Dr. Carrie Lee Smith

Associate Professor of Sociology, Department Internship Coordinator, & Coordinator of the Center for Public Scholarship & Social Change

Dr. Carrie Lee Smith

Contact Information


Office: McComsey 231
Phone: 717-871-7478

Spring 2025

Comments: Dr. Smith is on sabbatical for the 2024 - 2025 academic year.


Ph.D. Vanderbilt University, 2004

M.A. Vanderbilt University, 1998

B.A. University of California at Santa Cruz, 1996

Research and Scholarly Interests:

Sociology of Reproduction and Birth; Medical Sociology; Sex and Gender; Work and the Professions; Race and Ethnicity; Sociology of the Family; Animals and Society; Sociological Practice and Public Sociology; Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

Selected Publications:

King, Donna and Carrie Lee Smith, eds. 2012. Men Who Hate Women and the Women Who Kick Their Asses: Stieg Larsson's Millennium Triology in Feminist Perspective. Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University Press.

Lively, Kathryn J. and Carrie L. Smith. Forthcoming. “Identity and Illness.” In The Handbook of the Sociology of Health, Illness and Healing: Blueprint for the 21st Century, edited by Bernice Pescosolido, Jack K. Martin, Jane d. MacLeod and Anne Rogers. Springer Press. 

McCammon, Holly J., Soma Chaudhuri, Lyndi Hewitt, Courtney Sanders Muse, Harmony D. Newman, Carrie Lee Smith, and Teresa M. Terrell. 2008. “Becoming Full Citizens: The U.S. Women’s Jury Rights Campaigns, the Pace of Reform, and Strategic Adaptation.” American Journal of Sociology 113(4): 1104-1147.

Brown, Tony N., Koji Ueno, Carrie L. Smith, Noel S. Austin, and Len Bickman. 2007. “Communication Patterns in Medical Encounters for the Treatment of Child Psychosocial Problems: Does Pediatrician-Parent Concordance Matter? Health Communication 21(3): 247-256.

Selected Reports and Program Evaluations:

Smith, Carrie L. 2020. "Family Services Advocate Program Evaluation, 2018-2019." Prepared for and presented to Lancaster County Behavioral Health and Developmental Services, Compass Mark, and Ambassadors for Hope.

Granruth, Laura Brierton, Carrie L. Smith, and Mary H. Glazier. 2019. "An Analysis of Financial Exploitation of the Elderly in Lancaster County." Prepared for and presented to the Lancaster County District Attorney's Office.

Smith, Carrie L. and Arnela Ormbasic. 2017. "Evaluating an Offender-Victim Reconciliation Program." Prepared for and presented to Advoz (Meditation and Restorative Practices).

Smith, Carrie L., Tracy Rennecker, Mary H. Glazier, and Alys Mann. 2016. "Southwest Lancaster Resident Survey Analysis." Prepared for and presented to the Lancaster Housing Opportunity Partnership.

Smith, Carrie Lee, Dana Beth Wile, and Mary H. Glazier. 2015. "Perceptions of the Effectiveness of Video Surveillance in Lancaster, Pennsylvania." Prepared for and presented to the Lancaster Safety Coalition.

Courses Taught at Millersville University

SOCY 210: Sociology of the Family

SOCY 302: Social Statistics

SOCY 305: Social Research Methods

SOCY 315: Race & Ethnic Relations

SOCY 317: Medical Sociology

SOCY 329: Topics in Sociology of Mental Health