Are you making changes to your enrollment?
Learn how your financial aid may be impacted
If you are making a change to your course schedule it may impact the amount of financial aid you receive especially if those changes are after the semester begins and financial aid has been paid!
Are you considering making a change to your enrollment or course schedule?
Check out the different types of enrollment changes listed below and how they can impact the current financial aid you already received and your eligibility for future financial aid (Satisfactory Academic Progress).
Disclaimer: If you're considering a complete withdrawal or taking a leave of absence for the semester, it's important to understand the Return of Title IV policies. Click the link below to learn more about why some of the federal and/or state aid you received may need to be returned. These policies apply even in cases of leaving MU for medical reasons and to students considered unofficially withdrawn due to receiving all failing grades. REQUIRED RETURN OF AID POLICIES |
Enrollment Changes Before and During Add/Drop
Students can make changes to their schedules before the semester starts and during the first week of classes (the add/drop period) without penalty.
- Courses removed from a student's schedule before the end of add/drop may receive a 100% refund of tuition and fees in accordance with the University Refund Policy.
- However, if a student's enrollment reduces beyond their anticipated enrollment for financial aid purposes, their account will be subject to review and their aid may be reduced.
Check your expected enrollment for financial aid to ensure your financial aid is accurate!
- Go to myVILLE Student Portal (Requires login) and click on Financial Aid Awards. Then select the appropriate aid year and click on Award Overview. Scroll down and review the section Expected Enrollment.
Below is a chart of enrollment definitions based on program type.
Enrollment Status Undergraduate Programs Graduate Programs Full-time 12 + credits 6 + credits Three-quarter-time 9 - 11 credits 4.5 - 5.99 credits Half-time 6 - 8 credits 3 - 4.49 credits Less than half-time 1 - 5 credits 1 - 2.99 credits - If your expected enrollment for financial aid matches your overall enrollment plans for the semester, there is nothing further you need to do.
- If your expected enrollment does not match your overall enrollment plans, complete a Change of Enrollment Form so we can review and update your account accordingly.
- Please note, you do not need to complete this form every time you make changes to your schedule. This form is only needed if your overall enrollment plans for the semester will be different from the expected enrollment listed.
Check how your enrollment status may affect certain types of financial aid.
Federal Direct Student Loans Students enrolled less than half-time are ineligible for federal loans.
Students must be enrolled in courses that count toward their Course Program of Study (CPOS).
Federal Graduate and Parent PLUS Loans Students enrolled less than half-time are ineligible for federal loans.
Students must be enrolled in courses that count toward their Course Program of Study (CPOS).
Federal Pell Grant If the student is less than full-time, the amount will be prorated based on the student's number of credits enrolled. Federal SEOG Grant If the student is less than full-time, the amount will be adjusted to a half-time award if eligible. PA State Grant If the student is less than full-time, the amount will be adjusted to a half-time award if eligible. Private Loans Some lenders have enrollment criteria to be eligible. Check the eligibility requirements of the loan you applied for. Scholarships Some scholarships have specific enrollment criteria. Check the terms of your scholarship to see if your award may be affected. Veteran Benefits Some veteran benefits, such as monthly stipends, may have specific enrollment requirements. Check your Certificate of Eligibility (COE) for details. -
If a student withdraws from a class during or after the add/drop period, there could potentially be a need to adjust the financial aid that was originally awarded. Please see the chart below to see how your aid may be affected.
Withdrawing from a course(s) but maintaining enrollment in at least 1 credit AND: Impact on current financial aid Impact on future financial aid eligibility Impact on Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Calculation All Financial Aid has Paid No impact Possible impact Counts as an attempted but unearned credit, which will negatively impact the student's Completion Rate for SAP. All/some financial aid has NOT Paid Possible reduction Possible impact Counts as an attempted but unearned credit; which will negatively impact the student's Completion Rate for SAP. It is in a student’s best interest to contact the Office of Financial Aid to inquire about the possible impact a course withdrawal may have based on their individual enrollment status and the types of financial aid awarded.
