Transfer Equivalency

Transfer Equivalency Listing

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Shippensburg University / MU Transfer Course Equivalencies

In general, Millersville University awards transfer credit for college-level courses in fields of study offered at Millersville that were completed on the campus of a regionally accredited institution.

Note: The list below might not include all courses that would be accepted in transfer. Questions may be addressed to:

Tip: For MU Gen ED code descriptions, place your cursor over the codes corresponding to the courses listed below, a tooltip should appear.

Shippensburg University Course Millersville Equivalent MU Gen ED Code (s)
ACC 200 Fund Financial Acct BUAD 161 Intro to Financial Accounting
ACC 201 Managerial Account BUAD 162 Intro to Managerial Accounting
ACC 212 Cost Acct Fin Reprt BUAD 364 Cost Accounting
ACC 306 Tax Accounting BUAD 366 Federal Income Tax 1
ACC 310 Fin Acct Rptng 1 Rep BUAD 3X4 Fin Acct Rptng 1 Rep
ACC 311 Fin Acc Rptng 2 Rep BUAD 3X5 Fin Acc Rptng 2 Rep
ACC 312 Cost Detrmn & Anlys BUAD 3X3 Cost Detrmn & Anlys
ACC 418 Acc Infrm Cntrl Sys BUAD 4X2 Acc Infrm Cntrl Sys
AEES 101 Intro to Higher Education UNIV 1X3 Intro to Higher Education
AEES 103 Intro to Exploratory Studies UNIV 103 Intro to Exploratory Studies
AEES 120 Academic Literacies UNIV 1XX Academic Literacies
ANT 105 Great Discoveries Archaeology ANTH 1XX Great Discoveries Archaeology
ANT 111 Cult Anthropology ANTH 121 Cultural Anthropology G3
ANT 121 Physical Anthropol ANTH 122 Physical Anthropology G3
ANT 150 Intro Archaeology ANTH 123 Introduction To Archeology G3
ANT 211 Comparative Cult ANTH 2X1 Comparative Cult G3
ANT 220 Ant Internl Studies ANTH 2X2 Ant Internl Studies G3
ANT 312 Comparative Marriage & Family ANTH 3X2 Comparative Marriage & Family
ANT 320 Compar Gender Roles ANTH 344 Gender, Race, and Class P
ANT 360 Aztec & Maya Archlgy ANTH 3X6 Aztec & Maya Archlgy
ART 101 Art Appreciation ART 100 Art in Culture G1
ART 110 Basic Drawing ART 133 Drawing 1 G1
ART 210 Drawing 2 ART 233 Drawing 2
ART 211 Figure Drawing ART 233 Drawing 2
ART 215 Color & Two-Dimen ART 142 2D Design G1
ART 217 Com Des 1: Page Comp ART 344 Vis Comm and Graphcs Design 1
ART 218 3-Dimensiional Design ART 242 3D Design
ART 231 Art History I ART 2X1 Art History I G1
ART 232 Art History II ART 2X2 Art History 2:Goth-Rococo G1
ART 233 Art History 3 ART 304 The 20th Century G1, W
ART 274 Intro Cultur Studio ART 141 Fundamentals of Studio Art G1
ART 280 Printmaking / Intaglio ART 365 Intaglio Printmaking 1
ART 281 Printmaking / Lithography ART 363 Lithography Printmaking 1
ART 306 Cd II:Illustr ART 345 Introduction to Computer Art
ART 319 Cd III:Photomanipul ART 345 Introduction to Computer Art
ART 321 Watercolor 1 ART 353 Watercolor 1
ART 322 Watercolor 2 ART 355 Watercolor 2
ART 326 Painting 1 ART 352 Painting 1
ART 327 Painting 2 ART 354 Painting 2
ART 337 Printmaking 1 ART 361 Survey Printmaking 1
ART 340 Ceramics ART 295 Ceramics:Hand Building G1
ART 341 Advanced Ceramics ART 297 Ceramics 2
ART 355 Enameling ART 3X5 Enameling
ART 356 Soc Struct Aesthetic ART 3X6 Soc Struct Aesthetic
ART 370 Sculpture ART 282 Sculpture 1 G1
ART 390 Adv Stu Studio Art ART 3X1 Adv Stu Studio Art
ART 399 Independent Study ART 3X9 Independent Study
ART 491 Selected Topics in Art ART 4X9 Selected Topics in Art
ASP 101 Intro to Higher Education UNIV 103 First Yr: Intro Higher Ed
ASP 102 Student Voices: Leadership/Com UNIV 1X2 Student Voices: Leadership/Com
BIO 100 Basic Biology BIOL 1X1 Basic Biology G2
BIO 105 Bio Sci Lab Apprch BIOL 100 General Biology G2, L
BIO 106 Prin of Biology BIOL 100 General Biology G2, L
BIO 110 Zoology BIOL 211 Concepts of Zoology L, G2
BIO 115 Prin of Biology 1 BIOL 100 General Biology G2, L
BIO 116 Prin of Biology 2 BIOL 1XX Prin of Biology 2 G2, L
BIO 120 Botany BIOL 221 Concepts of Botany G2, L
BIO 142 Intro to Ecology BIOL 1X2 Intro to Biology G2
BIO 145 Environmental Bio BIOL 1X5 Environmental Biol
BIO 150 Human Biology BIOL 204 Human Biology G2, W
BIO 161 Prin of Bio: Cell Struc & Func BIOL 101 Foundations of Biology G2, L
BIO 162 Prin of Bio:Organsm Diversity BIOL 16X Prin of Bio:Organsm Diversity G2, L
BIO 220 Microbiology Does Not Transfer
BIO 237 Human Anatomy & Physiology BIOL 254 Human Anat and Physiology 1
BIO 238 Human Anatomy & Physiology II BIOL 255 Human Anat and Physiology 2
BIO 242 Ecology Does Not Transfer
BIO 260 Genetics BIOL 365 Genetics
BIO 300 Careers in the Health Prof BIOL 257 Intro Allied Health
BIO 302 Biological Seminar BIOL 3X2 Biological Seminar
BIO 311 Ornithology BIOL 471 Topics: Ornithology
BIO 317 Parasitology BIOL 417 Parasitology
BIO 324 Pathegenic Microbio BIOL 461 General Microbiology
BIO 330 Animal Behavior BIOL 3X3 Animal Behavior
BIO 350 Human Physiology BIOL 255 Human Anat and Physiology 2
BIO 351 Animal Physio Does Not Transfer
BIO 370 Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy BIOL 318 Comparative Vertbrate Anatomy
BIO 371 Human Anatomy BIOL 254 Human Anat and Physiology 1
BIO 375 Histology BIOL 3X5 Histology
BIO 385 Cell Biology BIOL 362 Cell and Developmental Biology L, G2, W
BIO 408 Prin of Virology BIOL 463 Virology
BIO 409 Immunology BIOL 454 Immunology
BIO 417 Herpetology BIOL 41X Herpetology
BIO 425 Biota of Florida BIOL 4XX Biota of Florida
BIO 430 Princ of Evolution BIOL 4X3 Princ of Evolution
BIO 462 Invertebrate Zoology BIOL 316 Invertebrate Zoology
BIO 499 Capstone Seminar Biol BIOL 4X9 Capstone Seminar Biol
BIS 142 Int to Bus Comp Sys BUAD 307 Management Information Systms
BIS 243 Bus Programming Rep BUAD 2X3 Bus Programming Rep
