FAQ's Lombardo College of Business
- What is a TAP number and how do I get mine?
- When should I meet with my advisor?
- Who is my advisor(s)?
- How do I access and read my degree audit?
- What should I bring to a meeting with my advisor?
- When is an appropriate time to contact my department chair?
- Who is my department chair?
- When are graduation ceremonies?
- What do I need to do when I am planning on graduating next semester?
- If I am finishing courses in the summer or winter terms, can I still walk before then in the spring or fall ceremony?
- What is GRAD 999 anyway?
- I need a form signed for graduation/to change my major/add a minor/add a second major/get a course at another college to count as credit here! Where do I get it?
- Should I do an internship? Where do I go to get one?
- If I already have a job or want an internship that is not on the list at The Career Center, can I get that to count as credit for an internship here?
- When do I schedule classes?
- I want to take a class at another institution and want it to count for credit here. Who should I contact about that?
- I had a course transfer in and it is not counting where I think it should when I look at my degree audit. Who can help me?
- What classes do I need at least a C- in?
- Are departmental electives the same as the electives for my degree, like management or accounting electives?
- What business courses count as department electives?
- What non-business classes count towards department electives?
- Can departmental electives be waived?
- How many classes would it take for me to have two business concentrations?
- Is it just as easy to be a business major and a major for another department as it is to have 2 business options?
- The class I need to register for is closed! What do I do?
- I waitlisted myself for a course but the semester has started and another section still has not opened up! How can I get into the class?
- I do not have the required prerequisites for a course but really need to get into a class and there are seats open. Is there any way I could still get into the course?
- What if I want to register for a course in the Fall or Spring and I do not have the prerequisite now, but am planning on taking that prerequisite over the summer/winter so it will be completed before the course I want to schedule starts. Will I be allowed to register for that class?
- What are some things I should know when scheduling courses as a business major?
- What other math courses do I need to take besides Math 151 and Math 235?
- Can a department chair help me get into a full class or one that I do not have prerequisites for?
New Business Programs
- What is the difference between a BS in business with a concentration in Accounting, Finance, Management and Marketing that we currently have and the new BS degrees in these areas?
- Can I switch from general business to one of these new majors?
- I’m a major in business administration with a concentration in management, marketing, finance or accounting. Should I switch to the major in my area?
- Can I major in one of the new business degrees and minor in another (for example, a major in finance and minor in marketing)?
- Can I change my major today?
- Can I just keep my major in Business Administration with a concentration in one of these four areas?
- Can I double major in any of the new degrees in Management, Marketing, Finance and Accounting?
- Do I have to complete an internship?
Advisement - What is a TAP number and how do I get mine?
TAP (Term Advisement Pin) numbers are required to schedule courses for FALL and SPRING courses only. They are distributed to Major advisors (not advisors of your minor, if you have one) each semester and students are required to meet with their advisors each semester to obtain their TAP. This is designed to make sure students receive guidance when scheduling for each major semester. You do NOT need a TAP number to schedule classes that take place in the Summer or Winter terms.
Advisement - When should I meet with my advisor?
This is based on your advisor’s and your own preferences. However, you should try to meet with your advisor BEFORE you are able to schedule classes or at any time you have questions about classes.
Advisement - Who is my advisor(s)?
Your advisor’s name is on your degree audit and can be found in My MarAUDIT. Their office hours are posted on the LCOB Faculty webpages. If you are a double major or have a minor, you will have multiple advisors, but again only the advisor you have for your Major or Majors will have your TAP number.
Advisement - How do I access and read my degree audit?
Your degree audit can be found through MAX. It tells you how many credits you’ve taken (called “transcript total credits” on the audit), how many credits you will have after completing in progress courses (called “Credits Applied” on the audit), and whether or not you have completed certain degree requirements. (Completed requirements are indicated with a check mark on the degree audit). When there are specific courses listed, you can click on them to find out more information, including prerequisites. You are strongly encouraged to review your own degree audit every semester.
Advisement - What should I bring to a meeting with my advisor?
You should bring a printout of your degree audit and a list of courses you are thinking of taking in the semester you are scheduling, as well as a list of any questions you may have. Keep in mind that business professors have MANY more advisees than most others and are particularly busy during peak scheduling. Respect your advisor’s limited time and come prepared to meetings.
Advisement - When is an appropriate time to contact my department chair?
