in Biblical Age | HIST 3XX Israel in Biblical Age | G3 |
HIST 1783 Greek History | HIST 211 Greek Civilization | W, G3 |
HIST 1810 Special Topics | HIST 1X8 Special Topics | G3 |
HONORS 0001 University Orientation | UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar | |
HP 0184 Intro to Sci for Health Prof | BIOL 1X4 Intro to Sci for Health Prof | |
HPA 0033 Ballet 1 | WELL 1X3 Ballet 1 | |
HPA 0050 Sports and Drugs | WSSD 1X5 Sports and Drugs | |
HPA 0098 Foundtns of Sport Adminstrtn | WSSD 29X Foundtns of Sport Adminstrtn | |
HPA 0196 First Aid and CPR | WSSD 1X6 First Aid and CPR | |
HPA 1211 Athletic Injury Prevention | WSSD 1X1 Athletic Injury Prevention | |
HPA 1212 Athletic Injury Prevention Lab | WSSD 1X2 Athletic Injury Prevention Lab | |
HPRED 0050 Sports & Drugs | WELL 1X5 Sports & Drugs | WELL |
HPRED 0101 Intro to Sports Medicine | WSSD 1X1 Intro to Sports Medicine | |
HPRED 1491 Tch Hlth & Wellness Elem Schls | WELL 352 Health Ed in Elem School | WELL |
HPS 0410 Einstein: Mdrn Sci & Surprises | PHIL 1X4 Einstein: Mdrn Sci & Surprises | |
HPS 0515 Magic, Medicine and Science | PHIL 1XX Magic, Medicine and Science | G1 |
HPS 0515 Magic, Medicine and Science | HIST 1XX Magic, Medicine and Science | G3 |
HPS 0611 Princ Scientific Reasoning | PHIL 1X1 Princ Scientific Reasoning | |
HPS 0612 Mind and Medicine | PSYC 3X2 Mind and Medicine | G3 |
HPS 0613 Morality and Medicine | PHIL 285 Moral Problems in Medicine | G1 |
HPS 0623 Explanations of Humans & socie | PSYC 2XX Explanations of Humans & Socie | G3 |
HRP 0090 Intro to Medical Terminology | Does Not Transfer | |
HRP 0184 Intro to Sci for Health Prof | BIOL 1X4 Intro to Sci for Health Prof | |
HRP 0420 Clinical Pathology | Does Not Transfer | |
HRP 0421 Clinical Pathology Lab | Does Not Transfer | |
HUMAN 0500 Digital Tools & Technologies | CSCI 1X5 Digital Tools & Technologies | G2 |
HUMAN 1500 Multimed & Dig Culture Capston | Does Not Transfer | |
I&L 1473 Math for Elementary Teachers | EDUC 4XX Math for Elementary Teachers | |
I&L 1701 Early Field Experience Seconda | EDFN 2XX Early Field Experience Seconda | |
IE 1040 Enginrng Economic Analysis | ECON 1X4 Enginrng Economic Analysis | G3 |
IE 1052 Mfg Processes & Analysis | ITEC 2X5 Mfg Processes & Analysis | |
IE 1061 Human Factors Engineering | ITEC 2X6 Human Factors Engineering | |
IL 0005 College Study Strategies | UNIV 1X5 College Study Strategies | |
IL 0210 College Reading & Study Skills | UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar | |
IL 1000 Intro to Elementary Teaching | ELED 100 Intro to Elementary Education | |
IL 1041 Intro to Early Childhood Ed | ERCH 110 Intro to Early Childhood Ed | |
IL 1473 Math for Elementary Teachers | MATH 104 Fundamentals of Math 1 | G2 |
IL 1580 Foundations of Special Ed | SPED 101 Orientation to Special Educ | |
IL 1900 Independent Study | Does Not Transfer | |
INDIST 0004 Career Exploration & Planning | UNIV 1X4 Career Exploration & Planning | |
INDIST 0015 College Success Seminar | UNIV 1X1 College Success Seminar | |
INFSCI 0010 Intro to Inf Sci Beginning | CSCI 1XX Intro to Inf Sci Beginning | G2 |
INFSCI 0014 Cybersecurity & the Law | INTE 350 Cybersecurity | |
INFSCI 0015 Data Struct & Progrmmng Techno | CSCI 161 Introduction to Programming 1 | G2 |
INFSCI 0017 Fundamntls of Obj-Orien Prgmg | CSCI 1X7 Fundamntls of Obj-Orien Prgmg | |
INFSCI 0020 Program Design & Software Tool | CSCI 1XX Program Design & Software Tool | |
INTS 0112 Japanese Lang & Culture | FORL 1X1 Japanese Lang & Culture | G1 |
INTS 0115 Intro Chinese Culture & Lang | INTL 1X5 Intro Chinese Culture/Lang | G3 |
INTS 0120 India & Its Cultures | HIST 1X2 India & Its Cultures | G3 |
IS 1412 Graphic Design | ART 2X2 Graphic Design | |
IT 1101 Educatn in an Information Age | CSCI 1X1 Educatn in an Information Age | |
ITAL 0001 Elementary Italian 1 | ITAL 101 Elementary Italian 1 | G1 |
ITAL 0002 Elementary Italian 2 | ITAL 102 Elementary Italian 2 | G1 |
ITAL 0080 Italian Cultural Heritage 1 | HMFA 1XX Italian Cultural Heritage 1 | G1 |
ITAL 0081 Italian Cultural Heritage 2 | ITAL 2X1 Italian Cultural Heritage 2 | G1 |
ITAL 1088 Topics Italian American Studie | ITAL 2XX Topics Italian American Studie | G1 |
ITAL 1089 Special Topics | ITAL 1X9 Special Topics | |
JOURNL 0053 Introduction to Journalism | ENGL 313 Fundamentals of Journalism | AW |
JOURNL 1133 Magazine Writing | ENGL 1X3 Magazine Writing | |
JOURNL 1135 Editorial Writing | ENGL 1X5 Editorial Writing | G1 |
JOURNL 1140 Photography in Communications | ART 2X4 Photography in Communications | |
JPNSE 0001 Elementary Japanese | JAPN 101 Elementary Japanese 1 | G1 |
JPNSE 0002 Elementary Japanese | JAPN 102 Elementary Japanese 2 | G1 |
JPNSE 0083 Intro to Japanese Lit | JAPN 2X3 Intro to Japanese Lit | G1 |
JPNSE 0085 Japanese Tales of Supernatural | HMFA 2X5 Japanese Tales of Supernatural | G1 |
JPNSE 1057 Jpn Cult & Soc through Cinema | INTL 2X7 Jpn Cult & Soc through Cinema | G3 |
