Dr. Bertha Saldana De Jesus
Assistant Professor

Sp25 Office Hrs
T: 9:00-10:30am
W: 4:00-5:00pm
R: 9:00-10:30am
F: 8:00-9:00am
Comments: Book appt here
Dr. Saldana De Jesus earned a BA in Social Work from Shippensburg University and an MSW from Widener University in Pennsylvania. She continued her education by obtaining a DSW from the joint program at Kutztown and Millersville University in Pennsylvania. Her teaching focuses on Micro, Mezzo, and Macro levels of practice and Field Education. She has chaired and co-chaired dissertation committees as well as a committee member. Dr. Saldana De Jesus has mentored students, faculty, and practitioners internationally, providing seminars, workshops, and training related to self-care, field, and engagement. Dr. Saldana De Jesus has professional experience in Child Welfare, Behavioral Health, and Hospice. Her research and presentation interests include Teaching Methods, Cultural Identity, Spirituality, International Social Work Education, International Social Work, Mentoring, and Field Education.
Saldana De Jesus, B, Isom, S. A.; Hunter, C. (2022) Training field instructor: Beyond the stated needs. Field Educator. Vol. 12 Issue 1, p1-25. 25p
Book Reviews:
Tufford, L. (2020). Child Abuse and Neglect in Canada: A Guide for Mandatory Reporting. Oxford University Press.
Cunningham, M., & De Saussure, J. (2019). Dancing the labyrinth: Spirituality in the lives of women. Oxford University Press.
Wender, C. J., & Morrison, P. E. (2019). The Hospice Team: Who We Are and How We Care. Health Professional Press.
Saldana DeJesus, B. (May 2022) Legal and ethics in social work education and practice. Keynote presentation at the International Social Work Education and Practice Conference, Maasia Mara University, Kenya, Africa.
Murey, E. J., Saldana De Jesus, B, Ogongi, W., (May 2022). Social Justice: Project based student driven collaboration beyond borders. Presentation at the International Social Work Education and Practice Conference, Massia Mara University, Kenya, Africa.
Saldana DeJesus, B., Isom, S., Hunter, C., (November 2021). CSWE 67th Annual Program Meetings: Leading Critical Conversation, Orlando, Florida. (National)
Murey, E, Saldana De Jesus, B., Ogongi, W. (September 2021), 13th Annual Kenya Scholars & Studies Association (KESSA) Conference. Dallas/Fort Worth TX. (International)
Spangler, S., Saldana De Jesus, B., Uribes Speakes, E. (November 2020). Restoring Cultural Identity Through Healing & Empowerment Virtual NASW-PA 70th Annual Convention. (National and International)
Ogongi, W., Saldana DeJesus, B., (October 2020), Look to the Future: Versatility of Social work ethics in international context. Virtual NASW Conference-PA. (State)
Saldana DeJesus, B., (November 2019). Macro Practice: Group Skills and GIS within a Community Based Project. 69th NASW-PA Annual Conference (State)
Saldana De Jesus, B., Walsh, K. M. (June 2019). Teaching Marco Practice: Using Group Skills in a community-based project. Presentation at the 41th Annual Symposium of the International Association for Social Group. Groups Work in Communities: Breaking down barriers, Building Global Connections, New York, New York. (National and International)
Saldana DeJesus, B. Teaching Methods: (April 2019). Using GIS to show social, economic, and environmental injustice in communities. Presentation at the 6th Annual Learning Institute Global Wellbeing and Social Change Conference Social Justice: Valuing Differences and Pursuing Equity and Finding Space for Solidarity. (International and Local)
Bethel, J., Foels, L., Frank, J., Saldana DeJesus, B. Dinse, L., (October 2018), Peace Conversations. A training presentation at the NACSW 68th Annual Convention in Hartford, CT. (National and International)
Saldana De Jesus, B, & Foels, L., (September 2018). Field Instruction: Giving back to the profession. NASW Conference-PA, Poconos, Pennsylvania. (State)
Saldana De Jesus, B & Foels, L., (March 2018) Model of Field Instructor Training online. 4th Annual Social Work Distance Education Conference: Advancing Social and Economic Justice through Innovation. San Antonio, Texas. (National and International)
Invited Events: Webinars | Workshops | Training Presentations
Invited: Saldana, De Jesus, B. (August 2022). Family Engagement Kenya Rising (Online) [International]
Invited Saldana (July 2022) Self-Care. Kenya Rising (Online) (International)
Invited: Saldana De Jesus, B. & Ogongi, W., (November 2020) Ethics for Educators. Professional Development Forum. Association of Social Work Educators in Kenya. (International)
Invited: Saldana De Jesus, B. & Alejandre, Adriana (June 2020) Conversaciones Autentica: Wellness and Mental Health in the Latinx Community. Latino Empowerment Project. (Local)
Invited: Empowerment Girls Program Presentation Hand Middle School April 9, 2019 (Local)
Invited: Saldana De Jesus, B., & Hinton-Polite, K., (November 2018). Cultural Humility. A training presentation at SunPoint Wellness, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. (Local)
Brierton-Granruth, L. & Saldana DeJesus, B. (March 2017). Conducting an Agency Ethics Audit. A training presentation at 2017 PCCYFS Annual Spring Conference: Be the Spark! Light the way. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. (Local)