Transfer Equivalency

Transfer Equivalency Listing

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Delaware Valley College of Science and Agriculture / MU Transfer Course Equivalencies

In general, Millersville University awards transfer credit for college-level courses in fields of study offered at Millersville that were completed on the campus of a regionally accredited institution.

Note: The list below might not include all courses that would be accepted in transfer. Questions may be addressed to:

Tip: For MU Gen ED code descriptions, place your cursor over the codes corresponding to the courses listed below, a tooltip should appear.

Delaware Valley College of Science and Agriculture Course Millersville Equivalent MU Gen ED Code (s)
AB 1100 Intro to Agribusiness BUAD 1X0 Intro to Agribusiness
AE 2007 Feed Grains & Forag Does Not Transfer
AS 1006 Intro Animal Science Does Not Transfer
AS 1045 Livestock Industry Does Not Transfer
AS 1101 Stable Management Does Not Transfer
AS 2116 Livestock Evaluation Does Not Transfer
AS 2219 Hrse Breeding Mgmt Does Not Transfer
AS 3123 Husbandry Techniques Does Not Transfer
AS 4016 Anml Sci Seminar SCMA 4X6 Animal Science Seminar
AS 4029 Poultry Science Does Not Transfer
AS 4106 Princ Anml Nutriti ELEC 1X6 Princ Anml Nutriti
AS 4111 Yrling Hrse Sale M Does Not Transfer
AS 4250 Stallion Mgmt Does Not Transfer
BA 1005 Intro Business BUAD 101 Introduction to Business G3
BA 1010 Mgmt Concepts BUAD 251 Principles of Management G3, W
BA 2008 Macroeconomics ECON 101 Principles of Economics 1 G3
BA 2123 Principles of Accounting BUAD 161 Intro to Financial Accounting
BA 2161 Business Law 1 BUAD 202 Legal Environment of Business G3
BA 2224 Princ Acctg II BUAD 162 Intro to Managerial Accounting
BA 3016 Consumer Behavior MKTG 332 Consumer Behavior
BA 3027 Hum Resource Mgt BUAD 352 Human Resource Management
BA 3028 Sprvsn & Mgt BUAD 3XX Supervision & Mgmt
BA 3141 Small Bsnss Mgmt BUAD 356 Small Business Management
BA 4233 Personal Finance FIN 203 Personal Finance G3
BY 1113 Bio 1 BIOL 100 General Biology G2, L
BY 1115 Nat Sci 1 PHYS 1XX Nat Sci 1 G2
BY 1116 Biolgcl Sci 1 BIOL 211 Concepts of Zoology G2, L
BY 1214 Bio 2 BIOL 2X4 Bio 2 L, G2
BY 1216 Nat Sci 2 SCMA 1XX Nat Sci 2 G2
BY 1217 Biolgcl Sci 2 BIOL 221 Concepts of Botany G2, L
BY 2001 Botany BIOL 221 Concepts of Botany G2, L
BY 2003 Genetics BIOL 205 Heredity and Human Affairs G2
BY 2004L Genetics Lab BIOL 2X5 Genetics Lab
BY 2223 Compar Anat BIOL 318 Comparative Vertbrate Anatomy
BY 2370 Empl Prog Does Not Transfer
BY 3002 Gnrl Microbio BIOL 363 Medical Microbiology
BY 3008 Earth & Space Sci ESCI 1X8 Earth & Space Sci
BY 3123 Invert Zool BIOL 316 Invertebrate Zoology
BY 4110 Seminar (Biology) BIOL 472 Seminar In Biology
CH 2004 Fire Protect Chem CHEM 2X4 Fire Protect Chem
CH 2006 Safety Lab CHEM 2X6 Safety Lab
CH 2007 Intro Foren Sci CHEM 2X7 Intro Foren Sci
CH 2203 Biochem CHEM 326 Biochemistry 1 G2, L
CH 3157 Inorg Synthesis Lab CHEM 3X7 Inorg Synthesis Lab
CJ 1009 Introduction to CJ SOCY 2X5 CJ
CJ 2015 American Police SOCY 3X3 American Police
CJ 3230 Intl Crime & Terr SOCY 3X3 Intl Crime and Terr G3
CJ 3250 CJ Adm/Mgmt/Plan SOCY 3X5 CJ Adm/Mgmt/Plan
CM 2114 Intro Cmptrs & App CSCI 101 Problem Solving with Computers G2
DS 3000 Sel Topics: Does Not Transfer
DS 3029 Dairy & Livestk Ge Does Not Transfer
DS 3118 Animal Anat & Phys BIOL 31X Animal Anat/Phys w/Lab G2, L
DS 4134 Physiology of Repr BIOL 21X Physiology of Reprodctn G2, L
ED 0016 Learning Strategies Does Not Transfer
ED 1010 Amer Ed EDFN 211 Foundations Modern Education D
ED 2030 Ed Psychology EDFN 241 Psyc Foundation of Teaching
ED 2210 Reading Sec School EDUC 2X2 Reading Sec School
ED 2230 Edctl Psych EDFN 241 Psyc Foundation of Teaching
EN 0012 English Essentials Does Not Transfer