KOREAN 0007 Intro to Korean Culture | HIST 1X7 Intro to Korean Culture | G3 |
LATIN 0011 Beginning Latin 1 | LATN 101 Elementary Latin 1 | G1 |
LATIN 0021 Beginning Latin 2 | LATN 102 Elementary Latin 2 | G1 |
LATIN 0220 Intermediate Latin | ELEC 1X2 Intermediate Latin | |
LEGLST 0020 Public Law & Moral Reasoning | GOVT 2XX Public Law & Moral Reasoning | G3 |
LEGLST 0080 Introduction to Legal Studies | GOVT 1X8 Introduction to Legal Studies | G3 |
LEGLST 1140 Intro to Criminal Law | SOCY 339 Topics In Criminology | |
LEGLST 1230 Psychology and Law | GOVT 2X3 Psychology and Law | G3 |
LING 0080 Aspects of Language | ENGL 220 Introduction to Language Study | G1 |
LING 0221 Irish Gaelic 1 | ENGL 2X2 Irish Gaelic 1 | |
LING 0471 American Sign Language 1 | SPED 1X1 American Sign Language 1 | |
LING 0472 American Sign Language 2 | SPED 1X2 American Sign Language 2 | |
LING 0473 American Sign Language 3 | SPED 1X3 American Sign Language 3 | |
LING 0474 American Sign Language 4 | SPED 1X4 American Sign Language 4 | |
LING 0501 Swahili 1 | FORL 1X1 Swahili 1 | G1 |
LING 0511 Swedish I | FORL 1X1 Swedish I | G1 |
LING 0512 Swedish 2 | FORL 1X2 Swedish 2 | G1 |
LING 0561 Turkish 1 | FORL 1X1 Turkish 1 | G1 |
LING 1000 Introduction to Linguistics | ENGL 221 Intro to Linguistic Analysis | G1 |
LING 1950 Introduction to Linguistics | ENGL 221 Intro to Linguistic Analysis | G1 |
LNSK 0101 College Success | UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar | |
LNSK 0180 Leadership Development | Does Not Transfer | |
LNSK 0250 College Success Topics | UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar | |
MATH 0001 Algebra 1 | Does Not Transfer | |
MATH 0002 College Algebra | MATH 101 College Algebra | |
MATH 0003 Algebra | MATH 1X3 Algebra | |
MATH 0004 Pre-Calculus Functions & Trig | MATH 160 Precalculus | G2 |
MATH 0011 Algebra Recitation | Does Not Transfer | |
MATH 0025 Applied College Algebra | MATH 12X Applied College Algebra | |
MATH 0029 Fundamentals of Math 1 | Does Not Transfer | |
MATH 0030 Fundamentals of Math 2 | Does Not Transfer | |
MATH 0031 Algebra | MATH 101 College Algebra | |
MATH 0032 Trigonometry and Functions | MATH 110 Trigonometry | |
MATH 0080 Fundamentals of Modern Math | MATH 100 Survey of Mathematical Ideas | G2 |
MATH 0097 College Algebra I | MATH 101 College Algebra | |
MATH 0098 College Algebra | MATH 101 College Algebra | |
MATH 0100 Pre for Business Calculus | MATH 1X1 Prep for Business Calculus | G2 |
MATH 0110 Fundamentals of Mathematics | MATH 100 Survey of Mathematical Ideas | G2 |
MATH 0120 Business Calculus | MATH 151 Calculus for Management | G2 |
MATH 0121 Business Calculus | MATH 151 Calculus for Management | G2 |
MATH 0130 Precalculus for Business Major | MATH 1X3 Precalculus for Business Major | G2 |
MATH 0132 Precalculus | MATH 160 Precalculus | G2 |
MATH 0133 Statistics | MATH 130 Elements of Statistics 1 | G2 |
MATH 0136 Applied Calculus | MATH 2X3 Applied Calculus | G2 |
MATH 0140 Calculus 1 | MATH 161 Calculus 1 | G2 |
MATH 0150 Calculus 2 | MATH 211 Calculus 2 | G2 |
MATH 0200 Prep for Scientific Calculus | MATH 160 Precalculus | G2 |
MATH 0220 Analytic Geometry & Calculus 1 | MATH 161 Calculus 1 | G2 |
MATH 0221 Analytic Geometry & Calculus 1 | MATH 161 Calculus 1 | G2 |
MATH 0230 Analytic Geometry & Calculus 2 | MATH 211 Calculus 2 | G2 |
MATH 0231 Analytic Geometry & Calculus 2 | MATH 211 Calculus 2 | G2 |
MATH 0235 Honors 1 - Variable Calculus | MATH 161 Calculus 1 | G2 |
MATH 0240 Analytic Geometry & Calculus 3 | MATH 311 Calculus 3 | G2 |
MATH 0241 Analytic Geometry & Calculus 3 | MATH 311 Calculus 3 | G2 |
MATH 0280 Intro to Matrices & Linear Alg | MATH 322 Linear Algebra 1 | G2 |
MATH 0290 Differential Equations | MATH 365 Ordinary Differential Equation | |
MATH 03A College Algebra | MATH 101 College Algebra | |
MATH 0400 Discret Mathmatcl Structures | MATH 1X4 Discret Mathmatcl Structures | G2 |
MATH 0401 Discrete Mathematical Structur | MATH 1XX Discrete Mathematical Str | G2 |
MATH 0413 Intro Theoretical Mathematics | MATH 310 Intro to Mathematical Proof | W |
MATH 0420 Intro Theory 1 - Variable Calc | MATH 1X2 Intro Theory 1 - Variable Calc | |
MATH 0500 Professional Development | UNIV 1X1 Professional Development | |
MATH 1080 Numerical Math: Linear Alg | MATH 3X8 Numerical Math: Linear Alg | |
MATH 1180 Linear Algebra | MATH 322 Linear Algebra 1 | G2 |
MATH 1270 Ord Differental Equations I | MATH 365 Ordinary Differential Equation | |
MATH 1370 Intro to Comp Neuroscience | MATH 3X7 Intro to Comp Neuroscience | |
MATH 6000 Collg Prepratory Mathematics | Does Not Transfer | |
MATSC 0050 Natural Science 1 | SCMA 1X5 Natural Science 1 | L, G2 |
MEMS 0024 Intro to Mechanical Engr Desig | ITEC 1X4 Intro to Mechanical Engr Desig | |
MEMS 1028 Mechanical Design I | ITEC 2X1 Mechanical Design I | |
MEMS 1047 Finite Element Analysis | ITEC 2X4 Finite Element Analysis | |
