Advanced Professional Studies - APS
What is APS?
APS = Advanced Professional StudiesThe Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) mandates all teacher certification candidates meet certain criteria.
Millersville University has adopted the Advanced Professional Status (APS) requirements in order to meet those mandates and be a state approved teacher education program that successfully leads students to certification in the state of Pennsylvania.
Advanced Professional Studies (APS) status is required in order to register for Advanced Professional courses and is considered the entry point into a teacher preparation program.
APS Online Application Instructions:
Applications and application materials are not accepted by email.
All students must submit an Application for Admission to APS when they have met the APS requirements. Once formally admitted, students may register for APS courses.
- Complete the online APS Application.
- If applicable, upload a pdf of the completed ACT 55 Basic Skills Test Waiver Form in place of the Pre-Service testing scores requirement on your APS Application (for undergraduate students only).
- To participate in the waiver, students must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above and be granted APS status before July 8, 2025.
- Pre-Service Test scores are required if cumulative GPA is between 2.8-2.99.
- If APS status is revoked, test scores may be required.
- If applicable, upload a pdf of the completed ACT 55 Basic Skills Test Waiver Form in place of the Pre-Service testing scores requirement on your APS Application (for undergraduate students only).
- Allow 5-10 business days for processing! Normal processing time for your application may be up to 10 business days.
- Apply at least 10 business days before registration begins to ensure that you do not miss your registration time slot.
- Note: In times of high volume, processing time may increase.
- There are no exceptions to GPA, testing, and ACT 126 training certificate requirements.
- Students will receive an email from Field Services after their application has been processed.
Provisional APS Status: Students who are in-progress to earn 48 credits and/or in-progress to complete pre-requisite courses, may be awarded 'provisional' APS status. Note the following:
- Provisional status is temporary.
- Provisional status is granted for registration purposes only.
- Provisional status is determined upon review of a submitted APS application.
NOTE: The APS application can only be accessed by ACTIVE (currently enrolled in a course) Millersville University students.
- ACTIVE MU students: If you receive an error message or are unable to access the form, contact the MU Help Desk directly for assistance.
- Inactive MU students (not currently enrolled in a course): If you are NOT an ACTIVE MU student, contact for assistance.
- Complete the online APS Application.
BSE - APS Requirements
BSE students must meet the requirements below to achieve APS status:
- A minimum of 48 credits in-progress
- Pass one English Composition Course
- Pass one English Literature Course
- Pass two Mathematics Courses (100+ Level)
- Pass Education Foundations courses (EDFN 211/241) & receive a Favorable Faculty Recommendation
- ACT 126 Educator Ethics Training certificate of completion (effective 1/15/2020)*
- Cumulative GPA of 3.0; GPA of 2.8-2.99 requires higher test scores on Content Area Tests for Certification*
- Basic Skills Testing
- Effective 07/08/2022 - 07/08/2025:
- "Act 55 of 2022 signed into law by Governor Wolf on July 8, 2022, requires the Secretary of Education to waive the requirement to satisfactorily complete the assessment of basic skills required under section 1207.3 and 22 Pa. Code § 49.18(c) (relating to assessment) for 3 years from July 8, 2022 through July 8, 2025. This applies to all students who enter preparation programs during this period as well as otherwise qualified candidates for licensure who make application during this period." Source: PDE-Certification Testing Requirements
- ACT 55 Basic Skills Test Waiver
- To participate in the waiver, students must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above and be granted APS status before July 8, 2025.
- Pre-Service Test scores are required if cumulative GPA is between 2.8-2.99.
- If APS status is revoked, test scores may be required.
- Effective 07/08/2022 - 07/08/2025:
* No exceptions.
Post-Baccalaureate students must meet the requirements below to achieve APS status:
- A minimum of 3 credits
- Cumulative GPA of 3.0; TCAT admits must complete TCAT requirements for admission*
- ACT 126 Educator Ethics Training certificate of completion (effective 1/15/2020)*
- Pass Education Foundations courses (EDFN 545/590) and/or receive Favorable Faculty Recommendations from other coursework as designated. (Does not apply to PBC Early Childhood Education or PBC Special Education PK-12 students).
* No exceptions.
ACT 55 of 2022 - Basic Skills Test Waiver
Effective July 8, 2022 - July 8, 2025ACT 55 of 2022 was signed into law by Governor Wolf on July 8, 2022, requires the Secretary of Education to waive the requirement to satisfactorily complete the assessment of basic skills required under section 1207.3 and 22 Pa. Code § 49.18(c) (relating to assessment) for 3 years from July 8, 2022, through July 8, 2025. This applies to all students who enter preparation programs during this period as well as otherwise qualified candidates for licensure who make application during this period.
- To participate in the waiver, students must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above and be granted APS status before July 8, 2025.
- Pre-Service Test scores are required if cumulative GPA is between 2.8-2.99.
- If APS status is revoked, test scores may be required.
Additional information regarding ACT 55 of 2022 can be found on the PDE website - Certification - Testing Requirements.
The waiving of Basic Skills Testing does not include Content Area Tests (PECT). This is valid for the Pre-Service Tests ONLY. All other APS requirements remain in effect. Therefore, APS Applications must still be submitted to obtain APS status.
When applying for APS please use the waiver (for tracking purposes ONLY) to have the APS testing requirement waived. Follow the steps outlined below.
- If applicable, complete the ACT 55 Basic Skills Test Waiver Form in its entirety.
- Create a pdf of the completed form.
- Submit the pdf of the completed form in place of the Pre-Service testing scores requirement on your APS Application.
- Keep the form for your records.
ACT 126 - Educator Ethics Training Certificate
Teacher Track - Professional Ethics & the Educator Discipline ActACT 126 – Educator Ethics Training is available on the Department of Education's SAS Portal and must be completed prior to submitting your APS application.
- The course is available through the SAS PD Center. A brief assessment will be given at the end of the course.
- Students who do not have a SAS account must first register for an account.
- Complete the 'Teacher Track' portion of the course.
- This course and site are maintained by PDE.
All students will receive a Certificate of Completion upon completion of the training.
Keep a copy of your certificate for your records and to submit with your APS application - it must reflect 'Teacher Track'.