BSL 261 Amer Legal Environmt BUAD 202 Legal Environment of Business G3
BSN 101 Foundation Bus Admin BUAD 101 Introduction to Business G3
BSN 417 Intern Bus Admin I BUAD 4X7 Intern Bus Admin I
BUS 142 Data Processing BUAD 14X Data Processing
CHM 103 A Cult Approach CHEM 101 Science of Chemistry 1 G2
CHM 105 Chm Observ Approach CHEM 102 Science of Chemistry 2 G2, L
CHM 110 The Chemistry Experience CHEM 1X1 The Chemistry Experience
CHM 121 Chem Bonding CHEM 1XX Chem Bonding G2
CHM 122 Chemical Dynamics CHEM 1X2 Chemical Dynamics G2
CHM 123 Lab 1A Chem Systems CHEM 1X3 Lab 1A Chem Systems G2, L
CHM 124 Lab 2A Exper Quant CHEM 1X4 Lab 2A Exper Quant G2, L
CHM 125 Lab IB Stoich React CHEM 1XX Lab IB Stoich React G2, L
CHM 126 Lab IIB Equil Instr CHEM 12X Lab IIB Equil Instr
CHM 221 Mod Org Chem I CHEM 231 Organic Chemistry 1 G2, L
CHM 222 Mod Org Chem 2 CHEM 232 Organic Chemistry 2 G2, L
CHM 225 Lab IIib Bas or Tec CHEM 22X Lab IIib Bas or Tec
CHM 226 Lab Ivb Exp Org Std CHEM 2X6 Lab Ivb Exp Org Std
CHM 227 Intro Biochemistry CHEM 326 Biochemistry 1 G2, L
CHM 301 Biochemistry I CHEM 326 Biochemistry 1 G2, L
CHN 101 Beginner's Chinese I FORL 1X1 Beginner's Chinese 1 G1
CHN 102 Beginner's Chinese II FORL 1X2 Beginner's Chinese 2 G1
COM 111 Intro Mass Comm COMM 220 Survey of Mass Media G1
COM 112 Media Writing COMM 2X2 Media Writing
COM 201 Prin of Pub Rel COMM 251 Public Relations 1 G1
COM 211 Intro Mass Communic COMM 220 Survey of Mass Media G1
COM 212 Media Writing COMM 2X2 Media Writing
COM 224 Writ Brdcast Media ENGL 313 Fundamentals of Journalism AW
COM 230 Audio: Theor & Prac COMM 320 Radio Production
COM 231 Broadcast in Amer COMM 220 Survey of Mass Media G1
COM 232 Radio Prod & Perfor COMM 2X2 Radio Prod & Perfor
COM 241 Public Rel Writing COMM 351 Public Relations II: PR Writng W
COM 245 Diversity & Media COMM 2X5 Diversity & Media
COM 284 Elec Med Basic Prod COMM 121 Intro to Audio and Video
COM 285 News Writ & Report COMM 325 Broadcast News Reporting W
COM 325 Cur Strt Ele Med Prg COMM 3X5 Cur Strt Ele Med Prg
COM 331 Radio Prod & Perfor COMM 320 Radio Production
COM 335 Com/Jrn Prof Practicum COMM 3X3 Com/Jrn Prof Practicum
COM 338 Elec Media Mgt Reg COMM 3X8 Elec Media Mgt Reg
COM 345 Communication Law & Ethics COMM 206 Communication and Media Law G1
COM 360 Basic Dig Photo Comm ART 376 Intro to Photo: Digital G1
COM 380 Public Relations COMM 251 Public Relations 1 G1
COM 381 Prom Publicat Design COMM 3X1 Prom Publicat Design
COM 424 Elec Med Prod & Perf COMM 321 Television Production
COM 450 Radio and TV News COMM 325 Broadcast News Reporting W
COM 484 Elec Media Prg & Mgt COMM 4X8 Elec Media Prg & Mgt
COM 491 Select Topics in Comm COMM 4X9 Select Topics in Comm
CPS 103 Overview Compt Sci CSCI 1XX Overview Compt Sci G2
CPS 180 Microcomputer Basic CSCI 1XX Microcomputer Basic G2
CPS 248 Computer Program 1 CSCI 161 Introduction to Programming 1 G2
CPS 253 Struct Computer Prg CSCI 161 Introduction to Computing 1 G2
CPS 254 Data Struct ABS Data CSCI 362 Data Structures
CPS 255 Object Oriented Prog CSCI 162 Introduction to Programming 2 G2
CPS 257 Comptr Sys Conce Rep CSCI 2X7 Comptr Sys Conce Rep
CPS 304 Software Engineer 1 CSCI 420 Software Engineering
CPS 308 File & Databs Proc CSCI 3XX File & Databs Proc
CPS 380 Art Test Debugging CSCI 3X8 Art Test Debugging
CPS 404 Software Engineer 1 CSCI 420 Software Engineering
CPS 406 Software Engineer 2 CSCI 4X6 Software Engineer 2
CPS 411 Microcomp Interface CSCI 4X1 Microcomp Interface
CPS 412 Artificial Intelligence CSCI 450 Artificial Intelligence
CPS 415 Tech Comp Simulation CSCI 4X5 Tech Comp Simulation
CPS 446 Database Mgt Sys Rep CSCI 466 Database Management Systems
CPS 447 Operating Systems CSCI 380 Operating Systems
CPS 448 Comp Netwk & Commun CSCI 395 Computer Networks W
CPS 460 Intro Cmptr Graphic CSCI 375 Comp Grphcs and Virtual Realty
CRJ 100 Intro Crim Justice SOCY 231 Intro to the Criminal Justice G3
CRJ 204 Theories Crime Cntrl SOCY 230 Criminology G3, W
CRJ 211 Crim Law & Proced SOCY 2XX Crim Law & Proced
CRJ 221 Policing Democracy SOCY 2XX Policing Democracy G3
CRJ 231 Court Organ & Oper SOCY 2X1 Court Organ & Oper G3
CRJ 241 Survey of Correct SOCY 332 Modern Corrections G3
CRJ 250 Prob Parole Pardons SOCY 2X5 Prob Parole Pardons
CRJ 261 Crim Law & Procedure SOCY 331 Socy of Policing and Courts G3
CRJ 309 Theories Crime Cntrl SOCY 230 Criminology G3, W
CRJ 310 Research Methods CRJ SOCY 1X1 Research Methods CRJ
CRJ 311 Criminal Evidence SOCY 3XX Criminal Evidence
CRJ 321 Crim Investigation SOCY 3XX Crim Investigation
CRJ 323 Police Mgt & Oper SOCY 3XX Police Mgt & Oper
CRJ 326 Victimology: Victim & Law SOCY 3X6 Victimology: Victim & Law
CRJ 336 Intro Forensic Sci SOCY 3XX Intro Forensic Sci
CRJ 340 Correction Institut SOCY 332 Modern Corrections G3
CRJ 341 Com - Based Correct SOCY 3X1 Com - Based Correct
CRJ 351 Juvenile Justice SOCY 334 Juvenile Delinquency G3
CRJ 356 Organized Crime SOCY 3X5 Organized Crime
CRJ 360 Security Loss Prevnt SOCY 3XX Security Loss Prevnt
CRJ 370 Mock Trial SOCY 3X7 Mock Trial
CRJ 393 Sel Topics in CRJ SOCY 3X3 Sel Topics in CRJ
CRJ 396 Sel Top: Immigr in Crim Just SOCY 3X9 Sel Top: Immigr in Crim Just
CRJ 397 Sel Top: Sexual Offenses & Off SOCY 39X Sel Top: Sexual Offenses & Off
CRJ 431 Law and Society SOCY 4X1 Law and Society
CRJ 433 Evidence Law SOCY 4XX Evidence Law
CRJ 452 Race Ethnicity Crime SOCY 4XX Race Ethnicity Crime
CRJ 461 Social Constructn of Homicide SOCY 4X6 Social Constructn of Homicide
CRJ 464 Popular Culture Crime & Justic SOCY 4X4 Popular Culture Crime & Justic
CRJ 471 Internship in CRJ I SOCY 4X7 Internship in CRJ I
CRJ 577 Int. Par. Fam. Viol. SOCY 5X7 Int. Par. Fam. Viol.
