Federal SAP Appeal
A student whose financial aid eligibility has been suspended due to not making Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) may appeal that status if they have experienced extenuating circumstances that affected their ability to meet the academic progress standards.
The Federal SAP Appeal has four components:
- Your Written Explanation
- Your Academic Recovery Plan
- Supporting Documentation
- The Appeal Form
Click here to print the appeal form & academic recovery plan
What is an extenuating circumstance?
Extenuating circumstances can include but are not limited to:
- illness
- injury
- the death of a relative or friend
- severe health issues
- severe personal or family problems
- financial or personal catastrophe
- difficulties with accommodations for students with disabilities
- adversity due to unforeseen events
Disclaimer: Lack of awareness of withdrawal policies, requirements for satisfactory academic progress, or unpreparedness for college coursework will not be accepted as reasons for the purpose of an appeal.
What will I need to appeal?
Your Written Explanation: Write a detailed explanation of the extenuating circumstances that attributed to you not making Satisfactory Academic Progress for the GPA and/or Completion Rate component(s). Please note there is no appeal for the Maximum Timeframe component of SAP.- Explain what happened. Why were you unable to maintain satisfactory progress?
- Explain what has changed. What corrective measures have you taken, or will you take, to achieve and maintain satisfactory academic progress in the future? If this is not your first appeal, your explanation statement must include what has changed since your last appeal.
Your Academic Recovery Plan. Meet with your advisor, department chair, or an Academic Advisement staff member to develop a plan that will help you to be successful in future semesters.
- Click here to access the Academic Recovery Plan template that must be completed with, and signed by, one of the professionals listed above.
Supporting Documentation: Gather supporting third-party documentation that will support your extenuating circumstance. Include anything relevant.- Third-party documentation may include a doctor's statement, copy of hospital/urgent care/physician's bill, police report, obituary, funeral notices, death certificate, and/or a letter from a physician, counselor, police officer, pastor, etc. who can support your appeal.
The Appeal Form: Read the appeal form and complete the information required. Make sure you read carefully and sign the acknowledgment statements. -
Tips for completing your appeal
Admit the problem. Take a hard look at your situation to determine what has kept you from making satisfactory academic progress. Admit the problem and explain how you will get that help.
The appeal committee will not know anything about you or your situation other than what they see on paper. Open up and be willing to write about your situation so that the persons reviewing your appeal can understand why you were unsuccessful in meeting the SAP standards.
- Disclaimer: Lack of awareness of withdrawal policies, requirements for satisfactory academic progress or unpreparedness for college coursework will not be accepted as reasons for the purpose of an appeal.
Make a plan. Millersville has many different resources available to help you succeed in your classes. Resources include tutoring and academic support, the writing center, counseling services, library support, success coaches, and more. When you are working on your Academic Plan with your advisor or Academic Advisement, think about the different ways you can incorporate these services to help you succeed.
Back it up. The more supporting documentation you can provide about your situation, the better! In addition to official documentation, reach out to people who are aware of your situation and ask them to write a letter on your behalf. Keep in mind that this type of letter should come from a third-party such as a counselor, professor, mentor, pastor, doctor, or other professional. A parent, friend, or relative would not be considered a third party.
Submit your appeal. Read the appeal form carefully, complete the required information, and sign the acknowledgment statements throughout the document indicating your understanding of the appeal process and requirements. Make sure that all of the other components of the appeal are submitted along with the form. Your appeal won't be reviewed until all required items are received.
If, at the end of the academic year when spring grades post, it is determined that you did not make SAP you can appeal to potentially regain eligibility for the fall and/or spring semesters of the upcoming academic year.
- Appeals will be accepted for fall/spring terms ONLY
- Appeals will NOT be accepted for the summer/winter terms
When is my appeal due?
The appeal form is available every year after spring grades post and the priority deadline to submit the form and required documentation depends on the semester you plan to begin enrollment.
- Fall Semester Start: The priority deadline is Wednesday, July 10, 2023
- Spring Semester Start: The priority deadline is Wednesday, December 18, 2023
Appeals are submitted to the committee for review only once all documentation has been received.
- If it is determined that more information is needed before your appeal can be submitted, you will be contacted via your Millersville email detailing outstanding items
Appeals are reviewed by the committee in the order they are received.
- It can take 5-10 business days for the appeal to be reviewed by each committee member.
- Students will be notified if they have been approved or denied aid for the academic year.
Disclaimer: If your appeal form and all other required documentation are not received by the priority deadline for your enrollment start, there is no guarantee that your appeal will be reviewed prior to the bill due date for the semester. You will be responsible for any balance due to the university and will need to arrange payment with the Office of Student Accounts (OSA).
If your appeal is approved, aid is not reinstated until the fall/spring semester.
- If you are taking courses over the summer, you will be required to utilize other methods of payment or can apply for a private student loan that does not require SAP to help you cover summer costs.
- Even if you are denied, you will be able to register for classes; however, you will need to utilize other methods of payment or you can apply for a private student loan that does not require SAP to help you cover costs.
student support resources
Millersville has many different resources available to help you succeed in your classes. Resources include tutoring and academic support, the writing center, counseling services, library support, success coaches, and more.