MGMT 0110 Principles of Management | BUAD 251 Principles of Management | W, G3 |
MILS 0011 Intro to Military Leadership | MILS 101 Intro to Military Science 1 | |
MILS 0012 Foundations of Leadership | MILS 102 Intro to Military Science 2 | |
MIS 0103 Microcomputing for Management | BUAD 1X3 Microcomputing for Management | G3 |
MKRT 1600 Consumer Behavior | BUAD 332 Consumer Behavior | |
MRKT 0600 Principles of Marketing | BUAD 231 Principles of Marketing | |
MRKT 1301 Marketing | BUAD 231 Principles of Marketing | |
MUSIC 0062 Concert Choir | MUSI 126 Applied Music in Choir | |
MUSIC 0100 Fundamentals of Western Music | MUSI 100 Music and Culture | G1 |
MUSIC 0111 Basic Piano Techniques | Does Not Transfer | |
MUSIC 0121 Basic Musicianshp: Class Piano | MUSI 131 Class Piano 1 | |
MUSIC 0123 Basc Musicianship: Class Voice | MUSI 1X2 Class Voice | |
MUSIC 0125 Creative Musicianship | MUSI 103 Language of Music | G1, D |
MUSIC 0131 Preparation for Music Theory | MUSI 1XX Preparation for Music Theory | |
MUSIC 0211 Intro to Western Art Music | MUSI 100 Music and Culture | G1 |
MUSIC 0234 History of the Symphony | MUSI 2XX History of the Symphony | G1 |
MUSIC 0311 Introduction to World Music | MUSI 100 Music and Culture | G1 |
MUSIC 0411 Theory 1 | MUSI 2X1 Theory 1 | |
MUSIC 0412 Musicianship 1 | MUSI 4X2 Musicianship 1 | |
MUSIC 0413 Theory and Ear - Training 1 | MUSI 2X3 Theory and Ear - Training 1 | |
MUSIC 0415 Theory II | MUSI 112 Kodaly Solfege,Hrmny,Anlys 1 | |
MUSIC 0416 Musicianship II | MUSI 3X6 Musicianship II | |
MUSIC 0512 Piano | MUSI 1X2 Piano | |
MUSIC 0518 Double Bass | MUSI 1X5 Double Bass | |
MUSIC 0527 Percussion | MUSI 153 Percussion 1 | |
MUSIC 0613 University Glee Club | MUSI 1X6 Glee Club | |
MUSIC 0630 Marching Band | MUSI 129 Marching Band | |
MUSIC 0640 Jazz Ensemble | MUSI 124 Appl Music in Jazz Ensemble | |
MUSIC 0711 History of Jazz | MUSI 2XX History of Jazz | G1 |
MUSIC 0800 Hist of American Pop Music | MUSI 1X8 Hist of American Pop Music | |
MUSIC 084 Hist Jazz | MUSI 2X4 Hist Jazz | G1 |
MUSIC 0844 The Music of the Beatles | Does Not Transfer | |
MUSIC 0846 The Beatles | MUSI 1X1 The Beatles | |
MUSIC 0897 Music and Film | MUSI 201 Music and Sound in Cinema | G1 |
MUSIC 1270 Music Culture & Technology | MUSI 100 Music and Culture | G1 |
MUSIC 1339 Musical Styles | MUSI 1X3 Musical Styles | G1 |
MUSIC 1731 Jazz Arranging 1 | MUSI 1X1 Jazz Arranging 1 | |
MUSIC 1741 Jazz Improvisation I | MUSI 1X7 Jazz Improvisation I | |
NATSC 0002 Science Elementary Teachers | SCMA 1XX Science Elem Teachers | |
NATSC 0050 Natural Science 1 | BIOL 1X5 Natural Science 1 | |
NATSC 0070 Phys Sci Everyday Thinking | PHYS 103 Elements of Physics | G2, L |
NATSC 0080 Integrated Sciences | EDUC 18X Integrated Sciences | |
NATSC 0250 Natural Science 2 | BIOL 1X2 Natural Science 2 | |
NROSCI 0030 Brain and Behavior | PSYC 415 Physiological Psychology | |
NROSCI 0080 Brain and Behavior | PSYC 415 Physiological Psychology | |
NROSCI 0081 Drugs and Behavior | PSYC 311 Psychology of Drug Addiction | G3, W |
NROSCI 1000 Intro to Neuroscience | BIOL 1XX Intro to Neuroscience | G2 |
NROSCI 1901 Independent Study | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 0001 First Year Seminar | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 0020 Pathophysiolo Found Nur Cre | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 0051 Intro to Professional Nursing | NURS 3X5 Intro to Professional Nursing | |
NUR 0053 Intro Inclus, Equity, Diversit | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 0066 Nutrition for Clinical Practic | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 0080 Found of Nursing Practice I | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 0086 Nursing Informatics | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 0087 Pharm & Therapeutics Act Lfsn | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 0088 Intro Basic Stats for EBP | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 0090 Foundations of Nurs Pract 1 Cl | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 0106 Succeeding in Nursing Ed | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 0109 Clinical Calculations | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 0111 Fund of Nursing | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 0112 Comprehensive Nursing I | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 0113 Pharmacology in Nursing | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 0211 Comprehensive Nursing II | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 0212 Comprehensive Nursing III | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 0300 Nursing Foundations | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 0350 Nursing Fundamentals | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 0400 Adult Med/Surg Nursing | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 0450 Family & Mental Health | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 0500 Complex & Community Health | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 0525 Role Development | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 1110 Pharmacology & Therapeutics | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 1680 Intro Genetics & Molec Therap | Does Not Transfer | |
