Student Grants for Research and Creative Activity
The Student Grants for Research and Creative Activity program is intended to encourage undergraduate and graduate students to undertake research and creative projects contributing to the students education and professional preparation.
Funds requested must be related to the student’s major. The student must be enrolled at Millersville University during the period of the award. Proposals should present ideas clearly in language that can be easily understood by an educated reader regardless of their discipline. Undergraduates can receive a maximum award of $500, graduate students can receive up to $1000. The student researcher has one year from the time of the award to complete the project.
For research or scholarly proposals, the narrative should include:
- Project Background
- Objectives
- Hypotheses
- Methods
- Timeline
- How the grant experience will impact your professional development
For projects in the visual or performing arts, the narrative should include:
- Project inspiration and background
- Project purpose and/or related research
- Learning objectives (if relevant).
- Timeline
- Other, related Exhibit or performance opportunities you may pursue
- How the grant experience will impact your professional development
For proposals requesting funds for participation in performances, exhibits, competitions, or presentations at conferences/meetings, the narrative should include:
- The subject of the performances, exhibits, competitions, or presentation
- A summary of the project background or inspiration
- The name, location, and date of the performance, exhibits, competitions, or presentation
- How the grant experience will impact your professional development
If a proposal contains a bibliography, this should be attached to the proposal as a separate document using the “Uploads” button at the bottom of the form.
Allowable Costs include:
- Transportation to/from research, performance, conference etc. site
- Computer runs / processing charges.
- Survey compilations / reproductions charges /mailing costs.
- Archival, library, museum etc. fees for research purposes,
- Equipment, materials and supplies.
- Photocopies
- Publishing page charges.
Non-allowable Costs Include:
- Millersville University Tuition and/or Fees
- Wages
- Books
- Preparation or binding of theses
- Equipment available through the sponsoring department or University.
- Food
- Membership in professional associations
- Conference excursions or events not part of the regular conference fee
The grant applicant agrees that any reusable instruments, equipment, supplies, or other materials purchased with grant funds will become the property of the sponsoring academic department.
Budget Information Required:
Itemize on the separate Budget Request Form project costs for each of the applicable budget categories. Include unit costs and show the calculation for each of the categories. Total grant amount requested cannot exceed $500 for Undergraduate Students or $1,000 for Graduate Students
Letter of Support:
Both undergraduate and graduate students must submit a letter of support from the sponsoring faculty member indicating the merit of the project. The letter must be on University letterhead and have an original signature from the faculty member.
All students receiving a Student Research Grant are required to present the results of their research at the annual Made in Millersville event, scheduled for the second Tuesday of April.
Award Notification:
Applicants and the sponsoring faculty member will be notified by email if their research proposal will be funded and at what funding level. In certain cases, student researchers must secure approval from the University’s Institutional Review Board (for research with human subjects) or the Animal Care and Use Review Committee (for research with animals) before research projects can be undertaken. Your sponsoring faculty member or the Director of Sponsored Programs and Research Administration can assist you in securing these approvals. An approval letter must accompany your grant application.
The student researcher must follow all proper Millersville University procedures in spending funds, such as completing a direct purchase order (DP), travel request, travel voucher (within 90 days of travel) or other required forms. These forms must be signed by the applicant’s department chair and Jeffry Porter, AVP for Grants, Sponsored Programs, and Research.