Course(s) dropped for non-attendance
If a professor/instructor notifies the Registrar's Office that a student never attended their course(s), the course(s) are dropped from the student's schedule. Students cannot receive financial aid for courses they did not take; therefore, depending on the type of financial aid a student receives and what their overall enrollment status should have been, adjustments to financial aid may occur. Please see the chart below to see how aid may be affected.
Reported for non-attendance: Impact on Financial Aid When will adjustments be made? Will I owe back money? During add/drop period and prior to financial aid paying. Possible reduction Before funds are disbursed. Unlikely. You should receive 100% refund of tuition for the course and aid adjustments were made before funds were disbursed. After add/drop period and after financial aid has paid. Possible reduction When the Office of Financial Aid is notified by the Registrar's Office. Possibly. Since the reduction was made after funds were paid, you may owe a balance to the Office of Student Accounts if you already received a refund. -
Official Semester Withdrawal
All students who are withdrawing completely from Millersville must complete a Withdrawal Form with the Registrar's Office. Read below to learn more about how your financial aid may be affected.
Please note, that the following information applies even for a Medical Withdraw.
Time of Withdrawal Impact on Current Financial Aid Impact on Future Financial Aid Impact on Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Calculation Prior to the semester start. Aid will be canceled No No. Credits were not attempted. Disclaimer: If a student was not making SAP prior to withdrawing, the SAP calculation will stand if the student returns to Millersville. During the semester and the date is prior to 60% of the semester completed. A Return to Title IV (R2T4) Calculation is required for any federal aid program to determine the % of aid earned based on the last date of attendance. State aid programs are reviewed and returned in accordance with the University refund policy for tuition and fees. Potential Impact A student receives W grades for their courses when they withdraw. A W grade counts as an attempted but unearned credit, which will negatively impact their Completion Rate for SAP. During the semester but the date is after 60% of the semester is completed. The student is considered to have earned 100% of their financial aid for the semester. No adjustments will be made. Potential Impact A student receives W grades for their courses when they withdraw. A W grade counts as an attempted but unearned credit, which will negatively impact their Completion Rate for SAP. Disclaimer: Refunds for tuition and fees only apply to students who are completely withdrawing from a semester and the amount refunded is subject to the University Refund Policy and schedule. This policy is separate from any financial aid policies and is viewable on the Office of Student Accounts website. Other Important Reminders:
- If you are withdrawing prior to the start of a semester, complete a Change of Enrollment Form for Financial Aid.
- If you are withdrawing during a semester, you do not need to complete a Change of Enrollment for Financial Aid. We will be notified by the Registrar's Office of your withdrawal date and review your account accordingly.
- If you are transferring to another university, update the school code on your FAFSA and/or complete a new FAFSA for the following academic year.
- If you are a loan borrower and you are not planning to re-enroll in at least half-time credits at Millersville or another institution, you will enter your 6 month grace period before you go into repayment on your loans. The grace period begins as of the last date you were enrolled. Contact your loan servicer(s) for more information.
Students considering withdrawing from all their classes are strongly encouraged to schedule an appointment with the Office of Financial Aid to discuss their situation prior to their withdrawal.
Unofficial Semester Withdrawal
Students at Millersville University who receive all Z, F, or a combination of Z, F, and W grades are considered an unofficial withdraw per federal regulation and we are required to review their account and potentially complete a Return to Title IV Calculation (R2T4) based on their last date of attendance or activity in their course(s).
For students who are reviewed as an unofficial withdrawal, professors will be contacted directly by the Registrar's Office to determine the last date of academic activity. The Office of Financial Aid will utilize the reported last date of academic activity in the Return to Title IV (R2T4) calculations.
