Dr. Kathleen M. Walsh
Associate Professor

Contact Information
Office: Stayer 313
Phone: 717.871.4896
Fax: 717.871.7941
Sp25 Office Hrs
T: 4:00-5:00pm
W: 4:00-6:00pm Virtual
R: 12:15-2:15pm
Comments: For office hours, please sign up here: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0848A8AE29A20-drwalsh
Kathleen (Kat) Walsh, Associate Professor, is the coordinator of the Millersville University Baccalaureate Social Work Program. Dr. Walsh is a licensed clinical social worker in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (LCSW) and the State of Maryland (LCSW-C). She holds a PhD. in social work and a Masters of Social Work (MSW) from the University of Maryland, Baltimore. Her Bachelor of Arts in Social Work along with a Certificate in Public Administration is from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC).
Dr. Walsh is an advanced generalist practitioner with experience in the fields of child welfare, community organization and development, family services, emergency and transitional services, homeless and prevention services. She has been a public child welfare social worker, community organizer, executive director, clinical program director and supervisor as well as a consultant to human service agencies on the topics of supervision, ethics, staff and program development. She has been working in human services since 1994 and brings a great deal of practice wisdom to the classroom. Her professional and research expertise includes social work salary and equity, workforce and occupational issues, including career development, professional ethics, social work administration/management, technology and social service delivery. Her major teaching areas include practice (with individuals, groups, organizations and community), policy, program management and supervision, as well as gender equity.
Dr. Walsh is one of the first faces that students see at Millersville. As the coordinator of the BSW program, she conducts orientations to the major for all freshman, transfers and changes of majors. As a passionate advocate for Social Work professionalism and values, she sees this as among her most important obligations. Dr. Walsh is a seasoned Social Work practitioner with over 10+ years post masters experience first as a child welfare worker and foster/adoptive parent trainer, then as a community organizer, program director, executive director and clinical director in a variety of settings serving populations in need, primarily in urban areas. Dr. Walsh’s research agenda has focused primarily on Social Work professionalism, workforce equity, ethics, supervision, and most recently, cross-generational practice. She is routinely invited to consult with human service organizations and conduct trainings in the area of ethics, boundaries, workforce issues and professionalism. Among some of Dr. Walsh’s strengths are her passionate dedication to the profession, critical problem solving skills, and attention to detail and organization. Some of her most valued accomplishments include having had the opportunity to serve those in need, and teach those with a passionate desire to make a difference. She works hard every day to maintain a strengths focus, seeks to advance social justice, equity, and human rights.
Recent Scholarship, Publications and Presentations
Clements, J., & Walsh, K. (Eds., 2017). Group work and the arts. Special double edition Social Work with Groups. United Kingdom: Taylor and Francis. http://dx.doi.ort/10.1080/01609513.2016.1277118
Bethel, J., Foels, L., Walsh, K., Frank, J., & Rice, K. (2016). Creativity as a vehicle for transformation. Journal of Scholastic Inquiry: Behavioral Sciences, 5, 9-31.
Professional Artifacts/Online Training Modules
Walsh, K. & DeJesus, B. (2019). "Is Lancaster County an aging friendly community?" Environmental scan and report prepared for the Lancaster Area Senior Services (LASS) Age Friendly Task Force. Lancaster, PA
Presentations (Refereed)
Walsh, K. (2019). "Build community and break down barriers by working out bodies and minds." Presentation and workshop at the International Symposium of the International Association of Social Work with Groups (Group work in Communities: Breaking Down Barriers, Building Connections) June 5-8. NYU, New York, NY
DeJesus, B. & Walsh, K. (2019). "Teaching macro practice: Using group skills in a community-based project" Presentation and workshop at the International Symposium of the International Association of Social Work with Groups (Group work in Communities: Breaking Down Barriers, Building Connections) June 5-8. NYU, New York, NY
Walsh, K. (2018). "Working our bodies and our minds: strategies to enhance motivation for physical activity and self-care" Workshop at Annual Global Well-Being Conference, June 6-8, 2018. Lancaster, PA.
Walsh, K. & Clements, J. (2017). "When the group goes bad: how to find civility in an uncivil world." Presentation and workshop 39th Annual International Symposium of the International Association of Social Work with Groups (Group work in Challenging Times: Creative Strategies for Facing Change) June 7-10. NYU, New York, NY.
