Career Services


One-on-one Appointments - If you need individualized assistance searching for jobs or internships, improving your resume, or preparing for virtual interviews, please use our online appointment scheduler in Handshake to schedule an appointment with a staff member for a virtual career coaching session.

Electronic Career Document Reviews (eCritique Services) - Email your document to with "Resume or Cover Letter Feedback" in your subject line.  Please attach only Word documents (no PDFs or links to Google docs) and allow 5-7 days for your review to be completed. 


Developing a satisfying and rewarding career is a significant challenge.  The Career Center offers the FOCUS-2 Career Assessment to help you explore who you are and how your skills, interests, and experiences relate to the world of work and Millersville University. Once you have identified a major, learn what you can do with the major by exploring resources available at Career Exploration web page. As you meet with your career counselor you will develop action steps for your Four Year Career Plan.

Students who had one-on-one appointments in reported the following:

  • 99% agreed or strongly agreed that the staff member communicated effectively with me about the topic we were discussing.
  • 95% agreed or strongly agreed that they felt more confident when thinking about future career goals and objectives.
  • 99% agreed or strongly agreed that working with the staff member was useful.

Employment Opportunities

Handshake is a comprehensive, recruiting platform to connect Millersville University students and graduates with full-time and internship opportunities, as well as part-time and volunteer opportunities.  

You can also check out Skillup Lancaster, and the Commonwealth of PA job board.

There are many other websites available that help students identify possible employment opportunities. Visit these Employment and Web Resources as additional resources to assist you as you look for employment after graduation.

Job Search Preparation

Developing effective resumes and cover letters is an important part of marketing yourself to employers.  Our Resumes and Letters web page will guide you as you create your professional brand and present your qualifications and skills.

We can also help you practice and improve your interviewing skills. Click on the Interviewing link to learn more about basic types of interviews and interview do's and don'ts.  Also view the Career Advice Videos, for guidance and examples of how to present yourself most effectively in your job search. Networking is also an important component of learning what employers are looking for in job applicants.  Visit the Networking and Resources page to learn how to effectively build your network.

What students are saying about their interactions with staff members:
"Staff asks all the right questions to help me move forward."
"Extremely helpful and willing to answer my questions without talking down to me.  A very welcoming environment."
"It opened up more opportunities to find a job."
"I left there with a new plan in place to help me achieve my goals."
"They provided excellent information and resources during their critique. I plan to make use of the information and resources as I continue my job search."

Graduate School Selection and Application

The Career Center is here to assist you as you consider enrolling in graduate school or professional school. The Graduate School page directs you to resources to find graduate programs in your field of interest and information on graduate admission tests and online practice tests.   

As you navigate your way through the application process, a career coach can help you clarify your reasons for considering graduate study, research programs consistent with your career goals, improve and revise your application essays, prepare for your successful graduate school interviews.