CSC 103 Overview Compt Sci CSCI 1X3 Overview Compt Sci G2
CSC 104 Programming in Python CSCI 1X4 Programming in Python
CSC 106 Computer Sci I-Lab Non-Majors CSCI 1X6 Computer Sci I-Lab Non-Majors
CSC 110 Computer Science 1 CSCI 161 Introduction to Programming 1 G2
CSC 111 Computer Science 2 CSCI 162 Introduction to Programming 2 G2
CSC 180 Microcomputer Basic CSCI 1X8 Microcomputer Basic G2
CSC 210 Data Struct & Algor CSCI 140 Discrete Structures
CSC 211 Design Patterns CSCI 2X1 Design Patterns
CSC 253 Computer Science 1 CSCI 161 Introduction to Programming 1 G2
DEM 050 Developmental Math Does Not Transfer
DS 100 Intro to Disability Studies SPED 237 Appld Fndtns of Contemp Sp Ed
DSI 210 Data Mod Stat Analys MATH 235 Survey of Statistics G2
DSI 220 Stat Appl & Forecast MATH 2XX Stat Appl & Forecast G2
DSI 330 Operations Managemt BUAD 452 Production and Operations Mngt
ECH 200 Intro Early Chdhd Ed ERCH 110 Intro to Early Childhood Ed
ECH 204 Child Develop/Brain Building ERCH 2X4 Child Develop/Brain Building
ECH 205 Positive Behavioral Supports ERCH 2X5 Positive Behavioral Supports
ECH 206 Becoming ECH Professional ERCH 2X6 Becoming ECH Professional
ECH 210 Early Child Profess ELED 21X Early Child Profess
ECH 220 Developing Child I ERCH 2X2 Developing Child I
ECH 253 Early Lit: Child & Fam ERCH 2X5 Early Lit: Child & Fam
ECH 260 Developing Child II ERCH 2X6 Developing Child II
ECH 280 Phys, Lang & Cog Development ERCH 2X7 Phys, Lang & Cog Development
ECH 320 Dev Science: Social/Emotion SPED 331 Positive Lrng Environ for All
ECH 333 Social Studies Meth for PK-4th ERCH 345 Social Studies for Young Lrnr
ECH 370 Assess Young Child SPED 311 Design/Implement Instruction W
ECH 373 Science Methods in PreK-4 ERCH 465 Science for the Young Learner
ECH 394 Tech. Inst. ECH EDFN 320 Instructnl Technol in ELED
ECN 101 Prin of Macro ECON 101 Principles of Economics 1 G3
ECN 102 Prin Micoreconomics ECON 102 Principles of Economics 2 G3
ECN 113 Princ of Economics ECON 101 Principles of Economics 1 G3
ECN 260 Int Microeconomics ECON 2X1 Int Microeconomics
ECN 302 The Labor Market ECON 3X2 The Labor Market
ECN 310 Public Finance ECON 316 Public Finance G3
ECN 321 Internat Econ Policy ECON 325 International Economics G3
ECN 393 Sel Topic Economics ECON 3XX Sel Topics Economics
ECO 101 Prin of Macro ECON 101 Principles of Macroeconomics G3
ECO 102 Prin of Microeconom ECON 102 Principles of Microeconomics G3
ECO 113 Princ of Economics ECON 101 Principles of Macroeconomics G3
ECO 280 Managerial Economics ECON 2X8 Managerial Economics G3
ECO 321 International Economics ECON 325 International Economics G3
EDU 099 Career Expl Sem Does Not Transfer
EDU 410 Environ Educa Pract EDFN 4X1 Environ Educa Pract
EEC 273 Intro to Exceptionalities SPED 101 Orientation to Special Educ
EEC 280 Best Practice in Collaboration ERCH 315 Family/Commun:Aspcts of Divers D, W
EEC 411 Intr Exceptionality SPED 101 Orientation to Special Educ
EEC 423 Effective Instruct Strategies SPED 331 Positive Lrng Environ for All
EEC 447 Sped Processes in Standards SPED 44X Sped Processes in Standards
EEC 483 Assessing Children Exceptional SPED 441 Supprt for Specialzd Curriculm
ENG 050 Basic Writing Does Not Transfer
ENG 100 Basic Writing Does Not Transfer
ENG 101 College Writing ENGL 110 English Composition COMP
ENG 105 Literary Analysis ENGL 237 Literary Research and Analysis
ENG 106 Writ Int First Yr Sm ENGL 110 English Composition COMP
ENG 107 Intro Litry Study 1 ENGL 237 Literary Research and Analysis
ENG 110 Adv Place Writing ENGL 110 English Composition COMP
ENG 111 Intro Lit Studies II ENGL 1X1 Intro Lit Studies II
ENG 112 Documented Essay ENGL 110 English Composition COMP
ENG 113 Intro to Academic Writing Does Not Transfer
ENG 114 Academic Writing ENGL 110 English Composition COMP
ENG 130 Literary Studies for Eng major ENGL 23X Literary Studies for Eng Major G1
ENG 150 Intro to Fiction ENGL 230 Introduction to Literature G1
ENG 151 Intro to Poetry ENGL 1XX Intro to Poetry G1
ENG 152 Intro to Drama ENGL 1XX Intro to Drama G1
ENG 190 Gen Ed Special Topics ENGL 1X9 Gen Ed Special Topics
ENG 204 Shakespeare ENGL 405 Shakespeare
ENG 209 Creative Nonfic Writ ENGL 2X9 Creative Nonfic Writ G1
ENG 223 Grammars of English ENGL 2X3 Grammars of English
ENG 224 Intro to Creative Writing ENGL 2X4 Intro to Creative Writing G1, W
ENG 233 American Writers 1 ENGL 235 Early American Literature G1
ENG 234 American Writers 2 ENGL 236 Later American Literature G1
ENG 236 Major Brit Write I ENGL 233 Early English Literature G1
ENG 237 British Writers 2 ENGL 234 Later English Literature G1
ENG 238 Tech / Prof Writ 1 ENGL 312 Technical Writing AW
ENG 243 The Art of the Film ENGL 240 Introduction to Film G1, W
ENG 248 Intro Cult Diver Lit ENGL 2XX Intro Cult Diver Lit G1
ENG 250 Literature & Society ENGL 230 Introduction to Literature G1
ENG 252 Medieval Literature ENGL 2X3 Medieval Literature
ENG 256 Intro to Mythology ENGL 2X5 Intro to Mythology G1
ENG 307 Poetry Writing ENGL 3X7 Poetry Writing G1
