Student Research
Funding Sources
The Office of Grants, Sponsored Programs, and Research accepts applications for research funding in three different categories.
Student Grants For Research and Creative Activity Program
- Funding for research-related travel, materials, supplies, experiments and data collection, books and equipment, and other research needs
- Both graduate and undergraduate students are eligible
- Several sources of on-campus funding are available for undergraduate and graduate students seeking to conduct course-related or degree-related research.
Noonan Endowment Award Program
Funding for active student participation in conferences, performance competitions, exhibitions, field trips, and off-campus research.
Neimeyer-Hodgson Student Research Grant
- Funding for research-related travel, materials, supplies, experiments and data collection, books and equipment, and other research needs.
- Only undergraduates are eligible to apply
Undergraduate and graduate students should also consult their academic department to determine if additional department or university sources of funding are available to them.
For more information contact: Mr. Jeffry Porter at ext. 4829 or by email
Master's Thesis and Doctoral Dissertation Guidelines
Master's Thesis and Doctoral Dissertation Guidelines
A master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation is an approved creative project or an interpretive, analytical work that offers evidence of an original point of view, supported by original research and the results of that research.
The Graduate Course and Program Review Committee have adopted thesis and dissertation guidelines to aid in the preparation and completion of a thesis or dissertation. A full copy of the thesis and dissertation guidelines in addition to helpful forms and template pages associated with theses and dissertations are available here:
Institutional Review Board
For the protection of human subjectsThe Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects (IRB)
Reviews all research involving human subjects to ensure compliance with the Code of Federal Regulations on the Protection of Human Subjects. Click here to view the IRB website with meeting dates and additional information on submitting proposals.