Continuing Education
Office of Adult Learning
Below, you will find information on continuing education opportunities for senior citizens.
Please follow link in Non-Credit Programs section for additional non-credit offerings managed by the Office of Community Engagement.
For information on CEU's, please click here: Learn ABOUT ceu's
Non-Credit Programs
Workforce Training, Professional Development, Lifelong Learning
Includes Grow With Google, Corporate University, Online Professional Development and more.
A collection of Campus resources for Senior Citizens and other Community members
Students, faculty, and staff at Millersville University have strong ties to the Millersville community. To enhance relationship building with our community, we offer programs, infrastructures, events, and activities open to our community members. This page provides information for community members interested in utilizing Millersville University resources, or who need information on accessing resources that may not be available to the general public.
This guide will provide information on how to access and use some of our facilities that may not be open to the public. However, as a community member, you may be able to buy a pass, reserve a spot to participate, or host your next educational event. Community members may find information on how to access the Millersville University's recreation center, library, gym, and dining services. We will continue to update this page regularly to reflect updated resources and upcoming community events to choose from.