ENG 308 Creat Writ Fiction ENGL 471 Creative Writing
ENG 318 Stdy Eng Renaissance ENGL 404 The English Renaissance
ENG 323 Review Arts Publicat ENGL 3XX Review Arts Publicat AW
ENG 330 Shakespeare 1 ENGL 405 Shakespeare
ENG 332 Hawthorne Poe Melvi ENGL 3X2 Hawthorne Poe Melvi
ENG 336 Theories & Approaches ENGL 3X6 Theories & Approaches
ENG 345 Women's Literature ENGL 3X5 Women's Literature G1
ENG 358 Ethnic Literature ENGL 3X5 Ethnic Literature
ENG 366 His Struct Eng Lang ENGL 322 History of English G1, W
ENG 370 Queer Studies WSTU 3X7 Queer Studies
ENG 375 African-American Lit ENGL 333 Afro-American Literature 1 W, G1
ENG 376 Study Medieval Lit ENGL 402 Middle Eng Lang and Literature W
ENG 378 Study Early Amer Lit ENGL 233 Early English Literature G1
ENG 382 20th Cent Brit Lit ENGL 413 British Literature Since 1914
ENG 490 Selected Topics English ENGL 4X9 Selected Topics English
ESC 150 Intro to Exercise Science WSSD 450 Kines and Phys Found of Sport
ESC 207 Stress Management WELL 175 Wellness: Stress Mgmt WELL
ESC 243 Foundations of Ex Phys WSSD 450 Kines and Phys Found of Sport
ESC 244 Mov Sci & Skill Analysis WSSD 1X4 Mov Sci & Skill Analysis
ESC 250 Intro Kinesiology WSSD 2X5 Intro Kinesiology
ESC 278 Medical Terminology BIOL 2X8 Medical Terminology
ESC 320 Prev Care Ath Injur WSSD 375 Prevent Care Athl Inj
ESC 325 Sports Psychology WSSD 3XX Sports Psychology
ESC 340 Prev Care Ath Injur WSSD 375 Prevent Care Athl Inj
ESC 391 Sel Top/Exercise Sci WSSD 2X9 Sel Top/Exercise Sci
ESC 393 Sel Top/Exercise Sci WSSD 3X3 Sel Top/Exercise Sci
ESC 394 Sel Top/Exercise Sci WSSD 3X9 Sel Top/Exercise Sci
ESS 108 Cons Nat Resour ESCI 1XX Cons Nat Resour G2
ESS 110 Intro to Geology ESCI 1XX Intro to Geology L, G2
ESS 111 Intro to Atmosphere ESCI 107 The Atmosphere G2
ESS 207 Atmosphere Studies ESCI 107 The Atmosphere G2
ESS 210 Physical Geology ESCI 221 Physical Geology L, G2
ESS 212 Historical Geology ESCI 222 Historical Geology L, G2
ESS 214 Geology of National Parks ESCI 2X4 Geology of National Parks G2
ESS 220 Oceanography ESCI 261 Introduction to Oceanography G2, L
ESS 355 Meteorology ESCI 107 The Atmosphere G2
ESS 355 Meteorology ESCI 109 Atmosphere with Lab G2, L
ESS 451 Coastal Environmental Geo ESCI 466 Coastal Envrnmntl Oceanography P
ESS 490 Sel Topic Earth Sci ESCI 466 Coastal Envrnmntl Oceanography P
ETH 100 Intro Ethnic Studies ELEC 1X1 Intro Ethnic Studies G3
ETH 101 Intro Afr Amer Study AFAM 201 Intro to African American Stdy D, G3
ETH 102 Intro Latino Studies LATS 201 Introduction to Latino Studies D, G1
F L 115 Mod Japanese Culture HMFA 1X5 Mod Japanese Culture G1
FIN 101 Personal Finance BUAD 203 Personal Finance G3
FIN 305 Financial Plan Anly BUAD 345 Investment Analysis
FIN 306 Fin Policy Cpt Mkts BUAD 445 Financial Markets W
FIN 311 Financial Management BUAD 341 Managerial Finance 1 W
FRN 101 Beginning French 1 FREN 101 Elementary French 1 G1
FRN 102 Beginning French 2 FREN 102 Elementary French 2 G1
FRN 103 Intermediate French FREN 201 Intermediate French 1 G1
FRN 150 French Civilization FREN 1X5 French Civilization
FRN 225 French Civilization FREN 331 French Civilization 1
GEO 101 World Geography GEOG 101 The Global Environment G3
GEO 103 Geog of US and Can GEOG 344 North America G3
GEO 105 Physical Geography GEOG 230 Physical Geography G3
GEO 140 Cult Geography GEOG 120 Human Geography D, G3
GEO 202 Geo Info Systems GEOG 295 Geographic Information Systems
GEO 224 Soils GEOG 2X4 Soils
GEO 226 Hydrology GEOG 304 Water Resources Management P
GEO 230 Economic Geography GEOG 222 Economic Geography G3
GEO 244 Land Use GEOG 2X4 Land Use
GEO 301 Intro Biogeography GEOG 333 Biogeography G3
GEO 305 Geography of Europe GEOG 342 Europe G3, W
GEO 310 Transportation Geography GEOG 278 Transportation Geography G3
GEO 322 Urban Geography GEOG 227 Cities G3
GEO 339 Remote Sensing GEOG 3X9 Remote Sensing
GEO 363 GIS 2: Inter GIS GEOG 3X3 GIS 2: Inter GIS
GEO 402 Medical Geography GEOG 4X2 Medical Geography
GEO 444 Envir Land Use Plan GEOG 372 Urban and Regional Planning G3
GEO 450 Field Studies in China GEOG 350 Global Issues G3
GEO 450 Field Studies in China GEOG 141 Comparative Regional Geography G3
GER 101 Beginning German 1 GERM 101 Elementary German 1 G1
GER 102 Beginning German 2 GERM 102 Elementary German 2 G1
GER 103 Intermediate German GERM 1XX Intermediate German G1
GER 150 German Civ & Cultur GERM 1X5 German Civ and Culture G1
GER 151 German Cinema GERM 2XX German Cinema
GER 200 Intro Reading German GERM 202 Intermediate German 2 G1
GER 203 Intrmd German Convs GERM 201 Intermediate German 1 G1
GER 400 German Seminar GERM 211 German for Business 1 G1
GOV 104 Am Gov: Const Pol Fd GOVT 111 Intro to American Government G3
GOV 105 Am Gov: Inst Pub Pol GOVT 205 Intro to Public Policy G3
GOV 150 Intro Internet Rela GOVT 1X5 Intro Internet Rela G3
GRN 100 Intro to Gerontology GERT 100 Introduction to Gerontology G3
HCS 100 Intro Human Comm COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech SPCH