NUTR 1006 Intro Human Nutrition | BIOL 256 Nutrition | G2, W |
NUTR 1600 Intro to Dietetics | SCMA 1X6 Intro to Dietetics | G2 |
ORBIOL 0031 Microbiology 1 | BIOL 1X3 Microbiology 1 | L, G2 |
PED 123 CPR/First Aid | WSSD 311 First Aid and CPR | |
PED M1 Physical Education | WELL 1X1 Physical Education | WELL |
PED M2 Physical Education | WELL 1X2 Physical Education | WELL |
PEDC 0010 Water Aerobics | WELL 1X1 Water Aerobics | WELL |
PEDC 0011 Competitive Swimming | WELL 1XX Competitive Swimming | WELL |
PEDC 0018 Directed Study | WSSD 1X8 Directed Study | |
PEDC 0026 Aquatic Conditioning | WELL 1X6 Aquatic Conditioning | WELL |
PEDC 0029 Weight Training - Men | WELL 1X2 Weight Training - Men | WELL |
PEDC 0029 Weight Training - Men | WELL 1X1 Weight Training - Men | WELL |
PEDC 0029 Weight Training - Men | WELL 1X3 Weight Training - Men | WELL |
PEDC 0030 Weight Train-Women | WELL 1X3 Weight Train-Women | |
PEDC 0033 Ballet 1 | WELL 1X3 Ballet 1 | WELL |
PEDC 0035 Social Dance | WELL 1XX Social Dance | |
PEDC 0038 Tai Chi | WELL 1X2 Tai Chi | WELL |
PEDC 0041 Jazz 1 | WELL 1XX Jazz 1 | WELL |
PEDC 0044 Dance Production | WELL 1XX Dance Production | WELL |
PEDC 0048 Racquetball 1 | WELL 1XX Racquetball 1 | WELL |
PEDC 0060 Basketball 1 - Co-Educational | WELL 1X6 Basketball 1 - Co-Educational | WELL |
PEDC 0065 Volleyball | WELL 1XX Volleyball | WELL |
PEDC 0067 Karate | WELL 1XX Karate | WELL |
PEDC 0068 Judo 1 | WELL 1X8 Judo 1 | WELL |
PEDC 0087 Personal Defense | WELL 1XX Personal Defense | WELL |
PEDC 0090 Varsity Sports 1 | Does Not Transfer | |
PEDC 0091 Varsity Sports 2 | Does Not Transfer | |
PEDC 0100 Life Guarding | WSSD 1X9 Life Guarding | |
PEDC 0103 Aerobic Exercise 1 | WELL 1XX Aerobic Exercise 1 | WELL |
PEDC 0108 Physcl Condg/Weight Training 1 | WELL 1X8 Physcl Condg/Weight Training 1 | WELL |
PEDC 0152 Living Well | WELL 1X2 Living Well | WELL |
PEDC 0153 Varsity Sports 3 | Does Not Transfer | |
PEDC 0154 Varsity Sports 4 | Does Not Transfer | |
PEDC 0158 Weight Training 1 | WELL 1X8 Weight Training | WELL |
PEDC 0161 Individual Fitness | WELL 1X1 Individual Fitness | |
PEDC 0164 Party Dance | WELL 1X4 Party Dance | |
PEDC 0171 Fitness Kick Boxing | WELL 1X7 Fitness Kick Boxing | WELL |
PEDC 0173 Snowboarding | WELL 1XX Snowboarding | WELL |
PEDC 0180 Volleyball 1 | WELL 1X8 Volleyball | WELL |
PEDC 0180 Volleyball 1 | WELL 1X2 Volleyball | WELL |
PEDC 0190 Varsity Sports | Does Not Transfer | |
PEDC 0193 Personal Fitness | WELL 1X3 Personal Fitness | WELL |
PEDC 0202 Lifeguarding | WELL 2X2 Lifeguarding | WELL |
PEDC 0222 Cycle Exercise | WELL 2XX Cycle Exercise | |
PEDC 0226 Fitness Boxing 1 | WELL 1XX Fitness Boxing 1 | WELL |
PEDC 0231 Soccer 1 | WELL 1XX Soccer 1 | WELL |
PEDC 0236 Aerobic Mix | WELL 1XX Aerobic Mix | WELL |
PEDC 0237 Aerobic Exercise | WELL 1X7 Aerobic Exercise | WELL |
PEDC 0262 Yoga 1 | WELL 1X6 Yoga 1 | |
PEDC 0267 Beginning Karate | WELL 1X1 Beginning Karate | WELL |
PEDC 1002 Tae Kwon Do | WELL 1XX Tae Kwon Do | WELL |
PEDC 1300 Nutrition in Exercise & Sport | WELL 1XX Nutrition in Exercise & Sport | WELL |
PEDC 1302 Basketball Skill Analysis | WELL 1XX Basketball Skill Analysis | WELL |
PEDC 1308 Baseball Skill Analysis | WSSD 1X8 Baseball Skill Analysis | |
PHARM 5110 Profession of Pharmacy 1 | Does Not Transfer | |
PHARM 5111 Profession of Pharmacy 2 | Does Not Transfer | |
PHARM 5112 Experimental Learning 1 | Does Not Transfer | |
PHARM 5113 Experimental Learning 2 | Does Not Transfer | |
PHARM 5114 Anatomy and Physiology 1 | BIOL 254 Human Anat and Physiology 1 | |
PHARM 5115 Anatomy and Physiology 2 | BIOL 255 Human Anat and Physiology 2 | |
PHARM 5116 Biochemistry 1 | CHEM 3X6 Biochemistry | |
PHARM 5117 Biochemistry 2 | CHEM 3X7 Biochemistry 2 | |
PHARM 5118 Principles of Drug Action | CHEM 2X8 Princples of Drug Action | |
PHARM 5119 Drug Development 1 | Does Not Transfer | |
PHIL 0010 Concepts of Human Nature | PHIL 1X1 Concepts of Human Nature | |
PHIL 0012 Concepts Human/Writing Practic | Does Not Transfer | |
PHIL 0013 Concepts of Human Nature | PHIL 2X3 Concepts of Human Nature | G1 |
PHIL 0080 Intro to Philosophical Problem | PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy | G1 |
PHIL 0082 Intro Philphcl Prblm/Writ Prac | PHIL 2X2 Intro Philphcl Prblm/Writ Prac | G1 |
PHIL 0083 Intro to Philosophical Problem | PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy | G1 |
PHIL 0101 Introduction to Philosophy | PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy | G1 |
