Transfer Equivalency

Transfer Equivalency Listing

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Elizabethtown College / MU Transfer Course Equivalencies

In general, Millersville University awards transfer credit for college-level courses in fields of study offered at Millersville that were completed on the campus of a regionally accredited institution.

Note: The list below might not include all courses that would be accepted in transfer. Questions may be addressed to:

Tip: For MU Gen ED code descriptions, place your cursor over the codes corresponding to the courses listed below, a tooltip should appear.

Elizabethtown College Course Millersville Equivalent MU Gen ED Code (s)
AC 101 Intro Acctg BUAD 161 Intro to Financial Accounting
AC 107 Financial Acctg BUAD 161 Intro to Financial Accounting
AC 1070 Bus Financial Accounting BUAD 161 Intro to Financial Accounting
AC 108 Managerial Actg BUAD 162 Intro to Managerial Accounting
AC 205 Intrmd Acctg I BUAD 361 Intermediate Accounting 1
AC 270 Cost Mgmt Acctg BUAD 162 Intro to Managerial Accounting
AN 111 Undrs Hum Cultr ANTH 121 Cultural Anthropology G3
AN 201 Biol Anthro ANTH 201 People, Primates, and Prehist G3
AN 306 Indians N Amer ANTH 222 American Indian G3, W
ART 105 Drawing 1 ART 133 Drawing 1 G1
ART 106 Ceramics I ART 295 Ceramics:Hand Building G1
ART 120 Sculpture 1 ART 282 Sculpture 1 G1
ART 155 Intro Hist Art 1 ART 301 The Ancient World G1
ART 157 Hist of Art 2 ART 312 Survey of Art History G1
ART 204 Fund of Color and Design ART 142 2D Design G1
ART 205 Painting I ART 352 Painting 1
ART 209 Typography & Text Design DESN 240 Typography I G1
ART 210 Drawing II ART 233 Drawing 2
ART 230 Amer Art ART 313 Art in America G1
ART 240 History of Japanese Art ART 2X4 History of Japanese Art G1
ART 251 Printmaking I ART 2X5 Printmaking I
ART 260 Modernism ART 2X6 Modernism G1
ART 270 Art of Africa ART 2X7 Art of Africa G1
ART 280 NCH World Architecture ART 2X8 NCH World Architecture
ART 320 Sculpture II ART 382 Sculpture 2
ART 352 Printmaking II ART 3X2 Printmaking II
ART 355 Int to Art ART 100 Art in Culture G1
ART 360 Ital Renaiss ART 302 The Italian Renaissance G1
ART 405 Adv Sculpture ART 482 Sculpture 3
ART 498 Sr Sem/Portfolio ART 490 Profess Sem/Exhibit
ASL 325 Am Sign Lang EDUC 32X Am Sign Lang
BA 101 Global Issues BUAD 1X1 Global Issues G3
BA 105 MgrCom/Career I BUAD 1X5 Man Comm/Stu Career Prep 1
BA 110 Busns Orientatn BUAD 11X Busns Orientatn
BA 111 First Year Business Experience Does Not Transfer
BA 155 Mngrl Comm BUAD 1X5 Mngrl Comm
BA 1550 Mngrl Comm BUAD 1X5 Mngrl Comm
BA 171 Business Orientation Does Not Transfer
BA 197 Intro International Business BUAD 201 Intro to Internationl Business G3
BA 215 Prin Marketing BUAD 231 Principles of Marketing
BA 2150 Princ Marketing BUAD 231 Principles of Marketing
BA 240 Strat Mgr Dec BUAD 2X4 Strat Mgr Dec
BA 248 Quantitative Methods Mgmt BUAD 206 Business Research Methods
BA 251 Cross Cul Undrs BUAD 2XX Cross Cul Undrs G3
BA 265 Prin Management BUAD 251 Principles of Management G3, W
BA 2650 Princ Management BUAD 251 Principles of Management G3, W
BA 270 Excel I Does Not Transfer
BA 290 Br Soc & Eur Un BUAD 2X9 Br Soc & Eur Un G3
BA 3100 Business Ethics BUAD 31X Business Ethics
BA 319 CE Cnsmr Bhvr BUAD 332 Consumer Behavior
BA 330 Legal Envrn Bus BUAD 202 Legal Environment of Business G3
BA 331 Bus Law 1 BUAD 202 Legal Environment of Business G3