HCS 125 Survey Communication Studies COMM 101 Introduction to Communication G1
HCS 200 Hum Comm Theory COMM 201 Theory of Communication G1
HCS 240 Interviewing COMM 2X4 Interviewing
HCS 250 Interpersonal Co Rep COMM 217 Interpersonal Communication G1
HCS 260 Computer Mediate Com CSCI 26X Computer Mediate Com
HCS 270 Intgrp/Incult Comm Does Not Transfer
HCS 310 African Amer Comm COMM 3X1 African Amer Comm
HCS 325 Rhetric AF-AM Strug HIST 27X Rhetric AF-AM Strug
HCS 350 Theories of Org Comm COMM 224 Organizational Communication 1
HCS 360 Research Meth Co Rep COMM 301 Communction Research W
HCS 370 Rhetorical Criticism COMM 342 Theories of Rhetoric
HCS 385 Resolv Conflict COMM 3X5 Resolv Conflict
HCS 387 Sel Topic in HCS COMM 3X8 Sel Topic in HCS
HIS 105 Hist Found Global Cultures HIST 206 Wrld Culture&Religion to 1500 D, G3, W
HIS 106 Modern World History HIST 102 Europe and World 1789-Present G3
HIS 111 History of Civ 2 HIST 1X1 History of Civ 2 G3
HIS 130 Amer Business Hist HIST 13X Amer Business Hist G3
HIS 140 Wrld Hist Sinc 1945 HIST 1X4 Wrld Hist Sinc 1945 G3
HIS 201 Early History of US HIST 106 Contours of US History G3
HIS 202 Recent History US HIST 357 Modern U.S. History G3
HIS 203 Theory & Practice of History HIST 105 The Craft of History W
HIS 302 American Economic History HIST 254 American Economic History
HIS 303 History of Pennsylvania HIST 260 History of Pennsylvania G3
HIS 305 The Civil War HIST 355 Civil War and Reconstruction G3, W
HIS 318 History of U.S. Women HIST 250 Women in American History G3, W
HIS 325 History of the Tsarist Russia HIST 241 Imperial Russia
HIS 326 History of U.S.S.R. HIST 242 Soviet Union G3
HIS 329 History of Germany to 1919 HIST 223 Traditional Germany G3, W
HIS 330 History of Modern Germany: 191 HIST 224 Modern Germany W, G3
HIS 331 History of Modern France: 1750 HIST 220 Modern France G3, W
HIS 332 Eng His 1066 - Pres HIST 33X Eng His 1066 - Pres G3
HIS 341 African-American His HIST 272 Afro-American History 1 G3, W
HIS 344 Modern Middle East: 1500 to Pr HIST 291 Modern Middle East G3, W
HIS 345 Military Hist US HIST 3X4 Military Hist US G3
HIS 349 History of Latin America GEOG 343 Latin America P
HIS 355 Hist Modern China HIST 3X5 Hist Modern China
HIS 356 Hist 19th C Europe HIST 3X6 Hist 19th C Europe
HIS 360 History of Mexico HIST 3X6 History of Mexico G3
HIS 376 History of Africa South Sahara HIST 3X6 History of Africa South Sahara
HIS 388 Sel Topics in History HIST 3X8 Sel Topics in History
HIS 423 20th Century Europe HIST 340 Twentieth Century Europe G3, W
HON 100 Basic Oral Comm/Spe COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech SPCH
HON 106 Hon Writ Int 1st Yr ENGL 1X6H H:Hon Writ Int 1st Yr G1
HON 108 Honors Astronomy/Phys Univ PHYS 117H H: General Astronomy G2
HON 122 World History I HIST 206H H: The World to 1500 D, G3, W
HON 123 World Hist II/His HIST 12XH H:World Hist 2/His G3
HON 141 World Geography GEOG 101 The Global Environment G3
HON 151 Hon Intro Psychology PSYC 100H Hnrs:General Psychology G3
HON 161 Hon Intro Sociology SOCY 1X1H H:Intro Sociology G3
HON 206 The American Sch EDFN 211 Foundations Modern Education D
HON 218 Hon Intro to Fiction ENGL 230 Introduction to Literature G1
HON 244 Hon Geology ESCI 24XH H: Geology G2
HON 249 Hon Intro Literature ENGL 241H H:Explorations in World Lit D, W, G1
HON 251 Educ Psychology EDFN 241 Psyc Foundation of Teaching
HON 279 US Govern & Pol GOVT 111 Intro to American Government G3
HON 411 Honors Intro to Exceptional SPED 2X3H H: Intro to Exceptionalities
HPE 118 Racquetball WELL 1XX Racquetball WELL
HPE 200 Lifestyle Management WELL 175 Wellness WELL
HPE 207 Stress Management WELL 175 Wellness WELL
HPE 390 Health Ed Elem Sch WELL 352 Health Ed in Elem School WELL
IAP 111 Intro Interdisc. Arts ART 128 Art Integration G1
INM 200 Statistical Appl Bus ECON 231 Applied Statistcs 1 G3
INT 200 Intro to International Studies INTL 201 Intro to International Studies G3
ISM 142 Bus Comp Sys BUAD 307 Management Information Systms
ISM 240 Intro Prog Concepts CSCI 2X4 Intro Prog Concepts G2
ISM 242 Des User Info Sys CSCI 2X4 Des User Info Sys
ISM 300 Info Tech & Bus Oper BUAD 307 Management Information Systms
ISM 340 Business Programming CSCI 3X1 Business Programming
ISM 344 Bus Syst Analy Des BUAD 3X4 Bus Syst Analy Des
ISM 355 Data Base Applicat CSCI 3X5 Data Base Applicat
ISM 420 Telecom Dist Sys CSCI 4X2 Telecom Dist Sys
MAT 050 Dev Math 3 Credits Does Not Transfer
MAT 051 Dev Math 1 Does Not Transfer
MAT 100 Intro Algebra MATH 101 College Algebra
MAT 102 Intro to Statistics MATH 130 Elements of Statistics 1 G2
MAT 103 Intermediat Algebra MATH 101 College Algebra
MAT 105 Math Liberal Study MATH 100 Survey of Mathematical Ideas G2
MAT 107 Math Models Applied to Money MATH 1X7 Math Models Applied to Money G2
MAT 108 Finite Math MATH 101 College Algebra
MAT 110 Fund of Math 1 MATH 104 Fundamentals of Math 1 G2
MAT 111 Fund of Math 2 MATH 105 Fundamentals of Math 2 G2
