ID Services

Welcome to the Millersville University ID Office!

The Millersville University ID office is located at the MU mailroom in the Boyer Building room 123. As it is imperative for all students and employees to carry a form of identification issued by the university, the ID Services department is available to assist with all matters regarding the issuance, usage, and maintenance of these IDs.

GET  App

The GET App allows students and staff to upload ID photos, add funds to Marauder Gold and Flex Dollar accounts, and view spending history. It is also used to gain access to MU Mobile ID.


GET app

Upload your ID photo to GET

Watch this video to learn how to add your ID photo in the GET application.

MU Mobile ID

For students, the preferred method of identification is MU Mobile ID. This mode of identification does not require the issuance of a physical ID card. The user is able to access all of the same features allowed by a tangible ID card, but from the convenience of their smartphone. Please click the link below for more information:

Learn More (Requires login)

ID Cards

Physical ID cards are required for all Millersville University employees. Students who do not own a smartphone or do not wish to use MU Mobile ID will need to procure an ID card. Please note: Students can only have one valid ID. An ID card will not work if the user has an active MU Mobile ID. For more information regarding ID cards, please follow the link below:

Learn More

Contact Information

ID Office Hours:
8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Monday through Friday

Millersville University ID Office
Boyer Building, Room 123
37 W. Frederick St.
Millersville, PA 17551-0302

Phone: (717) 871-7008