BA 3310 Business Law BUAD 202 Legal Environment of Business G3
BA 332 Bus Law 2 BUAD 3X2 Bus Law 2
BA 355 Managerial Communications ENGL 316 Business Writing AW
BA 360 Washg Institute BUAD 3X0 Washington Institute
BA 369 Behavioral Theory BUAD 332 Consumer Behavior
BA 467 CE HumRecMgmt BUAD 352 Human Resource Management
BIO 102 Hum Heredity BIOL 205 Heredity G2
BIO 103 Living w/Envir BIOL 1X3 Living w/ Envir G2
BIO 106 Genetics & Evol BIOL 1XX Genetics & Evol G2, L
BIO 110 Biol Science 1 BIOL 100 General Biology G2, L
BIO 111 Gen Biology I - D BIOL 100 General Biology G2, L
BIO 112 Intro Bio 2 BIOL 1X2 Intro Bio 2 G2, L
BIO 113 Intro to Environmental Science BIOL 1X3 Intro to Environmental Science G2, L
BIO 201 Human Anatomy & Phys I BIOL 254 Human Anat and Physiology 1
BIO 211 Genetics BIOL 365 Genetics
BIO 220 Nutrition BIOL 256 Nutrition G2, W
BIO 314 Behavioral Neurobiology BIOL 281 Behavioral Biology G2, W
BIO 318 Marine Biology BIOL 31X Marine Biology w/o Lab G2
CD 1000 Career Development UNIV 1XX Career Development
CH 101 Gen Chem CHEM 111 Introductory Chemistry 1 G2, L
CH 105 Gen Chem CHEM 111 Introductory Chemistry 1 G2, L
CH 109 Forensic Sci CHEM 1X9 Forensic Sci
CH 113 Organic Chem 1 CHEM 231 Organic Chemistry 1 G2, L
CH 114 Organic Chem 2 CHEM 232 Organic Chemistry 2 G2, L
CH 116 Topics Org Chem CHEM 1XX Topics Org Chem
CH 201 Lab Methods in Chemistry CHEM 2X1 Lab Methods in Chemistry
CH 213 Analyt Chem 1 CHEM 265 Quantitative Analysis G2, L
CH 214 Anlyt Chem 2 CHEM 2XX Anlyt Chem 2
CHN 111 Chinese I FORL 1X1 Chinese I G1
CHN 133 Intro to Chinese Cultr/Society ANTH 13X Intro to Chinese Cultr/Society G3
CJ 4200 Psych of Criminal Behavior PSYC 4X2 Psych of Criminal Behavior G3
COM 105 Bas Speech COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech SPCH
COM 115 His Th Com COMM 1XX His Th Com G1
COM 120 Intro to Commun COMM 101 Introduction to Communicology G1
COM 125 Media Des & Prod COMM 1XX Media Des & prod
COM 130 Visual Communication COMM 1X3 Visual Communication
COM 210 Public Perf & Pres COMM 305 Business Profess Communictn
COM 211 Writg for Media ENGL 313 Fundamentals of Journalism AW
COM 248 Com Law & Ethics COMM 206 Communication and Media Law
COM 251 Intrnationl Com COMM 2X2 Intrnationl Com G1
COM 252 Multi Cul Comm COMM 2X2 Multi Cul Comm
COM 261 Film Studies ENGL 240 The Art of Film G1
COM 304 Persuasion COMM 403 Persuasion
COM 330 Comm Resrch Meth COMM 301 Communication Research W
COM 355 Writg Corp Comm COMM 224 Organizational Communication 1
COM 3600 Communication Planning COMM 36X Communication Planning
COR 270 Flash Form Fiction & NonFic ENGL 2X7 Flash Form Fiction & NonFic G1
CP 170 Hnr Career Path Does Not Transfer
CS 120 Intro Micrcmp App CSCI 101 Problem Solving with Computers G2
CS 121 Computer Sci 1 CSCI 161 Introduction to Programming 1 G2
CS 122 Computer Sci 2 CSCI 162 Introduction to Programming 2 G2
CS 125 In Com Pro CSCI 101 Problem Solving with Computers G2
CS 205 Visual Progrmng CSCI 111 Visual Progrmng G2
CS 221 Data Structures CSCI 362 Data Structures
CS 222 Systems Progmg CSCI 22X Systems Progmg
CS 240 Information Sys BUAD 307 Management Information Systms
CS 270 Special Topics in CS CSCI 2XX Special Topics in CS
CS 309 Database Systems CSCI 466 Database Management Systems
CS 310 Web Technolgies CSCI 3X1 Web Technolgies
CS 332 Comp Org/Arch CSCI 370 Computer Architecture
CS 341 Systems Analysis CSCI 34X Systems Analysis