Your graduation application and other forms need to be signed by department chairs. Most of these applications and forms are now done online. Students are not required to see department chairs when scheduling courses and should only contact the chairs for scheduling purposes when directed to do so by an advisor or if your advisor is unreachable. If you have any other problems that cannot be solved through discussions with your advisor or instructor, you are encouraged to contact the chair as well.
Advisement - Who is my department chair?
If your major or minor is accounting, finance, or international business your chair is Dr. Blazer. If your major or minor is management or marketing, your chair is Dr. DiRusso. If you are a double major in one of each of these areas or are a general business minor, you can see either chair.
Graduation - When are graduation ceremonies?
At Millersville, we have graduation ceremonies at the end of the spring semester and the end of the fall semester. There is no graduation in the summer or winter terms.
Graduation - What do I need to do when I am planning on graduating next semester?
When you are planning on graduation in the spring (or summer) you must fill out a graduation application, register for GRAD 999, and complete the senior survey. The graduation application must be signed by your advisor(s) and their respective chair(s) and. GRAD 999 should also be scheduled the term you plan on walking for graduation. For example, if it is the fall semester and you have 7 classes remaining, and plan on taking 5 in the spring and then 2 in the summer, you would register for GRAD 999 in the spring term.
Graduation - If I am finishing courses in the summer or winter terms, can I still walk before then in the spring or fall ceremony?
Yes, as long as you complete your graduation application and other requirements noted you may walk before completing all of your courses as long as you show that you are completing all of the requirements. For example, if you want to walk in the spring ceremony but will still need 4 summer classes, you will schedule those classes for the summer and show on your graduation application that you are finishing all requirements by the end of the summer. You can then walk in May but you will not receive your diploma until after you have completed the remaining courses.
Graduation - What is GRAD 999 anyway?
GRAD 999 is not actually a course; it just informs the Registrar that you are planning on walking for graduation that term. They are the ones who finalize your degree application, so it is important that they know when you are going to graduate!
Graduation - I need a form signed for graduation/to change my major/add a minor/add a second major/get a course at another college to count as credit here! Where do I get it?
Most forms you need can be found on the student forms page.
Internships - Should I do an internship? Where do I go to get one?
Students are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to complete at least one internship before they graduate. You may do up to two 3 credit internships which will count towards your DEPARTMENTAL electives. Internships can be completed in spring, fall or summer terms and the details of them can be discussed at the The Career Center. They have a list of potential employers and internship opportunities for business majors.
Internships - If I already have a job or want an internship that is not on the list at The Career Center, can I get that to count as credit for an internship here?
YES! However, it needs to be approved by the university. Again you should contact the The Career Center for more information.
Registration/Scheduling - When do I schedule classes?
If scheduling for summer or winter classes be sure to consult the academic calendar. Everyone can schedule courses for those terms at the start date indicated on the calendar. Spring and Fall scheduling is based on the number of credits you’ve earned as well as the first letter of your last name, unless you are an athlete or student of special needs in which case you may register sooner. To find out when you schedule click here.
Registration/Scheduling - I want to take a class at another institution and want it to count for credit here. Who should I contact about that?
The Registrar’s Office will help you transfer in courses. Contact them for assistance.
Registration/Scheduling - I had a course transfer in and it is not counting where I think it should when I look at my degree audit. Who can help me?
Contact your department chair for assistance. If it is a business course, then the chair can directly address it. If it is a non-business course you may be directed to speak with another department.
Registration/Scheduling - What classes do I need at least a C- in?
This differs slightly based upon your major. Check your degree audit, it will tell you which specific courses or block of courses you need at least a C- in. It will say “C- Minimum” on your degree audit next to the course or block of courses.
Registration/Scheduling - Are departmental electives the same as the electives for my degree, like management or accounting electives?
NO! Electives for your degree are completely separate. Each degree has certain electives that must be taken within their area and those electives are different for different degrees, however, all business majors regardless of their degree need 9 credits worth of departmental electives.
Registration/Scheduling - What business courses count as department electives?
Any BUAD class that you are not required to take to complete your degree will count as a department elective, (EXCEPT BUAD 101 as business majors do not get credit for taking this course). Hence, if you are finance major, you could take an extra marketing course like BUAD 332, Consumer Behavior, and that would count as a department elective. Also, you can take extra courses in your option. For example, finance majors need to take 3 finance electives. None of those would count toward your department electives; however, every additional one would. So if you were a finance major who took 5 finance electives, 2 of them would count as departmental electives.
