Dr. Curtis Proctor
Assistant Professor

Contact Information
Office: Stayer 305
Phone: 717-871-5746
Fax: 717-871-7941
Sp25 Office Hrs
M: 2:30-4:30pm
T: 2:30-3:30pm
W: 2:30-4:30pm
Comments: Please schedule an appointment.
Born and raised in Oklahoma, Dr. Curtis Proctor graduated from the University of Oklahoma with his B.A., the University of Iowa with his M.S.W., and Case Western Reserve University with his Ph.D. He has practiced in the areas of adult mental health, families, and child welfare in Iowa, Illinois, Ohio, and Kansas. His areas of teaching are HBSE, Diversity and Cultural Competency, Social Work Practice, and Research Methods. Areas of interest for research and presentation are LGBT youth, the Indian Child Welfare Act, attachment behaviors, and the intersection of fine arts and social work.
Recent Scholarship, Publications and Presentations
Proctor, C.D., “LGBT Youth Development” – Conference presentation for social workers on the needs of LGBT youth during their identity development? Part of Penn Med Hershey. Social Work Month seminars in Mar, 2016.
Proctor, C.D., “LGBT Youth Development” – Conference presentation for workers and volunteers of CASA in the developmental experiences of LGB and Trans youth. Sponsored by CASA of Lancaster County in Nov, 2015.
Proctor, C.D., “LGBT Youth” – Continuing Education seminar for social workers regarding experiences of LGBT youth and their supportive needs in the local communities in NM. Sponsored by the National Association of Social Workers - New Mexico Division in Nov, 2013.
Proctor, C.D., “That’s so gay…” – (Conjoint with the Kansas City Anti-Violence Project) Continuing Education seminar for school social workers regarding experiences of LGBT youth and their supportive needs in schools. Sponsored by the Missouri School Social Workers Association, Western Regional Conference in Nov, 2011.
Proctor, C.D., “Licensing Exam Review” – Day-long seminars for test-taking strategies, exam content and practicing exam questions, for BSW students and MSW students, separately. Sponsored by WSU Student Organization for Social Work and Social Work Organization for Graduate Students, respectively in Mar, 2011.
Review Committees
Addiction, Recovery and Aftercare (ARA), J. Charlton Publishing. 2013 - present.
Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services, Taylor & Francis Group. 2014 – present.