Constitution and Bylaw Changes
Both temporary status and permanent status organizations need to submit constitution and bylaw changes for approval by the Student Organizations committee and general membership of the Student Government Association. Organizations should send an email to the Director of Student Organizations requesting to meet with their committee to discuss and approve the changes. All additions must be marked in blue and subtractions marked in red on the documentation provided to the committee by the organization. Any approved constitution or bylaw changes should be added to the organization’s Get Involvedpage.
Organization Name Changes
Both temporary-status and permanent-status organizations need to submit name changes for approval by the Student Organizations committee and general membership of the Student Government Association. Organizations should send an email to the Director of Student Organizations requesting to meet with their committee to discuss and approve the changes.
Important Resources
As a temporary-status organization, access is granted to resources such as the following:
1.An opportunity to create a bank account for the organization through the Banking Center managed by Student Services Inc. located in the Student Memorial Center. This is where one can deposit any fundraising moneys the organization may have raised.
2.Access to a mailbox located at the Student Memorial Center Information Desk.
As a permanent-status organization, access is granted to further resources like the following:
1.An opportunity to apply for and receive allocation of funds for the organization to supplement events, professional development, and basic operation. These fundscome through the Student Activities Fee (managed by SGA). More information on this can be found in the Finance Guidelines on the Student Government Association Get Involved page.