IAEM Millersville Student Chapter

Millersville IAEM Logo

2022 student chapter of the year!

About Us:

The MU-IAEM is dedicated to promoting the "Five Principles of Emergency Management" and representing those professionals whose goals are protecting property, people, and the environment during emergencies and disasters. Club members will have numerous opportunities to build their emergency management experience by participating with professional speakers, tabletop exercises, and the annual IAEM conference. Club members are also given the opportunity to become a close community through fun activities, campus events, and fundraisers.

2023 - 2024 Executive Board:

Position Name Email
President Kaitlyn Then kethen@millersville.edu 
Vice President Nichole Behrenhauser nebehren@millersville.edu
Secretary Brenden Calv bscalv@millersville.edu 
Treasurer Michael Murphy mjmurph1@millersville.edu

Why join?

Our club does all sorts of events, from fundraisers to club outings, to professional development opportunities.


Visit us on Get Involved and request to join!

Follow us on social media!



Check out our YouTube page!

All speaker series and special recorded events will be posted to our channel for you to watch.