CS 342 Computer Networking CSCI 395 Computer Networks W
CW 160 Survey of Creative Writing ENGL 1X6 Survey of Creative Writing G1
DA 101 Modern Dance WELL 1X1 Modern Dance
DA 103 Intr Jazz Dance WELL 1X3 Intr Jazz Dance WELL
DA 202 Ballet II WELL 2X2 Ballet II
EC 100 Global Econ ECON 101 Principles of Macroeconomics G3
EC 101 Pr Econ 1 ECON 101 Principles of Macroeconomics G3
EC 102 Prin Micro Econ ECON 102 Principles of Economics 2 G3
EC 1020 Princ Micro Economics ECON 102 Principles of Microeconomics G3
EC 301 Intermediate Microeconomics ECON 318 Intermediate Microeconomics G3
ED 105 Found of Educa EDFN 211 Foundations Modern Education D
ED 106 EA/Ad Dev/Lrng EDFN 1X6 EA/Ad Dev/Lrng
ED 150 Early Childhood Development ERCH 110 Intro to Early Childhood Ed
ED 151 EA/Adol Cognit EDUC 1X1 EA/Adol Cognit
ED 161 Intgr Tech I EDFN 1X6 Intgr Tech I
ED 210 Child Literatur EDUC 333 Children's Literature
ED 212 Child/Adolescent Literature ERCH 435 Literature for the Young Child
ED 224 PA History and Govt for SST Ed EDUC 2X4 PA History and Govt for SST Ed
ED 241 ESL in the Classroom EDUC 2X1 ESL in the Classroom
ED 242 Sign w/MultiDis SPED 2X4 Sign w/MultiDis
ED 250 Fnd of Literacy EDUC 220 Reading Foundations
ED 258 ED Assess/Eval EDUC 2X8 ED Assess/Eval
ED 265 Media & Technlgy EDFN 330 Microcomputers in Classroom
ED 275 Inclu Practices SPED 2XX Inclu Practices
ED 280 Intro Tch Excp Chd SPED 101 Orientation to Special Educ
ED 282 Inclusn/Exceptl SPED 2X2 Inclusn/Exceptl
ED 285 Mth Tch Excp Chd SPED 212 Psychological Aspects Disabld
ED 317 Assess Student Literacy PK-8 EDUC 3XX Assess Student Literacy PK-8
ED 360 Integ Strat Creat Express Earl ERCH 316 Creative Experncs Young Child
EGR 100 Intro to Engr 1 ELEC 1XX Intro to Engr 1
EGR 110 Intro to Engr 2 ELEC 1X1 Intro to Engr 2
EGR 191 Intro to Engineering I ITEC 1X1 Intro to Engineering I
EGR 192 Intro to Engineering II ITEC 1X2 Intro to Engineering II
EGR 210 Circuit Analysis ITEC 2X0 Circuit Analysis
EGR 262 Statics ITEC 2X2 Statics
EGR 291 Sophomore Project Does Not Transfer
EN 100 Writing and Lang ENGL 110 English Composition COMP
EN 1000 Writing and Language ENGL 110 English Composition COMP
EN 101 Lit: Frm&Prfmnc ENGL 1X3 Lit: Frm & Prfmnc
EN 102 Expos Writ ENGL 110 English Composition COMP
EN 104 Intr Lit: Poetry ENGL 2XX Intr Lit: Poetry G1
EN 110 Litr: Exp Form ENGL 11X Litr: Exp Form G1
EN 112 Intro to Poetry ENGL 1XX Intro to Poetry G1
EN 116 Film as Lit ENGL 240 Introduction to Film W, G1
EN 150 Adv Wrtg & Lang ENGL 220 Introduction to Language Study G1
EN 180 Intro to Creative Writing ENGL 18X Intro to Creative Writing G1
EN 185 Intro to Professional Writing ENGL 15X Intro to Professional Writing G1
EN 200 Maj Br Writers ENGL 233 Early English Literature G1
EN 214 World Lit Focus ENGL 2X4 World Lit Focus G1
EN 220 Brit Lit ENGL 233 Early English Literature G1
EN 230 Post-1800 Bt Lit ENGL 236 Later American Literature G1
EN 240 Amer Lit & Cult ENGL 236 Later American Literature G1
EN 240 Amer Lit & Cult ENGL 2X4 Amer Lit & Cult G1
EN 242 American Lit 2 ENGL 236 Later American Literature G1
EN 245 Growing Up Amer ENGL 2X5 Growing Up Amer W, G1
EN 2450 GPS Growing Up Amer ENGL 2X4 GPS Growing Up Amer G1
EN 251 Multicultural Literature ENGL 23X Multicultural Literature G1
EN 261 Short Story ENGL 242 Reading Our World: W, G1
EN 281 The Short Story ENGL 2X1 The Short Story G1
ES 108 Meteorology ESCI 109 Atmosphere with Lab G2, L
