All Millersville University undergraduate students may reside in on-campus housing through the completion of their degree. However, all undergraduate students who have been admitted to Millersville University as a residential student must reside on campus until they have completed 60 credit hours. On-campus housing includes East Village, Shenks Hall, South Village, and the West Village. Students are committed to the full term of their housing agreement, irrespective of completed credit hours.
Terms and Conditions
Policy Waiver: Any student who wishes to request a waiver of the Millersville University Residency Requirement may fill out a waiver request form online through their MAX account. All waiver requests will be considered in accordance with the Millersville University policy’s intent to maximize the educational process and improve student outcomes.
Certain waiver conditions listed in Section 3, if met, will be reviewed, and will be considered according to uniformity and intent of the residency requirement. Submission of false or intentionally misleading statements will result in one or all of the following:
a. Waiver revocation
b. Campus disciplinary sanctions
c. Other penalties as appropriate
All waivers that are granted are for the duration of an academic year. Each student must re- submit a waiver application each year they are in attendance below 60-credit hours, including those students who are commuting.
3. Waiver Conditions
a. Married Students
b. Withdrawing from Millersville University (supplemental documentation required).
c. Approved leave of absence (supplemental documentation required).
d. Study Abroad (supplemental documentation required).
e. Students providing direct care for a legal dependent (notarized statement and supplemental documentation required).
f. Students already in possession of a baccalaureate degree (reviewed for verification) or a non-traditional aged student.
g. Students residing with a parent or court-appointed legal guardian at that person’s permanent home address who is commuting fewer than 40 miles one way (notarized statement and supplemental statement required).
h. Students taking all online courses and residing with a parent or court-appointed legal guardian at that person’s permanent home address (notarized statement and supplemental statement required).
i. Students, who have not yet completed 60 credit hours but have completed at least 30 credit hours, may apply for a waiver to live in affiliate housing. Affiliate housing is defined as any housing managed by Student Lodging, Inc. (SLI). The approval of affiliate waivers is at the sole discretion of the university. Determinations of affiliate waivers will not occur before July 15th.
4. Waiver Procedurea. Waiver processing will begin on March 1st or as advertised thereafter for fall semester consideration. Waiver processing will begin on November 1st or as advertised thereafter for spring semester consideration.
b. The University Housing agreement term for on-campus housing accommodations is a full academic year agreement and takes precedence over any waiver application.
c. At the time a housing waiver application is approved, any pre-existing housing assignment is released.
d. Initial Request: Any individual who wishes to live off-campus must submit their waiver request form through their MAX account. The request should note the basis for requesting a waiver. If the reason is not one of the general exceptions, a detailed explanation of the reason(s) must be included.
e. Review: The Assistant Director of Occupancy Management will review all requests in consultation with the Director of University Housing and Conference Services and / or their designee(s) with the intent of the Millersville University residency requirement and will render a decision. This decision will be given within five (5) business days when possible. Missing documentation will delay processing.
Waiver Appeal Process: A denied waiver may be appealed to the Director of University Housing and Conference Services and/or their designee. The appeal must be in writing and address the reason(s) given for the denial of the initial request. Appeals will only be reviewed based upon the following criteria:
- An error was made by the original reviewer in which the student did meet one of the waiver conditions as listed above.
- A student’s original waiver application was submitted with incorrect or incomplete information, which, when corrected, would otherwise make them eligible for a waiver based on the waiver conditions listed above.
The appeal must be sent within five (5) business days of receipt of the initial decision. All waiver review decisions are final.
Appeal Decision: All appeals will be reviewed in accordance with the intent of the Residency Requirement. A written decision will be given within five (5) business days, when possible. All appeal decisions are final.
5. On-Campus Residency Requirement ChargesStudents not fulfilling their obligation to the on-campus residency requirement without an approved waiver, will be billed accordingly for the cost of housing and a meal plan at the current rate for a double suite in the Villages and a 19-meal per week meal plan.
Policy Waiver Submission
To submit a waiver request, please follow this procedure:
- Log into your Max Account
- Select Students Services, then select Housing and Dining
- You will then choose My Housing (Self-Service)
- Select Applications and choose correct off-campus request
- You will be notified regarding your waiver request within 5 business days.
Commuter Form
If you are choosing to commute and do not meet the requirement above, you will need to complete this form.
Please note that students are obligated to the full term of their housing agreement.