Cooperating Teachers
Welcome Cooperating Teachers
Your participation, time and commitment to our teacher education program is greatly appreciated. We value your partnership with us!
Please contact your principal if you wish to sign up to be a cooperating teacher in upcoming semesters.
Thank you!
Revised 12/2023
Guide for Field Experiences
Millersville University Adapted Danielson Evaluation - (MUAD Evaluation)
Please click here for instructions on using the Web Assessment System for our student teachers. Login credentials are emailed to cooperating teachers prior to the evaluation deadlines.
Please contact the Student Teaching Office at (717) 871-5561 or if you have any questions or need assistance.
Useful Tools for Completing MUAD Evaluation
MU Adapted Danielson Formative Observation Instrument - Recommended for use by cooperating teachers and university supervisors for individual observations. This document should be used along with the MU Adapted Danielson Rubric for providing formative feedback.
- Lesson Observation Sheet - Optional
MU Adapted Danielson Rubric - This document provides specific descriptions of criteria. Use the rubric when completing both the MU Adapted Danielson Formative Observation Instrument and MU Adapted Danielson Formal Evaluation.
Mock - online MU Adapted Danielson Formal Evaluation - This mock-up is provided to give cooperating teachers and university supervisors a clear picture of the form they will complete online for formal evaluations. It has the same elements as the formative observation instrument and four text boxes where narrative explanations should be entered for the four domains (Planning and Preparation, The Classroom Environment, Instruction, Professional Responsibilities). Please note that the ratings available for student teachers are Unsatisfactory, Basic, and Proficient.