MAT 117 Applied Statistics MATH 130 Elements of Statistics 1 G2
MAT 120 Basic Math Models MATH 1X2 Basic Math Models G2
MAT 124 Pre Calculus Math MATH 160 Precalculus G2
MAT 140 Finite Math MATH 1X4 Finite Math G2
MAT 140A College Algebra MATH 101 College Algebra
MAT 140B College Algebra MATH 101 College Algebra
MAT 160 Bus Admin Math 1 MATH 1X6 Bus Admin Math 1 G2
MAT 170 El Stat For Soc Sci MATH 130 Elements of Statistics 1 G2
MAT 175 Precalculus MATH 160 Precalculus G2
MAT 181 Applied Calculus MATH 151 Calculus for Management G2
MAT 185 First Year Math Seminar UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar
MAT 211 Calculus 1 MATH 161 Calculus 1 G2
MAT 212 Calculus 2 MATH 211 Calculus 2 G2
MAT 213 Multivariate Calc MATH 311 Calculus 3 G2
MAT 217 Statistics I MATH 235 Survey of Statistics G2
MAT 225 Discrete Mathematics CSCI 140 Discrete Structures
MAT 229 Elem Linear Algebra MATH 242 Linear Algebra G2
MAT 313 Applied Statistics MATH 235 Survey of Statistics G2
MAT 318 Elem Linear Algebra MATH 322 Linear Algebra 1 G2
MAT 320 Intro Abstr Algebra MATH 345 Abstract Algebra 1
MAT 322 Diff Equations MATH 365 Ordinary Differential Equation
MAT 326 Mathematic Modeling MATH 471 Mathematical Modeling
MAT 329 Elem Linear Algebra MATH 322 Linear Algebra 1 G2
MAT 333 Eucid Noneucid Geo MATH 353 Survey of Geometry
MATH 050 Dev Math 3 Credits Does Not Transfer
MGS 225 Quant Bus Analysis BUAD 102 Intro to Quantitative Concepts
MGS 330 Operations Management BUAD 452 Production and Operations Mngt
MGT 305 Organizat Behavior BUAD 351 Organization Theory
MGT 340 Human Res Adm BUAD 352 Human Resource Management
MGT 342 Labor Relations BUAD 353 Labor-Management Relations
MGT 370 International Bus BUAD 201 Intro to Internationl Business G3
MGT 394 Leadership & Decision Making BUAD 3X4 Leadership & Decision Making
MGT 447 Bus & Society BUAD 355 Business and Society G3
MGT 496 Business Policy BUAD 4X1 Business Policy
MGT 497 Strategic Management MGMT 4X7 Strategic Management
MIL 131 Intro to ROTC MILS 101 Intro to Military Science 1
MIL 132 Intro to Leadership MILS 102 Intro to Military Science 2
MIL 231 Self / Team Dev MILS 210 Self and Team Development
MIS 142 Int to Bus Comp Sys BUAD 207 Information Science
MIS 240 Python Prog Business Analytics CSCI 151 Intro Prog for Data Science I G2
MIS 300 Info Tech and Business Operati BUAD 381 Data & Information Management
MIS 340 Business Programming Analytics CSCI 152 Intro Prog for Data Science II G2
MIS 344 Bus Syst Analy Des CSCI 3XX Bus Syst Analy Des
MIS 399 Information Security INTE 360 IT Risk Management
MKT 205 Principles of Marketing BUAD 231 Principles of Marketing
MKT 206 Consumer Behavior MKTG 332 Consumer Behavior
MKT 305 Princ of Marketing BUAD 231 Principles of Marketing
MKT 306 Buyer Behavior BUAD 332 Consumer Behavior
MKT 310 Personal Selling BUAD 333 Personal Selling
MKT 315 Sales & Management MKTG 3X5 Sales & Management
MKT 352 Prin of Retailing BUAD 336 Retail Marketing
MKT 360 International Mkt MKTG 435 International Marketing
MKT 365 Relationship Marketing MKTG 3X6 Relationship Marketing
MKT 380 Sports Marketing MKTG 3X8 Sports Marketing
MKT 430 Mktg & Mgt Research BUAD 4X3 Mktg & Mgt Research
MKT 495 Mkt Analys Strat Dev MKTG 4X9 Mkt Analys Strat Dev
MUS 103 Marching Band MUSI 129 Appl Music in Marching Band
MUS 104 Concert Band MUSI 120B Applied Music:Concert Band
MUS 105 Concert Choir MUSI 126 Applied Music in Choir
MUS 106 Concert Choir MUSI 126 Applied Music in Choir
MUS 107 Cumbelaires MUSI 126 Applied Music in Choir
MUS 109 String Ensemble MUS 1X9 String Ensemble
MUS 110 Fund Music Skills MUSI 103 Language of Music G1
MUS 117 Madrigals MUSI 126 Applied Music in Choir
MUS 118 Madrigals MUSI 127 Applied Music in Choir
MUS 121 Intro to Music MUSI 100 Music and Culture G1
MUS 129 American Popular Music MUSI 263 Popular Music G1, D
MUS 132 Orchestra MUSI 122 Appl Music in Orchestra/Chambr
MUS 140 Class Piano I MUSI 131 Class Piano 1
MUS 150 Basic Guitar Does Not Transfer
MUS 158 Woodwind Ensemble MUSI 120A Applied Music:Wind Ensemble
MUS 159 Woodwind Ensemble MUSI 121A Applied Music:Wind Ensemble
MUS 203 Marching Band MUSI 229 Applied Music Marching Band
MUS 205 Concert Choir MUSI 226 Applied Music in Choir
MUS 206 Concert Choir MUSI 326 Applied Music in Choir
MUS 216 Music & Film MUSI 2X6 Music & Film G1
MUS 217 Madrigals MUSI 227 Applied Music in Choir
MUS 218 Madrigals MUSI 327 Applied Music in Choir
MUS 227 Opera & Music Theatr MUSI 2X7 Opera & Music Theatr
MUS 260 Voice Class MUSI 2X6 Voice Class
MUS 261 World Music MUSI 368 International Music and Arts P
MUS 272 Strings Class MUSI 2X2 Strings Class
MUS 393 Selected Topics in Music MUSI 3X3 Selected Topics in Music
MUSI 121 Intro to Music MUSI 100 Music and Culture G1
PHL 101 Intro to Philosophy PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy G1
PHL 102 Critical Thinking PHIL 211 Introduction to Logic G1
PHL 103 Intro Phil Mind PHIL 103 Intro Phil Mind G1
PHL 105 Intro to Ethics PHIL 381 Ethical Theories G1, W