Walsh, K. (2017). "No bully for us! Promoting empowerment, connections, support and reducing workplace bullying." Presentation at Annual Conference of the Association of Baccalaureate Social Work Program Directors. March 1-5, New Orleans, LA.
Walsh, K. (2016). “No bully for you! Creating connections, increasing supports and reducing workplace bullying.” Presentation and workshop 38th Annual International Symposium of the International Association of Social Work with Groups (Group work across the globe: Building transformative connections) June 15-18. NYU, New York, NY.
Craven, J., Deemer, S., Moss, E., Saunders, K. & Walsh, K. (2015) Female Representation in PASSHE Leadership. Oral presentation at Millersville University First Annual Diversity Summit: Intersecting Identities, Millersville, PA, September 30.
Walsh, K. (2015) Gendered wage disparities as the financial exploitation of women and families. Workshop at 2nd Annual Global Well-Being Conference (Exploitation of Women and Children: Global Perspectives), July 10-13 Lancaster, PA.
Rice, K. & Walsh, K. (2015) Horse & Rider”: Using Film to Raise Awareness, Educate, and Promote Positive Change, Parts 1 & 2. Workshop at 2nd Annual Global Well-Being Conference (Exploitation of Women and Children: Global Perspectives), July 10-13 Lancaster, PA.
Walsh, K. Foels, L. & Clements, J. (2015) Surviving the Slippery Slope; Negotiating ethics in group work practice. Presentation and workshop 37th Annual International Symposium of the International Association of Social Work with Groups (Group work: Creating space for all voices), June 4-7 Chapel Hill, NC.
Presentations/Professional Trainings (Invited)
Walsh, K. (2020). Ethical Practice in a Challenging World. Professional training seminar and continuing education workshops at Carroll County Youth Service Bureau, October 21 (invited) Westminster, MD.
Walsh, K. (2020). Ethical practice and special considerations among palliative and hospice professionals: Part II: Case studies and ethical decision making frameworks Professional training seminar and continuing education workshop at Hospice and Community Care, June 19 (invited) Lancaster, PA.
Walsh, K. (2020). Ethical practice and special considerations among palliative and hospice professionals: Part I: Complex boundaries, ethical guidelines and common risk/violations. Professional training seminar and continuing education workshop at Hospice and Community Care, June 5 (invited) Lancaster, PA.
Saunders, K. & Walsh, K. (2020). Green dot: Administration, faculty, and staff training (Bystander intervention strategy training that prevents and reduced power-based personal violence), Millersville University, March 5 Millersville, PA.
Walsh, K. (2019) Ethical practice in human services. Professional training seminar and continuing education workshop at Pressley Reidge. October 18 York, PA.
Walsh, K. (2019) Emergent Ethical Consideration in Palliative Care and Hospice & Review of Frameworks for Resolving Dilemmas. Presented at the PA Hospice & Palliative Care Network (PHPCN) Annual Social Work Conference, 'Advancing Excellence in End-of-Life Care,' September 27 Lancaster, PA.
Walsh, K. (2019) Design thinking--creative, collaborative and cross sector; How might we improve access to services. Age-Friendly Lancaster Summit. June 12 Lancaster, PA.
Clements, J. & Walsh, K. (2019) "More than ice breakers: How to use activity in group work to enhance mutual aid" Practice Institute at the International Symposium of the International Association of Social work with Groups (Group work in Communities: Breaking Down Barriers, Building Connections) June 5-8. NYU, New York, NY.
Walsh, K. (2019) Ethical practice in a challenging world. Professional training seminar and continuing education workshop at Shippensburg, PA.
Saunders, K. & Walsh, K. (2019). Green dot: Administration, faculty and staff training (Bystander intervention strategy training that prevents and reduces power-based personal violence), Millersville University, April 8, Millersville, PA.
Walsh, K. (2018). Emergent Ethical Considerations in Human Services Review of Frameworks for Resolving. Presented at the PA Hospice & Palliative Care Network (PHPCN) Annual Social Work Conference, 'Advancing Excellence in End-of-Life Care', September 28, Lancaster, PA.
Walsh, K. (2018). NASW Code of Ethics: Changes & ethical implications for social work practice, Millersville University School of Social Work, Professional training seminar and continuing education workshop at the Millersville School of Social Work Field Retreat, BSW-MSW Field Retreat, August 31, Millersville, PA.