PHIL 0103 Philosophy of Religion | PHIL 382 Philosophy of Religion | G1 |
PHIL 0200 History of Ancient Philosophy | PHIL 321 Ancient Philosophy | G1, W |
PHIL 0210 Hist Modern Philosophy | PHIL 322 Modern Philosophy | G1, W |
PHIL 0211 Hist Modern Phil/Rec | Does Not Transfer | |
PHIL 0220 Intro to Existentialism | PHIL 2XX Intro to Existentialism | G1 |
PHIL 0230 Philosophy and Film | PHIL 327 Philosophy in Film | G1 |
PHIL 0300 Introduction to Ethics | PHIL 381 Ethical Theories | G1, W |
PHIL 0302 Introduction to Ethics / Writ | PHIL 381 Ethical Theories | W, G1 |
PHIL 0320 Social Philosophy | Does Not Transfer | G1, W |
PHIL 0330 Political Philosophy | PHIL 407 Political and Social Philosphy | G1, W |
PHIL 0332 Political Philosophy / Writ Pr | PHIL 3X2 Political Philosophy / Writ Pr | |
PHIL 0352 Phil & Public Issues/Writ Prac | PHIL 23X Phil & Public Issues/Writ Prac | G1, W |
PHIL 0380 Intro Feminist Thought | PHIL 2X8 Intro Feminist Thought | G1 |
PHIL 039 Ethics | PHIL 381 Ethical Theories | W, G1 |
PHIL 0440 Minds and Machines | PHIL 3X4 Minds and Machines | G1 |
PHIL 0442 Minds and Machines/Writ Prac | Does Not Transfer | |
PHIL 0460 Philosophy of Mind | PHIL 2X4 Philosophy of Mind | |
PHIL 0500 Introduction to Logic | PHIL 211 Introduction to Logic | G1 |
PHIL 0501 Introduction to Logic | PHIL 211 Introduction to Logic | G1 |
PHIL 1245 American Philosophy | PHIL 331 American Philosophy | G1 |
PHIL 1319 Ethics & Sports | PHIL 1X9 Ethics & Sports | |
PHIL 1380 Business Ethics | BUAD 3X8 Business Ethics | |
PHIL 1445 Environmental Ethics | PHIL 1X4 Environmental Ethics | G1 |
PHIL 1800 Philosophy and Animals | PHIL 3X1 Philosophy and Animals | G1 |
PHYS 0081 Space, Time, Light, Matter | PHYS 1X8 Space, Time, Light, Matter | G2 |
PHYS 0090 Explorations in Physics | PHYS 101 Survey of Physics | G2 |
PHYS 0100 Introduction to Physics I | PHYS 131 Physics 1 with Algebra | G2, L |
PHYS 0103 Concepts of Modern Physics | PHYS 10X Concepts of Modern Physics | G2 |
PHYS 0105 Basic Phys Science & Engrg 2 | PHYS 231 General Physics 1 | L, G2 |
PHYS 0106 Basic Phys Science & Engrg 3 | PHYS 232 General Physics 2 | G2, L |
PHYS 011 Introduction to Physics 2 | Does Not Transfer | |
PHYS 0110 Introduction to Physics 1 | PHYS 131 Physics 1 | G2, L |
PHYS 0130 Experimental Physics I | PHYS 1X3 Experimental Physics I | |
PHYS 0150 Physics 1 | PHYS 231 General Physics 1 | G2 |
PHYS 0151 Physics Laboratory 1 | PHYS 1X1 Physics Laboratory 1 | G2, L |
PHYS 0174 Basc Phys Sci & Engrg 1 | PHYS 231 General Physics 1 | G2, L |
PHYS 0175 Basc Phys Sci & Engr 2 (Intgd) | PHYS 232 Physics 2 with Calculus | G2, L |
PHYS 0212 Intro to Laboratory Physics | Does Not Transfer | |
PHYS 0475 Intro Phys Science & Engrg 1 | PHYS 231 Physics 1 with Calculus | L, G2 |
PHYS 0477 Int Thermal/Modern Physics | PHYS 3X7 Int Thermal/Modern Physics | |
PHYS 0960 Introductory Physics | PHYS 103 Introduction to Physics | G2 |
PHYS 1321 Comp Methods in Physics | PHYS 3X2 Comp Methods in Physics | |
PHYS 1331 Mechanics | PHYS 311 Mechanics 1 | |
PHYS 1351 Int Electricity/Magnetism | PHYS 3X5 Int Electricity/Magnetism | |
PITT 0130 Wellness & Resilience | UNIV 103 First Year Seminar | |
PITT 0210 Anti-Black Racism | UNIV 2X1 Anti-Black Racism | |
POL SC 020 Am Pol Process | GOVT 101 Intro to Political Studies | G3 |
POLSC 0020 Am Pol Process | GOVT 111 Intro to American Government | G3 |
PORT 0001 Elementary Portuguese 1 | FORL 1X1 Elementary Portuguese 1 | G1 |
PORT 0003 Intermediate Portuguese 3 | FORL 2X1 Intermediate Portuguese 3 | G1 |
PORT 0004 Intermediate Portuguese 4 | FORL 2X2 Intermediate Portuguese 4 | G1 |
PORT 0020 Conversation | FORL 20X Portuguese Conversation | |
PORT 1002 Elementary Portuguese 2 | FORL 1X2 Elementary Portuguese 2 | G1 |
PS 0102 American Policital Process | GOVT 111 Intro to American Government | G3 |
PS 0110 Intro to International Affairs | INTL 201 Intro to International Studies | G3 |
PS 0200 American Political Process | GOVT 111 Intro to American Government | G3 |
PS 0204 Public Policy Process | GOVT 205 Intro to Public Policy | G3 |
PS 0205 Law and the Courts | GOVT 2X5 Law and the Courts | G3 |
PS 0206 American Political Process | GOVT 111 Intro to American Government | G3 |
PS 0300 Comparative Politics | GOVT 221 Intro to Cmprtv Politcl Systms | G3 |
PS 0500 World Politics | GOVT 251 Intro to Global Politics | G3 |
PS 0501 World Politics | GOVT 251 Intro to Global Politics | G3 |
PS 0550 Introduction to Global Studies | SSCI 25X Introduction to Global Studies | G3 |
PS 0600 Political Theory | GOVT 3X6 Political Theory | |
PS 1131 West European Govt & Politics | GOVT 221 Intro to Cmprtv Politcl Systms | G3 |
PS 1201 Constitution & Civil Liberties | GOVT 412 Con Law 2:Rights/Liberties | |
PS 1202 American Constitutional Law | GOVT 411 Con Law 1:Sep of Pwrs/Fdrlsm | |
PS 1212 American Presidency | GOVT 1X2 American Presidency | G3 |