PHL 190 Concepts in World Religions PHIL 313 World Religions G1
PHL 210 Ethics PHIL 2X1 Ethics G1
PHL 230 Ethics of War & Terr PHIL 23X Ethics of War & Terr G1
PHL 249 History Modern Phil PHIL 322 Modern Philosophy G1, W
PHL 285 Philo of Science PHIL 2X5 Philo of Science G1
PHL 335 Concept Christianity PHIL 3X5 Concept Christianity G1
PHY 105 Prob Solving in Sci PHYS 1XX Prob Solving in Sci G2
PHY 107 1st Year Seminar Physics major UNIV 103 First Yr: PHYS Majors
PHY 108 Astron Phy Universe PHYS 117 General Astronomy G2
PHY 110 Physics for Society PHYS 1XX Physics for Society G2
PHY 205 Inter Phy 1 PHYS 231 Physics 1 with Calculus G2, L
PHY 221 Fundamentals of Physics I PHYS 2X1 Fundamentals of Physics I G2, L
PHY 313 Inter Phy 2 PHYS 232 Physics 2 with Calculus G2, L
PLS 100 US Govern & Politics GOVT 111 Intro to American Government G3
PLS 101 Am Gov: Const Pol Ed GOVT 111 Intro to American Government G3
PLS 102 Am Gov: Inst Pub Pol GOVT 205 Intro to Public Policy G3
PLS 141 Intro Internl Poltcs GOVT 251 Intro to Global Politics G3
PLS 201 Intro Political Sci GOVT 101 Intro to Political Studies G3
PLS 202 Applications in Public Affairs ELEC 2XX Applications in Public Affairs
PLS 231 State & Local Govt GOVT 112 Intro to State and Local Govt G3
PLS 271 Intro Public Admin GOVT 241 Publc Admin and Publc Service G3, W
PLS 291 Contemporary Issues GOVT 2X9 Contemporary Issues
PLS 300 Adv Amer Gov Pub Pol GOVT 205 Intro to Public Policy G3
PLS 301 Pol Sci Research Mth GOVT 3X1 Pol Sci Research Mth
PLS 311 Legislative Process GOVT 315 Congress and Lawmaking G3, W
PLS 312 American Presidency GOVT 3X2 American Presidency
PLS 313 The Judicial Process GOVT 314 American Judiciary G3, W
PLS 321 Public Opinion & Political Med GOVT 3X2 Public Opinion & Political Med
PLS 322 Int Groups Amer Soc GOVT 3X2 Int Groups Amer Soc
PLS 324 Women Amer Politics GOVT 3X4 Women Amer Politics
PLS 325 African Amer Politic GOVT 3X5 African Amer Politic G3
PLS 331 City Politics & Administration GOVT 3X3 City Politics & Administration
PLS 341 Intrn Law & Organization GOVT 351 International Law
PLS 342 Amer Foreign Policy GOVT 355 American Foreign Policy G3
PLS 361 Pol Theory Anc 19c GOVT 3X6 Pol Theory Anc 19c G3
PLS 366 Const Law II Amend GOVT 3X6 Const Law II Amend
PLS 367 Con Law 3 Crim Law GOVT 4XX Con Law 3 Crim Law
PLS 372 Public Pers Admin GOVT 3X7 Public Pers Admin
PLS 373 Public Finan Admin GOVT 3X3 Public Finan Admin G3
PLS 374 Public Service Ethic GOVT 3X4 Public Service Ethic G3
PLS 391 Sel Topics Polit Sci GOVT 3XX Sel Topics Polit Sci
PLS 431 PA Local Government GOVT 4X3 PA Local Government
PSY 101 General Psychology PSYC 100 General Psychology G3
PSY 102 Foundations of Psych PSYC 100 General Psychology G3
PSY 104 Research Methods in Psyc PSYC 211 Statistics and Exper Design 1 W
PSY 105 Res Des Behv Sci 1 PSYC 211 Statistics and Exper Design 1 W
PSY 205 Res Des Behv Sci 2 PSYC 212 Statistics and Exper Design 2
PSY 235 Conditioning and Learning PSYC 216 Intro Learn Beh Analysis
PSY 240 Psych Personality PSYC 335 Personality Theory
PSY 250 Psych of Life Span Dev PSYC 228 Life Span Human Devlopment G3
PSY 265 Childhood & Adolesc PSYC 227 Devlopmnt Child and Adolescent G3, W
PSY 270 Social Psychology PSYC 317 Social Psychology
PSY 305 Appld Res Meth Psy PSYC 3X5 Appld Res Meth Psy
PSY 320 Behavioral Neurosci PSYC 215 Intro to Physiological Psyc
PSY 323 Sensation & Perception PSYC 3X2 Sensation & Perception
PSY 325 Psych of Human Cogn PSYC 350 Cognitive Science P
PSY 330 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 337 Abnormal Psychology G3, W
PSY 340 Intro to Clinical Psych PSYC 3X0 Intro to Clinical Psych
PSY 352 Adulthood and Aging PSYC 229 The Adult Years G3
PSY 355 Psych Exceptional Child PSYC 3X5 Psych Exceptional Child
PSY 361 Psych of Group Interaction PSYC 3X1 Psych of Group Interaction
PSY 365 Multicultural Psychology PSYC 36X Multicultural Psychology D
PSY 374 Adv Research Psyc I PSYC 3X7 Adv Research Psyc I
PSY 383 Social World PSYC 3X8 Social World
PSY 384 Persn Persn Interac PSYC 234 Human Relations G3
PSY 393 Selec Topics in Psyc PSYC 3X9 Selec Topics in Psyc
PSY 397 Human and Cognitive Dev PSYC 3X7 Human and Cognitive Dev
PSY 410 Psychology and Women PSYC 4X1 Psychology and Women
PSY 432 Psych of Computers & Internet PSYC 4X2 Psych of Computers & Internet
PSY 447 Multicult Health Psych PSYC 4X7 Multicult Health Psych
PSY 470 Legal Psychology PSYC 4X7 Legal Psychology
RDG 050 Dev Rdg & Stdy Skll Does Not Transfer
RDG 232 Rdg in the Elem Sch EDUC 220 Reading Foundations
RDG 329 Rdg in Content Area 3 EDUC 323 Teaching Reading in Content W
RDG 383 English Lang Learners PreK-4 ERCH 485 Tchng Young Engl Lang Learners
RDG 413 Teaching Reading English Lang ENGL 4X3 Teaching Reading English Lang
SCM 200 Statistical Appl Bus BUAD 2X1 Statistical Appl Bus
SCM 330 Sup Chain & Op Mgt BUAD 452 Productn/Operations Management
SOC 101 Intr Soc Society Div SOCY 101 Introduction to Sociology G3