Walsh, K. (2018). Emergent Ethical Considerations in Human Services: Part II: Review of Ethical Decision Making Frameworks. Professional training seminar and continuing education workshop at Hospice and Community Care, April 13, Lancaster, PA.
Walsh, K. (2018). Emergent Ethical Considerations in Human Services and Review of Frameworks for Resolving Part 1: NASW 2018 Code of Ethics Revisions. Professional training seminar and continuing education workshop at Hospice and Community Care, March 30, 2018, Lancaster, PA.
Walsh, K. (2018). You have a friend request pending: Negotiating boundaries and dual relationships in an including the influences of technology and social media for human service workers. Professional training seminar and continuing education workshop at Carroll County Youth Service Bureau, March 28, 2018, Westminster, MD.
Walsh, K. (2018). Ethical Considerations: Technology in Social Work. Alvernia College Social Work Conference. March 23, 2018, Reading, PA.
Redcay, M. & Walsh, K. (2017).The Impact of 2015 Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards on Social Work. National Association of Social Workers-PA Chapter and PA Undergraduate Social Work Educators Conference Presentation. September 16, Pocono Manor, PA.
Walsh, K. (2017). Emergent ethical considerations in human services and a review of ethical decision making frameworks for resolving them. Professional training seminar and continuing education workshop at Lebanon Veterans Administration (VA) Medical Center, August 2, 2017, Lebanon, PA.
Walsh, K. (2017) Social justice toolkits; empathy, civility and discourse?! International Association for the Advancement of Social Work with Groups, Group Work Camp. July 27-30, George Williams College, Williams Bay, WI.
Walsh, K. (2017). Empathy, engagement, empowerment and ethics. Professional training seminar and continuing education workshop at Domestic Violence Services of Cumberland and Perry Counties (DVSCP) June 23, 2017, Carlisle, PA.
Walsh, K. (2017). Emergent ethical considerations in human services and a review of ethical decision making frameworks for resolving. Professional training seminar and continuing education workshop at Pressley Ridge. February 17, 2017, York, PA.
Walsh, K. (2017). Dynamic supervision and ethics in human services. Professional training seminar and continuing education workshop at Pressley Ridge. February 17, 2017, York, PA.
Walsh, K. (2016). Emergent ethical considerations in human services and a review of ethical decision making frameworks for resolving. Professional training presentation at Carroll County Youth Services Bureau Annual Training Symposium. May 11, 2016, Westminster, MD.
Craven, J., Deemer, S., Moss, E., Saunders, K. & Walsh, K. (2015) Female Representation in PASSHE Leadership. Oral presentation at Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education Women’s Consortium Annual Conference, October 3, 2015. Harrisburg, PA.
Walsh, K. (2015). Emergent ethical issues in human services and a review of frameworks for resolving them. Professional training presentation at Hoffman Homes Clinical Seminars in Child Mental Health Series sponsored by Shippensburg University and Hoffman Homes, Inc., September 25, 2015. Gettysburg, PA.
Walsh, K. (2015). Professional coaching and human services. Professional training presentation at Hoffman Homes Clinical Seminars in Child Mental Health Series sponsored by Shippensburg University and Hoffman Homes, Inc., September 25, 2015. Gettysburg, PA.
Craven, J., Deemer, S., Moss, E., Saunders, K. & Walsh, K. (2015) Female Representation in PASSHE Leadership. Oral presentation at Kutztown University Annual Commission on Diversity Conference, February 27, 2015. Kutztown, PA.
Peer Reviewer
Affilia: Journal of Women in Social Work (2014-Present)
Instructional Support Resources
Walsh, K. & Rice, K. (2019/20). The Millersville University Bachelor of Arts in Social Work Program Manual (Student Handbook).
Walsh, K. & Rice, K. (2018/19). The Millersville University Bachelor of Arts in Social Work Program Manual (Student Handbook).
Walsh, K. & Rice, K. (2016/17). The Millersville University Bachelors of Social Work Program Manual (Student Handbook).
Walsh, K. & Rice, K. (2015/16). The Millersville University Bachelors of Social Work Program Manual (Student Handbook).
Supervision of Student Research
Gehman, T. (2016). The experiences of male social work students at Millersville University. (Graduate Student Independent Research)