ES 113 Earth in Space ESCI 1X3 Earth in Space G2, L
ES 114 Geosystems ESCI 1X4 Geosystems G2, L
ESC 100 Intro to Exercise Science WSSD 1XX Intro to Exercise Science
ESC 150 First Aid, CPR and Medical WSSD 311 Resp to Emergen: First Aid CPR
FR 111 Lang & Cul 1 FREN 101 Elementary French 1 G1
FR 112 Elementary French II FREN 102 Elementary French 2 G1
FR 211 Intrm Fench 1 FREN 201 Intermediate French 1 G1
FR 370 Advanced French Grammar/Comp FREN 37X Advanced French Grammar/Comp G1
FS 100 Freshman Seminar UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar
FS 150 CEFndAccelLearn EDUC 15X CEFndAccelLearn
FS 1500 Found for Accelerated Learning EDUC 15X Found for Accelerated Learning
FYC 100 First Yr Colloq UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar
FYS 100 First Year Seminar UNIV 103 First Year Seminar
GER 111 Lang & Cul 1 GERM 101 Elementary German 1 G1
GER 112 Lang & Cul 2 GERM 102 Elementary German 2 G1
HCA 1620 Health Care Policy Does Not Transfer
HE 105 Intro Health & Well WELL 175 Wellness WELL
HE 110 Occupations Across Lifespan PSYC 228 Life Span Human Devlopment G3
HEN 101 Hnr Lit: Form/Perspective ENGL 230 Introduction to Literature G1
HEN 252 HNR HUM Irony/Humor/Despair ENGL 25XH H:HUM Irony/Humor/Despair G1
HES 215 Hnr Meteorology ESCI 241 Meteorology L, G2
HHI 112 Hnr Modrn Asia HIST 11XH H:NCH History Mod Asia G3
HHI 220 Hnr Amer Rad Trad HIST 2X2 Hnr Amer Rad Trad G3
HI 101 United States History to 1877 HIST 1X1 United States History to 1877 G3
HI 102 US Hist snc1877 HIST 1X2 US Hist snc1877 G3
HI 111 Amer Biography HIST 1XX Amer Biography G3
HI 114 West Civ 1 HIST 101 Europe and the World 1350-1789 G3
HI 115 Modern European HIST 340 Twentieth Century Europe G3, W
HI 170 Women's Work HIST 17X Women's Work G3
HI 201 US Hist to 1877 HIST 106 Contours of US History G3
HI 202 US Hist Si 1877 HIST 1XX US Hist Si 1877 G3
HI 208 Amer Tech & Value ITEC 301 Technology and Humans P
HI 210 20th Century Europe HIST 2X1 20th Century Europe G3
HI 230 American Minds I HIST 2X3 American Minds I G3
HI 301 Slavery & Race Does Not Transfer
HI 303 Early Republic HIST 354 The New Nation G3, W
HI 304 US: Civil War HIST 355 Civil War and Reconstruction G3, W
HI 307 American Economic History HIST 254 American Economic History
HI 309 Intellctl US Hi HIST 456 Intellectual Culturl U.S. Hist G3, W
HI 311 Greek & Rom Hi HIST 3XX Greek & Rom Hi G3
HI 312 Medieval Histry HIST 313 History of Middle Ages G3, W
HI 315 Renaissance & Ref HIST 320 Renaissance and Reformation W, G3
HI 318 Greater China HIST 3X8 Greater China G3
HI 323 France Since 1815 HIST 32X France Since 1815 G3
HI 325 Beatles Cultural History HIST 3X5 Beatles Cultural History G3
HI 330 Colonial America HIST 351 17th Century British America W, G3
HI 331 Col & Revolution HIST 352 Provincl and Revolutry America W, G3
HI 339 Roots Amer HIST 3X9 Roots Amer G3
HI 373 History of Modern Asia HIST 290 Far East in Modern Times
HI 376 American Presidency HIST 271 American Presidency G3
HMA 270 Hnr Hist Math MATH 301 History of Mathematics P
HPC 105 Hnr Intro Psych PSYC 100H Hnrs:General Psychology G3
HRE 285 HNR WCH Amish/Breth/Mennon SSCI 28XH H:WCH Amish/Breth/Mennonites W, G3
HS 108 Intro to Human Services SOWK 1X6 Intro to Human Services
HS 1080 Intro to Human Services SOWK 1X8 Intro to Human Services
HS 162 Soc Welfare Programs & Policy SOWK 102 Modern Social Welfare Dilemmas G3