Registration/Scheduling - What non-business classes count towards department electives?
Internships through the university also count as department electives. Also, some non-business electives exist. Just note that while any course on the non-business electives list would count, they are not all offered frequently! Plan accordingly.
Registration/Scheduling - Can departmental electives be waived?
Yes! But only if you double major or pick up a minor. We do this to make it easier for students to study additional areas that interest them.
Registration/Scheduling - How many classes would it take for me to have two business concentrations?
This varies a little based upon which two concentrations you take, but generally, having two business concentrations is relatively easy for business majors. To complete a second concentration you simply need to complete the requirements of that second concentration but note your departmental electives (which are normally 3 courses) are waived and sometimes a course can be shared among both concentrations. Hence, in many circumstances, you can pick up a second concentration in business and really only take 1 or 2 more total courses. Hence you could still graduate on time, but just take an extra class or two over the summer, winter or other semesters.
Registration/Scheduling - Is it just as easy to be a business major and a major for another department as it is to have 2 business options?
NO. If you were a business major and also wanted a second major in a completely different area such as psychology, graphic design etc., you would generally have to take many more courses to fulfill the requirements of that second major. It is still encouraged if that is what you want to do and you would still have your departmental electives waived, which saves three courses. Just know that it will likely take extra classes to complete.
Registration/Scheduling - The class I need to register for is closed! What do I do?
Immediately sign up for the waitlist for that course. It is possible that several people who are currently registered for it will unregister later. If that happens, and you are next on the list, you will be notified by email that there is an open seat and will be given the opportunity to register. You will be given 24 hours to register for the course, so check your email account frequently. Also, if enough students are on the waitlist another section of the course may be opened. Get on the waitlist if you need a class! It would be a good idea to schedule another class that you need just in case you don’t get in.Back to top -
Registration/Scheduling - I waitlisted myself for a course but the semester has started and another section still has not opened up! How can I get into the class?
If a class is closed, then it is closed. It is up to the instructor to let additional students in, and this is only done by some faculty under very rare and extreme circumstances. Most instructors will never add a student to a full class. Again it is best to have a backup plan.
Registration/Scheduling - I do not have the required prerequisites for a course but really need to get into a class and there are seats open. Is there any way I could still get into the course?
This is also up to the instructor’s discretion and again most instructors will not allow students in the class if they do not have the necessary prerequisites.
Registration/Scheduling - What if I want to register for a course in the Fall or Spring and I do not have the prerequisite now, but am planning on taking that prerequisite over the summer/winter so it will be completed before the course I want to schedule starts. Will I be allowed to register for that class?
It depends. If you are taking the prerequisite at Millersville University AND you already have it scheduled, then the system should allow you to register for the course. For example, if it is now the spring semester and you are trying to schedule BUAD 162 in the fall and have already signed up for BUAD 161 in the summer, then you should be able to schedule BUAD 162 in the fall. HOWEVER, if you are planning on taking the prerequisite at another institution, then you will definitely need an override to get into the course. Contact the instructor directly to obtain it.
Registration/Scheduling - What are some things I should know when scheduling courses as a business major?
Business majors should be mindful of the following when scheduling:
-Business students often fall behind by not taking the correct prerequisites, especially math. Math 235 and Math 151 are essential prerequisites for many business courses and should be prioritized when scheduling. They can be taken together. Also, depending on your math placement test results, you may need to take other math courses before these. BUAD 161 is also important as it is a prerequisite for BUAD 162 among other courses.
-Business MAJORS do not need to take any separate writing (W) courses since you will have at least 4 writing courses completed by finishing the requirements of the major and you only need 3 writing courses, so you will more than fulfill that requirement.
-When scheduling a diversity course which is required for all majors to graduate, try to choose a course that is also a perspectives course. This will satisfy 2 requirements in one class. Hence you should look for a class that has both a D and a P at the end of it. These classes are found in a variety of departments.
-It is best to hold off on scheduling department electives until you decide if you want to do internship(s) or if you are going to double major or pick up a minor. This is because department elective courses are waived if you add a minor or second major. Also, internships can count for up to 6 of the 9 credits here. If you fulfill your DEPARTMENT electives early and later decide to add a second major, minor or take internships, then those credits would essentially be wasted.
