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Are you looking for additional scholarships? Click below to learn about the different opportunities available to you!
When you apply to Millersville University, you are automatically considered for a scholarship from Admissions and there is no separate application!
Once you have confirmed your acceptance to Millersville, you will also have access to thousands of vetted external scholarship applications!
External Scholarships for Confirmed Students
Scholarships administered through the Office of Financial Aid require students to have an established Millersville University GPA and are not available to new, incoming students.
The Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE) has established different scholarships to support the educational aspirations of students.
PASSHE Commonwealth scholarship
There are many places you can find scholarship funding, you just need to inquire and apply! Here are some important reminders before you start your search.
If you receive a scholarship from an external source or organization, make sure you send a copy of your scholarship letter to both the Office of Financial Aid and the Office of Student Accounts so that it can be included in your awards and notated on your bill.
Are you looking for additional scholarships? Click below to learn about the different opportunities available to you!
Are you wondering if that scholarship you found is real? Click below for tips on identifying scams and how to avoid them.
Watch this short video for tips on finding and researching scholarships!