HS 1620 Soc Welfare Programs & Policy SOWK 102 Modern Social Welfare Dilemmas G3
HS 2200 Wellness For All WELL 2X2 Wellness For All WELL
HS 2350 Counseling Tech & Skills PSYC 2X5 Counseling Tech & Skills G3
HUM 2600 The Creative Process HUMN 2X6 The Creative Process G1
HW 135 Sports Medicine WSSD 1X3 Sports Medicine
HW 170 Biology Health and Wellness WELL 1X7 Biology Health and Wellness
IDC 1050 Intro Phil Environ Conscious PHIL 1X5 Intro Phil Environ Conscious G1
IDC 2770 Poverty in World of Plenty HIST 2X7 Poverty in World of Plenty G3
IDC 3150 Victimology SOCY 3X5 Victimology G3
IDC 3740 Who Elects American President Does Not Transfer
IEE 100 Intell Engag Exp UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar
ILS 105 Explore Interfaith Leadership PHIL 1X5 Explore Interfaith Leadership G3
JA 111 Lang & Cult 1 JAPN 101 Elementary Japanese 1 G1
JA 112 Lang/Cult 2 JAPN 102 Elementary Japanese 2 G1
JA 245 JPN Society/Bus/Culture HUMN 32X Japan Society/Bus/Culture P
JA 250 Dis Cont Japan 3 week imm exp Does Not Transfer
JA 330 Adv Japanese 1 JAPN 3X1 Adv Japanese 1 G1
JSC 300 JrSr Colloquium Does Not Transfer
MA 011 Intermd Algebra Does Not Transfer
MA 105 Math for Liberal Studies MATH 100 Survey of Mathematical Ideas G2
MA 1080 Applied Math: Prblm Solv w/ Ex MATH 1X8 Applied Math: Prblm Solv w/ Ex G2
MA 110 Algebra & Trig MATH 1X1 Algebra & Trig
MA 111 Calc w/ Review 1 MATH 1XX Calc w/ Review 1 G2
MA 112 Calc w/ Review 2 MATH 161 Calculus 1 G2
MA 117 Concept Calc MATH 151 Calculus for Management G2
MA 120 Foundations for Calculus MATH 160 Precalculus G2
MA 121 Calculus 1 MATH 161 Calculus 1 G2
MA 122 Calculus 2 MATH 211 Calculus 2 G2
MA 130 Creative Problem Solving I MATH 100 Survey of Mathematical Ideas G2
MA 151 Prob and Stat MATH 130 Elements of Statistics 1 G2
MA 1510 Probability & Statistics MATH 130 Elements of Statistics 1 G2
MA 170 Int Mathematics MATH 1X7 Int Mathematics
MA 201 Linear Algebra MATH 322 Linear Algebra 1 G2
MA 205 Fund of Math MATH 104 Fundamentals of Math 1 G2
MA 206 Math ME Teacher MATH 2X6 Math ME Teacher G2
MA 222 Calculus 3 MATH 311 Calculus 3 G2
MA 235 Intro to Mathematical Proofs MATH 310 Intro to Mathematical Proof W
MA 251 Prob and Stat MATH 130 Elements of Statistics 1 G2
MA 252 Stat Methods MATH 236 Elements of Statistics 2 G2
MA 255 Financial Mathematics MATH 2X5 Financial Mathematics
MU 100 Rep Class Does Not Transfer
MU 101 Music Theory I MUSI 1X1 Music Theory I
MU 102 Music Theory II MUSI 1X2 Music Theory II
MU 103 Aural Skills 1 MUSI 1X3 Aural Skills 1
MU 104 Aural Skills 2 MUSI 1X4 Aural Skills 2
MU 105 Intr West Music MUSI 100 Music and Culture G1
MU 110 Basic Musicnshp MUSI 1X1 Basic Musicianship
MU 111 Voice Class Does Not Transfer
MU 117 Piano Class MUSI 131 Class Piano 1
MU 118 Func Keybd II MUSI 1X8 Func Keybd II
MU 119 Guitar Class 1 MUSI 1X2 Guitar Class 1
MU 121 Hist Tonal Music 1 Does Not Transfer
MU 130 Survey of Music Education MUSI 1X3 Survey of Music Education
MU 133 Diction Singers MUSI 1X3 Diction Singers
MU 150 Profsnl Seminar MUSI 1X2 Profsnl Seminar
MU 151 Int Music Thrpy MUSI 1X3 Intro Music Therapy
MU 152 MT Clin Popltn MUSI 1X5 MT Clin Popltn
MU 201 Theory III MUSI 2X1 Theory III
MU 202 Theory IV MUSI 2X2 Theory IV
MU 203 Aural Skill III MUSI 2X3 Aural Skills III
MU 204 Aural Skills IV MUSI 2X4 Aural Skills IV
MU 205 Mus Non-Wes Cul MUSI 368 International Music and Arts P
MU 211 Music History 1600-1850 MUSI 3X1 Music History 1600-1850 G1