-It is possible, if you schedule courses perfectly, that you fulfill all of your general education and business major requirements and not have enough credits to actually graduate. State law mandates that our students need 120 credits to graduate, even if you fulfill all of the requirements. In this case you can take essentially any course(s), except BUAD 101, from any department to get the credits you need to graduate.
-ECON 101 and ECON 102 are required for business majors and count as G3 elective courses.
-Math 235 and Math 151 are required for all business majors and count as G2 elective courses. Math 235 will also count in the “General Education 200 Level and above requirement.” HOWEVER, 2 classes in your G2 block need to be “Natural Sciences” and one of those needs to be a lab course. Hence, even if you have 2 math courses counting here, you will still need 2 more courses since math is not a “Natural Science.”
Registration/Scheduling - What other math courses do I need to take besides Math 151 and Math 235?
Possibly none, but most students need at least Math 101, College Algebra. It depends on your previous coursework if you are a transfer student or your math placement exam results. You need to take the math placement exam unless you have transferred math courses in from another institution. To schedule this, contact the Math Department directly.
Registration/Scheduling - Can a department chair help me get into a full class or one that I do not have prerequisites for?
No. The department chair will simply advise you to contact the instructor directly.
New Business Programs - What is the difference between a BS in business with a concentration in Accounting, Finance, Management and Marketing that we currently have and the new BS degrees in these areas?
The new bachelor's degrees closely resemble the existing requirements, however there are significant differences to note. First a 3-credit internship will be required for all of the new BS degrees. Additionally, Finance, Management and Marketing majors must take an additional 6 credits of courses in their major. These changes are summarized below, and you can find the details on our programs’ webpage:
- Accounting: Students must now complete a 3-credit internship.
- Finance: Students must now complete a 3-credit internship.
- Management: Students must now complete MGMT 355 (Business and Society), an additional Management Elective course, and a 3-credit internship.
- Marketing: Students must now complete MKTG 332 (Consumer Behavior), MKTG 436 (Marketing Strategy), and a 3-credit internship.
New Business Programs - Can I switch from general business to one of these new majors?
The answer for most business students is yes. It’s easier to do the further you are from your planned graduation date. If you have junior or senior standing, we suggest that you talk with your academic advisor beforehand to confirm that the switch will not delay your graduation plans.
New Business Programs - - I’m a major in business administration with a concentration in management, marketing, finance or accounting. Should I switch to the major in my area?
The new majors are more rigorous and completing them will ensure that you have internship experience in your field. This could make you a more attractive candidate on the job market. However, if you are very close to attaining your current degree and do not want to complete the additional requirements, it may be best to keep your current degree. You should strongly consider the additional requirements of the new majors and the fact that these new majors will not be active until Fall 2021.
New Business Programs - Can I major in one of the new business degrees and minor in another (for example, a major in finance and minor in marketing)?
Yes, but there are caveats to consider. If you choose to pursue a BS degree in Accounting, Finance, Management or Marketing, you can also minor in one of the other fields or in international business. You may not minor in your major field; for example, you cannot be both a Marketing Major and Marketing Minor. You also may not pursue a minor in General Business.
New Business Programs - Can I change my major today?
The registrar’s systems will be updated to reflect the business majors, at which point you will be able to declare your new major. We will send you an email when this is possible. However, there is no rush. You just need to make the formal change prior to submitting an application for graduation.
New Business Programs - Can I just keep my major in Business Administration with a concentration in one of these four areas?
Yes! It is completely your choice whether or not to switch.
New Business Programs - Can I double major in any of the new degrees in Management, Marketing, Finance and Accounting?
Yes, and it will be noted on your transcript that you completed the requirements for both degrees. However, you will only receive one diploma unless you also earn 150 credits. We recommend that you talk with your academic advisor about your earliest path to graduation in this situation. However, you cannot double major in Business Administration and one of the new business majors (for example, you will not be able to double major in Business Administration and Finance).
New Business Programs - Do I have to complete an internship?
If you are a Business Administration or International Business Major, you do not have to complete an internship. If you are an Accounting, Finance, Wealth Management, Management, Human Resource Management, Marketing, Information Technology or Healthcare Analytics major, the 3 credit internship is required.