Dr. Justin García
Associate Professor of Anthropology

Spring 2025 Office Hours
M: 9:45 am - 10:45 am
T: 8:00 am - 9:15 am *Zoom
W: 3:00 pm - 5:30 pm
F: 3:00 pm - 3:45 pm
Comments: Additional office hours available by appointment.
Millersville University, 2001
B.A. in Anthropology; Minor in Sociology
Graduated with Departmental Honors and Magna Cum Laude
Temple University, 2008
Master of Arts in Anthropology
Temple University, 2011
Ph.D. in Anthropology
Research and Scholarly Interests:
Social Constructions of Race and Ethnicity; U.S. Immigration; Urban Anthropology; Anthropology of Sport(s); Popular Culture; DNA Ancestry Tests/Population Genetics; Hominins & Human Evolution; Anthropological Theory
Selected Publications:
“Hispanic/Latino Identity as Racial Misnomer.” In Race in America: How a Pseudoscientific Concept Shaped Human Interaction. Patricia Reid-Merritt, editor. Praeger, 2017.
“The New ‘Great White Hope?’: White Nationalist Discourses of Race, Color, and Country in the Career of Mexican Boxer Saúl ‘Canelo’ Álvarez. In Digital Media Strategies of the Far Right in Europe and the United States. Patricia Anne Simpson and Helga , Druxes, editors. Lexington Books, 2015.
"'You Don't Look Mexican!': Life in Ethnic Ambiguity and What It Says About the Construction of Race in America." Accepted for publication in Multicultural Perspectives. Forthcoming.
"Stuck Between Barack and a Hard Place: Obama's Impact on Race Relations in the 21st Century." In Idea Exchange. ABC-CLIO, 2013.
"K.O.'ing Communism: Rocky and Rambo Fight the Cold War." In The Devil That You Know: Evil in American Pop Culture. Sharon Packer and Jody Pennington, editors. Praeger, 2013.
"Rising from the Canvas: Issues of Immigration, Redemption, Gender, and Mexican American Identity in Split Decision and In Her Corner. In Identity and Myth in Sports Documentaries: Critical Essays. Zachary Ingle, editor. Scarecrow Press, 2013.
Selected Conference Presentations:
“‘My Grandparents Came Here Legally, Learned the Language, and Wanted to Be an American!’: The Nostalgic Construction of Pre-1965 Immigration in Contemporary Nativist Discourses.” At the Immigrant America: New Immigration Histories, 1965 to 2015 Conference at the University of Minnesota (Minneapolis, Minnesota); October 24, 2015.
"The New 'Great White Hope'?: Discourses of Race, Color, and Country in the Career of Mexican Boxer Saul 'Canelo' Alvarez." At the 34th Annual Conference of the Southwest Texas Popular Culture and American Culture Associations. Albuquerque, New Mexico (February 2013).
"Beyond the Steelers, Cheese Steaks, Eagles, and Rocky: The Resurgence of Nativism in Pennsylvania, 2005 - Present." At the 2012 San Jose State University Immigration Symposium. San Jose, California (April 2012).
Courses Taught at Millersville:
ANTH 121: Cultural Anthropology
ANTH 122: Physical Anthropology
ANTH 220: Ethnographic Methods
ANTH 226: Comparative Societies: Race and Ethnicity
ANTH 226: Peoples and Cultures of Pennsylvania
ANTH 227: Culture Through Film (Latino Studies version)
ANTH 227: Culture Through Film (Sports in Society version)
ANTH 227: Culture Through Film (Global Societies version)
ANTH 344: Gender, Race, and Class
ANTH 422: History of Anthropological Theory
ANTH 458: Seminar in Anthropology
HUMN 380: Latino Issues of Identity
LATS 491: Topics: Latino Immigration