SOC 201 Sociological Practice SOC 2X1 Sociological Practice
SOC 212 Voice and Diction COMM 2X2 Voice and Diction
SOC 220 Social Inequality SOCY 319 Social Stratification G3
SOC 241 Contemp Soc Problem SOCY 211 Social Problems G3, W
SOC 243 Race in America SOCY 315 Race and Ethnic Relations G3
SOC 244 Criminology SOCY 230 Criminology G3, W
SOC 245 Juvenile Delinquen SOCY 334 Juvenile Delinquency G3
SOC 257 So Pat Ctshp Marage SOCY 210 Sociology of the Family G3
SOC 258 Women's Roles and Status SOCY 2X8 Women's Roles and Status G3
SOC 265 Global Society SOCY 2XX Global Society
SOC 275 Sociology of Sport SOCY 2X5 Sociology of Sport G3
SOC 320 Soc of the Body SOCY 3X2 Soc of the Body
SOC 344 Sociology of Death SOCY 2X4 Sociology of Death G3
SOC 345 Deviance Soc Control SOCY 338 Sociology of Deviance
SOC 346 Urban Sociology SOCY 441 Urban Society
SOC 354 Soc Move Soc Change SOCY 3XX Soc Move Soc Change G3
SOC 363 Population Problems SOCY 3X3 Population Problems G3
SOC 365 Elites in Society SOCY 3X6 Elites in Society
SOC 380 Social Theory SOCY 303 Sociological Theory
SOC 385 Intro Soc Research SOCY 250 Social Statistics G3
SOC 435 Gender, Org, & Leadership SOCY 4X5 Gender, Org, & Leadership
SPE 100 Basic Oral Communic COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech SPCH
SPE 105 Intro Human Comm COMM 101 Introduction to Communicology G1
SPE 121 Intro to Theatre THEA 217 Theatre Appreciation G1
SPE 160 Intgrp / Incult Comm COMM 217 Interpersonal Communication G1
SPE 212 Voice and Diction COMM 2X2 Voice and Diction
SPE 240 Dr Narrative Film ENGL 240 Introduction to Film G1, W
SPE 351 Public Speaking COMM 305 Business Profess Communictn
SPE 375 Resolv Conflict Com COMM 3XX Resolv Conflict Com
SPE 393 Sel Topic in Speech COMM 429 Special Topics in Communiction
SPN 101 Beginning Spanish 1 SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish 1 G1
SPN 102 Begin Spanish 2 SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish 2 G1
SPN 103 Intermediate Spanish SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish 1 G1
SPN 150 Span Civ & Culture SPAN 331 Spanish Civilization 1
SPN 152 Latino Literature LATS 1X5 Latino Literature
SPN 153 Latino Pop Culture LATS 1X3 Latino Pop Culture
SPN 200 Intro Rdg Spanish SPAN 2XX Intro Rdg Spanish G1
SPN 202 Inter Conv Gram Rvw SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish 1 G1
SPN 204 Idea Cult Hisp World SPAN 3X4 Idea Cult Hisp World
SPN 302 Adv Span Converstn SPAN 361 Oral Spanish 1 for Sec Educ
SPN 309 Spanish Phonetics SPAN 416 Introduction to Phonetics
SPN 312 Spanish Grammar SPAN 3X2 Spanish Grammar
SPN 330 Commercial Spanish SPAN 301 Commercial Spanish
SPN 361 Mstpcs Span Amer Lit SPAN 3X6 Mstpcs Span Amer Lit G1
SWK 102 Soc Wrk-Welf SOWK 102 Modern Social Welfare Dilemmas G3
SWK 150 Human Relations Lab SOWK 1XX Human Relations Lab G3
SWK 250 Assess Indiv Soc Env SOWK 203 Human Behvior and Social Envrn
SWK 262 Intro Child Welfare SOWK 305 Social Work and Child Welfare
SWK 265 Diversity Swk Prac SOWK 350 Encounters in Human Diversity D, P
SWK 270 Soc Wk Prac Individ SOWK 301 Social Work Practice 1 W
SWK 275 Swk Skills Wrkg Grps SOWK 302 Social Work Practice 2
SWK 340 Asess Org & Comm in Society SOWK 323 Human Behvr and Social Envrn 2
SWK 347 Spec Field SOWK Behav Hlth Cre SOWK 309 SOWK Behavior & Emotion Health
SWK 348 Spec Field SOWK Subst Abuse Cr SOWK 308 Social Work & Substance Use G3
SWK 351 SOWK Elective Aging Credits SOWK 306 Social Work and Aging G3
SWK 356 Intellect & Develop Disabiliti SOWK 3X5 Intellect & Develop Disabiliti
SWK 357 Spec Field SOWK Health Care Cr SOWK 307 Social Work and Health Care G3
SWK 359 Violence in Interpersonal Rela SOWK 313 Family Violence P
SWK 360 Research Techniques for SOWK SOWK 430 Social Work Research W
SWK 370 SOWK Pract Orgs & Communities SOWK 403 Social Work Practice 3
SWK 388 Prep for Practicum Credits SOWK 3X8 Prep for Practicum Credits
SWK 420 Gender Iss Help Prof SOWK 4X2 Gender Iss Help Prof
SWK 450 Soc Welfare Policies and Servi SOWK 303 Social Welfare and the Law
SWK 460 Field Work in Social Work I SOWK 401 Field Instruction 1
SWK 461 Field Work in Social Work II SOWK 402 Field Instruction 2
TCH 160 Child Development EDUC 1XX Child Development
TCH 205 The American School EDFN 211 Foundations Modern Education D
TCH 207 Org and Psychological Found in EDFN 2X7 Org and Psychological Found in
TCH 250 Elements of Instruct EDFN 2X5 Elements of Instruct
TCH 260 Educa Psychology EDFN 241 Psyc Foundation of Teaching
TCH 261 Adlst Dev Learn Thry EDUC 2X6 Adlst Dev Learn Thry
TCH 345 Assess & Eval Strat EDFN 320 Instructnl Technol in ELED
THE 121 Intro to Theater THEA 217 Theatre Appreciation G1
THE 329 Theater History THEA 340 History of Theatre 1 G1, W
UNIV 101 SU First Year Seminar UNIV 103 First Yr Seminar
WST 100 Intro Womens Studies WSTU 220 Introduction Women's Studies G3
WST 300 Seminar in Women's Studies WSTU 3XX Seminar in Women's Studies G3

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