Financial Literacy

At Millersville University, we believe financial literacy is an essential right. An understanding of the basic tenets of personal finance is pivotal in making day-to-day and strategic decisions that lead to greater financial independence and better life choices for our families and ourselves.

Balancing a budget Borrowing Saving & Investing

Balancing A Budget

The concept is simple in theory: Spend no more money than you have. It is FAR harder in practice! Mastering this skill, along with your emotions, is critical to your future financial health.


Atlanta Fed – Consumer Protection and Scam Avoidance

Saving & Investing

Prepare for your future by putting money aside each paycheck, and do this as soon as you enter the workforce! How you invest these funds depends on your attitudes toward risk and when you think you will need this money.

Forbes – Savings Basics for Young Adults
CleverGirlFinance – Investing for Beginners
NerdWallet – Mutual Funds vs Index Funds
St. Louis Fed – Bitcoin Basics

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about the information on this page, please email