Mentoring Success Stories

Share your mentorship story!

Mentorship can be beneficial in many ways and can impact both mentors' and mentees' academic, personal, and professional growth.

Since 2020, the University's peer mentoring program has matched over 1,500 first year students with nearly 500 peer mentors for academic and social support.  First-year mentees who engaged with their mentor persisted in school and retained their Millersville enrollment at rates that were two to four percentage points higher than their peers (2020-2024 cohorts).  The University’s alumni career mentoring program has matched over 900 students with over 400 alumni mentors.  Career program mentees engaged with the career center at a higher rate than their peers, demonstrated strong persistence rates (94% on average), and improved their self-efficacy relating to career decisions (2019-2024 cohorts).

To experience the benefits and positive impacts of mentorship, Millersville University encourages all students to get involved in a mentoring program!

When mentors and mentees share their stories, this encourages other students to participate. The mentorship success stories are a great opportunity to share your experience and thoughts about the Millersville Mentoring Program and the way it has impacted you.

“I volunteered as a mentor because I love Millersville, and I want to help others fit in and feel welcome. I love that my school does this for freshman, it helps them feel more welcomed to campus, and I'm thankful I can help.”

- RM

“Being a mentor has made me very proud to go to Millersville and be able to help with students in my community.”

- KH

“Mentoring is a really great experience! I think it helps a lot with gaining confidence in your abilities to help others, but is also a great way to gain connections with others.”

- KL

How to submit your Mentor Collective success story

If you are willing to share your experience, please complete the Mentor Collective Mentorship survey below. This short survey will allow you to write about how your mentoring relationship has impacted you.

Mentor Collective Story (Requires login)

How to submit your on-campus success story

If you are willing to share your experience, please complete the On-Campus Mentorship survey below. This short survey will allow you to share information about the on-campus mentoring program you participate in and how it has impacted you.

On-Campus Story (Requires login)