Teacher Intern Certification Route
An alternative route for those holding a bachelor's degree.
The Teacher Intern certification is an alternate route to certification. Pennsylvania's Teacher Intern certification is a professional certificate that entitles the holder to fill a full-time professional teaching position *(for a limited time) while working towards an Instructional certificate.
There are two parts to this process.
Part 1 outlines the Teacher Intern certificate.
Part 2 outlines Post-Baccaluearate program completion that is required to be recommended to PDE for your Instructional I certificate.
*Visit PDE's website for additional information here.
Requirements to Participate
- Hold a minimum of a bachelor's degree
- Cumulative GPA of a 3.0 or above
- Note: If admitted under probationary status (GPA of a 2.99 or lower), students must meet the 3.0 GPA requirement prior to applying for the Teacher Intern certificate.
- Have a full time or long-term substitute position in your certification area
- Position must be within 50 miles of Millersville University
- You must have an on-site individual to serve as your mentor teacher.
- Millersville University requires mentor/cooperating teachers working with students to meet Chapter 22, Code 354.25 of the PDE Guidelines stating the mentor/cooperating teacher must:
- Have the appropriate professional educator certification
- Have at a least three years of satisfactory certified teaching experience
- Have at least one year of certified teaching experience in the school entity where the student is placed
- Take and pass the required PDE Content Area tests.
- For testing information view PDE’s Certification Test and Score Requirements
- Millersville University requires mentor/cooperating teachers working with students to meet Chapter 22, Code 354.25 of the PDE Guidelines stating the mentor/cooperating teacher must:
- Additional information is available on PDE's website here.
Part 1 - Steps to Apply for Teacher Intern Certificate
Step 1 - Apply to a Post-Baccalureate Certification program through Graduate Admissions.
Step 2 - Take and pass the PDE required tests.
- For required tests and score requirements, view PDE's Certification Tests & Score Requirements worksheet here.
- This link will re-direct you to the PDE Certification Testing Requirements website.
- Click the link on the right side of the screen titled 'Certification Test and Score Requirements'.
- Select the 'Instructional' tab within the document for your particular certification area.
- Millersville University must receive test scores from the test vendor.
Step 3 - Register for your TIMS Account.
- Review PDE's 'Step-by-Step Guide' when registering for your TIMS account.
- Go to TIMS Log In on the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) website to register for your account and receive your Professional Personnel Identification (PPID) number.
- The PPID number is a unique, permanent number issued to all students upon their first entry into the PA public school system.
- This number will remain with you throughout your PA teaching career.
- Keep your PPID number. You will need it throughout your career.
NOTE: If you already have a TIMS account, do not create a new one. You will use the same account to apply for your certification. Move directly to step 4.
Step 4 - Complete the MU Request to Recommend Form
- What you will need to complete the form:
- PPID number from your TIMS account.
- Test scores
- If you are unsure of your test scores, log back into your Praxis or PECT account.
- Note: Make sure to select 'Teacher Intern' under the Certification Area drop-down box on this form.
Step 5 - Submit a letter on district letterhead from your employer/district to Field Services.
- The letter should included the following:
- Student Name
- Date the job began
- What the job is (E.g. Secondary Math Teacher)
- The letter can be emailed to Field.Services@millersville.edu
Step 6 - Submit a TIMS Application for Teacher Intern certification
- Visit the 'Teacher Information Management System (TIMS)' webpage.
- Select login to start your TIMS application (at the top of page).
- Scroll down and select the Help/User Guides to be directed to more information.
- View a list of PDE's Subject Area's and Codes here.
After all the above steps have been completed, your student record will be reviewed for recommendation to PDE for a Teacher Intern certificate.
After PDE awards your Teacher Intern certificate, you must complete part 2 to be recommended to PDE for licensure.
- For required tests and score requirements, view PDE's Certification Tests & Score Requirements worksheet here.
Part 2 - Program Completion
To be completed after PDE awards the Teacher Intern certificate.
Step 1 - Program Completion
Students must complete the post-baccalaureate certification program to be recommended to PDE for licensure.
- Prior to the start of your student teaching semester - Start checking your 'Course Requirement' worksheet that you received upon admission to the university to confirm all course requirements have been completed.
- Both PDE 430 evaluations must be on file prior to recommendation to PDE.
- These forms are submitted to Field Services by your supervisor.
- Millersville University will not be able to recommend you to PDE for licensure until all required coursework is complete.
Step 2 - Complete the MU Request to Recommend Form
- What you will need to complete the form:
- PPID number from your TIMS account
- Test Scores
- If you are unsure of your test scores, log back into your Praxis or PECT account.
- Make sure to select the appropriate certification area on this form. Do not select Teacher Intern.
Step 3 - Submit a TIMS Application for your Instructional I certification area
- Visit the 'Teacher Information Management System (TIMS)' webpage.
- Select login to start your TIMS application (at the top of page).
- Scroll down and select the Help/User Guides to be directed to more information.
- View a list of PDE's Subject Area's and Codes here.