Last Date of Activity Impact on Current Financial Aid Impact on Future Financial Aid Impact on Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Calculation Determined to be prior to 60% of the semester being completed. A Return to Title IV Calculation (R2T4) is required for any federal aid program to determine the % of aid earned based on the last date of attendance. State aid programs are reviewed and returned in accordance with the University refund policy for tuition and fees. Potential Impact An F, W, or Z grade counts as an attempted but unearned credit. This will negatively impact a student's Completion Rate for SAP. Determined to be after 60% of the semester is completed. The student is considered to have earned 100% of their financial aid for the semester. No adjustments will be made. Potential Impact An F, W, or Z grade counts as an attempted but unearned credit. This will negatively impact a student's Completion Rate for SAP. Important Reminders:
- If you are a loan borrower and you are not planning to re-enroll in at least half-time credits at Millersville or another institution, you will enter your 6 month grace period before you go into repayment on your loans. The grace period begins as of the last date you were enrolled or the last date of activity reported by the Registrar's Office.
Leave of Absence
All students who are taking a Leave of Absence (LOA) from Millersville must complete a Leave of Absence Form with the Registrar's Office. Read below to learn more about how your financial aid may be affected.
Please note, that the following information applies even for a Medical Leave of Absence.
Time of Leave of Absence Impact on Current Financial Aid Impact on Future Financial Aid Impact on Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Calculation Prior to the semester start. Aid will be canceled No No. Credits were not attempted. Disclaimer: If a student was not making SAP prior to withdrawing, the SAP calculation will stand if the student returns to Millersville. During the semester and the date is prior to 60% of the semester completed. A Return to Title IV (R2T4) Calculation is required for any federal aid program to determine the % of aid earned based on the last date of attendance. State aid programs are reviewed and returned in accordance with the University refund policy for tuition and fees. Potential Impact A student receives W grades for their courses when they take a LOA. A W grade counts as an attempted but unearned credit, which will negatively impact their Completion Rate for SAP. During the semester but the date is after 60% of the semester is completed. The student is considered to have earned 100% of their financial aid for the semester. No adjustments will be made. Potential Impact A student receives W grades for their courses when they take a LOA. A W grade counts as an attempted but unearned credit, which will negatively impact their Completion Rate for SAP. Disclaimer: Refunds for tuition and fees only apply to students who are completely withdrawing from a semester and the amount refunded is subject to the University Refund Policy and schedule. This policy is separate from any financial aid policies and is viewable on the Office of Student Accounts website. Other Important Reminders:
- If you are taking a LOA prior to the start of a semester, complete a Change of Enrollment Form for Financial Aid.
- If you are taking a LOA during a semester, you do not need to complete a Change of Enrollment for Financial Aid. We will be notified by the Registrar's Office of your LOA date and review your account accordingly.
- If you are transferring to another university, update the school code on your FAFSA and/or complete a new FAFSA for the following academic year.
- If you are a loan borrower and you are not planning to re-enroll in at least half-time credits at Millersville or another institution, you will enter your 6 month grace period before you go into repayment on your loans. The grace period begins as of the last date you were enrolled. Contact your loan servicer(s) for more information.
Students considering taking a leave of absence during a semester are strongly encouraged to schedule an appointment with the Office of Financial Aid to discuss their situation prior to their withdrawal.
long term impact of withdrawing
Students should be aware that withdrawing from all courses during a term and/or withdrawing from a course(s) could have an effect on their Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP), which requires students to earn 67% of the credits they have attempted.
Students who are required to have a Return to Title IV (R2T4) Calculation completed and it is determined that funds need to be returned to the federal government should be aware that this calculation might create a balance due with the Office of Student Accounts.
Contact Info
Lyle Hall, 2nd Floor, Room 241
Office Hours:
Call Center Hours:
Standard: Mon.-Fri. 8:00 am to 4:30 pm (mid-August to mid-May) Summer: Mon.-Fri. 8:00 am to 4:00 pm (mid-May to mid-August)
Available by Phone: Mon.-Fri. 8:00am to 6:00pm
Phone: 717-871-5100
Fax: 717-871-7980
Email: fa.mail@millersville.eduUSPS Mailing Address:
Office of Financial Aid
Millersville University
P.O. Box 1002
Millersville, PA 17551-0302Address for UPS/FedEx:
Office of Financial Aid
Lyle Hall, 2nd Floor
40 Dilworth Rd
Millersville, PA 17551-0302