PS 1230 Interest Group Politics | GOVT 312 American Political Parties | G3, W |
PS 1231 Political Parties & Elections | GOVT 312 American Political Parties | G3, W |
PS 1236 Politics Through Film | GOVT 2XX Politics through Film | G3 |
PS 1311 Western Eurp Govermnt & Polit | GOVT 221 Intro to Cmprtv Politcl Systms | G3 |
PS 1321 Latin American Politics | GOVT 32X Latin American Politics | P |
PS 1324 US - Latin American Relations | GOVT 2X4 US - Latin American Relations | G3 |
PS 1332 Gvrnt & Polit in Cntmpry China | GOVT 325 Political Systems of East Asia | G3 |
PS 1340 Democratization | GOVT 1X3 Democratization | G3 |
PS 1352 Intro to African Politics | GOVT 1X3 Intro to African Politics | G3 |
PS 1353 African Liberation Movements | GOVT 3XX African Liberation Movements | G3 |
PS 1501 Theory of International Reltn | GOVT 3XX Theory of International Reltn | |
PS 1503 International Organization | GOVT 352 International Organizations | G3 |
PS 1601 Politic Theory Plato Machivel | GOVT 1X6 Politic Theory Plato Machivel | G3 |
PS 1602 Political Theory Machovelli to | GOVT 231 Intro to Political Theory | G3 |
PS 1901 Independent Study | GOVT 1X9 Independent Study | |
PSY 0010 Intro to Psychology | PSYC 100 General Psychology | G3 |
PSY 0015 Intro Psy as Natural Science | PSYC 100 General Psychology | G3 |
PSY 0035 Research Methods | PSYC 211 Statistics and Exper Design 1 | W |
PSY 0101 Introduction to Psychology | PSYC 100 General Psychology | G3 |
PSY 0105 Introduction to Social Psych | PSYC 317 Social Psychology | |
PSY 0160 Psychology of Personality | PSYC 335 Personality Theory | G3 |
PSY 0200 Introduction to Psychology | PSYC 100 General Psychology | G3 |
PSY 0202 Child Development | PSYC 227 Devlopmnt Child and Adolescent | G3, W |
PSY 0230 Child Development | PSYC 227 Devlopmnt Child and Adolescent | G3, W |
PSY 0260 Adolescent Development | PSYC 227 Devlopmnt Child and Adolescent | G3, W |
PSY 0270 Introductory Statistics | PSYC 211 Statistics and Exper Design 1 | W |
PSY 0310 Developmental Psychology | PSYC 227 Devlopmnt Child and Adolescent | G3, W |
PSY 0384 Adult Development & Aging | PSYC 229 The Adult Years | G3 |
PSY 0405 Learning and Motivation | PSYC 316 Learning and Motivation | |
PSY 0410 Human Cognition | PSYC 2X4 Human Cognition | G3 |
PSY 0421 Cognitive Psych for Non-Majors | PSYC 4X1 Cognitive Psych for Non-Majors | |
PSY 0422 Cognitive Psychology | PSYC 314 Cognitive Psychology | |
PSY 0505 Intro to Biopsychology | PSYC 15X Intro to Biopsychology | G3 |
PSY 0510 Sensation & Perception | PSYC 3X5 Sensation & Perception | |
PSY 1050 Special Topics: Child Developm | PSYC 227 Devlopmnt Child and Adolescent | G3, W |
PSY 1051 Topics in Social Psychology | PSYC 234 Human Relations | G3 |
PSY 1141 Psychopathology | PSYC 337 Abnormal Psychology | G3, W |
PSY 1205 Abnormal Psychology | PSYC 337 Abnormal Psychology | G3, W |
PSY 1210 Intro to Clinical Psychology | PSYC 2X1 Intro to Clinical Psychology | |
PSY 1216 Health Psychology | PSYC 356 Health Psychology | |
PSY 1315 Developmental Psych: Infancy | PSYC 227 Devlopmnt Child and Adolescent | G3, W |
PSY 1445 Biological FDS of Behavior | PSYC 1X5 Biological FDS of Behavior | |
PSY 1525 Neuropsychology | PSYC 415 Physiological Psychology | |
PSY 1720 Psychological Study of Trauma | PSYC 3XX Psychological Study of Trauma | |
PSY 1913 Directed Individual Research | PSYC 4X1 Directed Individual Research | |
PSYCH 0080 Intro to Psych | PSYC 100 General Psychology | G3 |
PSYCH 023 Child Develop | PSYC 227 Devlopmnt Child and Adolescent | W, G3 |
PSYCH 024 Theo of Person | PSYC 335 Personality Theory | G3 |
PSYCH 026 Adolescence | PSYC 2X6 Adolescence | G3 |
PSYCH 027 Data Eval | PSYC 211 Statistics and Exper Design 1 | W |
PSYCH 028 Statistics Lab | PSYC 2X8 Statistics Lab | |
PSYCH 029 Psychometrics | PSYC 3X9 Psychometrics | |
PSYCH 030 Metrics Lab | PSYC 3X1 Metrics Lab | |
PSYCH 035 Psychopharm | PSYC 3X5 Psychoparm | |
PSYCH 080 Intro to Psych | PSYC 100 General Psychology | G3 |
PSYCH 114 Psychopathol | PSYC 337 Abnormal Psychology | W, G3 |
PSYED 0005 Life Span Development | PSYC 228 Life Span Human Devlopment | G3 |
PSYED 1001 Intro Educational Psychology | EDFN 241 Psyc Foundation of Teaching | |
PUBHLT 0100 Fund of Public Health | SOWK 1XX Fund of Public Health | |
PUBHLT 0140 First Year Seminar: Pub Health | UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar | |
PUBSRV 0020 Intro to Public Service | SOWK 102 Modern Social Welfare Dilemmas | G3 |
PUBSRV 0050 Ethics & Accountability | PHIL 281 Bus. & Prof. Ethics | G1 |
PUBSRV 1220 Human Resource Mgmt NonProfits | BUAD 251 Principles of Management | G3, W |
PUBSRV 1310 Diversity Issues Pub Service | SOCY 1XX Diversity Issues Pub Service | |
REHSCI 1018 Survey Hlth & Rehab Professns | ELEC 1X8 Survey Hlth & Rehab Professns | |
REHSCI 1811 Basic Athletic Training | WSSD 1X1 Basic Athletic Training | |
REHSCI 1812 Basic Athletic Training Lab | WSSD 1X2 Basic Athletic Training Lab | |