EN 1101 Eng 1 ENGL 110 English Composition COMP
EN 1115 Intro to Communication COMM 101 Introduction to Communication G1
EN 1201 Eng 2 ENGL 1XX English 2 G1
EN 2020 Lit - Revisions ENGL 232 World Literature 2 G1
EN 2028 Intro Lit ENGL 230 Introduction to Literature G1
EN 2139 Media Management COMM 2X1 Media Management
EN 2226 Professional Comm ENGL 316 Business Writing AW
ES 1033 Fund of Flatwork/Jumping II Does Not Transfer
ES 1034 Balanced Equitation I Does Not Transfer
ES 1102 Intro to Equine Science SCMA 1X2 Intro to Equine Science G2
ES 1202 Equine Health Mgt BIOL 2X2 Equine Health Mgt
ES 2107 Eq Nutr & Feed Does Not Transfer
ES 2118 Eq Massage/Therapy Does Not Transfer
ES 3217 Equine Anat/Phys ELEC 32X Equine Anat/Phys
ES 4222 Equine Business Ma BUAD 4X2 Equine Business Ma
EX 9900 Intro to Experient Does Not Transfer
FS 1130 Food Cult & Cuisin ANTH 11X Food, Culture and Cuisine G3
FS 3120 Intro Nutrition BIOL 256 Nutrition G2, W
FY 1101 Del Val Experience I UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar
FY 9900 Del Val Experience UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar
FY 9901 Del Val Experience UNIV 103 First Yr:
FY 9902 Academic Individual UNIV 101 Academic Individual
HR 1110 Disney -- Fairy Tale Does Not Transfer
HR 2111 Where Does Our Foo Does Not Transfer
IT 1011 Info Tech Concepts CSCI 1X1 Info Tech Concepts G2
IT 1012 Computer App CSCI 101 Problem Solving with Computers G2
IT 1013 IT Concepts & Basics CSCI 1X1 IT Concepts & Basics
IT 1021 IT Infrastructure INTE 1X1 IT Infrastructure
IT 1031 Inter Comp Apps CSCI 1X1 Inter Comp Apps G2
LA 1020 Skills for College UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar
LA 1032 Am History & Govt SSCI 10X Am History & Govt G3
LA 1059 Chorale MUSI 126B Applied Music:Chorale
LA 1060 Intro Fine Arts HMFA 1XX Intro Fine Arts G1
LA 1225 Critical Thinking PHIL 211 Introduction to Logic G1
LA 2005 Speech COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech SPCH
LA 2012 Intro Sociol SOCY 101 Introduction to Sociology G3
LA 2036 Intro Psych PSYC 100 General Psychology G3
LA 2040 Mod Hist West Soci HIST 102 Europe and World since 1815 G3
LA 2375 Personality Theory PSYC 335 Personality Theory G3
LA 3032 Mod Amer Hist & Go HIST 357 Modern U.S. History G3
LA 3034 Adolescent Psych PSYC 1X3 Adolescent Psych
LA 3055 Substance Use and PSYC 311 Psychology of Drug Addiction G3, W
LA 3750 Child Development PSYC 227 Devlopmnt Child and Adolescent G3, W
LA 4014 Abnorm Psych PSYC 337 Abnormal Psychology G3, W
LA 4037 Non-West Societs ANTH 2XX Non-West Societs G3
LA 4038 Cltrl Enrich HMFA 1X8 Cltrl Enrich G1
MC 2242 News Reporting and Writing COMM 326 Media Writing: News W
MP 0010 Fndmtls / Algebra Does Not Transfer
MP 1102 Coll Alg MATH 101 College Algebra
MP 1203 Elem Func MATH 160 Precalculus G2
MP 1204 Calc 1 MATH 161 Calculus 1 G2
MP 2119 Physics 1 PHYS 231 General Physics 1 G2, L
MP 2219 Physics 2 PHYS 232 General Physics 2 G2, L
MP 3231 Statistics for Sci MATH 235 Survey of Statistics G2
OH 2014 Floriculture Techs BIOL 1XX Floriculture Techs
PE 1109 Physical Education I WELL 1X0 Physical Education 1 WELL
PE 1209 Physical Education II WELL 1X9 Physical Education 2 WELL
PE 2011 First Aid & CPR WSSD 311 First Aid and CPR
PY 2036 Intro to Psychology PSYC 100 General Psychology G3
PY 2375 Personality Theories PSYC 335 Personality Theory G3
SA 1105 Intro Sm An Sci BIOL 1XX Intro Small Animal Sci
SA 1207 Survey Sm An Sci BIOL 1XX Survey Small Animal Sci
SA 2110 Intro to Zoo Keeping BIOL 2X1 Intro to Zoo Keeping
SA 2218 Animal Train & Enrich BIOL 2X8 Animal Train & Enrich
SA 3032 Herpetology BIOL 3X3 Herpetology
SA 3112 Wildlife Management BIOL 3X2 Wildlife Management
SA 3124 Animal Behavior BIOL 485 Animal Behavior
SAS 9901 Academic Recovery Does Not Transfer

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