Dr. Joyous Bethel
Assistant Professor

Contact Information
Office: Stayer 321
Phone: 717.871.5927
Fax: 717.871.7941
Sp25 Office Hrs
M: 10:00-11:00am
W: 10:00am-1:00pm
F: 11:00am-12:00pm virtual
Comments: Other times by appointment
A native Floridian, Dr. Bethel holds both a BA in Social Work and an MSW from The University of Oklahoma. She furthered her education by earning a Ph.D. in Social Work at Barry University, focusing her dissertation on issues related to complications in mourning and trauma. She has extensive experience in hospice care as a social worker and bereavement clinician as well as an administrator. She served on the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization’s National Council of Hospice Professionals as a steering committee member for the Social Work Subcommittee as well as on the Advanced Clinical Subcommittee for Bereavement Counseling. During her tenure in hospice, she developed two weekend camps for bereaved children still used today.
Dr. Bethel currently teaches Social Work at the undergraduate and graduate levels at Millersville University. Prior, Dr. Bethel taught Social Work for 13 years at the University of Southern Mississippi. She has taught Practice at the foundation and advanced levels and Human Behavior and the Social Environment at the micro and macro levels. Additionally, Dr. Bethel teaches Human Diversity, courses related to the proper use of the DSM, courses on aging related to the Gerontology Minor, and electives in normal grief, complicated mourning and trauma, and spirituality in social work practice. She is the Coordinator for the Interdisciplinary Minor in Gerontology at Millersville University. Her research interests are complicated mourning, trauma, spirituality, creativity, wellness, aging, and the scholarship of teaching.
Recent Scholarship, Publications and Presentations
Bethel, J., Foels, L., Frank, J., Walsh, K., Rice, K. (2016). Creativity as a Vehicle for Transformation and Social Change, Journal of Scholastic Inquiry: Behavioral Sciences 5: 9-31. https://www.csiresearch.com/JOSIBS-2016.html
Bethel, J. & Girvin, H. (2016). Bringing Macro Human Behavior Theory to Live: Quaker’s Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) as Lived-Experience in the Classroom. Social Work and Christianity 43,(2) pp. 233-247.
Girvin, H. & Bethel, J. (2013). Religion and Spirituality in Competency- Based Social Work Practice. Social Work and Christianity: Special Issue.
Presentations: Peer Reviewed
Foels, L. & Bethel, J. Transformative Group Work: Creativity as a Vehicle for Social Change. International Association for Social Work with Groups XXXVIII Annual Symposium. New York, NY. June 15-18, 2016.
Bethel, J. Creativity: A Vehicle for Transformational and Social Change. Center for Scholastic Inquiry International Research Conference. Charleston, South Carolina. October 28-30, 2015.
Bethel, J. Human Diversity and Dialogue: Building Bridges for Social Justice. Conference Presentation. Center for Scholastic Inquiry International Research Conference. Chaska Minnesota, Friday, October 3, 2014
Foels, L., Rice, K., and Bethel, J. Encounters in Human Diversity: A Hands-on Approach to Teaching Social Justice. The Association for Baccalaureate Social Work Program Directors. South Carolina. March 9, 2013.
Bethel, J. and Foels, L., Creativity as a Vehicle for Transformation. The Association for Baccalaureate Social Work Program Directors. South Carolina. March 7, 2013.
Foels, L. and Bethel, J. Creativity, Transformation and Social Justice. 9th Annual GSA (Gay Straight Alliance) Leadership Summit. Carlisle, PA. 3-31; 4-1; 4-2, 2016.
Foels, L.; Rice, K.; and Bethel, J. Awareness, Education, and Next Steps: Examining Heterosexism. 8th Annual GSA (Gay Straight Alliance) Leadership Summit. Carlisle, PA. Feb. 20-21, 2015.
Bethel, J., Foels, L., and Rice, K. Teaching Social Justice: Effective Use of Dialogue Groups. 8th Annual PASSHE Summit. Millersville, PA, November 12-14, 2014.
Foels, L., Rice, K., and Bethel, J. Developing a Liberatory Consciousness: Advancing Social Justice. Pennsylvania Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers, King of Prussia, PA, October 11-13, 2012.
Foels, L. & Bethel, J. Social Justice, Civil Discourse, and Inclusion: Practice Makes Perfect. The President’s Commission on Cultural Diversity & Inclusion, Status of Women and Gender & Sexual Diversity; 1st Annual Diversity Summit Intersecting Identities. September 30, 2015.
Bethel, J. & Girvin, H. Creativity and Spirituality: Connections to Mental Illness, Pathways to Health. Conference Presentation, Behind the Art: Reflections on Creativity and Collaboration, Millersville University, April 12, 2013.
Bethel, J. & Girvin, H. Lifebooks in Foster Care: Collecting Memories and Creating Meaning. Poster Presentation, Behind the Art: Reflections on Creativity and Collaboration, Millersville University, April 12, 2013.
Rice, K., Bethel, J. & Foels, J. Critical evaluation of the cycle of socialization and how it perpetuates heterosexism. 2nd Annual CASA of Lancaster County Conference; Millersville, PA, Jan. 25, 2013.
Presentations: Invited Speaker
Bethel, J. Complicated Mourning: Risks, Assessment, and Interventions. Penn State Hershey Medical Center, Hershey, PA, March 5, 2013.
Bethel, J. (Panelist) Voices From Within, Gallery Reception and Panel Discussion. Winter Center, Millersville University, February 6, 2013.
Bethel, J. Loss and Grief: What It Is and What It Isn’t. CASA of Lancaster County, Lancaster PA, 2012.