RELGST 0025 Major Biblical Themes | PHIL 2X5 Major Biblical Themes | G1 |
RELGST 0083 Mythology in the Ancient World | HUMN 202 Classical Mythology | G1, W |
RELGST 0105 Religions of the West | PHIL 313 World Religions | G1 |
RELGST 0305 Classics of Christian Thought | PHIL 3X5 Classics of Christian Thought | G1 |
RELGST 0455 Intro to Islamic Civilization | PHIL 3XX Intro to Islamic Civilization | G1 |
RELGST 0525 Religion & Culture East Asia | HMFA 2XX Religion & Culture East Asia | G1 |
RELGST 0710 Sociology of Religion | SOCY 3X7 Sociology of Religion | G3 |
RELGST 1144 Classical Mythology & Lit | ENGL 1X4 Classical Mythology & Lit | |
RELGST 1241 Gender and Jewish History | HIST 34X Gender and Jewish History | D, P |
RELGST 1320 Medieval History I | HIST 2X1 Medieval History I | G3 |
RELGST 1330 Medieval History II | HIST 2X2 Medieval History II | G3 |
RELGST 1602 Religions of the World | PHIL 313 World Religions | W, G1 |
RELGST 1603 Judaism, Christianity & Islam | PHIL 1X6 Judaism, Christianity & Islam | G1 |
RESCA 0020 Respiratory Care Tech I | Does Not Transfer | |
RESCA 1022 Respiratory Pharmacology | Does Not Transfer | |
RESCA 1026 Respiratory Physiology | Does Not Transfer | |
RESCA 1028 Respiratory Pathology | Does Not Transfer | |
RESCA 1041 Selected Topics | Does Not Transfer | |
RUSS 0001 Elementary Russian | RUSS 101 Elementary Russian 1 | G1 |
RUSS 0010 Elementary Russian I | RUSS 101 Elementary Russian 1 | G1 |
RUSS 0090 Russian Fairy Tales | RUSS 1XX Russian Fairy Tales | G1 |
RUSS 0325 Russian Short Story in Context | RUSS 3X5 Russian Short Story in Context | G1 |
RUSS 0590 Formative Masterpieces | RUSS 3X9 Formative Masterpieces | G1 |
RUSS 0811 Madness & Madmen in Russ Cult | RUSS 3X1 Madness & Madmen in Russ Cult | G1 |
SA 0110 Foundation Design | ART 142 2D Design | G1 |
SA 0111 Foundation Design | ART 142 2D Design | G1 |
SA 0120 Foundation Color | ART 1XX Foundation Color | |
SA 0125 Foundation Painting | ART 352 Painting 1 | |
SA 0130 Foundation Drawing | ART 133 Drawing 1 | G1 |
SA 0131 Foundation Drawing | ART 133 Drawing 1 | G1 |
SA 0140 Foundation Sculpture | ART 282 Sculpture 1 | G1 |
SCED 0011 Directed Practicum in SCED | Does Not Transfer | |
SCED 1164 Secondary Science Methods I | EDUC 1X4 Secondary Science Methods I | |
SEAR 0260 Sculpture | ART 282 Sculpture 1 | G1 |
SLAV 0660 Sci-Fi: East & West | INTL 3X6 Sci-Fi: East & West | G3 |
SLAV 0880 Vampire: Blood and Empire | HMFA 3X8 Vampire: Blood and Empire | G1 |
SOC 0002 Sociology of Everyday Life | SOCY 1XX Sociology of Everyday Life | G3 |
SOC 0005 Societies | SOCY 101 Introduction to Sociology | G3 |
SOC 0007 Social Problems | SOCY 211 Social Problems | W, G3 |
SOC 0009 American Society | SOCY 2X9 American Society | |
SOC 0010 Introduction to Sociology | SOCY 101 Introduction to Sociology | G3 |
SOC 0020 Crime, Law, and Public Policy | SOCY 2XX Crime, Law, and Public Policy | G3 |
SOC 010 Intro to Soc | SOCY 101 Introduction to Sociology | G3 |
SOC 0100 Introduction to Sociology | SOCY 101 Introduction to Sociology | G3 |
SOC 0101 Introduction to Sociology | SOCY 101 Introduction to Sociology | G3 |
SOC 0150 social Theory | SOCY 303 Sociological Theory | |
SOC 0206 Criminology | SOCY 230 Criminology | W, G3 |
SOC 0207 Sociology of Race & Ethnicity | SOCY 315 Race and Ethnic Relations | G3 |
SOC 0317 Global Society | SOCY 31X Global Society | G3 |
SOC 0436 Sociology of the Family | SOCY 210 Sociology of the Family | G3 |
SOC 0438 Sociology of the Family | SOCY 210 Sociology of the Family | G3 |
SOC 0446 Sociology of Gender | SOCY 2XX Sociology of Gender | G3 |
SOC 0460 Minority Group | SOCY 315 Race and Ethnic Relations | G3 |
SOC 0465 Sociology of Sports | WSSD 484 Psyc-Soc Foundation Coaching | |
SOC 0471 Deviance and Social Control | SOCY 338 Sociology of Deviance | |
SOC 0472 Intro to Criminology | SOCY 230 Criminology | W, G3 |
SOC 0477 Medical Sociology | SOCY 317 Sociology Of Health | G3, W |
SOC 0478 Youth and Society | SOCY 3XX Youth and Society | G3 |
SOC 0490 Mass Media | SOCY 2XX Mass Media | G3 |
SOC 072 Criminology | SOCY 230 Criminology | W, G3 |
SOC 1107 Cultural Sociology Visual Soc | SOCY 1X7 Cultural Sociology Visual Soc | G3 |
SOC 122 Soc Sys/Person | SOCY 2X2 Soc Sys/Person | G3 |
SOC 1311 Social Work | SOWK 102 Modern Social Welfare Dilemmas | G3 |
SOC 1324 Soc Problems & Moral Crusades | SOCY 211 Social Problems | G3, W |
SOC 1337 Indentity Politics | SOCY 3X7 Indentity Politics | |
SOC 1413 Marriage | SOCY 21X Marriage | G3 |
SOC 1414 Special Topics | SOCY 4X4 Special Topics | |
SOC 1421 Body Pol Tech Disab Dffrncs | PHIL 347 Phil of City, Tech & Publ Hlth | G1 |
SOC 1433 Juvenile Delinquency | SOCY 334 Juvenile Delinquency | G3 |
SOC 1445 Society and Environment | SOCY 2X5 Society and Environment | G3 |
SOC 1804 Special Topics in Criminology | SOC 2X4 Special Topics in Criminology | G3 |