MU 212 Music History 1850-Present MUSI 3X2 Music History 1850-Present G1
MU 217 Func Keybd III MUSI 2X7 Func Keybd III
MU 218 Func Keybd IV MUSI 2X8 Func Keybd IV
MU 230 Music Teaching & Learning MUSI 171 Introduction to Music Educ
MU 231 Brass Class MUSI 2X1 Brass Class
MU 236 Percussion MT MUSI 2X6 Percussion MT
MU 237 String Class 1 Does Not Transfer
MU 268 Voice MUSI 2X8 Voice
MU 269 Piano Does Not Transfer
MU 271 Violin MUSI 151 Strings 1
MU 273 Cello Does Not Transfer
MU 275 Guitar MUSI 2X5 Guitar
MU 277 Clarinet MUSI 2X7 Clarinet
MU 277 Clarinet MUSI 2X8 Clarinet
MU 278 Oboe MUSI 108 Pri Ins 1: Oboe
MU 279 Bassoon MUSI 2X1 Bassoon
MU 279 Bassoon MUSI 2X2 Bassoon
MU 279 Bassoon MUSI 2X3 Bassoon
MU 282 French Horn MUSI 2X2 French Horn
MU 2X1 Music Non-Major Transfer Crs MUSI 2X1 Music Non-Major Transfer Crs
MU 332 Music Technology MUSI 3X2 Music Technology
MU 361 Concert Choir MUSI 126 Applied Music in Choir
MU 363 Chorus MUSI 126 Applied Music in Choir
MU 364 CE Women's Chorus MUSI 3X4 CE Women's Chorus
MU 365 Orchestra MUSI 1X2 Orchestra
MU 369 Symphonic Band MUSI 122B Applied Music:Orchestra
MU 369 Symphonic Band MUSI 123B Applied Music:Orchestra
MU 369 Symphonic Band MUSI 222B Applied Music:Orchestra
NEU 125 NPS Intro Neuro BIOL 1X5 NPS Intro Neuro
OT 111 Basic Conc Occ Does Not Transfer
OT 112 Occ as Therapy Does Not Transfer
OT 223 Childhood Dev/Occ Lrng Lab PSYC 227 Devlopmnt Child and Adolescent G3
PCS 165 HUM Peace, War, Nonviolence HUMN 16X HUM Peace/War/Nonviolence G1
PCS 265 HUM Nonviolence in America HUMN 2X5 HUM Nonviolence in America G1
PE 100 Swim Test WELL 1XX Swim Test WELL
PE 106 Water Aerobic WELL 1X6 Water Aerobic WELL
PE 112 Wellness & College Student WELL 175 Wellness WELL
PE 120 Aerobics WELL 1X2 Aerobics
PE 125 Tennis WELL 1X5 Tennis
PE 130 Introduction to Coaching WSSD 1X3 Introduction to Coaching
PE 140 Bowling WELL 1XX Bowling WELL
PE 146 Racquetball (W) WELL 1X6 Racquetball (W) WELL
PE 165 Coed Badminton WELL 1XX Coed Badminton WELL
PE 175 Coed Arch-Badmn WELL 1XX Coed Arch-Badmn WELL
PE 185 Basketball (W) WELL 1XX Basketball WELL
PE 190 Horsemanship WELL 1X2 Horsemanship WELL
PE 195 Soccer WELL 1X5 Soccer WELL
PE 218 Water Sfty Ins WSSD 124 Water Safety Instruction
PE 223 West Pol Thgt 1 GOVT 2X3 West Pol Thgt 1
PE 225 Co Tennis WELL 1X5 Co Tennis WELL
PE 226 Wom Tennis WELL 1XX Wom Tennis WELL
PE 250 Co Vball WELL 1XX Co Vball WELL
PE 315 Phil: Film & Lit PHIL 327 Philosophy in Film G1
PH 105 Intro to Philos PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy G1
PH 110 Logic & Crt Thk PHIL 211 Introduction to Logic G1
PH 115 Ethics PHIL 381 Ethical Theories G1, W
PH 202 His West Ph 2 PHIL 322 Modern Philosophy W, G1
PH 240 Modern Philosophy PHIL 322 Modern Philosophy G1, W
PH 255B Ethics - Medicine PHIL 285 Moral Problems in Medicine G1
PH 255L Legal Ethics PHIL 381 Ethical Theories G1, W
PH 275 Science and Values PHIL 314 Philosophy of Science W, G1
PH 320 Ph of Religion PHIL 313 World Religions G1
PHY 101 General Physics I PHYS 131 Physics 1 with Algebra L, G2
PHY 102 General Physics II PHYS 132 Physics 2 with Algebra L, G2
PHY 105 NPS How Things Work PHYS 1X5 NPS How Things Work G2, L
PHY 120 Introductory Math for Physics MATH 1X2 Introductory Math for Physics G2
PHY 200 College Phys 1 PHYS 231 General Physics 1 G2, L
PHY 201 College Physics I PHYS 231 Physics 1 with Calculus L, G2
