Dr. Madeleine Darmiento
Assistant Professor of strings (co-coordinator) and general studies

Office Hours
M: 2:30 - 3:30 PM
T: 3:00 - 4:00 PM
W: 2:30 - 3:30 PM
R: 3:00 - 4:00 PM
F: 1:00 - 2:00 PM
Comments: Additional Hours by Appointment
Madeleine Darmiento joined the faculty in 1994 as Artist/Teacher of Violin & Viola. A magna cum laude graduate of Yale University, she initially pursued graduate degrees in viola performance from the New England Conservatory (M.M.) and State University of New York at Stony Brook (D.M.A.), where she studied with many distinguished artists - Heidi Castleman, John Graham, Scott Nickrenz, Jesse Levine, Eric Rosenblith and Kadzuhide Isomura of the Tokyo Quartet. A versatile performer with a wide repertoire, she later earned an additional graduate diploma in violin performance from the University of South Carolina during a sabbatical in 2004.
As a solo and chamber music recitalist, Dr. Darmiento has concertized in twenty three states as well as abroad. A passionate advocate for chamber music, her performance collaborations have included award winning ensembles from the National Endowment for the Arts, New York State Arts Council, South Carolina Arts Council, and the Geraldine Dodge Foundation. As an orchestral player, she has performed with numerous regional symphonies - the Reading, Omaha, Lincoln (NE), Charleston (SC), Savannah Symphonies (GA) as well as internationally, joining the Orquesta Sinfónica de la Minería (Mexico City) for a season cycle of Brahms' complete orchestral works which was televised throughout Mexico. In addition as featured soloist on both violin and viola, she has performed concertos with the Lincoln Symphony, Bemidji Symphony and with the Millersville University Community Orchestra.
Recent international activity includes a distinguished 2009-10 Fulbright Award to Greece for her project entitled "Enhancing String Education: Advocacy for Viola Performance". As Visiting Artist in Residence at the University of Macedonia in Thessaloniki, Dr. Darmiento gave master classes and concertized throughout northern Greece promoting solo viola repertoire, plus co-organized a viola festival with players from the Thessaloniki State Symphony, State Conservatory, University of Macedonia, and New Hellenic String Quartet.
Dr. Darmiento is in frequent demand as both an adjudicator and clinician. Her most recent lecture/recital presentations include "Fostering the Collaborative Spirit: The WE not the ME of Music Making" for Pennsylvania Music Educators Association 2012 State Convention, and "Fostering Performer, Composer and Audience Interaction" for the College Music Society 2011 Northeast Regional Conference. She has served on the Executive Board of the Pennsylvania Delaware String Teacher's Association. Previous academic appointments include the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and Bemidji State University (MN).
Vera Volchansky, violin
Madeleine Darmiento, viola
Emilio Colon, cello
Anita Renfroe, piano