SOCSCI 1850 Wash Center Acad Exp | SSCI 3XX Wash Center Acad Exp | |
SOCSCI 1900 Internship | SSCI 300 Internship | |
SOCWRK 1000 Introduction to Social Work | SOWK 102 Modern Social Welfare Dilemmas | G3 |
SOCWRK 1001 Intro Soc Wrk Civic Engage | SOWK 102 Modern Social Welfare Dilemmas | G3 |
SOCWRK 1006 Social Welfare 2 | SOWK 2XX Social Welfare 2 | |
SOCWRK 1008 Ethnicity and Social Welfare | SOWK 2XX Ethnicity and Social Welfare | |
SOCWRK 1010 Interventive Methods 1 | SOWK 2XX Interventive Methods 1 | |
SOCWRK 1011 Interventive Methods 2 | SOWK 3XX Interventive Methods 2 | |
SOCWRK 1015 Human Behavr & Socl Environme | SOWK 203 Human Behvior and Social Envrn | |
SPAN 0001 Elementary Spanish 1 | SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish 1 | G1 |
SPAN 0002 Elementary Spanish 2 | SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish 2 | G1 |
SPAN 0003 Intermediate Spanish 3 | SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish 1 | G1 |
SPAN 0004 Intermediate Spanish 4 | SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish 2 | G1 |
SPAN 0015 Intensive Elementary Spanish | SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish 2 | G1 |
SPAN 0015 Intensive Elementary Spanish | SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish 1 | G1 |
SPAN 002 Elementary | SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish 1 | G1 |
SPAN 0020 Conversation | SPAN 1X2 Conversation | G1 |
SPAN 0025 Grammar & Composition | SPAN 1X5 Grammar & Composition | G1 |
SPAN 0041 Elementary Spanish 1 | SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish 1 | G1 |
SPAN 0042 Elementary Spanish 2 | SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish 2 | G1 |
SPAN 0043 Elementary Spanish 3 | SPAN 1X4 Elementary Spanish 3 | |
SPAN 0082 Latin America Today | SPAN 333 Spanish Civilization 3 | |
SPAN 0101 Elementary Spanish I | SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish 1 | G1 |
SPAN 0102 Elementary Spanish 2 | SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish 2 | G1 |
SPAN 0103 Intermediate Spanish 3 | SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish 1 | G1 |
SPAN 0104 Intermediate Spanish II | SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish 2 | G1 |
SPAN 0111 Elementary Spanish 1 | SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish 1 | G1 |
SPAN 0112 Elementary Spanish 2 | SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish 2 | G1 |
SPAN 0115 Intensive Elementary Spanish | SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish 2 | G1 |
SPAN 0211 Intermediate Spanish 1 | SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish 1 | G1 |
SPAN 1310 Linguistic Seminar | SPAN 470 Spanish Linguistics | |
SPAN 1841 Don Quijote and the Novel | SPAN 3XX Don Quijote and the Novel | |
SPAN 1844 Contem Latin Amer Literature | SPAN 2X4 Contem Latin Amer Literature | |
SPC 0100 Introduction to Sociology | SOCY 101 Introduction to Sociology | G3 |
STAT 0200 Basic Applied Statistics | MATH 235 Survey of Statistics | G2 |
STAT 0800 Statistics in the Modern World | MATH 130 Elements of Statistics 1 | G2 |
STAT 1000 Applied Statistical Methods | MATH 235 Survey of Statistics | G2 |
STAT 1040 Statistics for Bus/Econ | MATH 235 Survey of Statistics | G2 |
STAT 1100 Stat & Problty for Bus Mgt | ECON 231 Applied Statistcs 1 | G3 |
STAT 1131 Intro Applied Statistics | MATH 235 Survey of Statistics | G2 |
THEA 0053 Oral Interprt of Literature | THEA 1X3 Oral Interprt of Literature | |
THEA 0104 Basic Acting | THEA 130 Acting 1 | W, G1 |
THEA 0505 Enjoy Performances | THEA 217 Theatre Appreciation | G1 |
THEA 0630 Puppetry in Theatre | THEA 2X6 Puppetry in Theatre | |
THEA 0800 Introduction to Theatre Arts | THEA 120 Stagecraft | |
THEA 0810 Introduction to Dramatic Art | THEA 340 History of Theatre 1 | G1, W |
THEA 0811 Intro to Dramatic Art 1 | THEA 217 Theatre Appreciation | G1 |
THEA 0830 Intro to Performance | THEA 1XX Intro to Performance | G1 |
THEA 0840 Introduction to Theatre Design | THEA 312 Hist/Princpls of Stage Design | G1 |
THEA 0850 Intro to Shakespeare | ENGL 405 Shakespeare | |
THEA 1502 Acting 1 | THEA 130 Acting 1 | G1, W |
TLL 1041 Intro to Early Childhood Educ. | ERCH 110 Intro to Early Childhood Ed | |
TLL 1580 Found of Special Education | SPED 101 Orientation to Special Educ | |
UCEP 0210 Physical Science 1 | PHYS 1XX Physical Science 1 | G2 |
UCEP 0332 Algebra and Trigonometry | MATH 110 Trigonometry | |
URBNST 0010 Intro to Urban Studies | SOCY 1XX Intro to Urban Studies | |
URBNST 0070 Intro to Urban Theory | SSCI 1X7 Intro to Urban Theory | G3 |
URBNST 0080 Introduction to Urban Studies | SSCI 1X8 Introduction to Urban Studies | G3 |
WRITNG 0006 Comp 2 | ENGL 2XX Comp 2 | G1 |
WRITNG 006 Comp 2 | ENGL 110 English Composition | COMP |
WRITNG 0109 Intro to Creative Writing | ENGL 1X9 Intro to Creative Writing |
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