PHY 202 College Physics II PHYS 232 Physics 2 with Calculus L, G2
PS 101 Found of American Govt GOVT 1X1 Found of American Govt G3
PS 111 Amer Natnl Govt GOVT 111 Intro to American Government G3
PS 115 Pub Pol St & Local GOVT 112 Intro to State and Local Govt G3
PS 117 Am Pol Inst 1 GOVT 111 Intro to American Government G3
PS 150 Intr Comp Polit GOVT 221 Intro to Cmprtv Politcl Systms G3
PS 170 CE Art Pol Exp Does Not Transfer
PS 205 Values & Vision GOVT 2XX Values & Vision G3
PS 211 Political Psychology PSYC 2X1 Political Psychology G3
PS 223 West Pol Thgt 1 GOVT 2X3 West Pol Thgt 1
PS 230 Research Method GOVT 301 Politicl Resrch Skls and Mthds
PS 245 Intl Relations GOVT 251 Intro to Global Politics G3
PS 301 Mock Trial I Does Not Transfer
PS 303 Const. Law I GOVT 411 Con Law 1:Sep of Pwrs/Fdrlsm
PS 316 Amer Elect Process GOVT 3X6 Amer Elect Process
PS 323 Polit Film & Lit GOVT 232 Pol. Theory, Lit. & Film G3, W
PS 350 European Union Simulation GOVT 35X European Union Simulation
PS 365 Women & Politic GOVT 3X5 Women & Politic P
PS 370 Judcl Proc&Polit GOVT 3X7 Judcl Proc&Polit G3
PS 371 Model United Nations GOVT 379 Experimental
PSY 105 Gen Psychology PSYC 100 General Psychology G3
PSY 1050 General Psychology PSYC 100 General Psychology G3
PSY 111 Intro Neurosci PSYC 415 Physiological Psychology
PSY 125 Intro to Neuroscience PSYC 1X5 Intro to Neuroscience G2
PSY 130 Intro to LGBTQ+ Issues WSTU 1X3 Intro to LGBTQ+ Issues G3
PSY 205 Psychology Lab Does Not Transfer
PSY 206 Experimental Psy PSYC 2X6 Experimental Psych G3
PSY 208 Health Psychology PSYC 356 Health Psychology
PSY 2080 Health Psychology PSYC 356 Health Psychology
PSY 209 Psych & Film PSYC 2X9 Psych & Film G3
PSY 213 Method/Stats I PSYC 211 Statistics and Exper Design 1 W
PSY 218 Method/Stats II PSYC 212 Statistics and Exper Design 2
PSY 220 Health Psychology PSYC 356 Health Psychology
PSY 221 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 337 Abnormal Psychology W, G3
PSY 222 Neuroscience PSYC 350 Cognitive Science P
PSY 225 Devel Psy PSYC 227 Devlopmnt Child and Adolescent W, G3
PSY 2250 Developmental Psychology PSYC 228 Life Span Human Devlopment G3
PSY 226 Child & Adolescent Development PSYC 227 Devlopmnt Child and Adolescent G3
PSY 235 Social Psych PSYC 317 Social Psychology
PSY 236 Social Psychology PSYC 317 Social Psychology
PSY 241 Sensory Psych PSYC 315 Sensation and Perception
PSY 255 Psychotherapy & Assessment PSYC 2X5 Psychotherapy & Assessment
PSY 286 Community Psychology PSYC 2X6 Community Psychology
PSY 317 Learning & Motivation PSYC 316 Learning and Motivation
PSY 321 Theories of Personality PSYC 335 Personality Theory G3
PSY 330 Psych of Prejudice PSYC 3X3 Psych of Predjudice G3
PSY 341 Cognitive Psychology PSYC 350 Cognitive Science P
PSY 402 History & Systems of Psycholog PSYC 454 History and Systems of Psych
PSY 435 Res Social Psy PSYC 4X5 Res Social Psy
REL 103 Religion and Nonviolence PHIL 13X Religion and Nonviolence G1
REL 105 Exploring Rel Does Not Transfer
REL 145 Jesus-Moral Life Does Not Transfer
REL 151 Life Meaning/Purposeful Work Does Not Transfer
REL 165 Peace, War, NV Does Not Transfer
REL 170 Women of Faith WSTU 1X7 Women of Faith
REL 201 Rel America Does Not Transfer
REL 225 Hebrew Bible Does Not Transfer
REL 226 The New Testament Does Not Transfer
REL 235 Emerging Relign PHIL 2X5 Emerging Relign P
REL 287 The Story of Christianity Does Not Transfer
REL 290 Dharma Tradtn PHIL 2X9 Dharma Tradtn G3
