LGBTQIA+ Identity Flags

Pride Flags

While we all may be familiar with the traditional gay pride flag, there are many more for the other identities.

This list is not a complete log of all the identities and flags. Stop by the Intercultural Center to learn more. 

Traditional Gay Pride Flag

Rainbow flag

This is the most common flag seen flown at pride festivals and other LGBTQIA+ events. This flag has gone through many changes since its debut in 1977. Originally an 8 color flag, this moving symbol was created by veteran, Gilbert Baker, after Harvey Milk asked him to come up with a symbol of pride for the gay community. The original flag was inspired by Judy Garland’s “Over the Rainbow.”

Each color holds a powerful meaning.

Red: life and sexuality

Orange: healing and friendship 

Yellow: vitality and energy

Green: serenity and nature

Blue: harmony and artistry

Violet: spirit and gratitude

Philadelphia People of Color Inclusive Flag

Rainbow flag with black and brown at top

Historically, queer people of color were often not fully included in the LGBTQIA+ community. At bars and festivals, queer people of color were often faced with harmful and sometimes violent discrimination. Because of this, the city of Philadelphia added black and brown to the flag in honor of the many underrepresented queer people of color. 


Progress Pride Flag

Triangle from left, with black, brown, blue, pink, and white. Rainbow flag to right.

This flag takes Philadelphia’s idea a bit further. Designed by Daniel Quasar, this flag seeks to include queer and non-binary individuals, as well people of color who identify within the margins of the LGBTQIA+ community. 

Bisexual Flag

Magenta, purple, blue horizontal stripes

Designed by Michael Page, this flag was created to bring visibility to the bisexual community. 

Pansexual Pride

Pink, yellow, blue, stripes

This flag was created to represent those who identify as pansexual. Pansexuality is the attraction to any individual, regardless of gender or gender expression.

Transgender Flag

Blue, pink white, pink blue stripes

 The trans flag was created in 1999 by Monica Helms, a trans woman. The flag was first flown at a Pride Parade in Phoenix in 2000. The light blue represents boys, and the pink represents girls. The white is used to symbolize those who are transitioning, those who feel they have a neutral gender or no gender and those who are intersex. The pattern was strategically picked so that, regardless of which way you fly the flag, it will always be correct. Helms chose this orientation to symbolize those trying to find correctness in their own lives. 

Intersex Flag

Yellow flag with purple circle

 The intersex flag was created in 2013 by Intersex International Australia. The flag features non-gendered colors to celebrate those that live outside the binary. 

Asexual Flag

Black, grey, white, purple stripes

 The asexual flag was created to represent individuals do not experience any sexual attraction.