REL 352 Psy of Religion PSYC 3X2 Psy of Religion G3
SED 212 Lrng Env/Soc Intractn Incl Set EDUC 403 Pluralism in Classroom W, D
SED 222 Fundamentals of Inclusive Ed SPED 101 Orientation to Special Educ
SED 272 Lrng Enc Inclus SPED 2X2 Lrng Enc Inclus
SED 282 Fnd Inclsv Ed SPED 312 Disablt in Inclusive Settings
SO 101 Intro Soc SOCY 101 Introduction to Sociology G3
SO 1010 Discovering Society SOCY 1X1 Discovering Society G3
SO 105 Soc Issues SOCY 211 Social Problems G3, W
SO 204 Pop / Global Iss SOCY 216 Human Population G3, W
SO 215 Criminology SOCY 230 Criminology W, G3
SO 216 Amer CJ Systems SOCY 331 Intro to Criminal Justice Syst G3
SO 217 Intro to Amer Crim Just Sys SOCY 331 Intro to Criminal Justice Syst G3
SO 220 Race & Ethnic Relations SOCY 315 Race and Ethnic Relations G3
SO 270 Law and Social Change SOCY 27X Law and Social Change G3
SO 305 Marriage and Family SOCY 210 Sociology of the Family G3
SO 317 Sociology of Religion SOCY 310 Sociology of Religion P
SO 342 Modern Corrections SOCY 332 Modern Corrections G3
SO 352 Juvenile Law & Justice SOCY 334 Juvenile Delinquency W, G3
SO 353 Policing Amer SOCY 331 Socy of Policing and Courts G3
SO 370 Intro Urban Soc SOCY 441 Urban Society
SP 111 Lang & Cul 1 SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish 1 G1
SP 112 Lng Cul 2 SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish 2 G1
SP 201 Inter Span SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish 1 G1
SP 202 Inter Span SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish 2 G1
SP 211 Intrmd Span 1 SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish 1 G1
SP 212 Com Lng Cul 2 SPAN 2X2 Com Lng Cul 2 G1
SP 305 Adv Conversation SPAN 3XX Adv Conversation
SP 311 Mod Span Society SPAN 3X1 Mod Span Society G1
SP 319 Span Linguistics SPAN 470 Spanish Linguistics
SP 323 Int Spanish Lit SPAN 311 Survey of Literature 1
SP 371 Adv Sp Grmr & Comp SPAN 351 Composition and Oral Express 1 W, G1
SPED 272 Lrng Env Inclus SPED 2X2 Lrng Env Inclus
SW 151 Soc Welfare Iss SOWK 102 Modern Social Welfare Dilemmas G3
SW 160 Soc Problems SOWK 102 Modern Social Welfare Dilemmas G3
SW 233 Hum Behavior Soc Env SOWK 203 Human Behvior and Social Envrn
SW 280 Multicult Couns SOWK 350 Encounters in Human Diversity D, P
SW 330 Methods of SW Research SOWK 330 Social Work Research W
SW 332 Sem Urban SOWK 3X2 Sem Urban
SW 346 Exploring the Culture: Vietnam SOWK 3X6 Exploring the Culture: Vietnam
SW 347 May Term in Vietnam Does Not Transfer
SW 357 Child Welfare SOWK 305 Social Work and Child Welfare
SW 367 General SW Practice I SOWK 301 Social Work Practice 1
SW 368 Generalist SW Practice II SOWK 302 Social Work Practice 2
SW 369 Generalist SW Practice III SOWK 403 Social Work Practice 3
SW 380 Social Policy SOWK 303 Social Welfare and the Law
TH 105 Intro Theatre THEA 217 Theatre Appreciation G1
TH 155 Theater Tech THEA 120 Stagecraft
TH 165 Basic Acting THEA 130 Acting 1 G1, W
TH 235 Voice for the Actor MUSI 140 Singing Voice in Musicl Theatr G1
TH 255 Fund of Theatrical Design THEA 2X5 Fund of Theatrical Design G1
TH 320 Directing for Theatre THEA 315 Directing
TH 340 20C Amer & Brit THEA 3X1 20C Amer & Brit G1
WGS 105 Sex and Gender in Society WSTU 220 Intro to Women's & Gender Stdy G3
WGS 205 Writ Trauma & Resil. ENGL 333 African-American Literature 1 D, G1, W
WGS 371 Femn w/o Bndry WSTU 37X Femn w/o Bndry P

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